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Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Professional Book Study for K-12 Teachers

Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and analyze data—all of which serve as a record for students of how their ideas have evolved over time. Additionally, strategic use of science notebooks provide opportunities for purposeful communication that are supportive of both science and language learning.

Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and analyze data—all of which serve as a record for students of how their ideas have evolved over time. Additionally, strategic use of science notebooks provide opportunities for purposeful communication that are supportive of both science and language learning.

Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and analyze data—all of which serve as a record for students of how their ideas have evolved over time. Additionally, strategic use of science notebooks provide opportunities for purposeful communication that are supportive of both science and language learning.

Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and analyze data—all of which serve as a record for students of how their ideas have evolved over time. Additionally, strategic use of science notebooks provide opportunities for purposeful communication that are supportive of both science and language learning.

Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and analyze data—all of which serve as a record for students of how their ideas have evolved over time. Additionally, strategic use of science notebooks provide opportunities for purposeful communication that are supportive of both science and language learning.


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March/April 2022
Volume 51, Number 4
This issue of JCST continues to focus on virtual learning, offering features such as:
A Perfect Storm: How Differences in Privilege and Power Can Lead to Subtle but Potent Inequities in STEM Education
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March/April 2022
Volume 51, Number 4
This issue of JCST continues to focus on virtual learning, offering features such as:
A Perfect Storm: How Differences in Privilege and Power Can Lead to Subtle but Potent Inequities in STEM Education
Building a New Interdisciplinary Service-Learning Partnership Throug
March/April 2022
Volume 51, Number 4
This issue of JCST continues to focus on virtual learning, offering features such as:
A Perfect Storm: How Differences in Privilege and Power Can Lead to Subtle but Potent Inequities in STEM Education
Building a New Interdisciplinary Service-Learning Partnership Throug
March/April 2022
Volume 59, Number 4
Water in Our World: Where is there a time when water isn’t essential? Water plays an indispensable role in our very existence, and its properties are almost magical in its ability to affect and change our world.
March/April 2022
Volume 59, Number 4
Water in Our World: Where is there a time when water isn’t essential? Water plays an indispensable role in our very existence, and its properties are almost magical in its ability to affect and change our world.
March/April 2022
Volume 59, Number 4
Water in Our World: Where is there a time when water isn’t essential? Water plays an indispensable role in our very existence, and its properties are almost magical in its ability to affect and change our world.
cover March April Science Scope
March/April 2022
Volume 45, Number 4
This issue of Science Scope focuses on implicit bias in the science classroom. No matter how good we are at teaching to the standards, central to the success of our lessons is classroom community.
cover March April Science Scope
March/April 2022
Volume 45, Number 4
This issue of Science Scope focuses on implicit bias in the science classroom. No matter how good we are at teaching to the standards, central to the success of our lessons is classroom community.
cover March April Science Scope
March/April 2022
Volume 45, Number 4
This issue of Science Scope focuses on implicit bias in the science classroom. No matter how good we are at teaching to the standards, central to the success of our lessons is classroom community.

Archive: NSTA/ASTE Building Tomorrow's Science Teachers: New Directions for Science Leaders, Researchers, and Educators, April 14, 2022

In this web seminar, leaders in science teacher education will share the latest syntheses of research on preparing elementary and secondary science teachers and cultivating science teacher leadership. Presenters are authors of chapters in the forthcoming Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education, which offers a contemporary and thorough review of research relating directly to the preparation, induction, and career-long professional learning of K–12 science teachers.

In this web seminar, leaders in science teacher education will share the latest syntheses of research on preparing elementary and secondary science teachers and cultivating science teacher leadership. Presenters are authors of chapters in the forthcoming Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education, which offers a contemporary and thorough review of research relating directly to the preparation, induction, and career-long professional learning of K–12 science teachers.

In this web seminar, leaders in science teacher education will share the latest syntheses of research on preparing elementary and secondary science teachers and cultivating science teacher leadership. Presenters are authors of chapters in the forthcoming Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education, which offers a contemporary and thorough review of research relating directly to the preparation, induction, and career-long professional learning of K–12 science teachers.

In this web seminar, leaders in science teacher education will share the latest syntheses of research on preparing elementary and secondary science teachers and cultivating science teacher leadership. Presenters are authors of chapters in the forthcoming Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education, which offers a contemporary and thorough review of research relating directly to the preparation, induction, and career-long professional learning of K–12 science teachers.

Archive: Book Beat Live! Every Science Lesson is in Part a Language/Reading Lesson: Using Texts to Support Student Sense Making, April 13, 2022

According to the K-12 Framework for Science Education, “any education in science and engineering needs to develop students’ ability to read and produce domain-specific text. As such, every science or engineering lesson is in part a language lesson, particularly reading and producing the genres of texts that are intrinsic to science and engineering.” (NRC Framework, 2012, p. 76)   This aspect is central to SEP #8 which is Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information. Included within this practice is the need for students to:

According to the K-12 Framework for Science Education, “any education in science and engineering needs to develop students’ ability to read and produce domain-specific text. As such, every science or engineering lesson is in part a language lesson, particularly reading and producing the genres of texts that are intrinsic to science and engineering.” (NRC Framework, 2012, p. 76)   This aspect is central to SEP #8 which is Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information. Included within this practice is the need for students to:

According to the K-12 Framework for Science Education, “any education in science and engineering needs to develop students’ ability to read and produce domain-specific text. As such, every science or engineering lesson is in part a language lesson, particularly reading and producing the genres of texts that are intrinsic to science and engineering.” (NRC Framework, 2012, p. 76)   This aspect is central to SEP #8 which is Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information. Included within this practice is the need for students to:

According to the K-12 Framework for Science Education, “any education in science and engineering needs to develop students’ ability to read and produce domain-specific text. As such, every science or engineering lesson is in part a language lesson, particularly reading and producing the genres of texts that are intrinsic to science and engineering.” (NRC Framework, 2012, p. 76)   This aspect is central to SEP #8 which is Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information. Included within this practice is the need for students to:


Freebies for Science Teachers, March 1, 2022

By Debra Shapiro

Freebies for Science Teachers, March 1, 2022

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