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Questioning the Relationships

Exploring Analogous and Homologous Structures Through Teacher Questioning

Science Scope—Fall 2023 (Volume 46, Issue 7)

By Jesse Wilcox, Kean Roberts, Jacob Kaemmer, Jessica McKenzie, and Carson McClain

Questioning the Relationships

Questions are powerful tools teachers can use to understand and scaffold students’ thinking (Clough 2007). However, not all questions are equally effective at eliciting students’ ideas or scaffolding their thinking. For example, open-ended questions tend to elicit more detailed responses from students when compared to closed questions (Oliveira 2010; Voss, Kruse, and Kent-Schneider 2022). While asking open-ended questions is a good starting place, scaffolding students’ thinking requires teachers to use different types of open-ended questions (Clough 2007). Therefore, we utilize questioning strategies such as Speculation, History, Application, Relationships, and Explanation (SHARE) to engage students in productive discussions and gently guide students’ thinking toward accurate scientific ideas as shown in Figure 1 by Wilcox et al. (2021a), which was adapted from Penick, Crow, and Bonnstetter (1996). SHARE was specifically developed for science teaching and uses students’ prior knowledge and speculations to help students to apply their knowledge, develop relationships, and create explanations (Clough 2007).
Questions are powerful tools teachers can use to understand and scaffold students’ thinking (Clough 2007). However, not all questions are equally effective at eliciting students’ ideas or scaffolding their thinking. For example, open-ended questions tend to elicit more detailed responses from students when compared to closed questions (Oliveira 2010; Voss, Kruse, and Kent-Schneider 2022). While asking open-ended questions is a good starting place, scaffolding students’ thinking requires teachers to use different types of open-ended questions (Clough 2007).
Questions are powerful tools teachers can use to understand and scaffold students’ thinking (Clough 2007). However, not all questions are equally effective at eliciting students’ ideas or scaffolding their thinking. For example, open-ended questions tend to elicit more detailed responses from students when compared to closed questions (Oliveira 2010; Voss, Kruse, and Kent-Schneider 2022). While asking open-ended questions is a good starting place, scaffolding students’ thinking requires teachers to use different types of open-ended questions (Clough 2007).


Teach Sublimation With Markers!

Science Scope—Fall 2023 (Volume 46, Issue 7)

By Christine G. Schnittka and Mark Brenneman

Teach Sublimation With Markers!

Sublimation, the change of state from solid to gas, is a challenging concept for many students to grasp and a curious phenomenon to investigate. Our everyday experiences teach us about melting, freezing, and evaporation, but it is rare to witness sublimation. Sublimation occurs in the water cycle, in mothballs, and when using sublimation dyes for printing. Teaching about sublimation is important because it is a phase change that gets little attention because it is commonly misunderstood.
Sublimation, the change of state from solid to gas, is a challenging concept for many students to grasp and a curious phenomenon to investigate. Our everyday experiences teach us about melting, freezing, and evaporation, but it is rare to witness sublimation. Sublimation occurs in the water cycle, in mothballs, and when using sublimation dyes for printing. Teaching about sublimation is important because it is a phase change that gets little attention because it is commonly misunderstood.
Sublimation, the change of state from solid to gas, is a challenging concept for many students to grasp and a curious phenomenon to investigate. Our everyday experiences teach us about melting, freezing, and evaporation, but it is rare to witness sublimation. Sublimation occurs in the water cycle, in mothballs, and when using sublimation dyes for printing. Teaching about sublimation is important because it is a phase change that gets little attention because it is commonly misunderstood.


Inspiring the Next Generation

Teachers in the Field and Scientists in the Classroom

Science Scope—Fall 2023 (Volume 46, Issue 7)

By Adriana E. Martinez and Alejandra O. Martinez

Inspiring the Next Generation

How many times have you found yourself sitting in a cafeteria or classroom staring at a professional development PowerPoint being presented by someone who hasn’t been in a classroom or practiced science in years? There is another way! Teachers all over the United States and internationally are participating in field experiences funded by organizations or outreach grants that expose them to real-world science being conducted.
How many times have you found yourself sitting in a cafeteria or classroom staring at a professional development PowerPoint being presented by someone who hasn’t been in a classroom or practiced science in years? There is another way! Teachers all over the United States and internationally are participating in field experiences funded by organizations or outreach grants that expose them to real-world science being conducted.
How many times have you found yourself sitting in a cafeteria or classroom staring at a professional development PowerPoint being presented by someone who hasn’t been in a classroom or practiced science in years? There is another way! Teachers all over the United States and internationally are participating in field experiences funded by organizations or outreach grants that expose them to real-world science being conducted.


Student Uncertainty as a Pedagogical Resource (SUPeR)

Using the SUPeR Approach to Investigate Electromagnetic Force

Science Scope—Fall 2023 (Volume 46, Issue 7)

By Jamie Rapkiewcz, Jongchan Park, Ying-Chih Chen, and Michelle E. Jordan

Student Uncertainty as a Pedagogical Resource (SUPeR)

As suggested in A Framework for K–12 Science Education (National Research Council 2012), “Scientific knowledge is a particular kind of knowledge with its own sources, justifications, ways of dealing with uncertainties . . . and agreed-on levels of certainty” (p. 251). That is, whenever scientists develop scientific knowledge, they must wrestle with a certain degree of uncertainty stemming from multiple sources, such as insufficient information, ambiguous experiment results, and incoherent or conflicting data patterns (Chen and Qiao 2019; Park et al. 2022). It follows that for students, learning science should involve coming to understand the nature of scientific knowledge and its development through opportunities to struggle with uncertainties (Chen 2022; Falk and Brodsky 2013). Such opportunities are best generated through engagement in science practices during project-based learning (PBL) because PBL requires students to identify a problem through a target phenomenon, seek coherent understandings or solutions, and apply the new understanding to complete the project. All these processes entail the navigation of scientific uncertainties.
As suggested in A Framework for K–12 Science Education (National Research Council 2012), “Scientific knowledge is a particular kind of knowledge with its own sources, justifications, ways of dealing with uncertainties . . . and agreed-on levels of certainty” (p. 251). That is, whenever scientists develop scientific knowledge, they must wrestle with a certain degree of uncertainty stemming from multiple sources, such as insufficient information, ambiguous experiment results, and incoherent or conflicting data patterns (Chen and Qiao 2019; Park et al. 2022).
As suggested in A Framework for K–12 Science Education (National Research Council 2012), “Scientific knowledge is a particular kind of knowledge with its own sources, justifications, ways of dealing with uncertainties . . . and agreed-on levels of certainty” (p. 251). That is, whenever scientists develop scientific knowledge, they must wrestle with a certain degree of uncertainty stemming from multiple sources, such as insufficient information, ambiguous experiment results, and incoherent or conflicting data patterns (Chen and Qiao 2019; Park et al. 2022).

integrating technology

Differentiate Science Lessons by Using VR in Station Rotations

Science Scope—Fall 2023 (Volume 46, Issue 7)

By Michael McKenzie and Alex Fegely

Blended learning strategies combined with innovative technology, for example, virtual reality (VR), can be used in science classrooms to differentiate teaching and enrich learning experiences. The positive impacts of differentiated instruction in a classroom can lead to a better understanding of science content and improved inclusivity. Blended learning station rotation models allow multiple groups to work on different materials at the same time, while station rotations provide teachers the flexibility to incorporate collaboration, technology-focused learning, and small-group instruction.
Blended learning strategies combined with innovative technology, for example, virtual reality (VR), can be used in science classrooms to differentiate teaching and enrich learning experiences. The positive impacts of differentiated instruction in a classroom can lead to a better understanding of science content and improved inclusivity.
Blended learning strategies combined with innovative technology, for example, virtual reality (VR), can be used in science classrooms to differentiate teaching and enrich learning experiences. The positive impacts of differentiated instruction in a classroom can lead to a better understanding of science content and improved inclusivity.

practical research

Hearing All Voices to Promote Learning Orientation and Effective Collaboration

Science Scope—Fall 2023 (Volume 46, Issue 7)

By Pei Pei Liu, Sharon Taylor, Ann Colwell-Johnson, Alexandra Lee, David McKinney, Christopher J. Harris, Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Gwen C. Marchand, and Jennifer A. Schmidt

Motivation and collaboration intersect in important ways in a science classroom. One important motivational component of collaborative work is what students understand the goal of that work to be (Ames 1992). When students feel they are competing, especially within their own groups, to get the highest grade, complete the task fastest, or show that they are smart (ego orientation), they can view collaboration as an impediment to those goals and show less willingness to cooperate (Rogat and Linnenbrink-Garcia 2019). A high-achieving student might take control to ensure that her group’s product shines and reflects well on her—but then gets frustrated feeling like she’s “doing all the work.” Another student who lacks confidence might use the collaboration to skate by, making small contributions to avoid the group’s wrath but not otherwise challenging himself. By contrast, if teachers can cultivate a learning orientation such that developing deeper understanding is the goal, students work more effectively in teams (Hijzen, Boekaerts, and Vedder 2007). Collaboration becomes an essential tool for three-dimensional science learning because diverse perspectives, ideas, and approaches all contribute to making sense of phenomena and solving problems (Table 1).
Motivation and collaboration intersect in important ways in a science classroom. One important motivational component of collaborative work is what students understand the goal of that work to be (Ames 1992). When students feel they are competing, especially within their own groups, to get the highest grade, complete the task fastest, or show that they are smart (ego orientation), they can view collaboration as an impediment to those goals and show less willingness to cooperate (Rogat and Linnenbrink-Garcia 2019).
Motivation and collaboration intersect in important ways in a science classroom. One important motivational component of collaborative work is what students understand the goal of that work to be (Ames 1992). When students feel they are competing, especially within their own groups, to get the highest grade, complete the task fastest, or show that they are smart (ego orientation), they can view collaboration as an impediment to those goals and show less willingness to cooperate (Rogat and Linnenbrink-Garcia 2019).

classic lessons 2.0


Soaring to Excellence in Data Analysis for Students With Visual Impairments

Science Scope—Fall 2023 (Volume 46, Issue 7)

By Tiffany Wild, Tina Herzberg, and L. Penny Rosenblum

Students with visual impairments are often the only students at their school who read braille. They often do not participate in science fairs, in some cases because of low expectations on the part of educators and in other cases because of accessibility challenges. Yet science fairs are a valuable way for students to build skills (Welsh, Hedenstrom, and Koomen 2020). The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) focus on engineering design in the middle school years while testing models where only one variable is changed from trial to trial (NGSS Lead States 2013). The emphasis is on design and communicating about the data gathered, analyzed, and interpreted. With adaptations, students with visual impairments can, and do, learn these skills.
Students with visual impairments are often the only students at their school who read braille. They often do not participate in science fairs, in some cases because of low expectations on the part of educators and in other cases because of accessibility challenges. Yet science fairs are a valuable way for students to build skills (Welsh, Hedenstrom, and Koomen 2020). The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) focus on engineering design in the middle school years while testing models where only one variable is changed from trial to trial (NGSS Lead States 2013).
Students with visual impairments are often the only students at their school who read braille. They often do not participate in science fairs, in some cases because of low expectations on the part of educators and in other cases because of accessibility challenges. Yet science fairs are a valuable way for students to build skills (Welsh, Hedenstrom, and Koomen 2020). The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) focus on engineering design in the middle school years while testing models where only one variable is changed from trial to trial (NGSS Lead States 2013).

from the editor's desk

Cultivating Collaboration

Science Scope—Fall 2023 (Volume 46, Issue 7)



What’s New in NSTA Journals for 2023 and 2024?

Journal of College Science Teaching—Fall 2023 (Volume 52, Issue 7)

By Peter Lindeman

Beginning in January 2024, NSTA’s journals will be hosted on the T&F Online platform ( NSTA’s journals will be an excellent addition to T&F’s world-leading education journals portfolio and will receive dedicated support and attention to ensure their success. 



Beginning in January 2024, NSTA’s journals will be hosted on the T&F Online platform ( NSTA’s journals will be an excellent addition to T&F’s world-leading education journals portfolio and will receive dedicated support and attention to ensure their success. 



Beginning in January 2024, NSTA’s journals will be hosted on the T&F Online platform ( NSTA’s journals will be an excellent addition to T&F’s world-leading education journals portfolio and will receive dedicated support and attention to ensure their success. 



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