By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2019-08-27
Welcome to guest post authors Cindy Hoisington, a science educator researcher at Education Development Center (EDC), and Claire Christensen, an educational media researcher at SRI International. This post is based on Cindy and Claire’s recent evaluation of the PBS KIDS Play & Learn Science app and activities.
Are you an early childhood educator with lots of experience doing science with children? Or are you just dipping your toes into science and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math)? You are probably being asked to include more science in your curriculum and make connections to the other STEM disciplines. As you may know, families have a huge influence on their children’s attitudes toward doing and learning science. Family science interactions and conversations support children’s science and STEM interests and their views of themselves as capable learners. By getting families engaged, you can help them maximize their important role in promoting children’s science inquiry, interests, and self-confidence.
One way to do this is by hosting a family science event at your school or program. But where do you start? We found that the PBS KIDS Play & Learn Science app can be a useful tool for planning and hosting engaging and interactive family science events at early childhood programs.
The PBS KIDS Play and Learn Science app
The PBS KIDS Play & Learn Science app was developed as part of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Ready To Learn Initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Education. It includes child and parent-facing resources on five topics: Ramp and Roll; Water Games; Shadow Play, Weather Control, and Gear Up (weather-appropriate clothing). The app is free to download on any smartphone or tablet. We did a study of the app and found that– along with supports including family science events—it positively influenced children’s science learning and vocabulary and parents’ engagement in science activities with their children.
Hosting a family science event
In order to conduct the study, we collaborated with two early childhood programs: a private childcare center in the South and a Head Start program in the northeast. As part of the study we used the Play & Learn Science app to plan and facilitate two 90-minute family science events, focused on Ramp and Roll and Water Games (Event 1) and Shadow Play and Weather Control/Gear Up (Event 2). We combined Weather Control and Gear Up since both topics relate to learning about weather. Program staff recruited interested families, provided feedback on our study plans, and helped us facilitate the family science events. In the process of implementing the study, we identified seven key strategies for hosting engaging and educative science events that get parents and children exploring, interacting, and talking together. We use the term “parent” to apply to any adult who provides primary care for a child.
Plan what, where, when, and who for the event
We found that careful planning was essential. At each family event we introduced two science topics and planned hands-on activities for each topic based on games and activities in the app. Activities were separated into separate stations (2 per topic). Event 1 focused on Ramp and Roll and Water Games and included the following hands-on activities:
At Event 1 we learned that families moved through the activities more quickly than we had anticipated so we incorporated more activities into Event 2 than we had originally planned.
Event 2 focused on Shadow Play, Weather Control, and Gear Up and included the following activities:
We applied what we learned from Event 1 to our planning of Event 2. For example, at Event 1 families moved through the activities more quickly than we had anticipated so we added more activities to Event 2 than we had originally planned. We also learned that it was important to have plenty of space between stations and activities in order to avoid traffic jams. At Event 2 we assigned one facilitator the task of guiding families to less crowded activities. We planned both events to begin at one hour after pick-up time to accommodate family schedules and found that we needed that time to set-up the activities before families arrived. We created “passports”—large index cards with labels and picture cues of each station to help families navigate independently. Once a family completed a station they received a sticker to put on their passport. We collaborated with program staff to make sure there was a facilitator available at each station to encourage family participation, support parent/child interactions, and keep the activities organized.
Create a welcoming atmosphere
Entire families were invited to each event, including the preschoolers’ siblings. Having a staff member available to provide childcare enabled parents to focus more attention on their preschooler. Both events began with pizza and salad so parents wouldn’t have to worry about rushing home to make dinner. Finding enough space to accommodate 15-20 families for a meal was a challenge and we tried a conference room, a large classroom, and a gross-motor space. At the first event we gave a short talk about families’ important roles in sparking children’s interest and excitement in science, quickly realizing that we needed to keep our remarks brief since children were eager to get to the activities. We identified the exploration activities and where they were located, distributed the passports, and sent families off to explore.
Keep the focus on parent/child interaction and talk. Our primary goals were to show parents that science inquiry and learning can be active, engaging, and playful and to encourage them to explore, interact, and talk with their children during the activities.
We intentionally chose activities that were easily accessible to all parents—no specialized science knowledge required! We found that activities in which children needed adult support—for recording predictions and results of an investigation for example– were most successful in promoting parent/child interaction. We also found that how we arranged the chairs at each activity was critical in supporting parent/child interaction. Parents were much less likely to sit with their child at an activity if they thought a child was waiting for a seat. One challenge was finding seats for adults who were not comfortable sitting in preschool-sized chairs.
Directly facilitate parent/child inquiry and interaction.
Directly before each of the events, we met with program staff who would be facilitating the activities, reviewed our plans, and suggested a variety of specific strategies they might use to promote parent/child interaction. These included 1) encouraging parents to observe their children’s play and point out science connections—for example drawing attention to the perseverance and problem-solving involved in creating a ramp system; 2) modeling talk tips parents might use such as Do you think the car will still roll if you turn it upside down?; and 3) suggesting challenges parents and children could address together such as How can you create one shadow with both of your bodies? We found that some parents wanted to explain science concepts to children by telling them for example “all heavy things sink”. In this case facilitators were encouraged not to correct parents, but to gently challenge their ideas by asking for example What about this big heavy wooden block? Do you think it will sink or float?
Create signage to support inquiry and interaction. We created clear signage for each activity that included questions parents might ask to spark inquiry.
Our signage was in English only, but we highly recommend providing signage in all languages spoken by the families. Signage at the roll and slide activity included What is similar about all the objects that rolled? and How can you turn that object to make it slide? and signage at the shadow tracing activity included What happens to your shadow when you move closer to/farther from the light? and How can you change the shape of your shadow? We found that parents used these questions more often when we drew their attention to the signage and provided explicit modeling.
Provide resources for at-home science activities. All of the activities at the events featured familiar household materials and required minimal set-up. We provided paper-based directions for each activity—including talk tips and extension ideas—to support families’ home explorations. We were also able to give families some take-home materials such as small LED flashlights, sidewalk chalk for tracing shadows outdoors, child-safe thermometers, ping pong balls and paper targets, and plastic eyedroppers for water explorations. During dinner at the second event we engaged families in small group discussions about their home experiences. We were impressed to hear families talk about how they had extended children’s ramps and water explorations to the playground (rolling balls down slides) and to bath-time (exploring sinking and floating in the tub). Parents’ enthusiasm was contagious as they shared their children’s on-going interest in the topics they had explored at the first event and how much they and their children were anticipating the second one.
Consider incorporating digital technology. As well as the parent-facing resources we used to plan our family science events, the PBS KIDS Play and Learn Science app includes developmentally-appropriate digital science games for preschoolers. We incorporated parent/child tablet use at each station along with the direct, hands-on explorations, pointing families to the game(s) in the app most relevant to the science content they were exploring at that station. We found that integrating tablet use within stations—rather than introducing them separately— helped parents and children make explicit connections between their digital and real-world investigations. We also used the tablet activities to familiarize parents with the parent-facing resources in the app—including the hands-on activities, extensions, and talk tips.
Keep in mind that an app with parent science supports can be a useful tool for planning and hosting family science events and supporting children’s inquiry whether or not you decide to incorporate digital games.
In conclusion
Parents can be powerful mediators of their children’s science experiences, but science can be a challenging domain for parents to support, especially when they lack access to information and resources about children’s development and learning in science. By engaging families at your school or program, you can be instrumental in helping them maximize their critical role in supporting their children’s science inquiry, interests, and confidence. We were fascinated to observe how early children’s specific science interests begin to emerge as we observed individual children return again and again to their favorite ramps, water, shadows, or weather activities. You can be even more effective in supporting families when you align children’s home and school science explorations. Teachers and administrators at the programs that participated in our study were so amazed at the enthusiasm families expressed about the science events, that they decided to continue the topical explorations in classrooms.
Below are some suggestions for other free educational apps that include child, parent, and teacher-facing resources as well as some teacher-friendly research articles about supporting children’s and families’ inquiry-based science experiences.
Digital apps for parents and teachers:
Resources for teachers:
STEM Starts Early; Grounding science, technology, engineering, and math education in early childhood
Supporting Parents to Support Science
Allen, P. (1996). Who sank the boat? Putnam Books. New York, N.Y. ISBN13: 978-0-698-11373-2
Dahl, M. (2006). Roll, slope, and slide; A book about ramps. Picture Window Books. Mankato, MI. ISBN 978-0-688-07089-2
Gibbons, G. (1990) Weather words and what they mean. Holiday House. New York, N.Y. ISBN13: 978-0-823-40805-4
Hoban, T. (1990). Shadows and reflections. Greenwillow Books. New York, N.Y. ISBN 978-0-688-07089-2
Welcome to guest post authors Cindy Hoisington, a science educator researcher at Education Development Center (EDC), and Claire Christensen, an educational media researcher at SRI International.
By Kate Falk
Posted on 2019-08-26
Now that fall is almost here it is time for you and our colleagues to apply to be an NSTA board or council member. The web portal to apply – or nominate someone else – is now open at Applications are due October 17, 2019.
I am on my 5th year on the board, first as the Informal Science Director and currently as President. The experience has been one of the most fulfilling of my career. I appreciate the opportunity to engage with thoughtful people who believe passionately in the value and importance of science education for the future of our children, society and even human civilization. It has also been a great learning experience, as I now better understand the science education landscape across the country and Canada.
But don’t just take my word for it:
“Being a member of council and liaison to science educators in District XIV (Arizona, Colorado and Utah) has showed how NSTA involvement can create on ramps to teacher leadership. Before I discovered teaching as a career, I was a meeting planner and being a part of the planning teams for the National Congress on Science Education, and the Phoenix Regional Conference, has made me so happy as my two careers have intersected and I have met so many amazing people working to make a difference in education.”
– Wendi Laurence, District XIV District, NSTA Council
“Being a part of the NSTA governance has been rewarding in so many ways! I continue to grow and learn as a science educator and I also get to meet and work with so many incredible people who are passionate about ensuring a quality science education for all students. I love to encourage others to participate in NSTA leadership roles as part of their science education journey.”
– Jen Gutierrez, Division Director Professional Learning in Science Education, NSTA Board of Directors
The Board is comprised of three (3) NSTA Presidents and ten (10) Division Directors. The Council is comprised of the NSTA President and eighteen (18) District Directors.
Board of Director Offices to be filled in the 2020 election are:
Council Offices to be filled in the 2020 election are:
The NSTA Board of Directors and Council work together to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all, and NSTA is only as strong as the people who volunteer to be active on our board, council, and committees. Please encourage all strong leaders in the field to apply.
Don’t forget the application deadline is October 17, 2019 and you can apply at
Dennis Schatz is the president of the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA). He began serving his one-year term on June 1, 2019. Schatz is currently Senior Advisor at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, Washington and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Learning Innovation. He was the founding field editor for the journal Connected Science Learning, a joint effort of NSTA and ASTC (Association of Science Technology Centers).
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Now that fall is almost here it is time for you and our colleagues to apply to be an NSTA board or council member. The web portal to apply – or nominate someone else – is now open at Applications are due October 17, 2019.
Volume 1, Issue 11
Practical Program Evaluation
Volume 1, Issue 11
Practical Program Evaluation
Volume 1, Issue 11
Practical Program Evaluation
By Gabe Kraljevic
Posted on 2019-08-23
My grade 3 students seem to be bored with the content on ecosystems. I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas of what I could do to make ecosystems more engaging?
— A., Arizona
Not being able to visit all the ecosystems in the world somewhat forces our ability to develop engaging activities. In this case, studying one or two ecosystems in depth and discovering the underlying connections that apply to all the others may be the way to teach this in an engaging manner.
I highly recommend field trips to local ecosystems and conducting simple ecological surveys. Many nature centers offer education programs that include field studies. Make sure to prepare your students for the trip and have follow-up activities afterwards. Students will also meet experts and role-models on these excursions.
You can bring ecology right into your classroom using pop-bottle ecosystems. I have written about this before ( ) and have a collection of resources in the Learning Center:
Technology can broaden your horizon. Search for organizations that connect classrooms around the globe. Find a partner school somewhere in the world that will engage in an exchange of ecosystem data.
I successfully engaged and motivated students to dive deeply into the topic by having them research ecological or conservation issues. They used the research to develop information pamphlets, posters, and websites to advocate for action. Organize a conservation expo where students can set up booths to share their information with other students in the school or as an evening activity.
Hope this helps!
Photo credit: Kerbla Edzerdla [CC BY 3.0]
My grade 3 students seem to be bored with the content on ecosystems. I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas of what I could do to make ecosystems more engaging?
— A., Arizona
By Cory Culbertson
Posted on 2019-08-22
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the engineering projects in my courses. On the surface, they don’t seem like something I need to worry about. My students love these projects and talk about them all year. My administration likes the student-centered activities and the final products that students can showcase. I look forward to these projects as well. So why am I trying to fix what is already working?
My motivation is that when I consider what seems to be “working” in an engineering project, I often see a lot of student engagement and some good engineering practices, but the science content is hard to find. I know many other teachers have also noticed this shortcoming in engineering projects: There are some science connections to introduce the project, and there might be time to review some concepts at the end, but in the middle of most engineering projects, there is embarrassingly little student contact with science DCIs. Or as a colleague recently said with a sigh, “Now we have three days of messing around with cardboard and hot glue.”
So over the past few years, I’ve been on a mission to ensure that my students will strengthen their understanding of science concepts through their engineering projects, not just before and after them. I’d like to share some of the things I’ve learned, along with an example of how revising one particular project improved science learning for my students.
Lessons Learned
Designing My Engineering Project for the NGSS
A few years ago, I sadly realized that the engineering project that had been part of my electricity unit for years simply wasn’t doing much for the overall goals of the course. This project involved students designing and building a model electrical system with series and parallel circuits. While the project was polished and popular with students, they spent most of their time running wires and fixing loose connections. I wanted them to be learning some science.
Instead of trying to patch up this project, I went back to square one, considering what science ideas I really wanted my students to learn. This unit included electricity and circuits, but the core science ideas from the NGSS are really elements of PS3.A, B, and D (see table below). It was time for brainstorming: Was there an engineering application that relied on understanding how energy is conserved as it is converted to and from different forms?
Among other possibilities, what came to mind was the rooftop solar system that some colleagues had recently installed. They had made careful calculations to match energy flows into and out of the system, and even installed a nifty display that tracked watts moving through the system in real time. A solar energy project also has connections to the ideas from ETS1.A about addressing global and local resource needs. There was some good engineering and science in this, and my students could do it, too.
Disciplinary Core Idea HS-PS3 Energy and HS-ETS1 Engineering Design
Component Ideas | Element |
PS3.A: Definitions of Energy |
PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer |
PS3.D Energy in Chemical Processes |
ETS1.A |
As a concept for the project began to solidify in my mind, I thought about how to structure the engineering design process for my students. The engineering challenge would be to design and build a system that converts sunlight to electricity, stores the energy in a rechargeable battery, and powers electrical loads. Students would be modeling the energy transfers within the system and predicting the level of charge in the battery, which is an element of the SEP Developing and Using Models—Develop and use a model based on evidence to illustrate and predict the relationships between systems or between components of a system. The science and engineering core ideas working in tandem would allow students to design a system that was guaranteed to supply enough energy for the required uses, not unlike the tasks of a professional solar engineer.
The design proposal that students would submit to me could also mimic a real-life proposal for a rooftop solar system, complete with the calculations needed to show the system would function as intended. After I approved their proposals, students would build the system and measure energy flows to see if they matched their predictions.
The first time I tried out this new project, I learned a big lesson about giving students too many design choices. Students had almost complete freedom in their choice of batteries, voltages, loads, and wiring layout. They spent so much time choosing and connecting components that we ran out of time to do the data collection that was so critical to the project. Oops!
When we do this project now, each student group receives the same basic components to work with. I also give students instructions for connecting some components together so they can focus on designing the core parts of the system. This change alone has restored several class days and time to collect the data needed for the mathematical analysis of energy flows.
Revising this project has been time well spent. Students are developing understanding of engineering and science ideas in the same amount of class time as I devoted to the old circuit project. It’s not perfect yet, but it’s working. I’m already thinking about what I want to do differently this year…
I love sharing project ideas with other teachers. Do you have an engineering project that does a great job connecting to the science “big” ideas? Do you have one that you wish did so?
Cory Culbertson teaches engineering technology at University High School, part of the Laboratory Schools of Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois. He co-authored the book Engineering in the Life Sciences from NSTA Press. His work has also included curriculum writing, editing, and presenting professional development for Project Infuse, the National Center for Engineering and Technology Education, and Project ProBase. Culbertson was an Educator-at-Sea aboard the Exploration Vessel Nautilus in 2011 and 2012. Before becoming an educator, he worked as a test engineer for a large manufacturing company. Culbertson earned a bachelor’s of science in engineering degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan–Ann Arbor and a master of science in technology education from Illinois State University.
Note: This article is featured in the August 2019 issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the engineering projects in my courses. On the surface, they don’t seem like something I need to worry about. My students love these projects and talk about them all year. My administration likes the student-centered activities and the final products that students can showcase. I look forward to these projects as well. So why am I trying to fix what is already working?
Next Gen Navigator
By Greg Bartus
Posted on 2019-08-22
Engineering design projects are a wonderful opportunity for students to develop science disciplinary core ideas (DCIs). (As many of you know, with the release of the NGSS, learning in engineering must be integrated with developing DCIs in physical, life, and/or Earth and space sciences.) To take advantage of this opportunity, it is important to ask questions that encourage (or necessitate) students to use specific science ideas to explain choices they make.
Let’s say I ask my students to take part in an engineering design challenge in which the goal is to design a device that will prevent a cold beverage from warming up (DCI PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer—Energy is spontaneously transferred out of hotter regions or objects and into colder ones.) I give students a can of cold soda, an infrared temperature gun, and a few materials they can use to cover the can. The device has to keep the soda’s temperature from increasing more than 5°F in 20 minutes. Student designs are constrained by time, budget, and/or materials.
Students test materials, analyze their data, and design their solutions. As the instructor, I want to know how my students are applying scientific ideas or principles to design their solutions (an element of SEP Constructing Explanations). I find out by asking questions to surface students’ mental models of 1) energy moving from hotter objects to colder ones (PS3.B) and 2) the relationships among temperature, heat, and thermal energy (an element of PS3.A). These questions push my students to think more deeply about how their understanding of these “big” science ideas fits with what their observations from testing the materials are telling them. Research suggests that this questioning is the best way to help students’ thinking advance from a preconception toward the correct scientific idea.1
These are examples of the questions I ask to start conversations with my students:
These “kick-off” questions offer an opportunity for my students to share their design thinking. Students typically say their ideas come from prior experiences like using the foam holders that keep cans and bottles cool. I’ve seen my students use this type of mimicry as the basis for creative and innovative designs, but I have to be sure to dig a little deeper to get at the science ideas they are using to justify them.
My follow-up questions are drawn from elements of the DCIs PS3.A and PS3.B and the crosscutting concept (CCC) Energy and Matter—The transfer of energy can be tracked as energy flows through a designed or natural system and Structure and Function—Structures can be designed to serve particular functions by taking into account properties of different materials, and how materials can be shaped and used. For example, I ask the students whose inspiration comes from using foam can holders questions like these:
I listen carefully to answers students provide to see if they reveal any common preconceptions that did not surface before. Being mindful of PS3.A: Definitions of Energy—The term “heat” as used in everyday language refers both to thermal energy (the motion of atoms or molecules within a substance) and the transfer of that thermal energy from one object to another. In science, heat is used only for this second meaning, it refers to the energy transferred due to the temperature difference between two objects, when students say their design is “trapping cold” or “preventing the temperature from moving” or “containing heat,” I ask questions like these:
Each of these questions can lead to great student discussion and allows me to formatively assess student understanding and move students from partial understanding toward scientific accuracy. For example, if students say that “cold” and “warm” are substances, I might do a demonstration such as hitting a nail with a hammer, then ask my students why the nail head becomes warm after it’s hammered. [Note: Repeatedly throwing a ball at the same spot on a wall will yield a similar result.] Students typically arrive at the conclusion that the hammer added vibrations (motion) to the nail and that vibration is what we recognize as “warm.”
We then discuss how the temperature of the nail cools, and students say the vibrations (motion) passed from the nail to the surroundings. We’ve moved from the idea of warm and cold being substances toward the concepts of thermal energy and heat. (This is just a brief example; admittedly, the issue doesn’t usually get resolved that fast.) Then I ask students how they can use these same ideas to explain how their device keeps the soda can from warming up.
I hope these questions are helpful and inspire you to engage students in the science ideas they are learning when they take part in engineering activities. Feel free to share your experiences and any questions you use to connect science and engineering.
1National Research Council. 1997. Chapter 4: Misconceptions as barriers to understanding science. In Science teaching reconsidered: A handbook. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Greg Bartus will teach Earth science at Broome Street Academy in New York City this fall. He previously taught high school science courses in upstate New York for five years. In between teaching gigs, he spent 15 years leading professional development workshops on all things STEM, and providing classroom coaching for middle school teachers. Bartus has a master of arts in teaching in science education and a bachelor of science degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from Cornell University.
Note: This article is featured in the August 2019 issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Engineering design projects are a wonderful opportunity for students to develop science disciplinary core ideas (DCIs). (As many of you know, with the release of the NGSS, learning in engineering must be integrated with developing DCIs in physical, life, and/or Earth and space sciences.) To take advantage of this opportunity, it is important to ask questions that encourage (or necessitate) students to use specific science ideas to explain choices they make.
By Kathy Kennedy
Posted on 2019-08-22
As my school’s new K–4 science teacher, I wanted to expand the limited time I had for dedicated science instruction by connecting science and engineering to established student activities in the homeroom classes. Successful integration depends on three features:
I looked at projects the homeroom teachers were already implementing and identified those in which the science and engineering were inherently present. I met with the teachers to discuss the instructional goals of their projects and share my thoughts on the potential to redesign them to include opportunities to learn science and engineering ideas. As we discussed the projects, we began to experience a shared purpose, an essential step in creating an integrated approach! I committed to dedicating science time for the homeroom project so I could ensure coherent instruction on the engineering design cycle and the science and engineering ideas and practices.
Finding the connections to these homeroom projects also made the science and engineering relevant and accessible to students and teachers. Their engagement with the science and engineering ideas carried beyond the science classroom, and students recognized the presence of science and engineering in other subject areas.
Examples of engineering design crossover into homeroom projects included these:
For the piñata project, for example, I met with the Spanish teacher to learn more about her goal to have students create a piñata as part of a unit on Mexico. Originally, students were going to follow a set procedure to create the piñata. We decided instead to present the project to students as an engineering design challenge. The SEP element Defining Problems—Define a simple design problem that can be solved through the development of an object and include several criteria for success, and the DCI element ETS1.A Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems—The success of a designed solution is determined by considering the desired features of a solution (criteria). Different proposals for solutions can be compared on the basis of how well each one meets the specified criteria for success served as the instructional framework from which I started.
Students discovered in Spanish class what made an object a piñata. Then teams had planning discussions, partly in Spanish, and identified the criteria for designing a successful piñata. They documented these features as criteria in their planning log in science:
While discussing these criteria, students realized they needed to figure out what type of paper they could use in the paper-mache process to create the required physical features. We decided the paper needed to be absorbent. Developing and using the DCI elements PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter—Different properties are suited to different purposes and Matter can be described by its observable properties was one of my instructional goals. These DCI elements are identified as a second-grade science idea in the NGSS.
I purposefully chose these elements because they were most appropriate and reflected the level of student understanding within the class. We had done other investigations earlier in the year that revealed the students had not developed an understanding of the properties of the materials to the depth I had hoped. In my instructional planning, I try to ensure that I meet students at their level and help them to progress; therefore, this project contained a mix of second-grade and fourth-grade elements.
While the DCI was at a second-grade level, students engaged in elements of grades 3–5 SEPs. Student teams designed and carried out their investigations to determine which types of paper were the most absorbent, which is SEP element Planning and Carrying Out Investigations—Plan and conduct an investigation collaborative to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence, using fair tests in which variables are controlled and the number of trials considered and ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions—Research on a problem should be carried out before beginning to design a solution. Students evaluated wax paper, paper towels, toilet paper, and newspaper. I was surprised and excited by the novel approaches students took to determine absorbency!
Having students determine how they would collect and analyze data did take more time than I anticipated, but remaining flexible with timelines is necessary to support student learning, as I noted earlier. Students used the data they collected to make informed design choices in constructing the piñata.
The piñata construction reflected the engineering design cycle. We used class time to document their thinking with teams filling out engineering design planning sheets. I mini-conferenced with each student group to make sure all of the criteria were accounted for in their design plans. Timelines were also adjusted to accommodate Spanish class discussion of the cultural significance of piñatas, including their color, five-point star design, and use.
A display of the finished piñatas allowed teams to recognize that while their piñatas had common elements, each team created something unique. During small-group to large-group discussion, teams justified how and why they incorporated particular features in their piñata designs. The Spanish teacher commented that the experience had moved from an arts and crafts activity to a thoughtful building process that led to deeper understanding of another country’s culture and science and engineering.
I’d love to hear about what interdisciplinary engineering projects you have developed and what were the successes and challenges with these projects. Let’s continue this conversation!
Dr. Kathy Kennedy is the K–4 science specialist at The Peck School in Morristown, New Jersey. She has previously taught at the middle, high school and college level. Kathy is a co-author of the NSTA publication Engineering in the Life Sciences, 9-12 and has published in Science and Children and in Science Scope. She holds a BS in Biology from Siena College, an MS in Biomedical Sciences from Baylor University and a Ph.D. in Education from Walden University. Follow her @kbkennedy7
Note: This article is featured in the August 2019 issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
As my school’s new K–4 science teacher, I wanted to expand the limited time I had for dedicated science instruction by connecting science and engineering to established student activities in the homeroom classes. Successful integration depends on three features:
Next Gen Navigator
Posted on 2019-08-22
By Carole Hayward
Posted on 2019-08-21
If you’re beginning the school year feeling like you need more support with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), NSTA has the answer for you! This September and October, NSTA is offering Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study for Secondary Teachers, an online book study for secondary school educators (grades 6–12) that provides a comprehensive introduction to the NGSS.
The book study centers around the Enhanced E-book: Discover the NGSS: Primer and Unit Planner and takes place during four live web seminars scheduled from 7:15–8:45 pm Eastern time, September 17 and 24, and October 1 and 8. Participants can also join in on asynchronous discussions with other participants and with the web seminar presenters, Tricia Shelton and Jessica Holman.
The book study allows for six hours of live exchange with experts and other educators, in addition to time spent participating in the moderated discussion forum. And, the nice thing is you can participate from your home or office—no travel or fancy dress is required!
Kick off the school year with this online program and learn how to identify phenomena that can drive student learning and design NGSS lessons that work coherently within a storyline or unit of study. And, be engaged along the way! As one previous participant wrote, “It was flexible, relevant, interesting and engaging. It was not a dry lecture with a brilliant philosopher speaking jargon that was undecodable. I like that although the final session is over, I have enough resources to continue my personal planning.”
If you’re beginning the school year feeling like you need more support with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), NSTA has the answer for you!
By Carole Hayward
Posted on 2019-08-19
Teachers: We know that your instructional hours are short but that your list of teaching priorities is long. If you are seeking convenient, time-saving, and easy-to-use formative assessment tools (for grades 3-12), then you need Page Keeley and Susan Cooper’s book, Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science: 32 New Matter and Energy Formative Assessment Probes.
This book, part of the bestselling Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, offers the following:
Keeley is the author of 21 bestselling and award-winning books on formative assessment, curriculum topic study, and teaching for conceptional understanding. Cooper is an assistant professor at Florida Gulf Coast University where she teaches science education. She has also worked with a faculty team for FGCU to create week-long summer STEM institute for K-12 teachers where many of the formative assessment probes developed by Keeley have been implemented. They enlisted the help of lots of teachers, science coordinators, and preservice instructors in trying out drafts of each of the probes to get their feedback, student data, and ideas, Keeley and Cooper dedicated their book to two middle school teachers, Luiza Holtzberg and Susan German, who “model what it means to uncover students’ ideas and use them as springboards for learning.”
What student doesn’t like being told by their teacher to “see what will happen”? In Discovering Engineering in Physical Science: Case Studies for Grades 6-12, teachers have 22, real-world case studies from which to choose, each blending science, engineering, and serendipity. Middle and high school students learn that innovations were sparked by accidental observations and they are encouraged to use their natural curiosity to explore ideas for new engineering applications and products.
Authors M. Gail Jones, Elysa Corin, Megan Ennes, Emily Cayton, and Gina Childers dedicate their book to “all the youth who remind us that the smallest things can be the most important.”
Their case studies start with an actual scientific discovery that students explore via historical accounts as well as primary documents. Students investigate physical materials, conduct research, examine data, create models, and design new products or problem-solving ideas.
While this book is ideal for classroom use, the content can be applied in flexible, interesting ways, making it a great resource for informal education settings too, such as STEM camps, science centers, etc.
With engaging titles such as “Corn Flakes: Waste Not, Want Not,”; “By the Teeth of Your Skin: Shark Skin and Bacteria”; and “From Ship to Staircase: The History of the Slinky,” and many more, this book helps students understand that there’s no one way to do science and many paths to innovations in engineering.
Spoiler alert: That smiling gecko on the front cover is more than just a pretty face!
NSTA Press’ Back-to-School gift to you is 20% off any of our newest 20 books if you order from August 12-31, 2019. Take advantage of this great offer and stock up on books that cover all grade ranges and span science disciplines. Until August 31, 2019, take 20% off our newest 20 titles when you use promo code 20BKS to purchase them online in the NSTA Science Store.
Order a copy of Uncovering Students Ideas in Physical Science: 32 NEW Matter and Energy Formative Assessment Probes. An e-book version is also available. Read a sample chapter here.
Order a copy of Discovering Engineering in Physical Science: Case Studies for Grades 6-12. An e-book version is also available. Read a sample chapter here.
Teachers: We know that your instructional hours are short but that your list of teaching priorities is long.