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Three Strategies for Building Classroom Community

By Nicole Vick

Posted on 2019-06-17


As I reflect on the end of this school year, I think about how successful I was in building a classroom community. A key aspect of transitioning my classroom to three-dimensional teaching and learning was discussion. Knowing this, I spent a lot of time at the beginning of the year building my classroom community.

One way I accomplished this was to give students with a list of classroom discussion norms, including those from the “green sheet” featured in “Establishing Classroom Discussion Norms by Cathy O’Connor. Because I teach several different groups of students throughout the day, I decided to use the same norms rather than have students develop their own. I used those listed on the “green sheet” and developed a Classroom Discussion Norms sheet for students.

To help students to clearly understand the rights and responsibilities, I created an activity around the sheet. First, I put students into small groups and had them brainstorm what the three guidelines would look like during a discussion. We had a whole-group discussion to share their ideas and create an indicator list. Then, I had them return to their small groups, read the norms and student rights sections, and identify which of the three guidelines they relate to and why. Finally, each group shared their ideas and I recorded the group’s consensus.

Not only did they explore how a discussion should look in the classroom, they also modeled this as we worked through the activity. This helped students begin working with one another in small groups to discuss, and learn how to respect one another’s ideas, even if they don’t agree. Spending time on this at the beginning of the year begins to build a sense of community with the group because they have taken time to build an understanding around the classroom norms, rather than just hearing about them.

A second strategy I use to help build a classroom community is to change it up! I have students work in groups quite often. Instead of letting them pick their own groups, which typically results with them being with the same people every time, I choose the groups and change them up every few lessons. This helps build community because students become comfortable working with everyone in the class. By strategically putting people in different groups, sometimes encourages the quieter students to find their voice. Because they have been able to talk to everyone in a small-group setting, they feel less pressure and anxiety to speak to the large group. Another skill that can be improved by strategic grouping is listening. Students who struggle with listening to others can be grouped together, which encourages them to listen rather than talk over one another.

A final strategy I use to build a classroom community is to be honest with my students and ask for their feedback. Part of the transition to a three-dimensional classroom means my classroom is often “ground zero” to try out new things. If I sense that something went well, or didn’t go so well, we talk about it! I am open with my students and will often tell them, “you’re guinea pigs today” when we are trying out something I’ve never done before.

We work together, sometimes on the fly, to improve a lesson when things aren’t working so well. Sometimes this means that we take a step back and re-do a portion of the lesson, especially when productive struggle becomes just struggling. Other times, we alter an activity sheet we are working with, either changing a data table or creating a digital, collaborative one using Google Sheets.

Sometimes we take longer than expected to complete a lesson, but I reassure my students that it’s okay if we do. Letting them know we are all in this together and that they have a voice in how a lesson is presented continues to build that community.

Using these three strategies, as well as building relationships with my students, helps to build a classroom community for the time that I have my students. Since using these strategies, I have found that student engagement has increased and students have grown in their ability to make sense of phenomena. And, looking forward to next year, I am always thinking about ways we can improve the process, because it’s not perfect! Like classroom lessons, some classes are more successful than others.

My most meaningful reflection on this school year is that teaching on a trimester schedule has added new challenges to maintaining a classroom culture because I gain and lose students at the start of each new trimester. Next year, I plan to spend time at the beginning of each trimester establishing, or reestablishing, my classroom community. 

Nicole Vick is a 16-year veteran high school science teacher and has taught a wide variety of science courses. She currently serves as District XII Director for NSTA and is a Regional Director for the Illinois Science Teachers Association. Vick has helped develop curriculum and provide professional development for teachers. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling and taking her daughter to concerts and musicals.

Note: This article is featured in the June issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction.  Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.

Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resourcesprofessional learning opportunities, publicationsebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

Future NSTA Conferences

2019 National Conference

STEM Forum & Expo

2019 Fall Conferences


As I reflect on the end of this school year, I think about how successful I was in building a classroom community. A key aspect of transitioning my classroom to three-dimensional teaching and learning was discussion. Knowing this, I spent a lot of time at the beginning of the year building my classroom community.


Under Indefinite Construction: Creating an NGSS-Friendly Classroom Community

By Megan Rowlands Elmore

Posted on 2019-06-17


When the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) were first released, I struggled with how to create opportunities that allowed the students to investigate and question. These standards ask alot of our students and require more planning and instructional finesse in the classroom. After attending a two-week modeling camp held by the American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), I felt I knew all the moving parts of the NGSS, but I did not know how to establish the foundation of instruction to support the transition. 

At the beginning of this school year, my department received the mother lode of professional development that helped me change how my classroom functions. Our principal had arranged to participate in a NSTA coach/mentee pilot. We had already started to shift to phenomena-led units using storylines, but we wanted our students to productively participate in scientific processes, similar to Strand 4 from A Framework of K-12 Science Education.

Scientists work in communities; they start with phenomena or problems to solve, then investigate, discuss, design, and work to find the answers. For this to happen we needed to build a classroom community that encouraged collaboration and discourse. As a team, we crafted lessons that created an inviting place for students to share their questions and ideas then brainstorm and discuss possible solutions.

The first major change to improve engagement was to start each unit with a phenomenon that was interesting, multifaceted, and not “Google-able.” We had been using phenomena to start lessons in the past, but having an anchoring phenomenon with supporting smaller phenomena created a greater scaffold for student learning. We observed this phenomenon together, then every student was encouraged to write down and share their questions. This provided a common shared experience for all students to brainstorm together and share ideas. We used their questions and ideas throughout the unit as our guide for learning. We returned to these questions or groups of questions as they were answered, and decided where to go next. This process validated student ideas, helped build our classroom community by sharing a common purpose, and increased student engagement. Students were definitely challenged by phenomenon-based instruction. They initially did not like it when I answered  their questions with,  “I don’t know” or “That’s a good question; let’s figure it out”; they wanted me to give them the answers. My hope was that using phenomena in this way would provide the time and space for my students to work together to make sense of what they were exploring and to ask more questions that would lead to next steps. 

As students became more comfortable with our classroom community, we used whiteboards, incorporated group-thinking, and engaged in more peer collaboration throughout the year. On any given day groups of 3-4 students would be at the whiteboards discussing data, arguing from evidence, creating models, and explaining the phenomena. As the classroom shifted to a discourse model, norms were being followed regularly without prompting, which naturally encouraged more students to be actively engaged in our community of student scientists. 

With any new approach there has been some trial and error. As we became more comfortable with the changes, I assumed that students would be able to continue to work in groups effectively without too much direction. However, after some timely student surveys and observations I found that the most driven students were doing all the work while others hung back. I returned to the practice of assigning student roles and discussed with the students how these roles made the group work better. The roles alternated from member to member so no one person was stuck doing the work. I also switched the type of whiteboard activities (an idea fromAMTA) to increase everyone’s chance to share their ideas. One strategy I used was a science version of the game Four Square. We invited each student to write their ideas on the whiteboard in a quadrant then we spun the board, and they would add more ideas to the quadrant that landed in front of them. We used peer review and feedback with sticky notes and gallery walks to keep one another accountable, which prompted me to ask them more probing questions.

I learned that guiding the students through their learning and allowing them to drive the classroom activities would ignite many students’ desire to participate. However, this was not an easy shift for me, and it took time and practice. I had to learn to embrace my new role as facilitator and get out of the mindset that teaching in this way seemed like I was being lazy. Facilitating a learning experience for my students still required a good amount of prep work and planning. 

Watching these student scientists discuss, diagram, erase, redraw, and finalize their ideas on whiteboards throughout the year has been such a pleasure. Even this late in the year, they continue to hold one another accountable in their discussions, and it makes me very proud of the work they have done. It has definitely required a lot of work to ensure that no matter how hard the science is, we worked on it together in a classroom community that allows for failure and questions…and lots of questions and whiteboard markers.


American Modeling Teachers Association. How effective is modeling instruction? Transforming STEM Education.2018.  Dec. 13.

Bacolor, R., et al. How can I get my students to learn science by productively talking with each other? StemTeachingTools.

Morrison, D., and A. Rhinehart. 2017. How can teachers guide classroom conversations to support students’ science learning?” StemTeachingTools.

National Research Council. 2012. A framework for K–12 science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Megan Rowlands Elmore is a 13-year veteran science teacher at Glenn Westlake Middle School in Lombard, Illinois. Elmore has a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Minnesota and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Drake University. Her experiences have ranged from a Fermilab internship to outdoor education in Wyoming, and from leading student trips to Washington, D.C., to zero-gravity training in airplanes, and she loves to foster discussion and interest in all types of scientific and life endeavors. 

Note: This article is featured in the June issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction.  Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.

Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resourcesprofessional learning opportunities, publicationsebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

Future NSTA Conferences

2019 National Conference

STEM Forum & Expo

2019 Fall Conferences


When the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) were first released, I struggled with how to create opportunities that allowed the students to investigate and question. These standards ask alot of our students and require more planning and instructional finesse in the classroom. After attending a two-week modeling camp held by the American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), I felt I knew all the moving parts of the NGSS, but I did not know how to establish the foundation of instruction to support the transition. 


Over the Moon

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2019-06-15

What are some ways to improve my students’ understanding of the phases of the moon? Are there more inquiry-based activities for grade 2 students?
—S., West Virginia

Popular activities like labelling handouts, cutting out paper or cardboard, and the popular (and tasty) turning cream-filled cookies into the different shapes only demonstrate that students can tell you what a waning gibbous or waxing crescent moon looks like. I add that these two-dimensional, hands-on activities may actually reinforce some children’s misconception that the moon could be flat!

Ask your students to observe the moon. What’s its shape, color, placement in the sky? Does it change during the day? Have them take photos or draw on calendars over a few weeks or months. The great thing: observe the moon during the day in your own school yard. Can they create a model that explains what they observe? [ Don’t worry if they don’t – western cultures didn’t really figure it out until Copernicus and Galileo came along.]

Conduct a demonstration by putting a projector at one end of a darkened classroom or, better yet, a large space like a library or gym. Have the students stand in a cluster in the middle with a large ball (Earth) and face the projector. Spinning in place they should discern how day and night occurs. With the students still in the middle, you walk counter-clockwise around the periphery with a ball representing the moon. They should observe and record the “Moon’s” lit and unlit portions at different points in your orbit. Change a variable—walk clockwise; create eclipses; spin the moon at different rates—and have discuss the effect.

Your students should understand that the phases of the moon are caused by it’s spherical shape reflecting sunlight as it orbits around the Earth.

Hope this helps!

Image by andrasgs from Pixabay

What are some ways to improve my students’ understanding of the phases of the moon? Are there more inquiry-based activities for grade 2 students?
—S., West Virginia


Ed News: Teacher Attrition Demands New Approaches to Leadership, Preparation

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2019-06-14

News Roundup banner

This week in education news, educators in Indiana have a hard time finding quality resources that focus on climate change; new study finds that the differences in summer learning between poor and wealthy students may not affect long-term achievement gaps; quality teacher recruitment and retention remains among top concerns for school districts; K-12 spending in recent years has eaten up a larger and larger share of states’ tax revenue; in many schools, administrators perceive makerspaces as environments for play rather than opportunities for enriching assessment; and new studt highlights challenges LGBTQ workers in STEM face.

Indiana Teachers Struggle To Find Credible Materials On Climate Change

For many students in Indiana, eighth grade is the first and last time that they’ll focus on climate change in class. It’s the only class required for all students that specifically talks about climate change in the Indiana education standards. Many high school students are encouraged to take courses that prepare them for college like chemistry and biology, instead of environmental science. That puts a lot of pressure on eighth grade science teachers to teach the subject right. But many struggle to find current, reputable materials for their lesson plans. Read (or listen to) the full story featured on

NYC Teacher Leadership Program Touted as International Model

In a survey, 70% of the principals who responded agreed a joint district-union program helped them attract teachers, and 81% said it helped with retention of the most effective educators. Read the article featured in Education DIVE.

How Does Summer Learning Really Affect Students’ Academic Achievement?

Differences in summer enrichment between poor and wealthy students may not contribute much to long-term achievement gaps, according to a new analysis. Read the article featured in Education Week.

Teacher Attrition Demands New Approaches to Leadership, Preparation

Experts say demanding rigorous preparation, building a career ladder, and facilitating teacher collaboration are some ways to address ongoing shortages and high turnover rates. Read the article featured in Education DIVE.

Students in Tech Say Soft Skills and the Arts Set Them Up for Success

When Dolica Gopisetty was applying for summer internships earlier this year, employers kept telling her that what they valued most in potential hires was strong communication skills and a willingness to learn new things. And when Nathan Wallace was transitioning from college to the workforce a few months ago, he noticed a similar trend. “A lot of employers are looking for a well-rounded individual with multiple skills, including the ability to communicate effectively,” he said, adding that a penchant for experimentation came up a lot, too. Read the article featured in EdSurge.

Public Torn Between Support for School Spending and Actually Paying the Tab

The most remarkable thing about the recent wave of teacher strikes may be the widespread public support for something that’s ultimately going to put a squeeze on the taxpayer’s wallet. In its latest Quality Counts school finance analysis, however, the Education Week Research Center found some big disparities in the proportion of total taxable resources states are willing to spend on education based on the latest federal figures—from highs of 5.4 percent in Vermont and 5.1 percent in Wyoming, to lows of 2.3 percent in North Carolina and 2.4 percent in Arizona. Read the article featured in Education Week.

It’s Time to Remake the Makerspace, But Schools Shouldn’t Got It Alone

Across America, students are learning in new ways many of us could only imagine, tinkering, creating and experimenting in makerspaces to solve real-world challenges. Read the article featured in EdSurge.

‘Now I Know I’m Not Alone.’ Study Highlights Challenges LGBTQ Workers in STEM Face

Sandra is one of 55 STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) workers—including faculty members, students, and staff—who were interviewed for a study about what it’s like to identify as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) in STEM. Since the study was published last month in the Journal of Homosexuality, the authors have received a slew of responses along the lines of, “Thank you for doing the work, because now I know I’m not alone,” says Allison Mattheis, an associate professor of education at California State University (CSU) in Los Angeles and the lead author of the study. Read the article featured in Science magazine.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.

News Roundup banner

This week in education news, educators in Indiana have a hard time finding quality resources that focus on climate change; new study finds that the differences in summer learning between poor and wealthy students may not affect long-term achievement gaps; quality teacher recruitment and retention remains among top concerns for school districts; K-12 spending in recent years has eaten up a larger and larger share of states’ tax reven

Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study for Secondary School Teachers

Are you an secondary (grades 6-12) school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study, taking place in September/October, 2019!

Are you an secondary (grades 6-12) school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study, taking place in September/October, 2019!

Are you an secondary (grades 6-12) school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study, taking place in September/October, 2019!

Are you an secondary (grades 6-12) school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Register to participate in the Shifting to the NGSS: Professional Book Study, taking place in September/October, 2019!


Research to Practice, Practice to Research

Inspiring Middle School Young Women to Achieve STEM Careers Through a Nature-Based Summer Mentorship Program

Connected Science Learning April-June 2019 (Volume 1, Issue 10)

By Sarah Rhodes-Ondi, and Maryam Ghadiri

Inspiring Middle School Young Women to Achieve STEM Careers Through a Nature-Based Summer Mentorship Program

Innovation and progress in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) workforce is critical to the growth of the United States in the global economy (NRC 2007). Men are more likely to pursue a degree in STEM fields, with almost 27% of malef college freshmen planning to major in STEM compared to only 8% of female freshmen in 2014 (National Science Board 2016). While women comprise half of the U.S. workforce, they are underrepresented in STEM, with many STEM fields reporting fewer than 25% female employees (NSF 2016). Young Black and Hispanic women, as well as those from low socioeconomic upbringings (low socioeconomic status refers to those who qualify for government-sponsored assistance programs), are less likely to cultivate and maintain an interest in STEM compared to their peers (Saw, Chang, and Chan 2018). While there was a 4.8% growth in participation of minority women in STEM from 1996 to 2016 (NSF and NCSES 2019), gender gaps in engineering and the natural sciences grew larger between 2000 and 2015, especially among African Americans. The proportion of bachelor’s degrees awarded in engineering and natural sciences to African American women declined from 2000 to 2015 (NSF and NCSES 2019). The middle school years are identified as a critical period to engage young women in STEM and expose them to STEM careers, as studies have shown that during this time period, confidence in STEM decreases despite displaying similar abilities to male peers (Horting 2016).

Mentorship programs can connect young women with female professionals working in STEM careers to build confidence, identity as potential scientists, and perceptions of what STEM fields are and who works in those majors (Sanders 2005). Interaction with role models expands the perspective of youth to help them envision what STEM fields are, who works on STEM fields, and what they can achieve. Zirkel (2002) showed that youth engagement with role models from the same socioeconomic status, race, and gender helped them to improve academic performance, adopt more achievement-oriented goals, and think more about future careers. In Zirkel’s study, youth also identified adults as role models more frequently than peers when the adults were of the same race and gender as the youth (Zirkel 2002). Participating in STEM mentorship programs throughout the middle school years increases the likelihood that young women will seek out successful professional women in the STEM workforce during their careers, which ultimately improves workforce retention and performance of both mentors and mentees (Gartner 2006). The goal of our study is to investigate the contribution of the mentorship programs in STEM education of young women from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

We designed a five-week STEM Mentorship Program to engage these young women with STEM topics. The main objectives of this STEM Mentorship Program were to help participants:

  • explore a new STEM-oriented identity;
  • be able to envision themselves working in STEM fields;
  • increase confidence in their ability to achieve in STEM fields; and
  • gain broader perceptions of what STEM is, who participates in STEM careers, and what tools are used in STEM.

We used a formal group mentorship framework to design our STEM Mentorship Program. The purpose of this framework was to build meaningful connections between participants and mentors, who included high school and college students as well as active and retired professionals. Here, we describe the details of the program, its strengths, and suggestions for how other organizations may adapt it to fit their needs.

The Environmental Learning Center (ELC)

The STEM Mentorship Program is offered by the Environmental Learning Center (ELC), a nonprofit nature center founded in 1988 in Vero Beach, Florida. The ELC is a 64-acre sanctuary located on an island in the middle of the Indian River Lagoon, once considered one of the most diverse estuaries in North America. The ELC campus contains a variety of habitats, such as upland forest, freshwater pond, mangrove forest shorelines, and subsurface seagrass beds. This sanctuary provides an idyllic outdoor living laboratory for authentic STEM experiences. The ELC provides the setting and the tools necessary for meaningful field science exposure, including specialized staff that provide project leadership, coordination and instruction and serve as experts in local marine ecology.

An overview of the STEM Mentorship Program

The program was designed in 2016 to address the gender gap in STEM in the local community. Initially five days long, the program was expanded to ten days (five weeks, two days per week) in 2017 and 2018. The goal of the program was to expose young women in middle school to STEM disciplines in natural resources and build their interest and confidence in STEM and pursuing STEM careers. This was achieved by providing real workforce development opportunities in the local marine-based economy in coastal Florida, through activities related to marine ecology, marine technology and engineering, and soundscape ecology.

The STEM Mentorship Program used a formal group mentorship framework to connect participants with mentors and role models (Figure 1). Several mentors worked with the young women each week including near peers—high school and college interns majoring in STEM. Some active and retired STEM professionals also served as mentors by working alongside participants each week, while others led single workshops. The near-peer mentors came from similar ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds as the participants, to promote self-identification and relevance for mentees. During the program, students engaged in hands-on authentic STEM workshops (Figure 2). The STEM Mentorship Program helped participants build their skills, take on new STEM identities, and improve their confidence and their perceptions of STEM (Figure 3). The STEM Mentorship Program environment was similar to that of the research-based SciGirls Seven Strategies previously published in Connected Science Learning, which outlines what young women need in their working environment to successfully engage with STEM (Karl, McLain, and Santiago 2017). As such, the STEM Mentorship Program emphasized building confidence in young women by exposing them to collaborative environments, promoting open-ended team problem solving and critical thinking, and connecting them to female role models who have succeeded in STEM fields. Similarly to SciGirls Strategies, the mentors also delivered positive feedback on the students’ efforts, approaches, and behaviors as they participated in activities.

Figure 1

Framework of STEM Mentorship Program


Prior to the program, the near-peer mentors were hired through an extensive application process that included personal references and background checks. They also participated in three days of training to improve outdoor water safety skills and interpretation training to improve communication skills for working with youth. Many of the retired professionals were former teachers with extensive experience working with youth. These authentic STEM mentors and role models were critical to engaging participants and creating a supportive learning environment.

Table 1

STEM Mentorship Program activities and the learning objectives for each day of the 2018 program.

Participants worked with mentors during every hands-on STEM workshop. For every four participants, there was one near peer and one retired professional mentor. The mentors led small-group discussions and activities to facilitate collaboration, critical thinking, open-ended problem solving, and engagement with authentic STEM materials. Mentors also administered support to participants to encourage active involvement in the STEM activities (Figure 1-B).

Collaboration is key to enhancing the quality of STEM offerings in the mentorship program. Twelve local organizations took part in order to provide mentors and role models, real workforce-based STEM experiences led by female STEM professionals, funding, and transportation. These partner organizations ranged from area colleges, universities, and conservation organizations to the local art museum and theater. An ELC staff ecologist served as the central point of contact and managed collaborator, partner organization, and role model/mentor relationships. Partners included the Vero Beach chapter of the American Association for University Women, Quail Valley Charities, United Way, Grand Harbor Community Outreach, and the local Boys and Girls Clubs.

During the STEM Mentorship Program, participants explored a new topic each week, exposing them to different facets of the coastal Florida economy (Table 1). Topics included marine ecology, marine technology and engineering, and soundscape ecology. Workshops relating to each topic were led by professional female role models who used inquiry-based, hands-on, open-ended activities with small teams of middle school students. Participants were encouraged to work in teams and use their problem solving skills as they went through the various learning modalities.

Figure 2

Participants engage with ROV marine technology


The STEM program kicked off with a series of remote operated vehicle (ROV) building workshops to explore marine technology, engineering, and design (Figure 2). An ELC staff marine ecologist used the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) curriculum for this workshop, in which participating teams learned the basic principles of how ROVs function and had the opportunity to prototype their own designs through an iterative design process. They tested their ROVs in the water and then modified the designs to improve ROV performance and functionality. The marine technology concepts and collaborative team-building skills they learned in these introductory workshops were then reinforced throughout the program.

Figure 3

A participant engages with a real submarine at marine biology and engineering and technology workshop at FAU-HBOI


Offsite STEM workshops at the Indian River State College (IRSC) Robotics Laboratory and Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (FAU-HBOI) built on the marine technology ROV curriculum. At FAU-HBOI, the young women observed and interacted with Human Operated Vehicles (HOVs), also known as submarines, drifters, data loggers, and a variety of other marine technologies used in the field (Figure 3). They also learned to code robots at the IRSC Robotics Laboratory (Figure 4). This level of collaboration with local colleges and universities enhanced the quality of our offerings and provided the participants with real-world exposure to marine technology and scientific innovations.

Figure 4

Participants visiting Indian River State College Robotics Laboratory with faculty and female robotics students


During the soundscape ecology week, participants worked with an ELC staff soundscape ecologist to explore acoustic environments found in the marine and upland habitats at the ELC. For this portion of the program, the participants applied Your Ecosystems Listening Labs (YELLs), an inquiry-based curriculum designed at the Center for Global Soundscapes at Purdue University. They conducted both terrestrial and underwater sound scavenger hunts using Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter 4 technology that is used by professional soundscape ecologists (Figure 5). Using acoustic devices during sound walks and scavenger hunts, participants gleaned new awareness of the diversity of sounds in their environment and the interaction between natural sounds, such as those from cicadas and birds, and human-made sounds. The young women listened to the soundscape of the mangrove forests and upland habitats at the ELC, and they listened in real time to the underwater marine soundscapes of the Indian River Lagoon using a hydrophone. They were exposed not only to the natural sounds made by snapping shrimp and fish, but also to the noise pollution created by passing boats. Working with authentic technology to listen to and record terrestrial and marine underwater sounds offered a novel approach for these young women to study marine ecology. Participants also learned how to record high-quality sound files on iPads, allowing them to continue to explore soundscapes in the world around them beyond the program.

Figure 5

Young women learning about soundscape ecology by listening in real time to local soundscapes of the upland habitats surrounding the Indian River Lagoon and underwater


Marine ecology was the focus of multiple days of the program, which spanned fisheries science, benthic (bottom of water body) ecology, coastal beach ecology, and mangrove ecology. The participants applied the scientific method and real scientific tools used in the field to ask questions, collect data, analyze the data, and discuss their findings. They studied and assessed the impact of habitat type on fish and benthic invertebrate populations, counted and measured different organisms, and then graphed their results (Figure 6). These participants also had opportunities to build the outdoor water skills necessary to be a successful marine ecologist and improved their confidence in their abilities to canoe, boat, and swim. As a water safety precaution, life jackets were required for all outdoor boating and canoeing activities. Additionally, an extensive canoe skill demonstration was conducted beforehand. Canoes held up to three participants, or two participants and a mentor. To improve safety for participants with minimal canoeing experience, a mentor was placed in the back to assist with paddling and steering. Swimming only occurred at beaches with lifeguard supervision. For many of the participants from low socioeconomic backgrounds, their trips to the ELC were their first exposure to these types of outdoor activities and were reported to be major highlights of the program.

Figure 6

During a marine ecology workshop, participants learn fisheries science and seine netting sampling techniques through a hands-on and outdoor field workshop in the Indian River Lagoon



Our 2018 participants were 18 young women from low socioeconomic backgrounds entering grades 6 through 8 in the upcoming school year. The participants’ ethnicities were:

  • Black/African American (n = 6),
  • White/Caucasian (n = 6),
  • Hispanic/Latina (n = 4),
  • Black/African American/Asian (n = 1), and
  • Other (n = 1).

The program can accept up to 20 participants each year. Participants were recruited through Boys and Girls Clubs. Some of the 2018 participants also attended the 2016 or 2017 STEM Mentorship Program. The near-peer high school and college mentors were recruited through teachers, Boys and Girls Clubs, the Gifford Youth Achievement Center, and advertisements on the ELC website and through social media. The retired mentors were recruited through the Vero Beach chapter of the American Association of University Women.

Program evaluation

To understand the impact of participation in the STEM Mentorship Program, we assessed and documented participants’ cognitive and non-cognitive development throughout the program in the summer of 2018. We utilized both quantitative and qualitative methods including surveys, drawings, informal interviews, and pre- and postprogram interviews (hereafter referred to as “pre-post survey,” “pre-post drawings,” and “pre-post interviews”). Our response rate was 78% for the assessment activities. In addition, we collected field observations throughout the program.

Identity is described as an interaction between an individual’s self-image and the image that others have of that individual (Erikson 1980). The participants’ development of STEM identity was tracked through changes in their competence, performance, and recognition by others (Carlone and Johnson 2007). We used field observation and postinterview questions to understand participants’ competence, knowledge, and understanding of science content; their performance in STEM activities; social performance of relevant scientific practice (e.g., ways of talking or using tools); and recognizing oneself and gaining recognition by others as a “science person” while engaging in STEM activities. The pre-post questionnaire that we used included four questions that asked participants to rate their confidence in STEM fields on a scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being the lowest and 6 being highest (Appendix A in Supplemental Resources). The last question used a 5-point Likert scale and asked participants about their perceived impact of the program on their confidence to achieve in STEM.

To measure the participants’ perceptions of who does science, we used the postinterviews as well as drawing activities conducted before and after the mentorship program. The prompt of the pre-post drawing was “Draw a scientist and the tools a scientist uses,” to assess their perceptions about science and technology.

Interviews were the primary source of data and were used to measure identity, confidence, and development of perceptions about science and technology. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed through inductive process and content analysis of participants’ responses. Field observations and informal interviews were collected to gain an understanding of the participants’ performance, their interaction with each other, interaction with the mentors, and their perceptions of the setting during the STEM activities, and offered a better perspective of cognitive and affective development.

Program outcomes

Data analysis showed that participation in the program positively affected participants’ cognitive and affective development. Engaging in new science practices enabled participants in the STEM Mentorship Program to explore a new sense of identity, gain confidence in doing STEM activities, and broaden their perceptions of what STEM is and who participates in STEM careers.

STEM identity

We found that participants’ self-image and personal STEM identity expanded during the program as they gained competence and experience in using tools and technologies. Approximately half of the participants reported improving their performance in using STEM tools and technology and began to recognize themselves and be recognized by others as future STEM professionals. The data showed that participants recognized that different activities related to marine technology, engineering, and designing and building ROVs had helped improve their STEM competence as they overcame the challenges as collaborative teams who worked with mentors and engaged in hands-on activities (the soundscape activities did not emerge as a highlight in postinterviews about building STEM skills).

In an interview, a young woman who came back for a third year shared that she decided to pursue a career in a STEM field in the future during her participation in the STEM Mentorship Program. She said, “I learned what I want to be when I grow up at ELC. Marine biologists like to learn, observe, and research about animals. I want to be a vet who specializes in marine biology so I can help the marine animals.” She also confirmed that the STEM Mentorship Program connected her to nature in a real and tangible way: “Before coming [to the STEM Mentorship Program], I was very skeptical, not really wanting to go outside. Once I came to ELC, while I was sitting in a canoe I thought… wow! This is so beautiful! I want to do this forever.” Through the STEM mentorship experience, this young woman found her passion for marine biology and gained emotional benefits from connecting with nature.

One student, returning for a second year, expressed an increase in her confidence when it comes to outdoor activities, as she is now willing to “get involved in outdoor activities.” She acknowledged that her competence in STEM also improved, stating, “I used to not be that good at science at school, but now I feel more prepared to go back to science class.” She also shared that her performance in STEM activities improved, as did her collaborative teamwork skills: “During my first attempt at building the ROV, I could not do it. The second attempt was better because [the] group figured out how to put the pieces together as a team.” She built strong relationships with mentors, teachers, and friends during the program, and felt that her friends recognize her as an artist now. She explained, “They say I should be an artist because I draw well.” This statement is consistent with her career interests, which have expanded from photography to other arts, such as painting. This is an example of how the STEM Mentorship Program can encourage participants to try out a new identity.


Pre- and postsurveys, as well as the postinterview, measured the participants’ confidence in achieving a career in a STEM field and confidence in STEM skills. 100% of the young women expressed that their confidence in achieving a career in STEM had increased by the end of the program. When asked which specific skills had improved, the data showed that 14% of participants noted increased confidence in their science skills, 21% in technology skills, 41% in engineering, and 7% in math.

A student coming back for a second year affirmed that the program improved her confidence in being able to do science outdoors and expanded the scope of what she believed she could achieve in her career. She shared, “I used to go outside to just run around. During the program, I learned there are many things you can do outside scientifically; you just need parental supervision and knowledge of what you are doing.” She decided to become a marine biologist when she was very young, but after participating in the STEM Mentorship Program, she expanded her vision and said, “I learned I can do engineering or anything else in the marine field.” Her feedback is consistent with prior research that shows that young women thrive and build their confidence in environments where they can complete challenging tasks and grow their skills in hands-on workshops (Allison and Cossette 2007). This exposure is essential for these young women to pursue STEM careers and begin to move toward fields in which women and minorities are underrepresented (Karl, McLain, and Santiago 2017).

Field observations revealed the young women strongly connected with the near-peer mentors who led their small collaborative teams. One student built a close bond with an African American college student majoring in chemistry. The student described her mentor as “really nice, fun, [and] funny” and credited her with “helping…with many projects [during the STEM Mentorship Program].” She also enjoyed visiting the marine biology lab at the Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and observing the female marine biologists in a collaborative setting. She shared that “it was nice to see women working together and accomplishing a lot,” adding that “women are really good scientists.” Another young woman interested in marine biology shared that the mentors inspired her and improved her confidence “to learn new things, try, [not] give up, and always find something new to learn.” The students created strong bonds with the near-peer mentors and were inspired by the mentors and active professionals to realize that women can achieve in science if they take risks, persist, commit to continuous learning, and work collaboratively.

STEM perceptions

We used postinterviews and a drawing activity to measure the development or change in participants’ perceptions of what STEM is, who participates in STEM careers, and what tools are used in STEM fields in natural sciences. In the pre- and postdrawings, the focus was science and technology. Participants were asked to “draw a scientist and the tools a scientist uses.” The results showed that there was an increase in the number of participants who drew women scientists in the postdrawings (71%) compared to the predrawings (21%), in which they more frequently drew male or gender-neutral scientists. The number of scientific tools increased in 79% of the participants’ postdrawings when compared with the predrawings, and 71% of participants drew new scientific tools that were used during the STEM Mentorship Program, such as acoustic monitoring equipment, seine nets, binoculars, benthic sieves, coring devices, and Remote Operated Vehicles (Figure 7).

Figure 7

Pre- and postdrawings were collected to measure the change in perception of participants of who a scientist is and what scientists do in the STEM Mentorship Program


Participants also showed greater depth of knowledge of what it means to be a scientist during the post-interviews. One young woman expanded her definition of a scientist from a conventional lab scientist to include natural scientists. In her interview, she shared, “I didn’t know [what] an ecologist was. I always thought that scientists were all lab scientists with chemicals and lab coats. Now I realize there are so many different kinds, such as ecologists—some study butterflies, water, dolphins.” Another young woman shared that her experience in the real-world workforce environment revealed that science was more challenging than she originally expected. She said, “I always thought scientists had a fun job, [but I] thought it would be easy. It’s actually quite hard, but still fun.” These young women expanded their perception of science and who does science through real encounters with STEM role models and mentors in real workforce environments, and through hands-on STEM experiences and experiments with real scientific tools.

Overall, the results indicated that the STEM Mentorship Program had a positive impact on participants and that, in addition to authentic STEM experiences, the interaction between participants and mentors led more of the participants to consider STEM careers. Frequent discussion regarding what to expect in high school and college academics and the college admission process was discovered to be a foundational connection between participants and mentors. Mentors built strong relationships with these young women by sharing their personal stories, and empowered them to be persistent in their studies, advocate for themselves, and be adaptable to achieve STEM careers. One student, inspired by the mentors, stated, “The mentors made me want to go back to school and keep learning.”

Recommendations and looking ahead

The three years of the STEM Mentorship Program and the program evaluation conducted in 2018 have showed us that the program model has strong potential to inspire young women to consider careers in STEM. Hands-on authentic STEM activities that promote critical thinking, open-ended problem solving, and positive interactions between mentors and participants created a learning context that promotes authentic STEM experiences. Our recommendations for developing a mentorship program are:

  • Design a multiday mentorship program. Repeat visits over time allow participants and mentors to develop stronger bonds than single-day or single-week programs.
  • Use near-peer and college student interns to maximize participant and mentor communication and connection.
  • Incorporate inquiry-based engineering workshops. The collaborative small-group problem solving workshops where the participants design, build, and redesign help participants build their STEM skills and social and emotional skills such as teamwork and group problem solving.
  • Provide opportunities for participants to work with authentic STEM technology, thus providing novel experiences for participants to engage in authentic scientific practices.
  • Create hybrid programs that bridge academics with outdoor exploration to provide nature-rich experiences in a STEM learning context.


This article reports on the potential of summer STEM-focused mentorship programs in an authentic outdoor environment to connect young women with STEM careers in natural sciences. The data presents examples of how young women explored new identities, improved their confidence in their ability to conduct outdoor STEM activities, built skills to pursue STEM careers, and benefited from interaction with their peers and mentors. The context of the STEM Mentorship Program created meaningful experiences for participants by using informal settings where participants engaged in field activities. Some aspects of the STEM workshops can easily be adapted and transferred to conventional formal education settings during the school year. Our long-term goals are to expand the STEM Mentorship Program to a year-round experience, to train local classroom teachers and role models in the equitable teaching strategies used in our program, and to introduce STEM workshops used in the program into formal learning classrooms.


Sarah Rhodes-Ondi ( is community stewardship coordinator of the Sea Turtle Conservancy at the Barrier Island Sanctuary in Melbourne Beach, Florida. Maryam Ghadiri ( is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Community and Citizen Science at University of California, Davis, in Davis, California.


Allison, C.J., and I. Cossette. 2007. Theory and practice in recruiting women for STEM careers. Proceedings of the Women in Engineering ProActive Network 2007 Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Carlone, H.B., and A. Johnson. 2007. Understanding the science experiences of successful women of color: Science identity as an analytic lens. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 44 (8): 1187–218.

Erikson, E.H. 1980. Identity and the life cycle. New York: W. W. Norton.

Horting, K. 2016. The importance of closing the gender gap in STEM. Society of Women Engineers.

Karl, R., B. McLain, and A. Santiago. 2017. SciGirls Strategies. Connected Science Learning 1 (2).

National Research Council (NRC). 2007. Rising above the gathering storm: Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

National Science Foundation (NSF). 2016. National Science Board Science and Engineering Indicators.

National Science Foundation (NSF). 2018. National Science Board Science and Engineering Indicators.

National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2019. Women, minorities and persons with disabilities in science and engineering.

Sanders, J. 2005. Gender and technology in education: A research review. Seattle: Center for Gender Equity: 18.

Saw, G., C.N. Chang, and H.Y. Chan. 2018. Cross-sectional and longitudinal disparities in STEM career aspirations at the intersection of gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Educational Researcher 47 (8): 525–31.

Zirkel, S. 2002. Is there a place for me? Role models and academic identity among white students and students of color. Teachers College Record 104 (2): 357–76.

Read about the STEM Mentorship program, which allows middle school girls to explore STEM disciplines, with a focus on the natural sciences.
Read about the STEM Mentorship program, which allows middle school girls to explore STEM disciplines, with a focus on the natural sciences.

How NSTA Expanded My Small Town World

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2019-06-11

Guest blog post by Pam Devers

I grew up as the typical “small town girl living in a small town world” (Journey).  In the eighth grade my mind was set that I was going to be a science teacher and teach in my hometown.  It took about a decade of working in a lab and jobs in even smaller schools to make it back to my town with a population of nine thousand.  Contentment was mine at this point, but then I found out through NSTA that there was more than just the NE corner of the fly over state of Oklahoma.

For years I had gone to workshops locally, but then I heard about NSTA having a conference in San Diego.  A fellow teacher and I asked our principal if we could go.  We figured the least they could say was no, which would not have hurt us.  Instead, we got a yes and did our little victory jig.  The whole conference weekend kept my mind in overdrive from all the new ideas discussed and shown at the sessions.  I was hooked, so of course we asked the next year and the next.  Sometimes we got a quick yes, sometimes we heard others should be allowed an opportunity to attend in their fields but many never applied.  For years we did our little dance and opened our world.

I have seen famous people speak telling about their insights.  My claim to fame that I tell my students, is when I touched Bill Nye.  Really, I was going up an escalator as I saw him making his way up the stairs beside my sloth way of maneuvering.  I got off fast then walked swiftly to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.  He turned around, politely listened to my rambling introduction and admirations then we parted.  My students know me well enough, so I tell the true story as they grin and roll their eyes at me.

I emulate demonstrations and lessons learned from teachers around the country.  They also explained the success and failures to avoid they experienced.  Exhibit booths of equipment beckon to be in my classroom.  During the conference, I make a list to write grants for more TOYS (T.angible O.bjects Y.ielding S.cience).  The main downfall to this is when I have to pack all my collected toy boxes to get my room ready to paint for the summer.

The conferences have taken me to major cities within our nation, which I would not have seen otherwise.  NSTA also has shown me other opportunities to learn more from others outside of conferences.  I was truly blessed with a trip of a lifetime to Japan for the TOMODACHI STEM Leadership Conference with amazing teachers and students.  I just saw on Facebook one of our students won the Toshiba ExploraVision competition which thrills me.  This year, I applied and get to go to Canada for the EINSTIENPLUS workshop which I am super excited about attending.  I would not have known about it if I did not get NSTA’s publication listing it as an available resource for teachers.

I was fifty when I went to Japan and started filling out applications of opportunities outside of my little world.  I have been told no a few times, pouted a little, but then filled out more applications.  My classroom career has a few more years left.  If I had things to do over, I would have looked out into the big picture sooner but I will always be thankful for my membership with NSTA.

Pam Devers teaches Chemistry I, Honors Chemistry II, Honors Physics, and Teach Oklahoma at Pryor High School in Pryor, Oklahoma.  This year marks Devers’ 30th year of teaching.

Guest blog post by Pam Devers

I grew up as the typical “small town girl living in a small town world” (Journey).  In the eighth grade my mind was set that I was going to be a science teacher and teach in my hometown.  It took about a decade of working in a lab and jobs in even smaller schools to make it back to my town with a population of nine thousand.  Contentment was mine at this point, but then I found out through NSTA that there was more than just the NE corner of the fly over state of Oklahoma.


Experience STEM by the Bay This Summer With NSTA

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-06-11

Guest blog post by Jeffrey LeGrand Douglass

The exhibit hall at the 8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA, is gonna be so LIT that even the rolling fog of San Francisco won’t be able to hide the excitement and experiences that await all who are attending! Enjoy the beauty of the City by the Bay while benefiting from the enrichment of attending the NSTA STEM Forum & Expo. Our exhibit hall is truly not to be missed, and with over 70 amazing companies already on board to exhibit, there will definitely be something for everyone to see and do.

NSTA will kick off exhibit hall activities Wednesday night with a two-hour exclusive preview reception from 4:30 to 6:30pm. Enjoy eating and drinking while exploring the hall, networking with fellow educators, and mingling with exhibitors followed on Thursday and Friday by two additional days of fun activities and engagement.

A special shout out to STEMScopes for sponsoring this year’s attendee bags. Bags can be picked up with your registration materials, and be sure to stop by their booth to thank them for their generosity and support. Use your bag to hold all of the amazing swag you are sure to collect from our participating exhibitors.

So what can you expect to see on our exhibit hall floor? Check out just some of the highlights from a small group of our current exhibitors.

  • Learn about ODYSSEY, the unique instruction program for general chemistry from Wavefunction.
  • Let 3Doodler show you how you can reach learners who have trouble grasping abstract concepts with their 3D printing pens.
  • Carolina Biological can help you prepare your students for STEM careers with their STEM products.
  • Lodestone is offering FREE resources for the K-12 educational community that include topics for math, physics, and chemistry, to name a few.
  • If you like robots, then go see Kinderlab Robotics to find out about KIBO, a screen-free robot kit that lets 4–7 year olds build, code, and run their own robots.

Just in case that wasn’t reason enough to make sure that you don’t skip the exhibit hall this year, NSTA is very excited to announce that TeacherGeek will be sponsoring a brand new engaging makerspace area for all attendees right on the exhibit hall floor. According to Darren Coon, CEO of TeacherGeek:

Zip, Bang, Grab, Woo-hoo!!! These are the sounds you will hear coming from the TeacherGeek Maker Space area at the STEM Forum & Expo. Are you up for the challenge? Compete against other attendees for fun prizes: creating racecars, breaking bridges, performing undersea tasks.”

These and many other wonderful companies will be on the exhibit floor; they all want to meet you, talk with you, and demonstrate to you that they share your devotion to STEM education and are there to help you succeed in preparing the next generation of learners.

New exhibitors are signing up every day, and you won’t want to miss one second of the fun that is sure to take place. Make sure you register to attend the 8th Annual STEM Forum and Expo, hosted by NSTA, July 24–26, 2019, at Moscone Center West in beautiful downtown San Francisco.

Tony Bennett may have left his heart in San Francisco, but what you will be taking with you from San Francisco will leave an impression on you for years to come.

Guest blog post by Jeffrey LeGrand Douglass


Ed News Roundup: Women Engineers You Should Know

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2019-06-10

News Roundup banner

In this week’s Education News Roundup, USA Today takes a look at salaries and housing costs for teachers; Education Week examines how to make teacher leadership roles more effective; some women engineers you should know, and more.

Women Engineers You Should Know

There are many women engineers whose lives, careers, and achievements might go unnoticed – yet each has a compelling, dynamic, and thought-provoking story. To celebrate their contributions and lives, SWE Magazine reached out on SWE’s social media channels, asking “Who are the women engineers we should know?” Read the story featured in SWE Magazine.

Charters were supposed to save public education. Why are Americans turning against them?

The vanguard of this unrest is organized teachers, political progressives and public education activists. Yet public opinion, even if it is moving more slowly, is tilting in the same direction. According to the school-choice-favoring EdNext Poll, support for charters slipped noticeably in 2017. Though it rebounded a bit in 2018, it did so mainly among Republicans, with “only 36 percent of Democrats now supporting their formation” — a phenomenon likely due to the polarizing influence of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. The most recent polling on charters in Los Angeles County found that 75 percent of residents favor “improving the existing public schools” over pursuing “additional charter school options.” Read the story featured in The Washington Post.

Science News: Increase in Education Specialists In University Science Departments

Science professors go through years of training to learn about their field, yet they often don’t receive any formal education in how to teach students about it. A new study takes a decade-long look at one way that science departments in the California State University (CSU) system are trying to amend that by bringing faculty with educational expertise into the fold. Read the story featured in Science Daily.

Can’t pay Their Bills With Love–In Many Teaching Jobs, Teachers’ Salaries Can’t Cover Rent

New teachers can’t afford the median rent almost anywhere in the U.S, the analysis shows.  But that’s not the full story.  Despite widespread demand for higher salaries, teachers in some regions are actually making ends meet, especially as they approach the middle of their careers.  In other areas, mid-career teachers are right to say they can’t afford to live on their salaries without picking up side hustles or commuting long distances. Some of those places are only affordable for the very highest-paid teachers. And then there are places that no teacher can afford, no matter how much they earn. Read the story featured in USA Today.

How Can States and Districts Make Teacher-Leadership Roles More Effective?

This form of professional learning—in which an accomplished teacher is given instructional leadership responsibilities while still remaining in the classroom—has become popular in many places, but there is a lack of explicit guidance on how to build this capacity. Read the story featured in Education Week.

Limiting Science Education: Limiting Ourselves

We’ve landed men on the moon, mapped out our genomes, and split atoms, but for the past 20 years, nobody knew why two grapes produced plasma in a microwave. Energy is conserved. Carbon’s atomic number is six. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell … Throughout my entire high school career, I’ve heard all of these facts presented to me, but never once have I felt as intrigued as I have from this bizarre phenomenon. Welcome to the world of high school science education. This essay, by James Chan, age 17, is one of the Top 12 winners of the New York Times Sixth Annual Student Editorial Contest. Read the story featured in The New York Times.

New Science Standards Approved For Utah Students after Five Hours of Debate

The Utah State School Board approved new science standards last week, the first updates in science standards in high school biology, chemistry and physics since 2002, and in Earth science since 2012. It is also the first update of science standards for kindergarten through second grade since 2010. Read the story featured on KSL TV website.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.

News Roundup banner

In this week’s Education News Roundup, USA Today takes a look at salaries and housing costs for teachers; Education Week examines how to make teacher leadership roles more effective; some women engineers you should know, and more.


Rock On!

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2019-06-08

I am planning to teach a lesson on rocks with a third grade class in the fall, but I am unaware as of where to find inexpensive rock/mineral kits. How did you teach the lesson in a way that engaged the students?
– A., Pennsylvania

Studying rocks is such a great, hands-on unit and is a natural subject for kids to immerse themselves into!

In almost every state and province there are mineral and mining organizations and government agencies that have kits/resources available. Do a quick search in your region to find where you can order inexpensive sample kits.

A few good resource sites:
American Geosciences Institute: A huge repository of educational resource links
Mineralogical Society of America
Mining Matters (Canada)

Once you get some kits students can go through several of the properties: hardness, streak (use the back of sample subway tiles), lustre, color, maybe even fluorescence (you can use inexpensive “black light” pens but make sure to review safety procedures).

It is easy to combine other subjects into this topic! Resource maps identifying the locations of significant mineral deposits in your region not only bridge to social studies but can lead to discussions on where communities arose, conservation issues, pros and cons of mining, and so on. Finding out where we use solid minerals in our homes and consumer products connects what students are learning to their everyday lives. Research projects and presentations on specific minerals are great language arts activities. Incorporate engineering practices by designing mines that have the least environmental impact.

Hope this helps!

I am planning to teach a lesson on rocks with a third grade class in the fall, but I am unaware as of where to find inexpensive rock/mineral kits. How did you teach the lesson in a way that engaged the students?
– A., Pennsylvania

Studying rocks is such a great, hands-on unit and is a natural subject for kids to immerse themselves into!

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