The Early Years
The Building Blocks of Language (Volume 55, Issue 3)
By Peggy Ashbrook
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2017-10-29
Spiders, ants, bees, cockroaches, cicada killers, house centipedes, and roly-polies are among the many small animals children may encounter at home or at school presenting moments to learn about the diversity of living organisms if the moment is calm enough. If the moment is not calm, returning to the subject at a later time will prepare children to learn from future encounters.
Frequent walking field trips and abundant play time outdoors with sightings of small animals teaches children more about these animals’ behavior than instruction sharing others’ experiences. To prevent stings and bites, we caution children to observe but don’t touch bees or spiders and to watch where they walk to avoid ant and yellowjacket nests. To support children’s comfort with small animals we point out their curious body structures and beauty.
Keeping a container of small animals such as local roly-polies, earthworms, or non-native Tenebrio beetles in the classroom so children can observe these “critters” up close and care for them is one way to help them build understanding. When contained in empty baby food boxes or specially made “bug boxes” both the small animal and the concerned child are safe. The small animal is safe from being dropped or squished, and the concerned child (or adult) is safe from fear that the animal might “get on” them.
Children should be discouraged from trying to hold the fast-moving House Centipede because it can bite but we can satisfy their curiosity about this many-legged animal by capturing it in a container for close up viewing.
Outdoors, removing wasp nests in play areas before they get large removes the real hazard of getting stung by aggressive wasps, and tilling sand if non-aggressive cicada killers nest there reduces encounters with large insects going about their own business.
State extension services are a great source of information about living organisms of all kinds. Check with the entomology department of a nearby university for events and information about your local small animals. The Mark Trail comic strip by James Allen is another source of information about nature.
Preschool teacher and author Marie Faust Evitt helps children appreciate the amazing body structure of spiders when they search for spiders and other small animals, and then build a BIG model of a spider and its web. See their work on the Thinking BIG Learning BIG Facebook page. What kinds of questions might your children have about web structures?
By Kate Falk
Posted on 2017-10-27
This week in education news, by 2018, it is projected that 2.4 million STEM jobs will go unfilled; money is not the most important thing to teachers; policymakers and educational organizations are increasingly investing resources in building out the STEM graduate to industry pathway; New Mexico to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards in their entirety; Maryland after-school program seeks to bring environmental education to diverse communities; and a new study finds students who go to school where their teachers have a leadership role perform significantly better on state tests.
Where Will STEM Education Be In 5 Years?
In 2015, there were nearly 8.6 million STEM jobs in the United States, and that number is growing every year. In fact, STEM job growth in the past 10 years is three times that of any other field, but by 2018, it is projected that 2.4 million STEM jobs will go unfilled. Yet, STEM education programs have not kept pace–calling into question whether there will be enough qualified employees available to take on these new positions. Read the article featured in eSchool News.
Opinion: It’s The Culture, Not The Cash, That Matters Most To Teachers
Money solves a lot of problems, but can it motivate top teaching talent to teach in low-performing schools? Based on a number of initiatives that offer teachers as much as $25,000 to take on teaching assignments in such schools, including those in Georgia and Florida, the answer seems to be no. Read the article featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Policymakers, Education Organizations Increase Focus On STEM Graduates In The Workforce
Both policymakers and educational organizations are increasingly investing resources in building out the STEM graduate to industry pathway. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this week a new initiative to double the number of CUNY graduates with tech-related bachelor’s degrees by 2022 and with $20 million worth of investment, according to a press release from the mayor’s office. And higher education institutions are also winning more grants to launch STEM-related programs, with Meredith College receiving $1 million from the National Science Foundation to launch the Advancing Women’s Education in STEM Scholars Program, which will provide financial aid to women based on merit and need, reports Campus Technology. Read the brief featured in Education DIVE.
How Can Anyone Be Anti-Science When Bill Nye And Neil deGrasse Tyson Are Around?
According to Bill Nye, the “anti-science days are winding down.” He said as much in an email to HuffPost, citing education policy’s commitment to advancing STEM fields. He hopes those vocational interests will blossom in the coming decade. Read the article featured in the Huffington Post.
PED To Adopt Science Standards ‘In Their Entirety’
After facing an onslaught of opposition, New Mexico’s Public Education Department officials on Wednesday decided to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards “in their entirety” with just six state-specific standards, well short of the 35 additions the agency proposed last month. Read the article featured in Albuquerque Journal.
After-School Program Seeks To Bring Environmental Education To Diverse Communities
LEAP is an environmentally focused after-school program for elementary students that kicked off at Monarch Academy earlier this month. That chant will start off every session of the program, which is run by Our Creeks & Conservancy, an Annapolis nonprofit with the goal of engaging and educating diverse communities about environmental conservation and sustainability. Read the article featured in the Washington Post.
Artificially Intelligent Math For School Educators
IBM’s Watson computing system—perhaps the world’s most well-known artificial intelligence technology—now provides K5 educators with a database of open educational math resources. Teacher Advisor With Watson 1.0, powered by Watson Discovery Service’s artificial intelligence technology and hosted on IBM Cloud at, can rapidly analyze content for relevant concepts based on a teacher’s search query. It currently offers over 2,000 free lessons, teaching plans, activities and videos. Read the article featured in District Administration.
Teacher Leadership Is Linked To Higher Student Test Scores In New Study
Students who go to schools where their teachers have a leadership role in decisionmaking perform significantly better on state tests, a new study finds. But some of the leadership elements that are most related to student achievement are the ones that are least often implemented in schools. Read the article featured in Education Week’s TEACHER.
Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.
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The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
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By Cindy Workosky
Posted on 2017-10-24
One of the big shifts in the NGSS is the integration of Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) with Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) and Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs). In other words, content is not taught in isolation: The teacher consciously includes at least one other dimension. Sounds easy, right? In actuality, that’s easier said than done. Planning lessons that intentionally incorporate multiple dimensions can be really challenging and time-consuming. A colleague and I used a multi-day activity to help high school chemistry students gain experience with designing a solution to a problem.
The context for the lab may be familiar because it’s a variation of an activity used by many chemistry teachers. We asked students who were learning about stoichiometric relationships, proportional reasoning, and chemical quantities in reactions (HS-PS1-6) to design a small-scale airbag using baking soda and vinegar. We modified the task in several ways to better reflect the practice we were targeting: designing a solution.
We added a silly, but somewhat realistic, frame to the lab by asking students to design an airbag for a stroller company that had received repeated customer complaints about the safety of their strollers. (This frame was based on an idea we heard during last year’s NSTA National Conference in Los Angeles.) More importantly, we sought to include key components of the engineering design process. We specified constraints, including weight limit, proper inflation level, and time needed to properly inflate the airbag, and emphasized that all materials had to be in the sealed bag, but remain unreacted until an “accident” happened.
We also gave students a budget and “charged” them for every item they used, including the baking soda and vinegar. This ensured that they were intentional about their process and not just guessing at the solution. We tracked each group’s expenses using a simple Google spreadsheet, and projected each group’s remaining budget on the main classroom screen and updated it in real time as groups purchased items.
We also included a process for students to patent their ideas by submitting their designs to the patent office (their teacher) for approval. This prevented them from copying other groups’ designs.
Students not only loved this activity, but also treated it very seriously. They were highly engaged in the engineering process, and consequently, the associated DCI. It was fun listening to the academic conversations happening spontaneously around the room.
Listening was our first line of formative assessment in this multi-day lab, but not the only one. To specifically assess students’ use and understanding of the practices in which they engaged, I developed a self-assessment tool. Students rated each of the eight practices on a 1-2-3 scale based on how engaged they felt in that practice.
Though I’d made many anecdotal formative assessments as I facilitated the lab, the metacognition, a crucial aspect of self-reflection, would’ve been missing if I hadn’t asked students to –assess themselves. All teachers agree that the person talking and/or writing is the one doing the learning, so this instruction caused students to pause and reflect more than if I’d simply pointed out what practices I thought they’d engaged in.
Students often surprised me by recounting conversations that indicated they’d engaged in practices I hadn’t witnessed as I monitored the lab. I didn’t anticipate, for example, that students would rate “Engaging in Argument From Evidence” as a 3 (indicating they’d used that practice significantly), but one group described a disagreement in the design process that forced them to gather and present evidence to convince other group members that a specific design would be the most effective.
Realistically, students won’t use all eight practices in any given lab. But by my including all eight on the self-assessment tool, it didn’t reveal what I expected they would use;it provided me with valuable information.
I especially appreciate that this self-assessment tool can be easily adapted for other classroom activities. The engineering portion at the end could be modified to reflect the specific activity, or even removed to generate a very generic, but useful, tool.
I’ve found that creating this document has helped me remember to slow down and give students time to process. Inevitably I feel crunched for time in the classroom and over the course of the year. While I try to be intentional about designing multi-dimensional lessons, this document also has helped me remember, when I worry about having enough time for the lesson, to slow down and give students time to process what they’re learning. Asking them to identify what they’re doing helps them connect the content to the real world and provides relevance for what they’re learning about.
Andrea Ames
Andrea Ames teaches science in Washington. After five years of teaching middle school science, she transitioned to high school science and has taught biology, chemistry, and AP Biology for three years. Ames holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in teaching. She recently completed the University of Washington’s Teacher Leader certificate program and is a member of the Washington State Science Fellows network.
This article was featured in the October issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to access other articles from the September issue on assessing three-dimensional learning. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resources, professional learning opportunities, publications, ebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.
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2017 Fall Conferences
National Conference
One of the big shifts in the NGSS is the integration of Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) with Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) and Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs). In other words, content is not taught in isolation: The teacher consciously includes at least one other dimension. Sounds easy, right? In actuality, that’s easier said than done. Planning lessons that intentionally incorporate multiple dimensions can be really challenging and time-consuming.
By Cindy Workosky
Posted on 2017-10-24
Four years ago, when the other seventh-grade science teacher and I started redesigning our curriculum for the NGSS, we knew we would have to include engineering. At that time, my understanding of engineering was pretty limited. I knew that engineers use science to design solutions to problems and that there was an engineering design cycle that included design, build, test, revise. So that’s where we started.
In Kentucky, MS-PS3-2, 3, 4, and 5 are all designated as seventh-grade standards. We decided to bundle MS-PS3-2 and MS-PS3-5 and teach using the phenomenon of roller coasters. Our culminating project for this mini-unit was a student-designed paper roller coaster.
We started the unit by introducing roller coasters to our students, showing YouTube videos, and using an Imagineers website to build a virtual coaster. Then we taught about kinetic energy and potential energy and conducted activities to reinforce those ideas. Obviously, our NGSS strategies faltered then because the NGSS is supposed to shift instruction from “learning about” to “figuring out.” Since we’re focusing on engineering in this piece, we’ll just skip over that NGSS faux pas and move on (for now).
Once we felt the students had a thorough grounding in the disciplinary core ideas about roller coasters, we progressed to the “engineering task.” We had students define the problem by identifying criteria and constraints. Time, size, and materials were part of the constraints. Then we asked the students to design their own roller coaster using the “design, build, test, revise” cycle. The students immediately began constructing the roller coasters they had designed. They turned their design sketches into reality and constructed fun coasters without really considering the science behind the design.
It wasn’t until I dove into the EQuIP Rubric that I realized this might be a problem. (The EQuIP rubric can be used to see how well lessons or units are designed for the NGSS.) A.3 in Category I of the rubric states, “When engineering is a learning focus, it is integrated with developing disciplinary core ideas from physical, life, and/or Earth and space sciences.” As I pondered this, I realized that engineering activities in an NGSS classroom need to be rooted in core ideas from life, Earth, and/or physical science. This meant I needed to craft my engineering challenges to ensure that successful completion of them requires explicit application of one or more core ideas.
To salvage the roller coaster engineering project, we attempted to connect core ideas through student reflection on the process. We asked students about design choices they made and how those choices related to energy. We had students identify places in their build where they deliberately changed their coaster to increase or decrease kinetic energy. While this did shift the focus toward the science behind the design, I wasn’t satisfied.
Even after four years, we’re still struggling with how to create engineering design projects that challenge students to actively consider science through the design process. Often, even in the roller coaster project, students make changes based more on trial and error than on scientific thinking. I wish I could offer you a solution to this problem, but I have only a few untested suggestions.
My first suggestion is to start the engineering activity with the understanding that we will be discovering ideas about a specific science concept as we work through the engineering design process. If we prepare students with this expectation and keep returning to it, students will begin to internalize it as well.
One way to accomplish this is to have students complete some kind of daily reflection. We might ask
Setting the expectations that students will learn and use their learning, providing daily time for reflection, and encouraging productive classroom talk around the intersection of the science and engineering work may provide the catalyst we need to move trial-and-error engineering projects toward true NGSS-aligned engineering tasks.
David Grossman
David Grossman is a middle school science teacher in Kentucky. He has worked to support NGSS implementation in his school, district, and state. He is currently helping to develop/refine parts of Kentucky’s new science assessment system, and he serves on Achieve’s Peer Review Panel for NGSS-designed lessons and units.
This article was featured in the October issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to access other articles from the September issue on assessing three-dimensional learning. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resources, professional learning opportunities, publications, ebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.
Future NSTA Conferences
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National Conference
Four years ago, when the other seventh-grade science teacher and I started redesigning our curriculum for the NGSS, we knew we would have to include engineering. At that time, my understanding of engineering was pretty limited. I knew that engineers use science to design solutions to problems and that there was an engineering design cycle that included design, build, test, revise. So that’s where we started.
By Cindy Workosky
Posted on 2017-10-24
As our first-grade class was returning to our classroom after recess, a learner directed our attention to our school’s newest retaining wall. He asked, “Why is the wall always falling apart on that side?”
A rich discussion began, and we agreed to add his question to the “Wondering Chart” we had started in our classroom at the beginning of the year. The chart now had quite a few Earth, life, and physical science questions. We had answered some questions, but still needed to answer, investigate, and explore others. A few questions had also been edited for clarity.
The collapsing wall question was the first engineering question on our chart, and I considered using an inquiry approach to answer it. I hoped to create opportunities for learners to investigate engineering design. As the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) states, “Although engineering design is not a lock-step process, it is helpful to think of it in three stages—defining the problem, developing possible solutions, and determining which best solves the problem.”
Our first-grade professional learning community (PLC) had planned to begin an integrated unit on waves that same week. We would approach the NGSS first-grade topic through music, art, poetry, and literature. The students would have an opportunity to plan design some investigations, and would make observations with sound and light waves. We became very involved with the new unit, and learners became involved in exploring light and sound waves.
As the unit progressed, we began to add vocabulary words to our classroom vernacular. First graders discussed vibrations, radiating concentric circles, wavelength, amplitude, and frequency. After examining the famous artwork The Great Wave by the Japanese artist Hokusai, we began to discuss force, tsunamis, and curves.
As the learning facilitator, I was interested in the connections students would make in this new unit. Would first graders successfully access this new information? Would they be able to represent their learning? Would they use this information purposefully? Would the learning be extended?
I discovered the answers during the least structured time of the day: “choice time,” a time deliberately set aside for community collaboration and exploration. Learners choose an activity, whom they want to work with, and what materials they use, and must manage their time accordingly.
Choice time is an extension of the day’s learning that allows for long-term discoveries. Typically engagement is high, and a purposeful intention is present. It is a time for the teacher to serve as observer, assistant, or recorder, not as instructor.
During the wave unit’s choice time, one group was particularly interested in building walls with paper cups. They spent days building together and exploring the cups’ properties. They began to design plans in advance, and wondered about curved walls and straight walls. Noticing the cups’ shape, some students inquired about circles and concentric circles. For an entire month, , wall building was our choice-time activity.
First-grade engineers built high walls, low walls, curved walls, straight walls, walls with waves, and circular walls. Some walls were able to stand; some collapsed. This exploration and investigation was led by learners’ pure curiosity. They were excited to discover which wall wouldn’t collapse, and posed questions when walls did.
At month’s end, one student voiced a conjecture for the original question about the crumbling playground wall. He believed the small curve could not be strong enough. He demonstrated a support system that might be used to enhance the wall. His classmates were enthusiastic about his idea. We posted it on our wonder chart: “Support might help the wall.”
These students defined a problem, experimented with possible solutions, and determined an effective one for the crumbling playground wall. They used their choice time to explore engineering design, and had worked collaboratively. They even used their knowledge of waves to explore wall structure.
By dedicating time for wonder, exploration, and discovery, classroom leaders can provide opportunities for all learners to gain new knowledge.
Susan Koch
Susan Koch is a first grade teacher at Union Elementary School in Montpelier, Vermont. She is a 2017 Grosvenor Teacher Fellow and in 2016 was named the Vermont Teacher of the Year. Contact her at or via Twitter: @SusanKochVT
This article was featured in the October issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to access other articles from the September issue on assessing three-dimensional learning. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resources, professional learning opportunities, publications, ebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.
Future NSTA Conferences
2017 Fall Conferences
National Conference
As our first-grade class was returning to our classroom after recess, a learner directed our attention to our school’s newest retaining wall. He asked, “Why is the wall always falling apart on that side?”
By Cindy Workosky
Posted on 2017-10-24
To support the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Middle School Engineering Design, we have three goals for our students: to define problems accurately, design the best solution using a rigorous process, and evaluate and improve their designs based on evidence. When guiding our students to meet these goals, we first use various video clips, articles, and flow charts to introduce them to the steps of the engineering design process (EDP).
We then use a template we developed and have the students complete it as they work through the EDP during a project. The template divides the EDP into seven steps: identify the problem, gather information (including scientific principles, criteria, and constraints), brainstorm possible solutions, select the best solution, make a model, test and evaluate, and refine and release (see diagram). We use the same student template for all of our middle school design projects to provide consistency for our students.
Our goal is to give our students opportunities to practice engineering skills like engineers do in the real world. Real engineers collaborate with other engineers, scientists, and architects to develop, test, and refine their designs. Since the EDP depends on successful collaboration and communication, our students always work in groups to develop their design solutions.
We use many different types of data to form student groups based on students’ needs. In our seventh- and eighth-grade science classes, we used reading and math MAP data, pre-test data, behavior data, and formative assessment data to group students for the engineering design projects. This process sets the groups up for success. Sometimes we create homogenous groups, and sometimes heterogenous groups, depending on student needs. In one of the eighth-grade design units, we used heterogenous grouping, which allowed each group to have a high-achieving, high-medium, medium-low, and low-achieving student participant. During the unit, students were engaged, communicating, and making progress on the student template while coaching one another through the different steps of the EDP (see picture above).
During a unit on forces and interactions, seventh-grade students applied Newton’s Third Law to design a solution to a problem involving the motion of two colliding objects. Students had to solve the problem of increased traffic injuries due to vehicle collisions. The challenge was to protect a passenger (a raw egg) that rolled down a steep ramp and collided into a wall.
We gave the students wheels and axles; some basic materials like cardboard, rubber bands, and cotton balls; and tools to use, like hot glue guns and utility knives. We also enforced some regulations to ensure a real-life engineering experience and realistic design solutions. For example, the students could not use kits, and all materials had to be modified. The egg had to be able to “see” where it’s going and easily enter and exit the vehicle like a real driver would. The students were very excited about building their vehicles, which is why the student template was necessary to ensure they completed each step of the EDP thoroughly.
During the project, the students determined the importance of the problem, applied the science of Newton’s Third Law to their solution, identified criteria and constraints, and evaluated possible solutions. While the students were building their prototypes, they used the ramp and wall to test their solutions and refined their designs as they worked. Once their prototype was finished, the teacher conducted an official crash test, and the students evaluated their solution based on the results.
During a unit on human impacts , eighth-grade students worked together to apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment. Each group chose one of the six major human impacts as their focus: climate change, habitat destruction, invasive species, overpopulation, pollution, and overexploitation of resources. As a group, they identified the problem and those affected by it, and the reason it is important to solve or minimize.
The groups communicated about the effects on the environment and the needs of society. They researched how humans have contributed to the problem and its effect on resource availability. They also identified the criteria and constraints relevant to their problem. While the students were brainstorming possible solutions, they showed real creativity and ingenuity. In this particular unit, the students didn’t actually build a prototype, but instead developed a blueprint diagram that allowed them to be as creative as possible without limitations.
The students enjoyed the flexibility and freedom that this project offered, and it was a wonderful experience for us because we were able to see our students successfully draw, explain, and act out their solutions. After completing their blueprint, they identified the strengths and weaknesses of their solution and designed ways to improve and refine it. When teaching the NGSS, teachers have many opportunities that allow for student choice and ownership of their learning. The students’ finished designs are a true testament to the success of the NGSS in the classroom (see pictures below).
Sean Gormley has been teaching science for 15 years in the Chicago area. Cathy Boland is a fifth-year middle school science teacher in Skokie, Illinois. Together they have presented their expertise with NGSS at both the Skokie district and Niles Township inservices and at the Illinois Science Teacher Association, Northern Illinois Science Educators, and Illinois Science Educators conferences. Both serve on their district NGSS Leadership Team, which was showcased in the district newsletter for NGSS implementation. Gormley serves as Science Department Chair for his district, and Boland is very active on Twitter, sharing resources and moderating NGSS science teacher accounts (@MsBoland_SD735).
This article was featured in the October issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to access other articles from the September issue on assessing three-dimensional learning. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resources, professional learning opportunities, publications, ebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.
Future NSTA Conferences
2017 Fall Conferences
National Conference
To support the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Middle School Engineering Design, we have three goals for our students: to define problems accurately, design the best solution using a rigorous process, and evaluate and improve their designs based on evidence. When guiding our students to meet these goals, we first use various video clips, articles, and flow charts to introduce them to the steps of the engineering design process (EDP).