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Research and Teaching

STEM Bridge Program

Underrepresented Minority Students’ Perceptions of Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program Impact

Journal of College Science Teaching—July/August 2021 (Volume 50, Issue 6)

By Anna Brady and Dorinda Gallant

We explored underrepresented minority (URM) students’ perceptions of the merit and worth of a summer STEM bridge program. The Ohio State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program facilitated a three-week residential program for three consecutive summers with the goal of social and academic integration of first-year URM students into the Ohio State University. We were interested in understanding students’ perception of the impact of the bridge program. Through qualitative data analysis, our findings revealed five impacts of the program: acclimation to college, confidence, self-awareness, connections with others, and college preparation. In addition to exploring students’ perception of the program impacts, we asked students to identify elements of the program that were most beneficial and elements of the program to change. Our findings revealed that students found the introduction to college, facilitation of connections, and autonomy to be the most beneficial aspects of the program. Interestingly, students disagreed on elements of the bridge program to change. In light of our findings, we highlight the importance of ongoing evaluations of bridge programs, particularly evaluations that emphasize students’ perceptions of the impact of programs.


We explored underrepresented minority (URM) students’ perceptions of the merit and worth of a summer STEM bridge program. The Ohio State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program facilitated a three-week residential program for three consecutive summers with the goal of social and academic integration of first-year URM students into the Ohio State University. We were interested in understanding students’ perception of the impact of the bridge program.
We explored underrepresented minority (URM) students’ perceptions of the merit and worth of a summer STEM bridge program. The Ohio State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program facilitated a three-week residential program for three consecutive summers with the goal of social and academic integration of first-year URM students into the Ohio State University. We were interested in understanding students’ perception of the impact of the bridge program.

Research and Teaching

A Novel Rubric Format for Providing Feedback on Process Skills to STEM Undergraduate Students

Journal of College Science Teaching—July/August 2021 (Volume 50, Issue 6)

By Doug Czajka, Gil Reynders, Courtney Stanford, Renée Cole, Juliette Lantz, and Suzanne Ruder

To improve student process-skill development, a novel type of rubric was developed that goes beyond a typical analytic rubric by providing detailed feedback to students. Process skills are transferable skills such as information processing, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork; these skills are necessary for success in all STEM courses as well as in the workforce. In addition to the categories and descriptors commonly found in rubrics, these “feedback-style” rubrics also contain observable characteristics and suggestions for improvement. The observable characteristics provide specific criteria to look for when assessing students’ written work or group interactions. The suggestions for improvement are intended to promote a growth mindset in students and help them further progress in their development of each skill. In a large-enrollment class, undergraduate teaching assistants (UTA) used the feedback rubrics to rate student skills while students also self-assessed their skills. The results of our statistical analysis indicate that after the feedback rubrics were provided to students, their subsequent self-assessments became more similar to the UTA scores. These rubrics can be used in STEM disciplines at multiple course levels to assess and provide feedback to students on their skill development.


To improve student process-skill development, a novel type of rubric was developed that goes beyond a typical analytic rubric by providing detailed feedback to students. Process skills are transferable skills such as information processing, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork; these skills are necessary for success in all STEM courses as well as in the workforce. In addition to the categories and descriptors commonly found in rubrics, these “feedback-style” rubrics also contain observable characteristics and suggestions for improvement.
To improve student process-skill development, a novel type of rubric was developed that goes beyond a typical analytic rubric by providing detailed feedback to students. Process skills are transferable skills such as information processing, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork; these skills are necessary for success in all STEM courses as well as in the workforce. In addition to the categories and descriptors commonly found in rubrics, these “feedback-style” rubrics also contain observable characteristics and suggestions for improvement.

Research and Teaching

Early Exposure to Primary Literature and Interactions With Scientists Influences Novice Students’ Views on the Nature of Science

Journal of College Science Teaching—July/August 2021 (Volume 50, Issue 6)

By Kelly M. Schmid, Ryan D. P. Dunk, and Jason R. Wiles

Postsecondary science faculty often hope to help students to better understand science through engagement with primary research literature. Undergraduates in courses focused on reading and discussion of research literature, along with interactions with scientists, encounter many of the major elements of the Nature of Science (NOS). We explored whether participation in such a course may impact students’ (N = 12) NOS understandings, even though the course did not include explicit, intentional NOS instruction. Students’ qualitative responses to questions from the VNOS-C administered before and after the course suggested that participation in this course was associated with shifts in students’ NOS perceptions in three areas: (1) from the idea that science is universal to the idea that science is influenced by society and culture; (2) in students’ self-definition of science—from a single linear process to a more iterative field of shared, varied methodologies; and (3) in what ways they viewed science to be creative—from experimental design only to also including interpretation and communication of results. Results suggest that engaging with primary research literature and interacting with scientists fosters development of students’ understandings of the tools and products and the human elements of science, but development of other elements may require targeted instruction.


Postsecondary science faculty often hope to help students to better understand science through engagement with primary research literature. Undergraduates in courses focused on reading and discussion of research literature, along with interactions with scientists, encounter many of the major elements of the Nature of Science (NOS). We explored whether participation in such a course may impact students’ (N = 12) NOS understandings, even though the course did not include explicit, intentional NOS instruction.
Postsecondary science faculty often hope to help students to better understand science through engagement with primary research literature. Undergraduates in courses focused on reading and discussion of research literature, along with interactions with scientists, encounter many of the major elements of the Nature of Science (NOS). We explored whether participation in such a course may impact students’ (N = 12) NOS understandings, even though the course did not include explicit, intentional NOS instruction.

Research and Teaching

Faculty Learning at the Individual and Group Level

A Multi-Year Analysis of an Interdisciplinary Science Faculty Learning Community Focused on Inclusive Teaching and Mentoring

Journal of College Science Teaching—July/August 2021 (Volume 50, Issue 6)

By Rachel A. Hirst, Karen L. Anderson, Becky Wai-Ling Packard, Louis J. Liotta, Bronwyn H. Bleakley, Pamela J. Lombardi, and Kristin C. Burkholder

Unaware of the diverse challenges faced by students, faculty can unintentionally create environments that discourage student persistence especially for students who are historically underrepresented in STEM. However, through inclusive teaching and mentoring practices, faculty can construct a positive classroom climate that contributes to students’ sense of belonging and persistence in STEM. Faculty learning communities (FLCs) provide a potential mechanism for providing faculty support in developing and successfully implementing inclusive practices. In this article, we describe (a) the implementation of a FLC focused on inclusive teaching and mentoring practices among science faculty across disciplines and ranks, (b) how participation in this multiyear, interdisciplinary FLC contributed to changes at the individual and group levels, including changes in faculty knowledge, skills, and implementation of inclusive teaching and mentoring practices, and (c) the ways in which the FLC fostered accountability for both individual and group goals. Implications for future initiatives designed to support science education reform through individual and institutional change are discussed.


Unaware of the diverse challenges faced by students, faculty can unintentionally create environments that discourage student persistence especially for students who are historically underrepresented in STEM. However, through inclusive teaching and mentoring practices, faculty can construct a positive classroom climate that contributes to students’ sense of belonging and persistence in STEM. Faculty learning communities (FLCs) provide a potential mechanism for providing faculty support in developing and successfully implementing inclusive practices.
Unaware of the diverse challenges faced by students, faculty can unintentionally create environments that discourage student persistence especially for students who are historically underrepresented in STEM. However, through inclusive teaching and mentoring practices, faculty can construct a positive classroom climate that contributes to students’ sense of belonging and persistence in STEM. Faculty learning communities (FLCs) provide a potential mechanism for providing faculty support in developing and successfully implementing inclusive practices.


STEM Education Within the West Point Experience

Journal of College Science Teaching—July/August 2021 (Volume 50, Issue 6)

By Carolann Koleci, Eileen Kowalski, and Kenneth McDonald

At conferences or meetings, West Point faculty are often asked, “What’s it like to teach at West Point?” To answer this question we present the unique model that West Point uses to bridge traditional higher education and the United States Army. The West Point model stems from its mission to develop cadets as leaders of character who are prepared to be the future leaders of the U.S. Army. To fulfill the mission, cadets meet physical and military requirements, in addition to earning a Bachelor of Science degree. Here we discuss how the West Point student body, curriculum, and mission affect courses and opportunities in STEM.


At conferences or meetings, West Point faculty are often asked, “What’s it like to teach at West Point?” To answer this question we present the unique model that West Point uses to bridge traditional higher education and the United States Army. The West Point model stems from its mission to develop cadets as leaders of character who are prepared to be the future leaders of the U.S. Army. To fulfill the mission, cadets meet physical and military requirements, in addition to earning a Bachelor of Science degree.
At conferences or meetings, West Point faculty are often asked, “What’s it like to teach at West Point?” To answer this question we present the unique model that West Point uses to bridge traditional higher education and the United States Army. The West Point model stems from its mission to develop cadets as leaders of character who are prepared to be the future leaders of the U.S. Army. To fulfill the mission, cadets meet physical and military requirements, in addition to earning a Bachelor of Science degree.


Windows on the Inquiry Classroom

A Pedagogic Field Laboratory for Exploring Teaching and Learning of Heat, Temperature, and Energy

Journal of College Science Teaching—July/August 2021 (Volume 50, Issue 6)

By Christopher F. Bauer and Julia Y. K. Chan

A complete video and documentary record of an inquiry-based nonscience majors’ course has been captured (the “Fire and Ice” Collection). Every moment of 27 class sessions may be observed from several points of view (instructor, students, and graduate interns) in synchronized 10-minute video segments, daily reflections, or periodic focus groups. The collection is like an ecological field site—a pedagogic field laboratory—for science teachers, teacher educators, and STEM education researchers to explore. The course addresses the perception, movement, creation, and application of the concepts of heat and temperature, and the historical development of these ideas. The pedagogic design features small student working groups, hands-on activities for exploration of phenomena, generation of questions, building of mental models based on the particulate nature of matter and molecular structure/property relationships, and linking these models into areas of application involving everyday materials and issues. The documentation available includes all instructor scripts, assignments, student work products, and class materials. The Fire and Ice Pedagogic Field Laboratory offers a source of materials and ideas for teaching about energy, an authentic example of inquiry teaching and learning, a resource for professional development, and a database for research.


A complete video and documentary record of an inquiry-based nonscience majors’ course has been captured (the “Fire and Ice” Collection). Every moment of 27 class sessions may be observed from several points of view (instructor, students, and graduate interns) in synchronized 10-minute video segments, daily reflections, or periodic focus groups. The collection is like an ecological field site—a pedagogic field laboratory—for science teachers, teacher educators, and STEM education researchers to explore.
A complete video and documentary record of an inquiry-based nonscience majors’ course has been captured (the “Fire and Ice” Collection). Every moment of 27 class sessions may be observed from several points of view (instructor, students, and graduate interns) in synchronized 10-minute video segments, daily reflections, or periodic focus groups. The collection is like an ecological field site—a pedagogic field laboratory—for science teachers, teacher educators, and STEM education researchers to explore.

Point of View

Getting Started in SoTL Research

Working as a Team

Journal of College Science Teaching—July/August 2021 (Volume 50, Issue 6)

By Emily Faulconer

Getting started in SoTL research can seem daunting. Working with a team can increase support and productivity. This article explores roles in SoTL research teams, how to identify research projects, and pacing projects to maintain a pipeline. Teamwork will divide the workload and develop a community for support in navigating hurdles and celebrating successes.


Getting started in SoTL research can seem daunting. Working with a team can increase support and productivity. This article explores roles in SoTL research teams, how to identify research projects, and pacing projects to maintain a pipeline. Teamwork will divide the workload and develop a community for support in navigating hurdles and celebrating successes.


Getting started in SoTL research can seem daunting. Working with a team can increase support and productivity. This article explores roles in SoTL research teams, how to identify research projects, and pacing projects to maintain a pipeline. Teamwork will divide the workload and develop a community for support in navigating hurdles and celebrating successes.




Bridging the Gap Between Scientists and the Public

Connected Science Learning May-June 2021 (Volume 3, Issue 3)

By Suzanne Thurston

Bridging the Gap Between Scientists and the Public


The Engaged Scientist

Using Cogenerative Dialogues to Improve High School Students’ Internships With Scientists

Connected Science Learning May-June 2021 (Volume 3, Issue 3)

By Pei-Ling Hsu

Using Cogenerative Dialogues to Improve High School Students’ Internships With Scientists

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