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The Eclipse Brings Science to Students and Society

By Christine Royce

Posted on 2017-08-30

As the darkness of totality approached, the birds grew quiet, the crickets started to chirp, and the students started to cheer. At least where I was at Hallsville Middle School in Hallsville, MO during the Solar Eclipse 2017. I need to send a special shout out to Susan German who is the 8th grade teacher at Hallsville and a longtime friend and colleague. Back in the spring when I started to consider where I would go for the eclipse – she said, “Come to Missouri. You can stay with me and either go into town which would be Columbia, MO or come spend the day with my eighth graders.” The same offer was made to another friend Bev Devore Wedding and there was no doubt about it – the excitement for both seeing friends AND the eclipse is what was the conversation throughout the summer. The expectant excitement for the eclipse however was nothing compared to the actual excitement experienced by students and adults alike. While constantly surveying the crowd of students prior to totality to ensure eclipse glasses were being worn correctly, glancing upwards with my own glasses, and trying to take photos of shadow bands which never did appear in our location due to overcast conditions, it occurred to me for a single moment during totality – I had tears in my eyes. Apparently, I, my friends, and Susan’s students were not alone in this characterization.

Friend, colleague, and astronomer, Phil Plait who writes for the Slate and is also known for his writings titled “Bad Astronomy” states at the beginning of Episode 5 of the Crash Course in Astronomy that he has “friends who tell me that seeing a total solar eclipse is literally life-changing; the serene beauty and majestic clockwork motion of the cosmos unfolding above you is transformative, showing you viscerally the connection between you and other objects in the Universe.” This feeling seemed to permeate throughout the United States as August 21, 2017 grew closer and closer.

Excitement for the Eclipse

The last solar eclipse that appeared in the United States occurred on February 26, 1979 but that was only visible across part of the United States and a partial one at that. I was not yet a teenager at that point and do remember the eclipse but not the excitement that surrounded this one. The 2017 Eclipse is the first one in ninety-nine years to traverse the entire continental US from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Since that point in time, science and technology has advanced, new questions have arisen, and the media had helped to promote the eclipse. From the scientific perspective, NASA was going to launch weather balloons to study the eclipse from 100,000 feet. They asked citizens across the country to participate in Citizen Science activities and submit data. And NASA sent two jets to track the eclipse along the path of totality and capture data about the corona by creating a time-lapse video. The eclipse even merited its own website to keep people apprised of information.

As the date drew closer, the issue seemed to be the last-minute science (well at least eclipse) convertees who now needed a way to view this safely – the issue how to obtain a pair of the elusive eclipse eyewear over the weekend. I was fortunate, Susan had been working towards this day since January. She had eclipse glasses, had arranged in some fundraising manner to provide glasses for the students at her school, and even was able to cover some additional groups for cost. In following the news outlets, it was evident that other schools across the country were just as excited. A quick search indicated that many schools across the country had arranged for eclipse glasses for their students so that they could experience this opportunity. Teachers became even more creative than normal in ensuring that their students had glasses. Canyon Springs STEM Academy in Anthem, Arizona had a teacher who was surprised when the price went up and managed to get the additional funds through a crowdfunding account. Twin Falls Idaho School District paid for glasses for their students since school was in session. These and many other districts were fortunate in the fact that they were able to obtain glasses that met the safety specifications for the eclipse. Other districts were not as fortunate when the glasses they purchased were either recalled or found to miss the safety standard. Still other districts made a decision that restricted teachers from taking students outside during the eclipse and required them to remain indoors for safety reasons.

Eclipse Day

Many schools such as Hallsville Middle School had activities planned for their students that engaged them in the science of the day. Fifth grade students had activities such as making sun tea and observations planned by Betsy Haag O’Day while eighth grade students were creating sundials to determine how the length of the shadow changes throughout the day to determining what types of materials protect the skin from UV rays to solar ovens to cook smores. Many districts were featured on local television stations discussing what they would be doing during the event. For example, Hillsborough County Public Schools in Florida had a featured spot on their local Fox channel and included activities on their website for parents who wanted to experience the eclipse with their children at home. David Evans, Executive Director for NSTA relayed his experiences in Glendo, Wyoming where the Glendo School opened its school location to people who were participating in the Sky and Telescope Eclipse Viewing Trip. A K-8 school with only sixty-two students and once science teacher shared their location with others from around the country. Other school districts which included Randall Johnson’s school in Nebraska also opened their doors to neighboring states and schools. They hosted students from Colorado.

In the end, those who had the opportunity to experience it will never forget it. Students will have learned more about the sun, earth, moon system; teachers will have used natural phenomena to teach; and citizens across the country will have come together for science. Google engaged people in a Citizen Science Project called the 2017 Eclipse Megamovie. While it’s not totally the same to see twilight hit and the shadow to fall before darkness encroaches for a mere couple of minutes, it is definitely a way to remember the day and event.

Note: Solar eclipse photos in this blog posting are used with permission from Robert Sparks. If you want to see more of his amazing astronomical photos, follow him on Twitter @halfastro

Thanks Susan German for the opportunity for totality and outstanding students.

Christine Anne Royce is NSTA’s President Elect and a professor of education at Shippensburg University, where she also serves as department chair. Email her at or follow her on twitter @caroyce.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Eclipse report from preschool

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2017-08-30

A total solar eclipse is seen on Monday, August 21, 2017 above Madras, Oregon. (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

While some elementary, middle, and high schools required all students to remain indoors with window blinds drawn so no light could enter during the August 21 solar eclipse, other schools planned science experiences to safely view the solar eclipse and at least one district secured “eclipse glasses” for all students and staff and had over 90% of parents submit online permission slips. Indoor viewing included watching live streaming from NASA, now archived for later viewing. Some communities have cultural reasons for observing the solar eclipse by remaining indoors, not because they hold misconceptions about eclipses

Guest blogger Anne Lowry teaches preschool in Reno, Nevada. She has been teaching for over twenty years, drawing on her undergraduate background in archeology and geology and her masters in early childhood education, to create a classroom full of inquiry.

Welcome Anne!

The August 2017 solar eclipse was a once in a life time event for many people in the continental United Sates.   The challenge of this eclipse was to prepare my pre-K class in a manner relevant to them, for an event which could not be re-experienced, though it could be revisited. And I had just three school days to do it.  

I live in Reno, Nevada, where we were predicted to have 83% coverage. Though children in northern Nevada, which has high UV and many sunny days, are taught early on about the dangers of looking directly at the sun, we decided to focus on the viewing the eclipse indirectly.  This shifted the attention away from looking directly at the sun, but rather observing the effects of the light. My preschool decided that make our own indirect  projectors, though we did have a pair of solar viewing glasses available for teachers to use with students one on one (few children chose this option). Being aware of different cultural responses to the sun, as well as safety concerns, we offered our families a chance to “opt-out” of their child taking part in the actual eclipse viewing. One family chose this option. We also had several parents who stayed to watch the eclipse with their child.


Child testing indirect solar viewer using a flashlightMy pre-K students were aware of the eclipse and took part in many class activities in preparation.  They learned an eclipse song* to introduce the basic mechanics of the moon, earth, and sun; it is still a class favorite! The class spent a lot of time decorating, then practicing, with their backs to the sun, holding the tubes over their shoulder and aimed at the ground where the image of the sun would be projected. My students worked together with flashlights as they created and played with models, assigning responsibilities, saying “You be the sun and hold the flashlight here.  I’ll be the moon and move between the earth and sun.” Still using flashlights, the students created shadows from various objects and watched how the shadows changed with the flashlight angle. The students discussed the differences between night and day, focusing on comparative pairs.

Graphic model on graph paper of eclipse percentage

Model drawn on graph paper of eclipse percentage.

My class was curious about the percentage of sun being covered by the moon. 83% is a complex concept for preschoolers. We covered up 83% of a flashlight opening but drawing on graph paper made the concept more understandable. We practiced counting to ten horizontally and vertically, and then counted by 10’s to 100, pretending that was the entire surface of the sun  Then we counted to eighty, marking off the graph paper, and added the three, showing how much of the moon would block the sun. 

During our eclipse preparations the children were reminded about eclipse safety through two approaches.  In the first, we discussed that scientists use their tools correctly.  The second was a reminder as to how we stay sun safe every day.   

On Monday morning, as the eclipse was just starting, the class reviewed their predictions:

“We will see lots of stars”

“I bet we are going to hear crickets” 

“It’s going to be too light to see owls”

“We might hear coyotes”

“We might run into each other on the playground, it would be so dark.  That would be silly!”

The class followed their regular morning schedule, going outside a little before 10 rather than the usual 10:30.  Through the north-facing classroom windows, the students watched, commenting that they could see the shadows better, but the sky wasn’t getting any darker.  The students had a special challenge that day; they could take classroom objects outside to see what kind of eclipse shadows would be made.  The students aimed for objects with holes, such as colanders from the class home center (and my cheese grater from home).

The students repeated those comments when we went outside.  They tried their tube viewers, pointing them at the ground to view an image of the sun, and paper pinhole viewers also aimed at the ground, but found the various colander shadows to be much more dramatic. The shape of the sun’s image seen in the colander shadows drew their attention to other places the sun’s image was visible in shadows on the playground, beginning a crescent shaped scavenger hunt.

The class reflected upon the experience over the next several days. 

  • The sky didn’t darken much more than it does in late afternoon.  
  • We didn’t hear crickets, owls or coyotes like we usually do during night time. 
  • Our school bunny seemed to be more interested in the fresh carrots than the occurrence of the eclipse. 
  • No one heard the baby quail or the grown up quail which had been seen on the previous Friday (perhaps they had been “followed” by children (chased) a bit too much that day).

One specific phenomenon continued to puzzle my students. Looking at the 83% totality graphic, they had predicted that the sky would get very dark, but the sky barely darkened at all. One child’s face lit up as he thought it through and explained it to his classmates.

“It didn’t get dark because it wasn’t the whole sun.  The sun wasn’t wearing sunglasses. The sun didn’t get dark like the sky.  The light was just being squeezed to one side like when I put my finger on the hose!” 

Heads nodded. That made sense. But then another boy came up with a new question,

”When we do that in the garden (meaning the finger on the hose) the water goes faster. Did the light go faster?”

We are still working on how to answer that one. I’m arguing for writing to an astronomer; the students are working on framing their question as a search engine question.

Child constructing long cardboard tube to test passage of lightBut this question highlights what my students gained from the eclipse. They now view themselves as scientists. They researched a topic, asked questions, gathered information, and reviewed their questions and asked new ones. These new questions are serving as a springboard for additional explorations. Through discussions large and small, and as individuals, we have worked all of our questions back to a central idea: exploring light, especially how light affects objects. One child is investigating why a flashlight beam shone through cardboard tubes looks dimmer when he attaches more tubes together. Next week, he wants to add “shiny stuff” to the insides because “shiny things make the light bounce into my eyes. It will bounce in the tube and be longer”.

Several students are intrigued by the concepts of opaqueness and translucence. One child has been taking the flashlights around the room, seeing which objects are opaque and translucent. He said he wants to make a ruler (meaning a scale) of the translucent objects, from “I can’t see my hand Exploring reflection of light from a flashlightthrough it” to “I see the flashlight through it.” Another child wants to find out how objects use the sunlight without getting burned. She thinks color will be important because “plants make food from the sun and plants are green.” Other children are observing how light reflects off surfaces.

Using the eclipse as a springboard, my students have become scientists. They are developing the habit of curiosity, which is highly valued in our class which has as one of the precepts, “Did you ask a good question today?” 


*Eclipse Song

(To the tune of “Nighttime Animals” by colleague Jen Healey)  

When the moon comes between the earth and sun

a solar eclipse has begun

It’s going to take a while; it starts to get dark

Baily’s beads are bright like a spark

Then the sun comes out on other side

Takes some time as the moon’s so wide

When the moon comes between the earth and sun

a solar eclipse has begun

(Alternative ending)

When the moon moves away from the earth and sun

a solar eclipse is now done

A total solar eclipse is seen on Monday, August 21, 2017 above Madras, Oregon. (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)


Middle school botanists

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2017-08-30

I see many good activities for middle school involving plants, but what if students already did something similar at the elementary level? I don’t want to spend time on duplicate activities or get the eye-roll “we already did this.” —M., Arizona

I posed this question to a middle school biology teacher. His students came from several elementary schools, so it was hard for him to determine what activities they did at those levels. When he surveyed his students, he found that many had never grown plants from seeds or it was part of a once-and-done observation activity

He turned traditional plant-growing activities into investigations by encouraging additional questions and incorporating scientific practices and crosscutting concepts. For example, he guided students beyond descriptive observations toward a more robust approach to experimental research—variables, experimental and control groups, measurement, graphing, basic statistical analysis. The students shared their data electronically, creating a database of their measurements and discussing discrepant data. They differentiated between observations and inferences when describing their results.

He concluded that embedding new experiences and elaborations within the context of a familiar activity helped students to focus on higher levels of thinking. And for some of his students, the “aha” of watching plants grow was a new experience.

A colleague from an e-mail list suggested Planting Science. It looks like a good resource on science methods and worth browsing even if you don’t formally participate in their projects.

Who knows where a new-found interest in plants will lead? In some schools, future botanists and horticulturists have expanded their investigations into school gardening or hydroponics.






I see many good activities for middle school involving plants, but what if students already did something similar at the elementary level? I don’t want to spend time on duplicate activities or get the eye-roll “we already did this.” —M., Arizona


Collaborating to Improve Performance Expectations

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2017-08-28

Jessica Tetreault and I were the only two middle school teachers at a recent conference, so we were paired to create a common performance assessment that we could both use with our students in the coming months. She volunteered to share an assessment on gravity that her students recently completed, as I was about to start my unit on gravity and scale in the universe. I didn’t know it then, but collaborating with Jess would improve the entire instructional sequence, not just the performance assessment. Working with Jess made planning easier, enjoyable, and more effective.

Jess explained her performance assessment. After discovering what their weight would be on different planets, students choose three planets to focus on: Earth, a planet they weigh less on, and a planet they weigh more on. Then they create scale, paper models of three planets. Finally, they write an explanation for why their weight changes using claim, evidence, and reasoning.

We then did a deep analysis of the performance expectation (MS-PS2-4) and how well the performance assessment matched it. Talking through the unit goals helped us understand the performance expectation more clearly, as we were able to share and reflect on ideas and discuss the three dimensions of the performance expectation. In addition, since Jess had just taught about gravity, she was able to share some concepts students struggle with, as well as give tips about how to challenge students who need a push. Through our discussions, we decided that we wanted the performance assessment to more strongly emphasize the effect of mass on gravity. So we tweaked it to include a graph showing the masses of the planets.

We would meet again in a few months; in the meantime, I gave the assessment to my students so we could evaluate the performance assessment. To be honest, I thought it would not work for me because I don’t exude as much enthusiasm as Jess does. I was worried that her personality was part of why the students got hooked.

As soon as my students began their work, though, I heard them say, “What?” and “Look at how much I weigh on Jupiter!” They were engaged. While they worked on their scale models of the planets, several groups sneakily tried to change the scale for different planets. When I asked why, they said because Jupiter was too big! They encountered a similar difficulty when they worked on their graphs showing the masses of the planets. Including Jupiter in their graph meant that they could barely show the masses of the inner planets on it. Through this performance task, the abstract concepts of gravity and scale in our universe became tangible to them.

When Jess and I met again, we examined our students’ work. We agreed that adding the graph had helped students understand the effect of mass on gravity. They could see the correlation between planetary mass and students’ weights. We then made one more significant change to the assessment for future use. To emphasize the concept of gravity as an attractive force, students will be asked to include force arrows between the planet and a person standing on the planet’s surface. These arrows must be at the same scale for all planets.

I feel so grateful to have met this talented teacher from across the state. We were able to improve the performance assessment through several iterations, all within one year! On my own, it would have taken several years to make these adjustments to an assessment. My students experienced a project different from one I would have created on my own.

A bonus is that we have stayed in touch as we work on other units. We discovered that we make a great team, with Jess coming up with the great ideas and me working through some of the details. Though we’ve only met in person three times, I hope we continue working together for years to come.

Kate Jesdale

Kate Jesdale is a seventh and eighth grade teacher in Burlington, Vermont. She began teaching middle school science in 1999. She has a geology degree from Carleton College and a master’s degree in teaching from the University of Massachusetts Boston. She loves teaching middle school students and is always looking for real-world application of science concepts and opportunities to collaborate with colleagues.


This article was featured in the August issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to access other articles from the August issue on assessing three-dimensional learning. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.


The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Jessica Tetreault and I were the only two middle school teachers at a recent conference, so we were paired to create a common performance assessment that we could both use with our students in the coming months. She volunteered to share an assessment on gravity that her students recently completed, as I was about to start my unit on gravity and scale in the universe. I didn’t know it then, but collaborating with Jess would improve the entire instructional sequence, not just the performance assessment. Working with Jess made planning easier, enjoyable, and more effective.


Ed News: VR Is Great, But Here’s Why Hands-On Learning Can’t Disappear

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2017-08-25

News Roundup banner

This week in education news, hands-on learning can’t disappear; new data shows that the U.S. teaching force has grown by 13 percent in four years; STEM instruction offers workforce benefits beyond the traditional fields; a new survey shows more than 530 teacher vacancies in Oklahoma schools; new research suggests that opportunities for engaging diverse U.K. students outside of the science classroom are few and far between; many principals have very little knowledge of what the ESSA law actually means; and video gaming is changing education.

VR Is Great, But Here’s Why Hands-On Learning Can’t Disappear

With 80 percent of teachers reporting that they support the use of technology in the classroom, it is important to integrate tools that best fit with a child’s learning abilities, as well as school curriculum. With the help of technological tools and toys, children can now engage with worlds that they could have only experienced before in their dreams. However, we must find a way to teach children to utilize these tools to interact with the world around us, not just the digital world. Click here to read the article featured in eSchool News.

Teaching Force Growing Faster Than Student Enrollment Once Again

The number of U.S. teachers has grown by 13 percent in four years, according to new data from the federal government, and has far outpaced the rise in student enrollment over the same time period. The new data show that there were about 3.8 million K-12 public school teachers across the country in 2015-16. That’s up from about 3.4 million teachers in the 2011-12 school year. That jump is much larger than the increase in student enrollment over that time. Click here to read the article featured in Education Week.

STEM Instruction Offers Educational, Workforce Benefits Beyond Traditional Fields

With more jobs opening up requiring a background in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), industry leaders worry there will not be enough qualified applicants to fill the pool. K-12 and higher ed institutions have responded by focusing on building the education-to-workforce pipeline in these fields, and have often found there’s an added benefit. For students who end up in non-STEM careers, instruction in STEM still gives them the skills they need for college and career readiness. Click here to read the article featured in Education DIVE.

Going Old School

Students at St. Helen Catholic School in Vero Beach are in for a treat this year. Their middle school science teacher and department head of science, Giancarlo Cetrulo, is introducing a new way of teaching. It’s called argument-driven inquiry, a method he learned at a National Science Teachers Association fellowship last year sponsored by Lockheed Martin and the Bayer USA Foundation. Click here to read the article featured on

Survey Shows More Than 530 Teacher Vacancies In Oklahoma

A new survey shows Oklahoma schools are beginning a new year with more than 530 teacher vacancies and more than two-thirds of the state’s superintendents saying the teacher shortage is worse than last year. Click here to read the article by the Associated Press.

Fewer STEM Activities For Students From Diverse Backgrounds

According to research published in the International Journal of Science Education, opportunities for engaging diverse students outside of the science classroom are few and far between. Observing data from nearly 6,000 secondary schools in the U.K., researchers determined that students from less privileged backgrounds were less likely to attend science-related school trips or forums conducted by visitors from this concentration. Click here to read the article featured in Engineering 360.

Stemming The Tide Of Girls Leaving Science, Math

Aniyah Baker and Ahijah Corey are sixth-graders at Raymond Park Middle School in Indianapolis and, like the rest of the girls in their class, they love science. “All the girls are interested in science,” said Aniyah, who wants to be an engineer. “There are more girls than boys in our (science class).” While programming a computerized robot car at an all-girls STEM event last week, Aniyah and Ahijah said they’ve never had anyone tell them science, technology, engineering and math – STEM fields – aren’t for them. Not too long ago, that wouldn’t have been the case. Click here to read the article featured in the Indy Star.

On ESSA, Many Principals Have Little Idea What The Law Actually Means

One of the recurring themes from principals around ESSA implementation has been, “Well, I’m just going to wait for my superintendent to tell me what to do.” Actually, according to experts from the National Association of Elementary School Principals who shared at the 2017 National Principals Conference in Philadelphia and spoke on background for this article, the law was designed to be much more bottom-up than previous laws, and you should reach out to your superintendent with plans you’d like to see implemented in your school to help improve outcomes for all learners therein. Click here to read the article featured in Education DIVE.

Here’s What States Are Doing With Their ESSA Block Grant Money

The Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants—or Title IV of ESSA—only received about a quarter of the funding the law recommends, $400 million for the 2017-18 school year, when ESSA will be fully in place for the first time.To help get bigger bang for the fund’s considerably reduced buck, Congress gave states the option, for one year only, to give the money out through a competitive process, allowing for fewer, but more-ambitious projects. Click here to read the article featured in Education Week.

Believe The Hype! How Video Games Are Changing Education

To draw a parallel between video gaming and education may cause the more traditional educators to balk at the thought, but recent developments in the field of video game research reveal dramatic correlations between playing video games and the ability to learn. 1.2 billion people play video games worldwide. This is a rather significant portion of the population and if we ignore the negative consequences for the moment, which include addictive qualities and deprioritizing of school work, we can delve into the beneficial correlations between gaming and education. Click here to read the article featured in eSchool News.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

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The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Gravitational Interactions and 3-D Learning in Middle School

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2017-08-24

I recently embarked on a journey with K–8 teachers in Vermont to learn how to be intentional about planning for three-dimensional (3-D) learning in the classroom.

To begin our journey, we determined which NGSS performance expectations would be the focus of our instructional sequence. For each performance expectation, we identified the related Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs). We then determined our anchoring event and driving questions and identified possible student misconceptions related to gravity and space. During this process, I was able to work with other middle school science teachers who were going to teach gravity and space in the coming months. This collaboration with teachers outside of my district was powerful, as we all had different talents, and we were all able to excel in those areas while also addressing our weaknesses.

An example of the template used to determine PEs, DCIs, & CCCs  is shown below. (click here to view a full screen image of the chart)


To begin the unit, the task was set up to encourage students to grapple with the following driving question, which was our anchoring event: If humans were capable of traveling to planets in our solar system, would our weight change? Why or why not?.  It was amazing how many misconceptions were revealed as students discussed their ideas in a “gathering ideas scientist meeting,” arguing and supporting claims with information obtained from movies, books, and media and from the random thought process. When the scientist meeting concluded, with all student ideas exhausted and documented, students were asked to determine what information they needed to gather to develop a logical answer that was rooted in scientific knowledge, not fiction. Doing this helped the students take the lead in their own learning and enabled me to be a fearless facilitator.

Throughout the unit, students gathered evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses (and distances for those students that were ready to go above and beyond) between interacting objects. As the unit progressed, I was able to formatively assess student understanding through additional scientist meetings and one-on-one check-in sessions. For example, in a pre-write session, when I realized that a few of my students were struggling with making predictions about their weight on various planets in relation to their weight on Earth, I knew it was time for me to conference one-on-one to clear up misconceptions. To be sure of my conferencing efforts, I held a “making meaning scientist meeting,” so students were able to reach consensus about the factors influencing weight and thus gravity on various planets.

At the conclusion of the unit, through a summative assessment, students were able to analyze and interpret data to determine scale proportions of planets in the solar system that they would weigh more or less on compared to on Earth. First, students constructed a bar graph representing each planet in the solar system and its relative mass. Then, students drew scale models of these planets, and explained, using the model they created and the data associated with the planet, why their weight would change.

<insert images of student work> Examples of student work (Each piece shown below fell into the expanding category except the last, as each student was able to explain how the mass of a planet and the distance away from the core of it determined whether they could theoretically stand on the planet, and whether that could affect gravitational pull and thus their weight. The latter fell into the proficient category, as the students struggled with the distance factor.)

Student work

Student work

Student work

Not only were the students in charge of their own learning, but they also had choice and voice in determining which bodies in the solar system they wanted to research. This allowed them to dig deeper into their own learning, which led to high energy and engagement in class!

I believe that being intentional about teaching for 3-D learning, especially regarding the crosscutting concepts, allowed me to bridge the gap between the two performance expectations in the unit, while also allowing students to make connections to prior learning from other units of study. Furthermore, the explicitness of teaching for 3-D learning enabled students to formulate questions that needed to be answered through investigations and by analysis of solar system data, which scientists have gathered through advancements in engineering and technology. If I did not have sufficient time to explicitly plan for these learning opportunities, I truly feel the learning on both the students’ and my own part would not have been as rich.    

At the conclusion of this unit, I was able to collaborate with the colleagues to discuss rubrics, performance indicators, and student work. It was through this work that I was better able to shed light on my own instruction, celebrating successes and noting areas that needed tweaking. Additionally, I learned that it is our colleagues who are best situated to help us understand the limits of our ordinary perspective.

Click here to see an example of a scoring guide

Jessica Tetreault


Jessica Tetreault is a middle school math and science teacher at North Country Union Junior High school in Derby, Vermont, and has taught for 15 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies and a master’s degree in curriculum and development with an emphasis in secondary science education. When not at school, she and her family operate a small organic farm. Her hope is to inspire young people to better understand and feel a connection to the land on which they live.


This article was featured in the August issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to access other articles from the August issue on assessing three-dimensional learning. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.


The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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I recently embarked on a journey with K–8 teachers in Vermont to learn how to be intentional about planning for three-dimensional (3-D) learning in the classroom.


It's Elementary: Investigating Student Work

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2017-08-24

Teachers wear many hats in the classroom. We are doctors, therapists, IT technicians, politicians, and entertainers, but the one hat we wear that is essential for student learning is the detective’s hat. As detectives, we gather and analyze evidence to help us understand what our students know and don’t know and what misconceptions they may have. Instead of this “detective work,” though, teachers often consider student work as an end product to assess learning rather than a tool to investigate student learning.

My young students did not come to me as a blank slate. They brought a bouquet of preconceptions about science, and those preconceptions either worked for or against their ability to understand the core ideas in science. I quickly learned that I could “teach my heart out” and do fun activities, and my students could regurgitate what I taught them. However, they did not comprehend the new concepts as well as I thought they had, and they certainly could not apply that knowledge to other concepts in science. What was I doing wrong? 

What did I learn from student work?

After careful reflection and collaboration with colleagues, I decided I needed to stop focusing on the end product and start focusing on the entire process of student learning. I needed to use my students’ work to my advantage. So I put on my detective’s hat. My job was to dig deep and investigate my students’ work more effectively so I could uncover what my students knew; what they didn’t know; and what they thought they knew, but had some misunderstandings about.

Based on students’ performance tasks and formative assessments, I could learn more about their preconceptions about core ideas and their ability to solve problems. Then I could capitalize on this information to help guide my instruction. I could also use that information to give my students quality academic feedback as they learned the core ideas and crosscutting concepts, rather than waiting until after they completed a performance task or took the summative assessment.

As my focus on how I analyzed students’ work and used that information to enhance instruction changed, I had to change what I was asking my students to do so I could gather the information I needed to help them learn as they solved real-world problems. I began to ask better, more intentional questions, and I made my performance tasks three- dimensional. Talk Moves was a strategy I began using to improve my students’ academic discourse. Having students argue about ideas in science in a productive way gave me powerful insight into their thinking and helped me gather the evidence I needed to inform my classroom instruction.

The most powerful change I made was to use formative assessment more effectively. Previously, my formative assessment toolbox consisted of quick checks that did not actually provide much information about how my students were thinking about science. A colleague told me about Page Keeley and her work with formative assessments. Using probes from Keeley’s Uncovering Student Ideas in Science book series and her Science Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques (FACTS), I was better able to gather the evidence I needed about how my students were thinking.

I used the information I gleaned from science probes, FACTS strategies, and other formative assessments to provide quality academic feedback to my students. These formative assessments allowed me to work smarter and use my instructional time more wisely. I enhanced classroom activities so I could better address my students’ needs, help them explore science phenomena, deepen their understanding of the core ideas as they engaged in the practices, and apply their knowledge to other disciplines in science.

With formative assessments, there usually is no need to assign scores to individual students. Instead of scoring rubrics, you might use more informal criteria that will help you quickly see what you need to know in order to make instructional decisions and better support your students.” —Seeing Students Learn Science (NAS 2017)

What can students learn from student work?

Learning is a journey, a journey that students can and should be part of. Unfortunately, students are often excluded from that journey altogether. Teaching and learning are things that are done to them rather than things they actively participate in. Teachers should encourage students to take part in their own learning journey by empowering them to analyze their own thinking. The best way to accomplish that is by allowing them to interpret their work.

When students are involved in understanding the purpose of their work and how to analyze it, both teachers and students experience a common vision of what students are expected to know and do. This is critical in improving student learning.

I used to think that showing students the scoring rubric before they completed a task helped them understand my expectations. Unfortunately, just as focusing on the end product didn’t help me understand their thinking or learning needs, having students examine a rubric didn’t help them comprehend what I expected them to do and the knowledge I needed them to apply. They, too, needed to become detectives.

To help students investigate what I was expecting of them, I had them critique examples of completed student work. I wanted them to better understand what effective and ineffective work looked like. These examples included both exemplars and non-exemplars, examples of work that demonstrated gaps in understanding. (Note: I always wrote the non-exemplar samples using common misconceptions and inaccurate understandings my students traditionally held. I never used the work of students currently in my classroom.)

Giving students an opportunity to see what they should do and the connections they should make helped them better understand what I expected them to know and do. Giving them a chance to identify the areas of refinement in the work samples that demonstrated weaker understanding helped them understand what mistakes they needed to avoid. Students also could see what different levels of performance looked like.

Furthermore, students often saw their own misunderstandings in the non-exemplars. Analyzing these samples gave them a safe space to identify their own misconceptions, then engage in the practices of scientists and engineers to better understand the core ideas and crosscutting concepts. They refined their knowledge through investigations, explorations, and research.

Analyzing samples of student work made them think critically and deepen their own knowledge, and gave them the tools needed to really analyze their own thinking. It created a safer, more engaging learning culture in my classroom. Indeed, the changes I implemented yielded exciting results.

I observed that my students began to ask better questions and made less careless mistakes while completing performance tasks. They were more confident as they designed solutions to problems and more open to the academic feedback I gave them on their own work and formative assessments. Their ability to reason and engage in academic discourse improved, and they were much more willing to reconsider their previously held misconceptions. Their detective work paid off. The quality of my fourth graders’ work soared, and my students became more responsible, critical thinkers. 

As teachers encourage students to explore their natural curiosity and understand the natural world surrounding them, it is essential that teachers analyze students’ work on formative assessments and performance tasks to identify students’ preconceptions and make sound decisions in the classroom. When teachers and students work together as detectives to gather evidence about how students are thinking about their thinking, meaningful learning can take place.

K. Renae Pullen


K. Renae Pullen is the K–6 science curriculum-instructional specialist for Caddo Parish Public Schools in Louisiana. Pullen currently serves on the Teacher Advisory Council of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. She received a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching in 2008. Read her blog, and follow her on Twitter: @KrenaeP.


This article was featured in the August issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to access other articles from the August issue on assessing three-dimensional learning. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.


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Teachers wear many hats in the classroom. We are doctors, therapists, IT technicians, politicians, and entertainers, but the one hat we wear that is essential for student learning is the detective’s hat. As detectives, we gather and analyze evidence to help us understand what our students know and don’t know and what misconceptions they may have. Instead of this “detective work,” though, teachers often consider student work as an end product to assess learning rather than a tool to investigate student learning.


Seeing Students Learn Science

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2017-08-24

It is truly an exciting time in science education. Science educators across the country are adapting to a new vision of how students learn science guided by the Framework for K–12 Science Education (Framework). As a result, science instruction is changing to better tap into students’ natural curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world around them.

As instruction changes, assessments need to change as well. Many science educators recognize that traditional assessments are not appropriate for capturing three-dimensional science learning. But they may not know what assessments of three-dimensional learning should look like, nor how they can be used effectively in science classrooms.

Seeing students learn scienceThe Board on Science Education (BOSE) at the National Academy of Sciences has a new resource that can help. BOSE is the group responsible for developing the Framework, and we have been working hard to continue to offer guidance to educators as they strive to make the new vision a reality in classrooms. In March 2017, BOSE released a new book on formative assessment for science, Seeing Students Learn Science. The book draws on research-based recommendations for assessment to explore how classroom teachers can use assessments as part of instruction to advance students’ three-dimensional learning.

Traditional science assessments do not allow teachers to fully understand students’ mastery of science and engineering practices, nor do they provide insight into students’ learning trajectories. In contrast, effective classroom assessments of 3-D science learning can help teachers collect information about students’ understanding of core ideas and crosscutting concepts, as well as students’ ability to engage in the scientific and engineering practices. Good assessments of 3-D science learning can help teachers make decisions about next steps for learning and identify the supports that individual students or groups of students may need. They can also help students take control of their own learning by helping them understand what they have mastered and where they may need more practice. A major goal is for assessment to become an integral part of science instruction, rather than an interruption

The new book is designed to help teachers create and implement classroom assessments that capture three-dimensional learning. While transitioning to a new assessment system will be a gradual process, change begins at the classroom level, and individual educators can begin to implement new approaches immediately. Seeing Students Learn Science is filled with examples of innovative assessment formats, strategies to embed assessments in classroom activities, and ideas for interpreting and using information from these assessments. It also provides ideas and questions educators can use to reflect on what they can adapt right away—and what they can work toward over time—to ensure that instruction drives assessment, not the other way around.

The book is organized around key questions educators may have about the new types of assessments.

What’s really different? Gives a quick overview of how ideas about science learning and instruction have changed and why different kinds of assessments are needed. 

What does this kind of assessment look like? Highlights a few examples to see how these ideas and principles work in practice. 

What can I learn from my students’ work? Examines more deeply the information educators can obtain from a variety of assessments—and how they provide evidence of students’ thinking. 

How can I build new kinds of assessments into the flow of my instruction? Describes ways to adapt assessments already in use and to design new assessments that support the changes science teachers are making in instruction. 

How can I work with others in my school, district, and state? Focuses on how teachers can connect with developments outside of the classroom, and explores assessment systems, ways of reporting assessment results, and assessment for monitoring purposes.                                      

A key message of the book is that educators can lead the way in transforming science assessment. We all know that new state and district assessments will be needed. The transition to new large-scale assessments may be a complicated one for states and districts, and will likely pose challenges that will take time to solve. Individual educators, though, can lead the way in adapting assessment practices to new approaches to science instruction. With adequate professional development support, and the resources provided in Seeing Students Learn Science, educators can begin to redesign assessments in their own classrooms and champion new approaches in their schools and districts.

Heidi Schweingruber is director of the Board on Science Education at the National Research Council (NRC). She co-directed the study that resulted in the report A Framework for K–12 Science Education (2011). She served as study director for a review of NASA’s pre-college education programs completed in 2008 and co-directed the study that produced the 2007 report Taking Science to School: Learning and Teaching Science in Grades K–8. Before joining the NRC, Schweingruber worked as a senior research associate at the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences . Schweingruber holds a Ph.D. in psychology and anthropology and a certificate in culture and cognition from the University of Michigan.


This article was featured in the August issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to access other articles from the August issue on assessing three-dimensional learning. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.


The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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It is truly an exciting time in science education. Science educators across the country are adapting to a new vision of how students learn science guided by the Framework for K–12 Science Education (Framework). As a result, science instruction is changing to better tap into students’ natural curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world around them.


Classroom supplies

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2017-08-23

I will start teaching in an elementary school this year. When I looked in what will be my future my classroom, but I didn’t see supplies or equipment for teaching science. What can I do now? –  —G., Michigan

Describe the situation to your principal before you panic. There may be a central storeroom or she may ask other teachers to share materials. She may also guide you through the purchasing process.

Fortunately, science teaching at the elementary level does not necessarily require a lot of expensive equipment. I’ve attended many NSTA conference sessions in which we investigated science concepts with marbles, balloons, straws, paper clips, plastic cups, hand lenses, rubber bands, craft sticks, blocks, and small plastic cars.

Browse through the archives of Science & Children, and you’ll see students investigating plant growth, examining rock samples or insects, studying mechanics and motion, or collecting weather data with simple, inexpensive materials. (However without safety equipment such as goggles, there may be activities that you cannot do until you get them.) Check the science curriculum for activities that your students will do and make a list of materials.

As a last resort you may have to purchase things yourself, as many teachers do. Discount stores have low-cost items that can be repurposed for science. Take a prioritized wish list everywhere you go—you’ll never know what you’ll find at a flea market or yard sale. And save the receipts—the principal may have discretionary funds to reimburse your purchases.

In an ideal world, all schools would be fully funded and teachers and students would be provided with the materials they need. Until that happens, many teachers will continue to be generous toward their students and provide supplies. Welcome to the profession!

(For more science-on-a-shoestring ideas, refer to The Frugal Science Teacher, PreK-5 from NSTA Press.)






I will start teaching in an elementary school this year. When I looked in what will be my future my classroom, but I didn’t see supplies or equipment for teaching science. What can I do now? –  —G., Michigan


Unparalleled Student Experiences through the NASA Educator Workshop

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2017-08-22

During July 2001, I along with 24 science educators from 15 states attended the NASA Educator Workshop (NEW) at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The two-week program was a NASA Headquarters initiative managed by NSTA, and coordinated by Marshall’s Education Programs Department. The NEW program has been a catalyst in my career as a teacher of science. As a result of my participation, thousands of students have enjoyed unparalleled NASA experiences.    

Throughout the NEW workshop, I interacted with NASA scientists, engineers, technicians, and educational specialists learning about state of the art research and development occurring at the Center. The educational materials and activities presented during the workshop were related to aerospace technology, biological science and physical research, earth science, human exploration and development of space, space science, and rocket propulsion.  These opportunities gave me a broader perspective on how NASA could support my work in the classroom. Below are three programs I learned about during NEW and was able to bring to my students and community.

As a result of my experience at Marshall, I was able to raise several thousand dollars and arranged for a week-long visit of the NASA Mobile Aerospace Educational Laboratory (MAEL) to the Williamsville Central School District in April 2003.  The MAEL was a mobile 53 foot trailer which housed an electronically enhanced computerized classroom operated by the NASA Glenn Research Center.  During the week-long visit to Western New York, over 800 students from our district were engaged in aerospace lessons that modeled real-world challenges in aviation.  

In March 2004, I was the program coordinator for a live video downlink with crew members aboard the International Space Station.  During the downlink event, twelve students spoke with United States astronaut C. Michael Foale and Russian cosmonaut, Alexander Kaleri as they orbited 250 miles above earth. The program impressed on our districts 1200 middle school students and the estimated 6,000,000 people world-wide that read about or viewed the downlink how science and technology transcend national borders and in doing so enrich the lives of humankind.

During the NEW program, I received NASA lunar and meteorite certification.  This certification has enabled me to provide instruction to over 4500 students, and teachers using these tangible legacies of our nation’s Apollo space program.  Curricular activities I have incorporated since receiving certification include activities related to geologic history of the moon, lessons involving planetary processes such as impacting, and activities focused on the effects of earth’s atmosphere as they relate to the samples. For the past 15 years, I have coordinated a March Moon Madness event with our district planetarium director. The event is well attended by local Boy and Girl Scout programs. Approximately 1000 members of the community have gained knowledge of past, present, and the future of space exploration at this annual program.

The NASA NEW program has enabled me to bring the real world of aerospace to the classroom, my colleagues, and the community.  These aerospace educational activities I have implemented have made science, discovery, and exploration exciting for thousands of students.  By nurturing and challenging young minds, together we inspire our next generation of explorers.

I encourage teachers to subscribe to NASA Education Express to receive weekly announcements about opportunities available to them and their students. There is a journey waiting for you. Only as far as we seek, can we go. Only as much as we dream, can we be!

Kenneth L. Huff is a science teacher at Mill Middle School in Williamsville, New York and a member of the NSTA Board of Directors. 

If you have any questions please email me

During July 2001, I along with 24 science educators from 15 states attended the NASA Educator Workshop (NEW) at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The two-week program was a NASA Headquarters initiative managed by NSTA, and coordinated by Marshall’s Education Programs Department. The NEW program has been a catalyst in my career as a teacher of science. As a result of my participation, thousands of students have enjoyed unparalleled NASA experiences.    

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