By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2010-09-22
Yesterday afternoon was one of those beautiful fall days here in the Northeast—clear blue skies, low humidity, a cool breeze, and leaves starting to change color. So what was I doing? I was logged in to a webinar that was a joint presentation by NSTA and ISTE: Planning for Technology Integration in the Science Classroom with the School 2.0 E-toolkit and Other Resources. (But I was on the porch with my laptop.)
Chris O’Neal gave a guided tour of the U.S. Department of Education’s School 2.0 eToolkit, which has a wealth of free resources to help teachers, principals, and tech coordinators with technology integration in the classroom. I’ve explored a small portion, and it looks like a useful tool to start conversations about the kind of lifelong education that is part of the 21st century. Then Flavio Mendez from NSTA showed participants how to navigate and explore NSTA’s Learning Center with tools and resources that are designed to help educators identify content knowledge gaps and document their professional growth. This Center is just getting bigger and better. Mike Odell from Texas shared his experiences using the Learning Center with a group of teachers as part of a professional development project. It gave me some ideas for PD projects with which I’m currently involved.
This fall is also a great time to experience astronomical phenomena. The beginning of autumn coincides with a full moon, producing the legendary Harvest Moon. And we have our Closest Encounter with Jupiter Until 2022. I was outside the other evening with my binoculars and saw four of Jupiter’s moons! I brought out my spotting scope (repurposed from birdwatching) for a closer look, and we soon had an impromptu “Jupiter Party” with some neighbors.
NSTA’s Science Scope journal takes a monthly look at topics in astronomy in the “Scope on the Skies” feature. This might also be a good time to review the concept of equinoxes and the “reasons for the seasons” (and clear up some misconceptions). For more information on these topics and others related to astronomy, check out a special set of websites in SciLinks. One of my favorites here is NASA Quest, which has many learning activities in astronomy and the atmospheric sciences for grades K-12. One of my morning rituals is listening to StarDate program on my local public radio station. At the website, you can listen to the daily program, download podcasts of the programs, read current astronomy news, and get lesson plans, classroom activities, and lots of visuals. Of course, if you have particular topics in mind related to astronomy, you can log into SciLinks and search for particular keywords.
I’d also suggest two other sources. One of my favorite sites is Windows to the Universe. This site (many sections of which are in the SciLinks database) takes a comprehensive look at the universe and Earth’s place in it. There are many graphics, lesson plan ideas, and the site is available in Spanish, too. Another good source is Teachers’ Domain. Use the index to get multimedia resources and lesson plan ideas on the topic of “Earth in the Universe.”
Speaking of technology, ASCD’s blog is taking a trip down memory lane with a reprint of the 1980 article Potential and Limits of Computers in Schools. Considering the advancements in technology over the past 30 years (many teachers were not even born when this article was published), it makes fascinating reading.
Yesterday afternoon was one of those beautiful fall days here in the Northeast—clear blue skies, low humidity, a cool breeze, and leaves starting to change color. So what was I doing? I was logged in to a webinar that was a joint presentation by NSTA and ISTE: Planning for Technology Integration in the Science Classroom with the School 2.0 E-toolkit and Other Resources. (But I was on the porch with my laptop.)
By Debra Shapiro
Posted on 2010-09-22
… and you’re wondering how to make the most of your time in Kansas City … or Baltimore … or Nashville. Not to worry: You’ve got mentors on the NSTA General Science listserv. They recently offered some tips for newbies.
“It’s usually advisable to stay at one of the hotels NSTA has available,” observes Bill. “For one you get a discounted rate, and another they have a shuttle [at national conferences] for all the hotels listed in case they’re far from the convention center.” Those who bring their own cars will have to pay for parking, he points out. “I suggest you book the hotel through the NSTA website. That way you’re sure to get the reduced rate and the block of rooms,” he adds.
“One benefit of staying at a nearby hotel is that it’s easy to stop by your room and unload all the stuff you end up carrying around … freebies, stuff you purchase, conference programs, etc.,” says Heather. “If your room is not nearby, I’d suggest bringing a bag or something that rolls instead of having to be carried all day.” Some also suggest packing a fold-up duffel bag that can be used as an extra suitcase on the way home.
“I try to pick up posters that other teachers at my school can use also. The trinkets you pick up at some of the booths are great for classroom use,” reports Pamela. Nora advises “hit[ting] the vendors on Friday afternoon” because they “don’t want to take stuff home, so they give great stuff away.”
And this from Wendell: “I always spend at least a couple of hours at the NSTA [Science] Store just looking at all the trade books and professional development materials they have. It gives me a ‘hands-on’ opportunity to check out what interests me. I’ll always buy 2 [or] 3 books for my professional library.”
For gathering and taking home her conference goodies, Kathleen advocates the “buy a box and ship it” option, available at national conferences. “It’s not super cheap, but in my mind, well worth every cent! You get a box, put your name on it, and place it in a designated area. You can drop in and out as you wish to put stuff in the box,” then have it shipped home or to your school. “It’s made me more selective about what I take/keep—and it beats lugging it around.”
“Spend time looking at the things you know you can never afford,” counsels Nora. “I went home with no intentions of getting interactive boards but was asked to sit on a grantwriting team. We wrote a … grant that got the math and science teachers in our system interactive boards, Elmos, and clickers. I used some of the ‘buzzwords’ the vendors used in our grant.”
Kathleen suggests you “definitely talk to folks and allow plenty of time on the exhibit floor. The conversations there can be as valuable as the sessions.” If you think you might run out of time, follow Nora’s advice: “I also signed up my husband as a non-teaching spouse. He loved the computer and technology stuff and found amazing vendors I missed.”
As you proceed from exhibit booths to sessions to hotels, Wendell suggests you “carry some drinking water (or whatever vital fluids you’re into) and snacks in your backpack” and “wear comfortable shoes—you’ll do a lot of walking.”
“Attend sessions that pertain directly to what you are doing, but be sure to go to some just because you think they sound interesting,” advises Kathleen. “You never know what cool ideas you will come up with.”
“Don’t be afraid to walk out of a session if you can tell from the start that it’s not for you,” urges Bill. “Presenters never like it, but you are there for you, not them.” He advises you to “have second and third choices for each time slot” and “get there early for big-time presenters (the ones who have their pictures in the program!) or you won’t have a seat.”
Nora adds, “some of the sessions that look lame are great. I look for crowds going into classes.”
Bring your camera to help you remember your sessions, counsels Pamela. “Sometimes a snapshot that I’ve taken about how someone set something up or how something looked during a presentation gives me food for thought when I get home and have time to process everything.”
Bill thinks “the best thing you might take from the conference is the people you meet. Don’t be afraid to strike up conversations with the people around you at a session.”
If you want to continue the conversation later on, Kathleen reminds you to bring your business cards: “It’s easy to make your own these days. When someone gives you their card, make a note on the back of it so that you can put a context to the name.”
At the end of each day, agree these experienced attendees, be sure to have fun. “[The] Middle Level Science Teachers usually have a free ice cream social,” says Nora. “There are often cool things to do at night. Enjoy them.”
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2010-09-14
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2010-09-12
I teach applied biology to 10th graders. This year, I have access to a cart of laptops to use in my classroom/lab. I’d like to have the students use the Internet to find information related to science topics as an extension of the textbook, but many of my students are struggling readers. Would Wikipedia be a good source?
—Michael, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Congratulations on having such a wonderful resource in your classroom! Working individually or in small groups, your students can have many opportunities to find and share information, work on labs and simulations, keep electronic notebooks, contribute to class websites or blogs, and create written and multimedia demonstrations of what they are learning.
Searching for information to supplement and extend what is in the textbook can be a way of differentiating instruction to meet students’ individual background levels and interests. Wikipedia articles are often among the first results returned in an Internet search. However, some teachers have raised concerns about the accuracy of information in the articles (see Wikipedia in the Science Class), and many schools block the site.
For example, I looked at the Wikipedia entry for “cells.” It’s a long, comprehensive discussion with many illustrations. A quick readability check (you can find several readability calculators online) estimates it is written at a 12.0 level. The length, reading level, and style of writing could be overwhelming or frustrating for some students.
Have you considered accessing NSTA’s SciLinks? Enter the search term “cell” and select grades 9-12 to get a list of focused categories such as Eukaryotic Cells or Cellular Respiration with websites selected and reviewed by other educators and correlated to the National Science Education Standards. Try terms such as Mitosis or Glycolysis for similar lists. You can tag specific sites as “favorites” and create a list of sites for your students to examine. Look at similar topics at the 5-8 grade level that could be appropriate for your struggling readers.
Some resources on my favorites list include Structure and Function of Cells from the Teachers’ Domain and Inside the Cell from the National Institute of General Medical Services.
Within a day of responding to Michael, I heard back from him:
SciLinks is wonderful! I’m starting a unit on biochemistry in a few weeks, so I used the search term Carbohydrates. Within a few minutes, I had compiled a list of sites that would be appropriate for the content and for my students. For example, the first one on the list, Biomolecules: The Carbohydrates,was just what I was looking for. I also found a biochemistry discussion on the Chem4Kids site that would be very helpful for students who need a basic introduction to the topic. I added links from the sites on my list to my course webpage so students can access them easily in school (or even at home, I can hope). I also found some simulations I can display on the interactive white board in my room.
I’m going to do the same for my earth science classes. I also looked at the tutorials about the Quiz Manager. I’d like to try this feature, too. Thanks!
I teach applied biology to 10th graders. This year, I have access to a cart of laptops to use in my classroom/lab. I’d like to have the students use the Internet to find information related to science topics as an extension of the textbook, but many of my students are struggling readers. Would Wikipedia be a good source?
—Michael, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2010-09-11
Beginning a new school year often means teachers have new students to get to know, and vice versa. Returning students have report cards or portfolios from the previous year. Children who are attending the school for the first time don’t have those records so information from their family is especially important. But there is much to learn! Starting the year with a look at ourselves, “All About Me” (a favorite theme of young children and adults!), is one way to learn about the child’s life—family, favorite books and foods, and places to visit, gain an initial appreciation of their personality and skills, and introduce the beginnings of scientific inquiry.
Explorations about the senses of smell and touch and charting the “favorites” teach that each of us have different preferences, and can lead into a discussion of why we record and reflect on data. Cover small containers of freshly cut lemons, onion, cinnamon stick and coffee beans to smell. Surprisingly to me, onion was the favorite for a few of my children.
Feely Boxes with a small opening for a hand reduce our reliance on our sense of sight. Using science tools for measuring, such as a bathroom scale to see “how hard you will be to lift” and a length of hand prints or a measuring tape to see how long your arm is, help children become familiar with tools that remain available all year for other explorations. Children or teachers can list the descriptive words they use as they look at their hands and hair with a magnifier, another tool they will use year-round, perhaps learning new words, or some in additional languages. Putting together a child-size flat foam puzzle of a human skeleton is often a group effort with much discussion about who gets to put on the head, the relative lengths of arm and leg bones, and who is taller, the skeleton or the child.
Here are a two books for thinking about diversity in animal/human bodies:
Two Eyes, a Nose, and a Mouth by Roberta Grobel Intrater. 2000. Scholastic. A book of face photographs with rhyming text delighting in the variety in human faces feature by feature.
What do you do with a tail like this? by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page. 2003. Houghton Miffllin. Unique and interesting body parts and questions lead to finding out how animals’ body shapes and functions help them survive.
Two more books, for talking about how our bodies relate to who we are:
I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson. 1990. Puffin. What do we like about ourselves? Carlson’s pig knows her strengths and what she likes about herself.
I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont, illustrated by David Catrow. 2004. Harcourt Children’s Books. Making silly faces, doing near impossible feats, and all while appreciating herself, a sweet child uncovers all the ways she likes herself.
I like the smell of chocolate.
Beginning a new school year often means teachers have new students to get to know, and vice versa. Returning students have report cards or portfolios from the previous year. Children who are attending the school for the first time don’t have those records so information from their family is especially important. But there is much to learn!
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2010-09-09
By Claire Reinburg
Posted on 2010-09-08
We’ve added to the list of chapters you can download for free from NSTA Press books! Visit the free chapters page on the NSTA website to browse the newest additions, including selections from Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 1: Force and Motion, Using Science Notebooks in Middle School, and More Chemistry Basics: Stop Faking It!
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2010-09-06
What do your students think of when you talk about scientists? Is it Albert Einstein with long white hair, a person in a lab coat working with test tubes, or Sid the Science Kid? The work of science inquiry takes place in labs and many other locations. Broaden your students’ appreciation of science by broadening their understanding of the work of scientists. Read biographies, set up imaginative play centers with tools and clothes for working scientists, and invite local scientists of all kinds to visit your class for a short visit to discuss their work. Here are some resources to get you started:
Book resources for scientist biographies
Search the NSTA Recommends book reviews for “scientist” at to find books about Scientists at Work, Extreme Scientists, Frog Scientists, and Scientists Who Made History.
American Library Association, Great Websites for Children: Biographies,
Resources about scientists working today
Scientist at Work blog about scientists working today:
Read about soils scientists at: , and Soil Science Society of America
Cool Careers at Sci4Kids, Agricultural Research Service,
Resources about inquiry
A Study Guide: Inquiry Science in the Elementary Classroom from the Education Development Center, Inc, (including the graphic on the flow of science inquiry in elementary grades, by Hubert Dyasi and Karen Worth at )
University of California Museum of Paleontology. Understanding Science, has another useful graphic on “How science works” at
National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1993. Benchmarks for Science Literacy. See the grade 2 statement of what all students should know and be able to do in science, mathematics, and technology by the end of grade 2.
Resources on how children’s play supports their learning
Articles on Supporting Pretend Play in Early Childhood Research & Practice, on how teacher support of dramatic play (such as pretending to be a veterinarian) can support knowledge and skill development in many curriculum areas, and take a look through the extensive bibliography on play at:
Can the Right Kinds of Play Teach Self-Control? By Paul Tough. The New York Times, September 25, 2009. A version of this article appeared in print on September 27, 2009, on page MM31 of the New York edition.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. 2009. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8.
The Serious Need for Play by Melinda Wenner. Scientific American Mind. January 28, 2009
Expose your children to the work of scientists through books, visiting scientists, fieldtrips, and play. Comment below to add your resources to this list.
What do your students think of when you talk about scientists? Is it Albert Einstein with long white hair, a person in a lab coat working with test tubes, or Sid the Science Kid?