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Sticky rice vs. loose noodles

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-11-20

Dr. Christine Royce describes her visit to the ancient city of Zouzhuang as a member of the NSTA contingent at the Sino-US Science and Education Forum.

Friday, November 19, 2010

“Be like sticky rice … not loose noodle.”
You probably think I have lost it by now. What could she possibly be thinking? Well, this was the quote of the day from our tour guide Jennifer on our bus. Today was a field trip day. Well, the entire experience could be considered a field trip, but today was a day where we loaded the buses and headed out of Shanghai to see an “old town,” which we were to compare to Shanghai as a “new town.”
The group set off this morning to Zhouzhuang, which is a water city about an hour and a half west/southwest of Shanghai. It was described to us as being a “very beautiful city” with many bridges and the river. When reading about it in tour books and on the web, the city is actually about 900 years old and has many “historic” type homes. In total, there are 14 bridges in Zhouzhuang, which was made famous by a painting which was purchased by some American gas or oil tycoon. We watched the sites go by as the bus departed the city for the suburbs which seemed to be a continuation of the city—hundreds of towering structures that were apartment buildings; we watched as we entered a rural area which did have agricultural aspects—rice paddies and other types of plant cultivation; and finally we watched as we entered this “small” town which really looked more like a small city.
We listened as Jennifer gave us information about our time frame, where the facilities where (and yes most of the stalls had squatties) and finally directions for following her and her waving yellow flag. At that point, she gave us the initial directions as we were to progress directly to the boats for a boat ride through the city and to the entry point into the town—which has a charge. Her specific directions—you will have time to shop later, do not stop and look or take pictures—“be like sticky rice—not loose noodle.” Many of us decided that was the phrase of the day and was a perfect way to describe her expectations.

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We were somewhat like sticky rice—with a few loose noodles. We wandered, took pictures at the touristy spots to take pictures, and finally did board the boats for the short ride. Eight people to a boat. Oh, and there was no translation problem when the person who would paddle the boat wanted people to switch seats due to an imbalance in weight shall we say.  Jennifer directed us to where we should meet in exactly two hours—which included lunch at the restaurant—the “blue guy (Haibo) near the big marble wall.” Off we went—to lunch which I must say was absolutely the best food of the trip so far (minus the chicken feet that the removed from the table) and then to explore the town and shop. On the excursion to the starting point, there was much to see and plan to buy—handcrafts made by local artisans; Chinese calligraphy; paintings; trinkets, and everything in between. There was also food—lots of it … and not what you would expect.
The smells of the area assaulted your senses—you could walk by places with fish floating in containers right next to the sidewalk; plants were being cleaned in front of you for preparation; and every kind of meat was on display either sitting in or hanging from stations at the stand. I was not adventuresome enough to try and of the local delicacies. Everything you touched had texture; everything you saw had color or intricate details; everything you heard was different—it would get quiet and you could hear a local woman singing songs or a musician playing a traditional instrument and then it would get loud as a tour group passed by with their own flag; everything you smelled simply smelled like something you weren’t familiar with.
We ventured in twos or threes, teamed up with other groups, compared purchases and sent people off in the direction of the stall if they were interested in something we bought; and snapped photos at every turn. As a group we were able to laugh and interact in a way that was informal allowing us to learn about the location, the people, and each other. When 1:50 p.m. came around, we were to be at the wall near the blue guy and Jennifer and Eva (the other tour guide) had us walk single file past them so they could count us—we weren’t demonstrating our skills at being sticky rice—we had become even more loose noodles due to the many things that we could do during the time there.
The day ended with a ride back to Shanghai, shopping for some, and dinner at Shanghai Uncle—a restaurant with a local flavor, as it was described to us.
Hopefully when we return, some of Jennifer’s words of wisdom and direction will follow us home—we have one more day here in this beautiful city and already we are starting to talk about a reunion in San Francisco at the NSTA National Conference this coming spring. I truly hope that the new friends I’ve made and the friendships that have deepened will connect throughout the upcoming months and be more like sticky rice than loose noodles …

Dr. Christine Royce describes her visit to the ancient city of Zouzhuang as a member of the NSTA contingent at the Sino-US Science and Education Forum.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Improving student skills

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-11-20

My ninth-grade students are struggling with lab activities. For example, they don’t seem to know how to formulate a hypothesis or write a conclusion. When I asked them to graph the data, I saw lots of blank looks on their faces. What can I do?
—Jeff, Baltimore, Maryland
Your question brings back memories. When I started teaching, I was excited about doing inquiry-based investigations. However my middle school students were similar to yours in their understanding of hypotheses and graphing. They were also confused about observations and inferences, and their conclusions were simply summaries of their observations. I did a lot of reflecting: Am I expecting too much of middle school students? Are my students academically clueless? Are they unmotivated? Are my explanations and guidance insufficient? Am I hopeless as a teacher?
At the secondary level, it’s common for teachers to expect students to be experienced in essential science skills: questioning, observing, summarizing, formulating hypotheses, drawing conclusions, notetaking, graphing, and solving problems. If students do not measure up to these expectations, some are quick to blame the teachers in the earlier grades. So high school teachers question the middle school program, middle school teachers question the elementary program, and we all point at parents. Yet when students walk through our classroom doors, we have to take them as they are. It’s our role to set appropriate and challenging learning goals, and then work with students to meet the goals.
In situations such as you describe, it could be that in earlier grades the students did cookbook activities where the procedures were already determined and the data tables already set up. Perhaps their teachers used different vocabulary (e.g., “wrap-up” instead of summary). The equipment they used, such as balances or microscopes, may have looked different. They may have learned skills in isolation with few opportunities to apply the skills in new situations. Students moving into the school may have had different experiences in their former schools.

Once you have determined what skills your students need to develop, you can begin to “scaffold” their learning in three stages: focused instruction with examples, guided practice in a variety of contexts, followed by opportunities to choose and use the skills independently (even if they make a few mistakes).  I observed a teacher doing a “think-aloud” as she modeled how to graph data from an investigation. As she talked through the process, she showed students how to set up the graph and add data points, but it was a not a lecture. She asked herself questions and deliberately made some mistakes (and corrected them). It was as if the students could peek inside her mind as she worked through the process. When she paused in her thinking, the students volunteered their own suggestions. In the second part of the investigation, the students worked in groups to create similar graphs as the teacher monitored each group and offered suggestions and feedback.
Guiding questions, prompts, and templates can also help students focus their thinking.  For hypotheses, the template If [I do this], then  [this]  will happen can show students that a hypothesis is not just a guess. LabWrite from North Carolina State University has templates and resources for each part of an investigation. The site would probably be overwhelming for ninth graders, but it could be a valuable resource as you divide lab reporting into manageable chunks to introduce to your students. Create A Graph from the National Center for Education Statistics  is a student-friendly online tool for designing several common types of graphs. The finished graphs can be saved for additional editing, printed, or downloaded (as PDF files).
Processes or templates appropriate in younger grades may need to be “kicked up a notch” in the upper grades. For example, in the younger grades notetaking may focus on particular strategies, while at the upper grades, modeling how different strategies are appropriate for different tasks may be helpful to students. If you can project a copy of a text page, you can model how you would decide what to highlight and how you would add margin notes or questions.
Ask students to describe and reflect on their learning in science notebooks, they’ll have a record of what they did to meet the learning goals. This can be the foundation for new skills in their next course.

My ninth-grade students are struggling with lab activities. For example, they don’t seem to know how to formulate a hypothesis or write a conclusion. When I asked them to graph the data, I saw lots of blank looks on their faces. What can I do?
—Jeff, Baltimore, Maryland


A visit to Zhouzhuang

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2010-11-19

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

Today the focus was on history, culture, and some shopping. The delegation went to Zhouzhuang, described in the guide book as an ancient town known for its Venetian-like waterways.
Leaving Shanghai took about 50 minutes before the landscape had regular trees with some open space. We traveled 20 more minutes before the landscape became rural. The town before Zhouzhuang seemed poor. There were many visible signs of manual laborers carrying out what would be considered mechanized tasks in the U.S. We saw people using hand held balances for weighing objects, harvesting without a tractor, drying rice and bagging it, and assisting with road repaving. On the one hand China is very capable, yet it is still very much a developing country. The situation is confusing to see because the contrasts are large.
Zhouzhuang is over 900 years old with houses built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are about 100 houses with courtyards, 60 of which have arch gateways made from carved bricks. This area is very agricultural and produces a great deal of rice for a good portion of China.
The village had great arching bridges, many stores with hand made crafts and commercial tourist souvenirs, and gondolas that take people through the waterways. The combination of old and new gave me the sense of being lost in time. We were told that the waterways were almost destroyed in the effort to develop the area but subsequently saved as a historic area so that future generations could see the way people used to live. A good thing, since so much has changed that in my opinion China stands to lose much of its architectural, not to mention cultural treasures, in the spirit of development.

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NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle


Conference sessions and school visits

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2010-11-19

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

Before I discuss my impressions about the last day of the science educational meetings, I wanted to note an observation about Shanghai. The sense of being disoriented is not nearly as strong as one might guess, and because many signs have English translation, there are many companies, stores and food outlets that I recognize. There is no doubt that Shanghai is a very open and international city.
The conference today focused on specific topics within science education and then afternoon visits to elementary and secondary schools. The concurrent session I attended was on science curriculum. There was remarkable familiarity in the ways the presenters discussed curriculum issues such as grades spans, goals of achieving science literacy, topics in science, portfolios, and embedded assessments. When they said they had used the U.S. and Canadian standards as a model, I knew why. They way they talked about inquiry was similar, and I knew why. The Chinese are not developing their own materials out of the blue, but rather drawing on what they perceive as the best materials available.
Session at Sino-US Science and Education ForumDuring one presentation the speaker repeatedly discussed implementation concerns—-i.e., not having enough science teachers and not having qualified science teachers. The issue is more acute in the rural areas (does this sound familiar?).
Some of the reasons they raised about why students don’t always learn in experimental or investigative contexts included instruction that is focused on one model and not differentiating (my word here); students who are distracted by their partners or other students in the class; students who are not trying; students who may not want to do the activity because it is boring; and students who are worrying about failing so they do not do the activity. (Do these sound familiar?)

In designing the curricular materials, an attempt was made to address these issues. The fact that China and the U.S. share these common issues made the connections between us much stronger and resulted in greater communication among the participants.
In the afternoon we had the pleasure of visiting an elementary and secondary school. We had to remember that these schools were considered “exemplary” so the students were very talented.
The elementary students showed off some of their science knowledge and demonstrated their reuse of materials—the school’s theme was being “Green.” Competitions seemed to be very popular in this school.
The secondary school was not a new facility and had two rooms full of awards and trophies from city, province, country, and international competitions. (They made sure we saw the two rooms.) One major indicator of success for them appeared to be these academic awards and trophies. The teachers seemed very much like their U.S. counterparts, but they taught only about 2–3 classes a day and used the rest of the time to prepare. They also coached a club or after school class such as robotics, chemistry or a completion type activity. When asked about sports they said they had a basketball club.
Keep in mind that the school we visited had only 800 students in a city with 20 million people. This gives you an idea of the type of students who attended the school. These students were singularly focused and athletics is not a big part of their school culture. Of course we have similar schools in the U.S.— Thomas Jefferson High School, Bronx Science, and the Illinois Math and Science Academy come to mind. The teachers and administrators were very proud of what they accomplished and repeatedly mentioned their desire to continue to improve. There were not struggling with funds or with focus.
It is interesting to note that the number of Chinese students at the highest-level schools in China is similar to the total number of students in the United States. In my opinion this is where innovation comes in. The sheer number of Chinese students in higher level courses will make it very hard to compete with China in the future unless the United States can really commit to a multiyear effort in science and technology. I have no doubt we can and will compete, but we can not let this issue become a political battle down the road.
Any thoughts on China’s place in science education and how that relates to our future world?

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle


Students, lessons learned, and goals

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-11-18

Dr. Christine Royce reports on another busy day in Shanghai.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today was the day for students, lessons, and—for me—personal goals. Now, this may sound like the students are those in the classes we teach or observed and you would be correct. However, the word student took on a much more meaningful connotation today for me and I hope for others. We, the participants in the conference on both sides were the students in that we were learning from each other, our colleagues, and the experience at hand. We also visited schools where we were able to interact with students allowing us to be in a familiar setting.
The morning was spent in concurrent sessions on similar topics from yesterday. The structure—the Chinese present a series of case reports related to the topic, engage in discussion, and then we, the Americans, present on the same topic. While the original intent was that we would do similar things, there was something lost in translation at some point. The group from NSTA convened teams that would present the topic as a team approach, having worked several months on our presentations. I appreciated this approach in that it allowed me to better know some of my colleagues—David, Walter, and Piyush—as well as have a discussion (albeit via email or conference call) on the topic at hand. Our topic was how we prepare teachers in this country, which focused on a historical overview of the structure of teacher certification. In contrast, we received different examples of programs that work with teacher preparation from our friends in China. Each was interesting and informative, just simply assembled in a different manner than we expected.

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One example of our becoming students today dealt with the translation. While the past two days were simultaneous translation, today’s approach was sequential translation—we say something and then it is translated. This actually was an interesting experience, identifying where to break to allow enough information to be provided, but not too much that the translator would lose the concept presented. Back and forth went the sharing of information—first in Chinese to English and then English to Chinese. My lesson learned, related to the preparation of presentations, is that it may not always go according to the plan given; however, in this case the task was successfully accomplished if you stay flexible. Staying flexible is not always an easy goal—so today was a great reminder of how much you can learn if you do remain flexible.
We were also students learning about the other countries programs and efforts to improve science education. For example, one presenter was sharing that the Chinese education programs are attempting to move away from traditional programs towards competency based programs. This point was reiterated on the American side in that we are doing the same. One aspect that did amaze me during the presentations was our counterpart’s ability to interweave examples of their programs and efforts with those of other countries. Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, and France were but a few of the countries that were mentioned. Usually the connection was related to something the other country has done that China has adapted or modified. If we are all lifelong learners—it was clear today that I—and I would venture to say, some of my colleagues—aren’t as skilled at knowing what China is doing as quickly as they know what we are doing. The lesson I learned from this aspect is that it is a large global world, and too often I get caught up in the happenings within America only. My goal for the future is to broaden my horizon to learn more about science education efforts worldwide.
Following lunch, one of the highlights of the trip thus far: visiting a primary school and high school. First we were treated to a presentation at Haihua Primary School, which would be considered a “key” school, or as we call it, “magnet school.” This elementary had as an emphasis science and technology. Much of the focus was related to the environment and man’s impact on the environment. Upon entering the room, the delegation naturally gravitated to the back of the room where students were sitting at different stations, ready and willing to show us their activities. After being gently guided to our seats for a presentation about the structure and purpose of the school, we were then able to interact with the students, ask them questions, observe them building or constructing things, and get a sense some activities that were identified as lessons. Activities included using paper magazines to make ecological holders for pencils as well as constructing cars from kits provided. Several students also demonstrated two “magic” activities which had a connection to science content. It was enjoyable to meet these students, most of which could converse with us in very good English (thank goodness, since we weren’t able to converse in Chinese). They answered our questions, showed us their activities, and were generally pleased to represent their school.
This was one of the factors that came to the forefront at both schools—a sense of pride in what they were doing and a sense of belonging to their school. Students at the high school were engaged in demonstrating similar activities as well—robotics and a biology investigation. While not as conversant with us, the sense of enthusiasm was present for what they were doing. We had a presentation and question-and-answer session with the administration and teachers at Luwan Senior High School. One of the interesting answers to the question “What are your challenges in the classroom?” related more to the big ideas than what we often hear if American teachers were to answer this question. There are many reports that describe teacher challenges as classroom management, class size, impact on time, lack of parental involvement, as well as a myriad of others all of which do impact learning and the classroom environment. The teachers talked about average class sizes of thirty-five students and having less instructional time in the week than we have. The teachers provided reasons such as “breaking traditional thinking of the students,” how to get them to think independently without the help of a teacher, and “how to make the lesson more interesting to meet the needs of the students” were answers provided. My lesson learned here is that we often focus on the logistics and process of running the classroom, which I know is important, and often forget that there are bigger ideas to consider such as those mentioned by our Chinese friends. My goal is to try and remember the bigger picture even when the day becomes overwhelmingly filled with those minor details.
Finally, the last student experience of the day was an individual one. I was fortunate to have a former graduate student and graduate assistant Tian Shen join our team for today’s presentation. Tian was at Shippensburg University for two years obtaining his Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction and has since returned to his home city of Shanghai, where he teaches at the Shanghai International School High School Division. While not a science teacher, as he teaches 7th grade math, Tian was able to join the team and provide comments related to his experience of taking classes in a teacher preparation program during the session. The excitement he demonstrated at being asked to participate in this event made the day absolutely wonderful. He was an outstanding student in our department and is obviously becoming a well-respected teacher at his school. The most important lesson of all is that involving your students engage in opportunities such as these as well as those that are present in your classroom allows them to grow. What seems like a simple goal—involve more students in opportunities that meet their needs and desires is often overshadowed by the two lessons mentioned above—only focusing on the local agenda, the here and now if you will, as well as becoming consumed by the daily logistics and not looking towards that big picture. My final goal that I set today is to involve more students in opportunities and programs in which I am involved, to help broaden both their and my own views of education in a global society.

Dr. Christine Royce reports on another busy day in Shanghai.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Dispatch from China

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2010-11-18

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

The delegation seems to be feeling a bit more comfortable with the surroundings and food. The hotel is a couple of blocks from “the Bund” (the historic area along the Huangpu river) and the Yuyuan Garden.
So far the conference has hosted speakers from China (Ministry of Education, Higher Education, and Informal Education) and the U.S. (Higher Education, Curriculum Developers, informal education). Most of the talks were at a higher level without much mention of science instructional approaches or strategies. I was surprised to learn about the scale of the Chinese education system. There are 1.3 billion people in China and 200 million K–12 students. Approximately 8.5 million students are children of migrant workers, and 24 million students’ parents leave during the week to work in factories. The class sizes average around 35–50 students.
There are 17 million teachers in China and the professional development for teachers (including science teachers) is required; one third of it is provided by the government and the rest is provided by the local school. Teachers are certified for 5 years and need to receive continued support to become recertified.

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There is a national science curriculum (Learning by Doing) and standards. The topics are essentially the same as ours and include guidelines, similar to U.S. science education standards, which decrease doing some things and increasing others. A couple of chemistry examples include less chemistry calculation and demonstration experiments or increasing the teaching of ecological balance, and connecting to life experiences.
Inquiry is a focal point and appears to be very important to the Chinese. However there was agreement with some of the U.S. speakers that the concept of inquiry is not well understood or implemented in Chinese classrooms. The issue of assessing inquiry seemed to leave all speakers challenged to provide a good answer. The Chinese teachers started to ask questions today and were quite comfortable with asking pointed questions.
Three themes really stood out today: Equity, assessment, and implementation. The challenge of the scale of China is mind boggling. China has so many students and teachers that the implementation issues are huge. The delivery systems are massively designed; however it is not clear how they are actually working.
There are 40 different groups of people within China and the wealth of China is very uneven, particularly among the urban and rural communities. Assessment is used mostly as a filter of students rather than being used to improve instruction. Technology is helping provide these and some instructional approaches across the country.
More soon …

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle


Maps and models

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-11-18

Click here for the Table of Contents

Both of these words can be nouns or verbs, and both interpretations are essential in science, as described in this month’s edition of Science Scope. Students use models and maps as learning tools; they also can model design processes or map their understanding of a concept.
It appears that many of these articles on maps and models are related to the Earth Sciences. Using Google Earth to Study the Basic Characteristics of Volcanoes goes way beyond the build-a-volcano models of yesterday to using a technology application to study real volcanoes. And if you can’t take your students to a cave, the author of Caving in the Classroom describes how to bring a caving experience to your students. She shares activities, rubrics, and resources for this simulation. Check out other resources in SciLinks Caverns.Students seem to enjoy working with maps, with a renewed interest in them thanks to GPS technology. Seafarers, Great Circles, and a Tad of Rhumb: Understanding the Mercator Misconception illustrates some misconceptions people have about the Earth based on map projections. I gained a new vocabulary term (rhumb line), too. The SciLinks topic Mapping has lists of resources to supplement those recommended in the article.

In Astronomical Scale of Stellar Distances Using 3-D Models, students demonstrate their understanding by creating models. Building Models to Better Understand the Importance of Cost Versus Safety in Engineering has ideas for introducing students to engineering projects such as building a tower. Both of these articles include teaching suggestions, rubrics, and resources. If you want to expand the engineering projects, consider some of the projects in the SciLinks Bridge Structures.
“Model” can also mean a plan or prototype. A Revolutionary Model of Professional Development compares traditional teacher training workshops to differentiated professional development.
The Scope’s Scoops feature has summaries of current research in various topics. These reports could be used by students, too, for extra reading on the topics. The topics this month could be expanded with information and activities found in SciLinks: Meteors, Dinosaurs, the Brain, and Black Holes.

Click here for the Table of Contents


Science bridges many barriers

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-11-17

An update from Dr. Christine Royce, a member of the NSTA team at the Sino–US Science and Education Forum in Shanghai.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today in one sense was a long day—this was heard stated by many of the participants here. It wasn’t that we were uninterested in what was said; it wasn’t that we started any earlier or finished any later. It might have felt like a long day since as one person stated –the adrenaline rush of being in a foreign country on such a journey is starting to wear off and jet lag may be setting in just a bit. The reason I think it felt long to others and specifically the reason it felt long to me was simple—with the exception of tea breaks (which by the way is customary everywhere you go) we sat. To clarify—we sat on our butts all day and listened to speakers—eight in all. Now please don’t get me wrong—the topics the speakers presented on were wonderful—informal science education, preparation of teachers, curriculum design, and research relating to improving the field. There will be more on these later, however to get back to why the day felt long—it’s because the consensus among an informal survey of participants was—we rarely ever sit that long. One person even went as far as to comment that we now know what our students may feel like at the end of a day.
Today’s presentations from both sides presented interesting and informative perspectives to consider. One of the main points that jumped out towards the end of the day as Elizabeth Mulkerrin was speaking was when she said something like science is the bridge to helping students learn in reference to a particular program she was highlighting. That phrase summed up the entire day for me. Science truly bridges many barriers.

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One of the feature presenters from the Chinese delegation spoke about two priorities that the Chinese government has set for education in the next ten years—equity and quality. Equity in China means exactly what it means in the United States—addressing the situation of students in poverty, ethnic minority areas (an interesting fact that we learned today was that the Hun group was the most prevalent in China), bringing equity to all schools and eliminating key schools, as well as allocating more resources for schools. Dr. Wang Dinghua discussed the need to address dropout rates, support special education and migrant workers (not something I ever really considered, to be honest) as well as their equivalent of “latch-key kids.” Point by point he could have been talking about issues and concerns in the United States. Quality again was repetitive of what we hear regularly—improving all schools, laying a solid foundation for future development and education. However—there was one that we as Americans are just starting to see on the horizon (fingers crossed that the direction of travel continues) and that is having all students complete their studies with science literacy. He pointed out that the 3Rs are important in helping people communicate, however science literacy was important in helping the country move forward as a nation. He connected it to energy, the environment, sustainability and what he referred to as a “higher R requirement”—that of responsibility. Responsibility to each as an individual, society as a whole, and the future of the country.
As I understood his presentation, science is the key connector between all aspects of the future as the Chinese see it—it bridges the past with the future. Dr. Dinghua continued to discuss the components that go into making their national curriculum (which does have a certain percentage determined by the local provincial offices) better and future- looking—teacher efficiency, a reduced workload for student homework, the need to foster creativity and continuing to strengthen hands-on experiences of the students. His point was further reflected by a statement in Dr. Liu Enshan’s presentation on biology curriculum later in the day. He stated that part of the national agenda was in order to “maximize human capital to build a creative country; science education should play a critical role in general education.” He further discussed that science is taught in grades 3–11 with integrated content being covered up through grade 9 followed by discipline specific topics for high school. Dr. Enshan focused on a change that has been implemented into the biology curriculum in recent years—that of inquiry.
Which led nicely into the session presented by Dr. Alan McCormack and Dr. Karen Ostlund. Alan and Karen focused on how to engage students, including preservice educators, in inquiry based experiences. Discrepant events were presented which resulted in an equal reaction between the Americans and Chinese—a look of wonder as well as a brief bit of confusion as the water should have come right through the glass that had a hole poked in it. What followed was another example of science serving as a bridge.  Even though we were still SITTING, they had us do the “fish inquiry”—you know the one—where a red fish cut out of cellophane like put on the palm of your hand and you observe what happens to it … does it curl up, have its head move or its tail. Next they distributed simple materials and asked us to design an experiment to test our hypothesis as to why the fish moves. If you can picture Chinese educators who speak little English, and American educators who speak almost NO Chinese, sitting side by side in an auditorium, communicating with each other through pictures and hand gestures designing and conducting an experiment—to observe the event was unbelievable but to participate in the opportunity was amazing. The act of “doing science” crossed barriers of language and allowed us to engage in a meaningful way with each other thus making additional connections between individuals.
In considering Elizabeth’s statement and the events of the day—science truly does bridge many barriers that often divide individuals and countries. Classroom science bridges the achievement gap according to information presented by Dr. Janet Carlson and Dr. Arthur Eisenkraft today during their presentations. Science information brings nations together for summits on global warming, nuclear energy, and natural disasters. I am not saying that everyone reaches the table with the same goals or agrees on the desired outcomes—but that too is part of science—presenting your side and evidence in a persuasive argument and then should it come to it– agreeing to disagree—but continuing the conversation and pursuit of scientific knowledge. Science education has brought together all of the people attending this forum who will now have connections to maintain in the future. Some may be intermittent, while others may be regular. The important point that I learned from today is that there are many ways to cross a divide or conquer a barrier—and science education and the experiences at this forum will help us all to build many bridges and connections well into the future.

An update from Dr. Christine Royce, a member of the NSTA team at the Sino–US Science and Education Forum in Shanghai.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Notes from day 1 at the Sino-US forum

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2010-11-17

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

The NSTA delegation of science educators landed Monday night and began the inaugural 2010 US–Sino Forum in Shanghai on Tuesday. The purpose of this trip is to learn about Chinese science education, and to identify any features, characteristics or practices that will help in teaching science in the U.S. We are also looking forward to an exciting cultural experience in the one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Shanghai is the largest city in China with a population of about 20 million people in a country often quoted as “highly motivated” and “beating” the U.S. in the development of highly educated scientists and engineers.
Our host, the China Association of Children’s Instructors of Science (CASCI), is NSTA’s counterpart in China. Our secondary host is the China Association of Science and Technology (CAST), which is an organization run by the government of China. This is an important distinction which I will discuss later. They have made the beginning of our visit very comfortable and have made us feel welcome by providing us with translators, a tour guide to get around, and by providing lots of food (which I will comment on later, too).
During the first morning, about half of the NSTA delegation spent time at the Shanghai International Forum on Science Literacy of Precollege Students. In its sixth year, this event is an opportunity for science educators from France, the U.K., the USA and China to interact and promote the development of precollege student science literacy. Dr. Jo Ellen Roseman and Ted Willard from the AAAS/Project 2061 represented the U.S. We were able to hear several presentations from two countries and see the award ceremonies for many science educators from around the country. (The background music for as the awardees went up to the stage was the theme song from the popular 1959–1973 TV show Bonanza.)
The NSTA/CASCI forum began after lunch with introductory speeches and then keynote speeches from Dr. Norm Lederman from the Illinois Institute of Technology and Dr. Wei Yu from the Research Center for Learning Science in Southeast University.   Dr Lederman provided a clear history of reform efforts in the U.S over the last ten years and concluded describing the challenges ahead with many of the reform programs. Dr Wei described the reforms efforts in China over the last 50 years, but spent most of the time on a recent large-scale effort called Learning by Doing in Science.
It was remarkable that she talked about many of the same things that science teachers say are key features of science education in the United States, such as experiential learning, inquiry, and Internet based communications. She quoted Piaget and other constructivist educators. She also spoke about several issues related to the unmet promises of the Learning by Doing effort in China, such as inadequate resources and qualified teachers.
One issue that differed greatly was the effect of the one child policy in China on children’s empathy and communication skills, particularly in the rural areas of China. Dr. Yu posited that because so many children in China are growing up as single children they have little empathy for others and lack many of the people skills that a child in a family with multiple children might develop growing up with siblings. She felt that this was a critical weakness and had to be addressed by the Chinese education system.
The second day begins with presentations from both U.S. and Chinese science educators.

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle


Sino-US forum gets underway

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-11-16

Dr. Christine Royce reports from the Sino–US Science and Education Forum in Shanghai.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where did Monday go … well, due to the time difference, the delegation didn’t actually arrive until Monday evening … so today was the first day of the Forum. Some members of the delegation headed over this morning to an optional event—the Shanghai International Forum on Science Literacy of Precollege Students, while others took advantage of the down time to either relax, sleep in, or wander around the Yu Garden area, which is home to a series of shops and bazaars selling everything from silk scarves to Chinese tea to pearls.
The actual opening of the US–Sino Forum began after lunch at the Sinan Building which is where we heard the opening ceremony and keynote speeches. Opening comments were given by Mme. Chen Saijuan from CACSI (Chinese Association of Children’s Science Instructors” and Dr. Francis Eberle, Executive Director of NSTA. During Francis’s opening comments, he remarked that the differences between our countries are as important as the commonalities as we have much to learn and share. He further commented that the future of both countries is tied to science and education. This struck me as an important point, because earlier that morning, I took full advantage of trying to regulate my clock by sleeping in a bit and then wandering around Yu Gardens. While there with a colleague Steve Rich, we came across a group of upper elementary school girls in their uniforms, complete with backpacks and what appeared to be a worksheet in hand. Steve and I immediately assumed that they had a series of tasks to complete while there as they looked like they were searching for specific locations (albeit stopping and sharing in the treats for purchase as well). It was interesting to see these school aged children from China acting just like I have observed school age children from the United States doing. They were writing things down when they “got an answer”; laughing and joking with each other and they were obviously engaged in this time outside of the traditional classroom.

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I have yet to visit a Chinese school so I am not sure what their traditional classroom even looks like, however, there were many similarities between my observations of these children and those from my home state. I don’t know what subject they were trying to do or even if they were there for school reasons. I am assuming so as it was mid morning which is after the “normal” school start time and they were in uniforms complete with backpacks. I noticed the similarities first, rather than the differences which brings me back to Francis’s opening points. There are many similarities to my home world even in this bustling city. I have yet to feel “out of my element” or “in a foreign land” if you will—rather I found it easy to read the street signs while on the bus yesterday and today (even though I have no orientation as to where I am going); could locate the traditional types of stores—convenience stores, fresh fruit stands, tourist places and yes—even a Pizza Hut and McDonalds; and most of all, I was able to navigate around a new city with some basic skills and a map. The hardest part of the trip so far was figuring out how to turn the lights on in my hotel room and then keep them on (one must insert their key card into a wall slot while in the room for the lights to remain on—once removed, the lights shut off in a few minutes which is one way to conserve energy I guess).
Following the opening comments, we had the pleasure to hear a keynote speech from both the Chinese Science Educators and the US delegation. Mme Wei Yu is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering as well as holding many offices in associations such as the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. She is internationally cited for her efforts in promoting “Learning by Doing” which is an inquiry-based science education project for grades one to six. Her presentation focused on her work in designing and implementing “Learning by Doing” and the successes she has had as well as the challenges she has faced. One of the points she reiterated was that science and education are important to strategic issues that affect our future. She also stated that science teachers are essential to reform … so we must share both countries experiences of teachers because we can learn from each other and inspire each other.  The US Keynote was given by Dr. Norman Lederman, who is Chair and Professor of Mathematics and Science Education at the Illinois Institute of Technology. His speech also focused on the promise and challenges of science education reform in the United States.
Throughout both presentations, many commonalities emerged—that both countries have teachers who put effort into and are dedicated to their fields; that global issues need to be addressed and worked on together—because we have much to share with each other; that evidenced based and science based reform requires teacher training and money; and that both the US and Chinese views on elementary science education are not always at the forefront of the daily teaching agenda since there is no mandatory test that measures young student learning. The first several were interesting to hear, but the last one was somewhat of a surprise for me. It appears that both countries teachers of science are fighting to make science a subject that receives priority in schools. The differences were few but demonstrated the major difference between our countries. China has a national curriculum and can guide what happens in all schools from as Mme Wei Yu stated a “top down approach” where as the US has local control of schools. Another difference that was illustrated related to Dr. Lederman’s statement that often there is “teacher resistance to change” in our country since it is often a swinging pendulum in the education arena, however, teachers “follow” the directives that are provided by the Ministry of Education in China. Before I get emails, I am not making a judgment regarding which it should be or why as I do not have enough information about the Chinese system to draw a fair comparison, rather I am just simply stating one difference that was clearly pointed out.
Regardless of which you focus on, the similarities or the differences, there is no doubt that both countries delegations have entered into the inaugural US–Sino Forum on Science and Education with open minds in order to build on a commonality—an obvious passion for our field and desire to improve education for our students.

Dr. Christine Royce reports from the Sino–US Science and Education Forum in Shanghai.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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