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Cycles and interactions

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-10-24

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Many science curriculum guides are identifying “big ideas” (or essential questions, underlying themes, understandings) that provide context or a framework for helping students to make connections between concepts within and between subject areas. Some students are able to make their own connections, but many others may need a little assistance to get to this “aha” moment. And when that moment occurs and the light bulb goes on (to use an old metaphor), it’s a rewarding event for a teacher.
This issue focuses on suggestions to help students understand how cycles of land, air, water, air, and living things are interconnected, and how they relate to real-life events and issues.
Living in Pennsylvania, I was immediately interested in Connect the Spheres with the Coal Cycle. The article includes lots of background on the formation of coal and how the formation, extraction, and use are related in the carbon cycle (with connections to climate change and acid rain). An extensive list of websites is provided (suitable for WebQuests or other projects). More resources can be in found in the SciLinks Coal Mining.

Speaking of projects, take a look at The Take Action Project article with examples on how to help students discover their connections to nature and to turn this learning into do-able and relevant projects. Examples of connecting science to personal interests can be found in Physics Fun with Toy Cars, The Science of Soil Textures (with connections to racing, gardening, and other outdoor activities).
It’s always interesting to ask students where something comes from. The article Banning the Bottle (this month’s “Green Science entry) looks at issues related to the bottled water that is so commonly used—from the source of the water, plastics, bottling equipment and labor, transportation, and recycling vs. disposing in landfills. Students can see how even as something as mundane as a throwaway water bottle is connected to various processes.
Even a class activity such as a test can be considered a cycle, as described in the “Teacher’s Toolkit” article Strategies for the Meaningful Evaluation of Multiple-Choice Assessments. The author describes each step in the process, from sharing tips for test taking, scoring, analyzing errors (on the part of both teachers and students), which can lead to reteaching or revising the test as the cycle continues to the next unit. The process described by the author is a teacher-friendly (and student-friendly) analysis, and several graphics illustrate the process.
Transporting Students Into Thin Air shows how students can experience the connections between science and communications skills (reading, writing, discussion) and includes examples of student work (which I always like to see) and a “grading” sheet. Taking the Time to Read Aloud also illustrates connections with science and reading, showing how middle-schoolers are not too old to enjoy and learn from teacher read-alouds. The author includes some suggested materials, and NSTA Recommends would have more ideas for appropriate trade books to share with students. SciLinks also has a list of online resources related to reading and writing in science.
NSTA’s SciLinks has several categories at the middle school level that have online resources for learning about cycles and connections:

Finally, the article Finding Learning Beneath the Surface: Monitoring Student Progress with Science Practices Learning Progressions is definitely connected to the processes describe in this month’s Science and Children. The author describes a way to assess students’ ability to observe, measure, graph, diagram, investigate, design, explain, analyze, and model. The progressions are in four levels, ranging from “beginning” to “proficient.” This looks like an excellent way to diagnose student needs and to help students self-monitor their development of inquiry process skills.

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President Obama invites you to the USA Science and Engineering Festival

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-10-22

The big event takes place on the National Mall and around the country this weekend. Here’s your personal invitation:
See you there! Be sure and stop by NSTA’s area (NM-1 booths 116-124, located near the Capitol reflecting pool and near 3rd Street and Madison Drive). The folks from National Lab Day will be there as well (PA-13 booths 1251 and 1253, near Pennsylvania Avenue and 13th Street).

The big event takes place on the National Mall and around the country this weekend. Here’s your personal invitation:


Science fairs and alternatives

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-10-22

I have my eighth-grade honors physical science classes do traditional science fair projects (trifold board display with research essay and lab report). This year there has been some discussion within our department about giving students alternatives. The students would be able to choose what type of project they want to do (so those who are interested could still pick a traditional project), but we’d like to explore other options.
—Carolyn, Chesterfield, Virginia
When students hear the term “science fair,” their reactions may range from cheers of excitement to groans of despair. Science fairs take a lot of time, effort, and resources. So regardless of format, it’s important to determine which science standards or learning goals will be met by having students participate. In my experience, middle school students are naturally enthusiastic, especially if they have choices of activities. But their enthusiasm can get sidetracked if they have too many options.
For some students, traditional projects that involve independent research can be a motivating experience leading to career decisions and scholarship opportunities. They can also be frustrating—especially for younger students—if they do not have much experience with designing and conducting authentic investigations (other than following directions for a “cookbook” activity). I’ve seen science fairs in upper elementary and middle schools in which all participants were required to use the same template that supposedly followed “the” scientific method. The rubrics often had little room for independent thinking, and I wonder how much students learned about inquiry processes from these projects.

For alternatives, check out the resources of the National History Day (NHD) competition  This competition has several categories reflecting the authentic work of historians: documentary, exhibit, paper, performance, or website. Each category is described in detail in the rulebook, with directions and rubrics, and could be modified for science projects (e.g., substituting experimental research or descriptive study for the documentary category). If you  ever attend a NHD showcase, you won’t find any pretzel-stick log cabins!
Another alternative might be to take advantage of the many “competitions” involving students (or teams of students) in real-world projects related to research, design, and problem solving. Some examples include Toshiba/NSTA Exploravision, Invention Convention, Odyssey of the Mind, Science OlympiadKids’ Inquiry ConferenceSiemens We Can Change the World ChallengeeCyberMission, and special event projects such as It’s Elemental.
Many colleagues have shared excellent ideas for traditional and alternative science projects in NSTA journals, such as the December 2007 issue of Science and Children and the March 2004 issue of Science Scope. These articles are also good resources for secondary teachers, especially if your students are science fair novices or if you want some fresh ideas. The articles have timelines, rubrics describing high quality projects, and suggestions for helping students who may have few resources at home. They also describe online science fairs, science expos, multimedia presentations, themed projects, mini-conferences, and other nontraditional “fairs.” To save time, I’ve assembled a shared collection of NSTA resources on Science Fairs and Alternatives in the NSTA Learning Center.
SciLinks also has a list of websites with many ideas for both traditional and nontraditional projects. For example, Science Buddies has a “topic selection wizard” that guides students through the process of selecting and fine tuning a topic. This site has sections and resources for both students and teachers.
Keep in mind nontraditional projects or competitions can require as much work on your part as a traditional fair (and perhaps more, if you need several types of guidelines and rubrics). As with traditional projects, you’ll need to consider how much work will be completed outside of class. Do your students have resources at home? How much parental “support” will be acceptable? Will all students be required to do a project (and at the same time)? Will you allow students to work together? Will you have a public event  to display the projects? Will students compete with each other?
It’s exciting and rewarding to see students’ creativity, especially when they can relate science to personal interests. One of my seventh graders was very interested in writing, and for her project she created a collection of poems related to forest ecology. She entered one in a local writing project and won a medal for it. The English teacher and I were very proud of her accomplishment.

I have my eighth-grade honors physical science classes do traditional science fair projects (trifold board display with research essay and lab report). This year there has been some discussion within our department about giving students alternatives.


Francis's blog on all things science education

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2010-10-19

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

Welcome to my blog about issues and concerns to science educators and science education. At least once each month I will introduce a new topic that I hope will generate some discussion, and also respond to your ideas, comments, and suggestions.
I want to start with a new report that recently was released by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) titled Prepare and Inspire: K–12 Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) for America’s Future. PCAST advises President Obama on key policy issues, so one might think there would be more attention to what the report had to say about improving K–12 STEM education. Only one outlet (Education Week) covered the report in any depth. I urge you to take a look at this report. One question on my mind is whether we are reaching the Sputnik moment in this country with the PCAST report, or is this just another report in a long line of reports destined for the shelf. Do you think this report is destined to the dusty bookcase, or will/can it change anything about science education?
There are two important ideas in this report that I hope will rise above the current din of efforts to improve science education. The first idea is captured by the word Inspire in the report’s title. It refers to the nature of science as being a discipline that helps the human spirit and mind expand through discovery and imagining “what could be” and “why.”  I have to wonder, as science educators, have we lost our way from inspiring students about the potential science holds for creativity and discovery? Have we done this because of the push to prepare students for tests and to meet next year’s expectations, instead of helping students understand what science is capable of doing and how it helps us understand the world? Do you think we have lost the idea of wonderment in science?
The second idea that I think is of particular importance for science educators is the recommendation that states recognize and reward the top five percent of the nations STEM teachers by creating a STEM master teacher corps. We surveyed via NSTA Express and asked what you thought, and 64 percent of respondents agreed it was a good idea. Think of what a difference this would make in science education. If we use an estimate of 200,000 science educators, five percent would mean 10,000 experts, mentors, coaches, and resource people would be in schools and centers across the country supporting science education. They would be in represented in every congressional district (a political move in the report, but not a bad idea). I think this is an actionable recommendation. What do you think?
Rather than me going on about these ideas, let’s start a discussion—tell me what you think about the PCAST report and the three questions above.


NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle


Join in forming a Science Interest Forum for early childhood educators

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2010-10-19

Science explorations happen outdoors and indoors--static electricityDear early childhood educators and researchers,
We’re writing to invite you to join us in applying to NAEYC to form an Early Childhood Science Interest Forum. The purpose of the forum is to:

  • Provide a forum for the exchange of effective strategies and quality materials for science teaching in early childhood.
  • Establish and maintain a collaborative relationship with other professional organizations with similar goals.
  • Build early childhood educators’ understanding of the nature of quality science teaching and learning.
  • Promote public understanding of the importance of inquiry-based science in early childhood settings, as well as an understanding of what is appropriate content and a picture of what young children are capable of doing and learning.
  • Support efforts to expand professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators.

A close-up view of worms.You can learn more about NAEYC interest forums at
Join us as we apply to the NAEYC Board to become the NAEYC Early Childhood Science Interest Forum by filling in your information in the insert. (Your information will only be seen by the forum moderators and blog editors, and will only be shared with NAEYC, when we submit the forum application.)
Peggy Ashbrook
Ingrid Chalufour
Betty Zan
Early Childhood Science Interest Forum facilitators
[contact-form 1 “NAEYC”]

Science explorations happen outdoors and indoors--static electricityDear early childhood educators and researchers,
We’re writing to invite you to join us in applying to NAEYC to form an Early Childhood Science Interest Forum. The purpose of the forum is to:


President Obama recognizes NSTA student competition winners

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-10-18

Anika Patel and Angela Riggins

Photo by Francis Eberle

Middle school students Anika Patel and Angela Riggins, shown here, from Forest Ridge School in Bellevue, Washington, exhibited their 2010 first-place ExploraVision project titled Ecological Paper Printer and Ink Collection today at the White House during the White House Science Fair, hosted by President Obama.
Pres. Obama speaks at White House Science Fair

Photo by Francis Eberle

In addition to Anika and Angela, students representing 36 competitions journeyed to the White House to meet President Obama and to be recognized for their accomplishments as young winning scientists, engineering, and technicians.

  • Watch the YouTube video of the President’s remarks from the White House Science Fair
  • Read more about the White House Science Fair

Team No1IdlingTeams from the other NSTA competitions included  Team “No1Idling”—Novi (Michigan) Middle School students Raj Raina and Yash Sathe, who were being honored at the White House for their first-place entry in the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge, which addressed the issue of  reducing community pollution by raising awareness about the environmental impact of vehicle idling among area drivers.
Alex SincereAlexander XuTwo students represented the DuPont Challenge Science Essay Competition. Alex Sincere (at left), a junior at Evanston (Illinois) High School, wrote an essay about stem cell research on mice that could lead to a treatment for human blindness. Alexander Xu (at right), a seventh-grader at Tower Hill School in Wilmington, Delaware, wrote an essay that explores the use of algae as a sustainable biofuel.
The Science Fair was part of the Administration’s Educate to Innovate initiative, which today the President announced has reached over $700 million in public/private partnerships aimed at improving K–12 STEM education.

Anika Patel and Angela Riggins

Photo by Francis Eberle


Process skills

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-10-13

Click here for the Table of Contents

The guest editorial Inquiry, Process Skills, and Thinking in Science is relevant to any grade level. The author notes that inquiry is an intellectual endeavor. I’ve seen classes where students complete hands-on activities without thinking about what they’re doing. For example, an elementary class was told that they were making “oobleck” as part of a chemistry unit. The teacher had pre-measured the ingredients and read the directions to the students. One student did wonder “what would happen if…” but there was no follow-up to this question. Even though the teacher called this an “experiment” and the students enjoyed the activity, I don’t think that students learned much about chemical reactions or the inquiry process.
According to the author, rather than learning piecemeal processes (e.g., “units” on measurement or experimental design), in inquiry learning the student engages with a scientific question, participates in design of procedures, gives priority to evidence, formulates explanations, connects explanations to scientific knowledge, and communicates and justifies explanations.
Regardless of the grade level, teachers can’t assume that their students will automatically have and know when to use process skills. Although I knew that my middle school students had experiences with graphing, many of them still needed guidance in the process of collecting and organizing data. Even my high school classes occasionally needed some modeling and gentle reminders in formulating questions and designing investigations.
Other articles in this issue address how the process skills used in inquiry can be taught.

Inference or Observation? is difficult even for some adults.  This article has an activity related to trees with several “tips” to help students use their observations to make inferences. Developing Observation Skills is designed for younger students, using something as simple as bubbles to stimulate questions and discussions. The author of The “Magic” String uses a discrepant event to help students differentiate between inference and observation. NSTA’s SciLinks has additional resources for Observations.
In our electronics-focused society, it seems as though we are involved with faraway people and events rather than those around us. Do we encourage children to observe clouds in the sky, an insect crawling on the pavement, or wildflowers growing along a road? The authors of A Walk in the Woods (in this case, a city arboretum) and Nature’s Palette show how to students’ observations beyond the traditional checklist/scavenger hunt to incorporate inquiry learning in their own neighborhoods.
Not all observations involve our sense of sight. Do You Hear What Horton Hears? and How Does Loud Noise Affect Hearing? Describe learning activities related to hearing, sound, pitch, and vibration (Click on the word for these topics in SciLinks.)
Students may not accept what they observe if it challenges a misconception. Beyond Predictions and “More A-More B” Rule have suggestions for investigating floating and sinking.  (Also see the buoyancy topic in SciLinks.)

Measurement Informs Understanding shows how quantifying observations can and should be an integral part of inquiry lessons, not a separate unit of instruction. (SciLinks has more on systems of measurement). Students of all ages may enjoy the alternative ways of communicating results of inquiry lessons described in Dramatic Science.
And check out the Connections for this issue. Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, there are ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, and other resources.

Click here for the Table of Contents


Piloting new materials

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-10-11

I’ve been approached by a university science department to “pilot” some instructional materials being developed.  I’ve never done this before. Do you have any questions I should ask to help me decide?
—Carol, Buffalo, New York
As part of outreach efforts, science-related agencies and institutions often develop programs of materials and activities for K–12 classrooms. This is an opportunity to share their resources and expertise with teachers and students. If the organization needs input from the K–12 learning environment, teachers are often asked to pilot or field-test the materials and strategies with their students, so the developers can determine how the program operates in a real classroom setting. Some grants recommend (or even require) this field testing.
From the developer’s perspective, feedback from teachers and students is essential in making the final product relevant and appropriate. From the teacher’s perspective, it’s a chance to access new materials and updated content. It’s also a way to establish professional relationships that may lead to future opportunities.
But this requires work by the teacher. You may have to alter your course outline to accommodate the developer’s timeline. You may have to participate in training or preliminary webinars and submit feedback documents. So I would ask a few questions:

  • What content and skills are being addressed by the program? The program should be worth the time you spend field-testing it.  You should be able to align the concepts and skills with your state standards or the local science curriculum for your subject and grade level. If the program doesn’t complement or supplement your course or is inappropriate for your students, it’s wise to decline (or recommend another teacher or class).
  • What is the scope of the program? Will you examine and use supplementary resources, or will you implement a complete unit of instruction, with learning goals, class activities, lab investigations, print materials, software or web-based applications, and assessments?
  • What is the time frame? How much class time does the developer estimate will you need? Will you have any input or flexibility on when the field test will take place? Would you be able to incorporate it within an existing unit of your course or add it at the end of the course as a supplement?
  • Does your school or district have guidelines or a policy about these collaborations? In some districts, teachers can sign-up for these collaborations without prior approval; in others, the administration screens all requests to determine which are appropriate. If the field test requires site visits by the developers, be sure to inform your principal of the purpose and dates. Your district may also want to feature your work in a newsletter or on the website.
  • Is parental permission required? If the program materials and instruction are similar to what you ordinarily do in the classroom, parental permission might not be necessary (ask your principal). A university, however, may require a “human subjects” release form, signed by parents. If the developer produces any photographs or videos involving students, signed release forms should be on file. For students who do not have permission to participate, you will need alternative activities.
  • Does the field test include lab investigations that require specific materials? What technology is needed? In some cases, the developer will provide appropriate lab equipment and technology, as a loan or as part of your compensation. Ask your principal, department head, or technology coordinator to assist.
  • What is the role of the teacher? Are you expected to deliver and evaluate the instruction? Will there be any meetings or training prior to the field test to help you become familiar with the program? What type of feedback are you expected to provide (such as completing a rubric or participating in an interview)? After the field test and revisions, the developers often publish articles about their program. The program may be introduced at conferences. You could ask about being a co-author of an article or a conference co-presenter. These are appropriate additions to your professional vita.
  • What student evidence is required? Some projects use pre- and posttests to determine student learning. Surveys or focus groups might also be used for student feedback. You may be asked for examples of student work.

You should expect some type of compensation for your efforts. Developers may offer a monetary stipend for teachers, especially if afterschool planning and reporting is required. If special training is involved, professional development hours or graduate credits might be awarded. Some developers “reward” the piloting schools with lab equipment or other technologies. Although you’ll appreciate these compensations, the real value will be in new opportunities for collaboration in teaching and learning. The connections you make can lead to other opportunities for you and your students, such as internships, borrowing specialized equipment, field trips, mentoring, and future projects.

I’ve been approached by a university science department to “pilot” some instructional materials being developed.  I’ve never done this before. Do you have any questions I should ask to help me decide?
—Carol, Buffalo, New York


Observing closely—bubbles!

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2010-10-10

Child reaching for floating soap bubbles.Bubble blowing is a favorite activity of young children. Two-year-olds, who often have difficulty blowing a stream of air, may have more success by waving a bubble wand. The process is moderately difficult for 3 and 4 year olds and can be made more challenging for older children by providing a variety of bubble “wands” and tasks such as blow a bubble within a bubble, or blow the largest bubble. Yet children with experience blowing bubbles may not be able to recall the shape of, or say the name of, all free-floating bubbles—a sphere. 

Children touch a flat paper square and circle, and a sphere (ball) and cube (block).Bubble blowing is a good time to talk about the difference between two dimensional “round” objects and three dimensional “round” objects and to have children practice careful observation. Use familiar classrooom objects such as, balls and marbles, cube blocks and boxes to compare to paper cut-outs of the 2-D shapes, a circle and a square. Read the October 2010 Early Years column about how repeated bubble observations can develop this understanding. The word “sphere” is difficult to pronounce. Maybe that is why it isn’t used very often in everyday speech. One class I work with surprised me by incorporating the word into their classroom conversations about marbles and balls. All it took was for one member of the class to begin to use the new vocabulary word frequently, and then it caught on with the rest of the children—and teachers! It isn’t just a new word for a familiar object; it is a way of recognizing the distinction between flat objects and 3-D objects and a beginning to think spatially.

Here are some resources about bubbles and shapes.

Books for children

Is It Rough? Is It Smooth? Is It Shiny? by Tana Hoban. 1984. New York: Greenwillow Books.

Cubes, Cones, Cylinders and Spheres by Tana Hoban. 2000. New York: Greenwillow Books.

Pop!: A Book About Bubbles by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley with photographs by Margaret Miller. 2001. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Books for teachers

Soap Bubble Magic by Seymour Simon, illustrated by Stella Ormai. 1985. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.

The Nature and Science of Bubbles by Jane Burton and Kim Taylor. 1998. Milwaukee, Wis.: Gareth Stevens Pub.

Bubble Festival  (grades K-6) Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) guide on bubbles (and companion free online training video) available online

Bubble-ology  (grades 5-­8, or for early childhood teachers) GEMS available online

A discovery bottle filled with corn syrup and just a small bubble of air. Non-messy bubble Discovery Bottles* can intrigue children and encourage them to expand on their ideas about bubbles. Make the bottles using clear plastic bottles with tight-fitting lids, vegetable oil, water, food coloring, corn syrup and a hot glue gun (for adult use) to seal the lids. I use mayo jars, bottles for corn syrup, and other relatively strong plastic bottles. * Also see Sandy Watson’s article, Discovery Bottles, in the July 2008 Science and Children.

  1. For the first one, fill a small, clear plastic bottle almost to the top with vegetable oil, leaving space for about two tablespoons of colored water. (A few small objects may be added for interest.)
  2. Add food coloring to a small cup of water.
  3. Add this colored water to the bottle, filling it completely.
  4. Carefully wipe the lip of the bottle with a paper towel.
  5. Seal the bottle by putting a small amount of hot glue inside the lid before tightly screwing on the lid. Tape around the lid afterwards as a symbol to show that the lid should not be removed.
  6. After the glue cools, turn the bottle upside down to watch the water bubble move. Some questions to ask the children include: Does the bubble move up or down? What shape is the bubble?


  1. Make a second bottle by filling it with corn syrup, leaving a small space for a tablespoon of air at the top. (A few small objects may be added for interest.)
  2. Carefully wipe the lip of the bottle with a paper towel.
  3. Seal the bottle by putting a small amount of hot glue inside the lid before tightly screwing on the lid. Tape around the lid afterwards as a symbol to show that the lid should not be removed.
  4. After the glue cools, turn the bottle upside down to watch the air bubble move. Some questions to ask the children include: Does the bubble move up or down? How fast does it move? What shape is the bubble?

What bubble experiences happen in your classrooms? How do your students record their observations? What kind of questions have they raised in discussions? Tell us all, Peggy

Child reaching for floating soap bubbles.Bubble blowing is a favorite activity of young children. Two-year-olds, who often have difficulty blowing a stream of air, may have more success by waving a bubble wand.


Developing Visual Literacy in Science, K–8

By Claire Reinburg

Posted on 2010-10-08

Students today encounter a flood of images and content from print and online sources. Increasingly, the ability to read, process, and derive meaning from those images and pictures will be central to student success.  Authors Jo Anne Vasquez, Michael Comer, and Frankie Troutman have assembled for teachers a thorough overview of this timely topic in their new NSTA Press book Developing Visual Literacy in Science, K–8. From coaching students in how to interpret scientific illustrations and graphs to helping them create their own visual representations of scientific information in posters or foldables, this book offers teachers numerous tips and strategies for helping students build their visual literacy skills.  Visit the Science Store page about Developing Visual Literacy in Science, K–8 to download your free chapter, “Visual Literacy in Life Science: Insect Metamorphosis” (just click next to “Read Inside”).

Students today encounter a flood of images and content from print and online sources.

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