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Raising a Voice for Change

Journal Article

Raising a Voice for Change

From the Editor's Desk...

By Patty McGinnis

Middle School Advocacy Climate Science

Earth Systems and Climate Change

Journal Article

Earth Systems and Climate Change

Scope on the Skies column...

By Bob Riddle

Middle School Astronomy Earth & Space Science

Using Collaborative Digital Summary Tables to Impact Student Engagement and Learning

Journal Article

Using Collaborative Digital Summary Tables to Impact Student Engagement and Learning

This manuscript reports on the impact of using collaborative digital summary tables on student engagement and learning. First, traditional summary tab...

By Grace Buchholz and Pradeep Maxwell Dass

Middle School Equity Multilingual Learners NGSS Pedagogy Research

Blackout Poetry: Eclipsing with words and images to Illuminate ideas

Journal Article

Blackout Poetry: Eclipsing with words and images to Illuminate ideas

Integrating literacy practices in science classrooms can help students with reading complex scientific text, write arguments as part of shared cross-d...

By Amy Lannin, Jeannie Sneller, and Heba Abdelnaby

Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Literacy Teaching Strategies

Empowering Student Action Through Climate Literacy Development

Journal Article

Empowering Student Action Through Climate Literacy Development

In light of the International Panel on Climate Change's findings, this article underscores the detrimental effects of climate misinformation in the U....

By Jocelyn Miller, Gina Childers, and Rebecca Hite

Middle School Advocacy Climate Science Literacy

Easing into Socioscientific Issues and Critical Science Literacy

Journal Article

Easing into Socioscientific Issues and Critical Science Literacy

Including SSIs in the classroom can be a daunting task. To make this task more manageable, we have developed a strategy to easily create short modules...

By Mitchell Klocke and Jerrid W. Kruse

Literacy Research Social Justice

Transporting Martian Samples: Using Engineering Design to Assess Thermal Energy Transfer, Forces, and Nature of Engineering

Journal Article

Transporting Martian Samples: Using Engineering Design to Assess Thermal Energy Transfer, Forces, and Nature of Engineering

Engineering activities often emphasize the practices of engineers, but can sometimes feel disconnected from content. This engineering design activity ...

By Isaiah J. Kent-Schneider, Bridgid Miller, Emma Marie, Jayme Scheck, Jerrid Kruse, and Dan Chibnall

Engineering Physical Science Physics STEM

Exploring Climate Change through Students’ Place Connections and Public Data Sets

Journal Article

Exploring Climate Change through Students’ Place Connections and Public Data Sets

Climate change is a pressing societal challenge. It is also a pedagogical challenge and a worldwide phenomenon, whose local impacts vary across differ...

By Kathryn Lanouette, Krista Cortes, Lisette Lopez, Michael Bakal, Michelle Wilkerson

Middle School Climate Science Curriculum Multilingual Learners

Next to Nothing

Journal Article

Next to Nothing

Scope on the Skies March 2024...

By Bob Riddle

Middle School Astronomy Earth & Space Science Phenomena Teaching Strategies

From Sun to Shade: Exploring Environmental Changes During the Total Solar Eclipse

Journal Article

From Sun to Shade: Exploring Environmental Changes During the Total Solar Eclipse

Excitement is building in anticipation of the total solar eclipse taking place this April 2024. During the total solar eclipse, the moon will pass bet...

By Jill Nugent

Middle School Astronomy Earth & Space Science Labs Teaching Strategies

3D Assessment

Journal Article

3D Assessment

We are now a decade past the release of the NGSS —an event that has shaped the way we teach science. The NGSS, with its three-dimensional approach e...

By Patricia McGinnis

Assessment NGSS Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Eliciting initial ideas, building understandings, and coming to consensus: Using different teacher moves to support three distinct discussion types

Journal Article

Eliciting initial ideas, building understandings, and coming to consensus: Using different teacher moves to support three distinct discussion types

Whole group discussions are a key aspect of the NGSS because these activities are where students collectively make sense of natural phenomena. However...

By Kevin Cherbow, Benjamin Lowell, Kris Grymonpre, Katherine McNeill, Renee Affolter

Middle School Inclusion Pedagogy Professional Learning Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

From Windy Day Stories to Wind Farms of the Future: Leveraging student resources to make sense of science phenomena with Data Puzzles

Journal Article

From Windy Day Stories to Wind Farms of the Future: Leveraging student resources to make sense of science phenomena with Data Puzzles

This article introduces the Data Puzzles instructional framework as a means to engage middle school students in the exploration of wind energy and its...

By Jonathan Griffith, Melissa Braaten, Ann Dubick, Anne Gold

Environmental Science Learning Progression Phenomena Sensemaking Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Making Formative Use of Student Experience Data to Promote Equity in a Cycle of Collaborative Teacher Inquiry

Journal Article

Making Formative Use of Student Experience Data to Promote Equity in a Cycle of Collaborative Teacher Inquiry

This article describes a cycle of teacher collaborative inquiry called the Student Experience Improvement Cycle (SEIC). The SEIC is a novel form of as...

By William Penuel, Ali Raza, Yamileth Salinas Del Val, Rosa Salinas-Estevez, Emily Williamson, Jennifer Smith, Quincy Gill

Middle School Assessment Equity Inquiry Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

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