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Journal Article

An Investigation Into the Impact of the Flipped Classroom With Active Learning on the Perception and Performance of Biology Nonmajor Students at the Undergraduate Level

We carried out a study of an instructional model that integrates flipped classroom with active learning, in-class activities into our biology course, ...

By Bina Rai, Julia Yajuan Zhu, Dawn C-I Koh, Khoo Xiaojuan, Lakshminarasimhan Krishnaswamy, Rajesh Chandramohanadas, Ong Eng Shi, and Pey Kin Leong

Postsecondary Biology Pedagogy Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Formative Assessment of English Language Proficiency in the Science Classroom

In a linguistically diverse fourth-grade classroom, students carry out an investigation to answer the lesson question: How are we able to see objects?...

By Okhee Lee and Rita Januszyk

Assessment Literacy NGSS Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Beyond General-Purpose Talk Moves

By Scott Grapin, Alison Haas, Marcelle Goggins, Lorena Llosa, and Okhee Lee

Early Childhood Elementary Literacy Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Straight From the Headlines

By Patty McGinnis

Middle School Advocacy Pedagogy

Journal Article

Standards Are Not Curriculum

By Jay McTighe and Patrick Brown

Elementary Curriculum NGSS Pedagogy

Journal Article

Virtual Field Experiences

By Heather Pacheco-Guffrey

Early Childhood Elementary Pedagogy Technology

Journal Article

A Layered Approach to Scientific Models

By Kelsie Fowler, Mark Windschitl, and Claus Auning

High School Instructional Materials Pedagogy

NSTA Press Book

STEM, Standards, and Strategies for High-Quality Units

New in 2020!Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.Do you, your school, or your school district want to align your science cu...

By Rodger W. Bybee

Elementary High School Middle School General Science STEM Curriculum NGSS Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Advocacy Professional Learning old Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Science in Socio-Scientific Issues

By Jaimie A. Foulk, Patricia J. Friedrichsen, and Troy D. Sadler

High School Interdisciplinary Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

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