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Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Initial Knowledge for Teaching Related to Crosscutting Concepts within 3D Learning and Teaching

Journal Article

Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Initial Knowledge for Teaching Related to Crosscutting Concepts within 3D Learning and Teaching

This study aims to contribute to the growing body of research on the role of crosscutting concepts (CCCs) in three-dimensional (3D) teaching and learning by examining the complexity of elementary preservice teachers’ (PSTs) knowledge for teaching r...

By Soon Lee, Anna Arias

Postsecondary Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Three-Dimensional Learning

Impact of the Timing of Content Introduction on Student Exam Performance in General Chemistry

Journal Article

Impact of the Timing of Content Introduction on Student Exam Performance in General Chemistry

Students come into the classroom with a variety of background knowledge. Therefore, it is imperative that educators are able to help all students, regardless of their familiarity with the content. Since it can be challenging for some large enrollment...

By Anthony Howcroft, Daniel King

Postsecondary Assessment Chemistry Teaching Strategies

The Connection Between Drawing Organic Structures and Information Processing

Journal Article

The Connection Between Drawing Organic Structures and Information Processing

Students need a strong understanding of how to represent chemical compounds in order to succeed in organic chemistry. This project set out to gain a better understanding of students’ difficulties with symbolic representations, by identifying the sp...

By Suzanne Ruder, Courtney Stanford, Nuha Farhat, Leslie Bolda

Postsecondary Chemistry Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching Strategies

Science Learning in YouTube Comments on Science Videos Embedding Movie References

Journal Article

Science Learning in YouTube Comments on Science Videos Embedding Movie References

Movies have long been used for teaching in undergraduate science courses. However, embedding movie references (EMR) in science videos is a new trend. This study explored how EMR in YouTube science videos might affect the nature of comments and the pr...

By Chung Man Lee, Eric Meyers, Marina Milner-Bolotin

Postsecondary Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary STEM Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Increased Student Employment is Associated with Inferior Biology Exam and Course Performance

Journal Article

Increased Student Employment is Associated with Inferior Biology Exam and Course Performance

Rising tuition rates across colleges and universities contribute to the mounting financial strain on students. In response to rising costs, literature details that students would seek to bolster their financial security by working additional hours pe...

By Finley Sims, Megan O'Connor, Jana Weber, Keenan Hartert

Postsecondary Assessment Biology Careers

A Model for International Summer Research Experiences for STEM Students

Journal Article

A Model for International Summer Research Experiences for STEM Students

In this article, we report on a National Science Foundation-funded immersive international summer research program for biology students. Six students, representing Cohort 1 of a three-year program, spent nine weeks at one of three institutes in Japan...

By Mika Munakata, Su San Lim, Carlos Molina

Biology Interdisciplinary Research STEM

Effect of voluntary clicker participation on General Chemistry performance

Journal Article

Effect of voluntary clicker participation on General Chemistry performance

Mixed results have been reported on the correlation between clickers and performance. This study investigates the usage of clickers in a voluntary context. Scores on an internal chemistry placement exam were used to estimate cognitive ability, as a f...

By Rayza Rosa Tavares Rodrigues, Daniel King

Assessment Chemistry Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Increased Pre-Lecture Reading and Greater Attendance at a Community College Gateway Science Course

Journal Article

Increased Pre-Lecture Reading and Greater Attendance at a Community College Gateway Science Course

Gateway science courses are an ongoing obstacle to recruitment into STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Students come to these courses with a high cognitive load, making success in the course challenging. Instructional de...

By Daniel Gertner, Allie Brashears, Na Xu, Holly Porter-Morgan

Postsecondary Pedagogy STEM Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

‘Strategic and Steady Can Win the Race’: Incremental exposure to novel pedagogies can help change STEM faculty ‘teaching and learning’ attitudes and practices

Journal Article

‘Strategic and Steady Can Win the Race’: Incremental exposure to novel pedagogies can help change STEM faculty ‘teaching and learning’ attitudes and practices

Evidence-based pedagogies to improve STEM student success are now recognized, but their successful incorporation can be hampered by STEM faculty wariness of novel pedagogical research. To support these pedagogies’ effective implementation, a resear...

By Nisaa Kirtman, Cary Smith, Teresa Demeritte, Debra Divinity, Vida Amouzandeh, Jo Anne Fordham, Mehri Fadavi

Pedagogy STEM Teaching Strategies

It’s personal and pedagogical: Peer Learning Assistants use multiple strategies to support student learning in college biology courses

Journal Article

It’s personal and pedagogical: Peer Learning Assistants use multiple strategies to support student learning in college biology courses

As introductory college science courses transition from large, passive lectures to more student-centered active learning environments, additional instructional support may be needed. Peer Learning Assistants (PLAs) can aid course transformations by h...

By Brittney Ferrari, Peyton LaBonte, Julie Kittleson

Biology Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

Developing Critical Thinking in Biology Through Progressive Writing Assignments

Journal Article

Developing Critical Thinking in Biology Through Progressive Writing Assignments

Critical thinking is essential in academia and the workforce. Although writing can be used as a pedagogical tool for fostering deeper subject matter understanding, increased retention, and critical thinking, relatively few science courses are writing...

By Irene Guttilla Reed, Michelle Kraczkowski, Steven Pearlman

Biology Inquiry Interdisciplinary Literacy Teaching Strategies

Differences in perception of peer interactions in student-centered STEM courses

Journal Article

Differences in perception of peer interactions in student-centered STEM courses

A study was done at a mid-sized public university in the Midwest of the United States. At this university, there are three large classes taught in Student-Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies (SCALE-UP) classrooms: algebra...

By Alison Page, Jennifer Blue

Postsecondary STEM Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

A Partnership to Support Improved Public Understandings of Science Education

Journal Article

A Partnership to Support Improved Public Understandings of Science Education

Although public attitudes towards K-12 education are relatively positive, there are still fundamental misunderstandings about what effective science teaching entails, which could hinder public support for science education. This article describes a p...

By Julianne Wenner, Sarah Lausch, Megan Frary, Paul Simmonds

Administration Advocacy General Science

Disciplinary Differences in STEM Faculty and Student Use of Learning Objectives: Implications for Teaching and Learning

Journal Article

Disciplinary Differences in STEM Faculty and Student Use of Learning Objectives: Implications for Teaching and Learning

Using learning objectives to guide course design is often considered an educational best practice, but little research exists that explores how students use them over time and across courses. We surveyed students on their use and perceived value of l...

By Sarah Leupen, Tory Williams, Linda Hodges, Laura Ott, Eric Anderson, Lili Cui, Kalman Nanes, H. Perks, Cynthia Wagner

Interdisciplinary Preservice Science Education STEM

“Flipping” a course: is it worth it? A multiyear analysis of interactive and student-centered pedagogy in an introductory physical geology course

Journal Article

“Flipping” a course: is it worth it? A multiyear analysis of interactive and student-centered pedagogy in an introductory physical geology course

This study summarizes the comparison of interactive lecturing and technology-supported student-centered pedagogy across six semesters of an introductory physical geology course. A multiple linear regression analysis of 967 student scores shows that a...

By Theresa Halligan, Cinzia Cervato, Ulrike Genschel

Earth & Space Science Pedagogy STEM Teaching Strategies

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