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Embedding Study Skills in STEM Courses to Increase Retention and Success: A Quantitative Study

Journal Article

Embedding Study Skills in STEM Courses to Increase Retention and Success: A Quantitative Study

This study was conducted to determine if embedding effective study skills within a course would result in an increased use of these skills and, theref...

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Assessment Preservice Science Education STEM Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Use of a Student-Ally in Emergency Remote Teaching

Journal Article

Use of a Student-Ally in Emergency Remote Teaching

This manuscript reviews This manuscript reviews the peculiarities of emergency remote teaching (ERT) –in the context of the 2020 COVID-19 pande...

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Distance Learning New Science Teachers Teaching Strategies

Project-Based Statistics Outcomes: Pre- and Post- COVID

Journal Article

Project-Based Statistics Outcomes: Pre- and Post- COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic altered course delivery in higher education at many universities. This paper evaluates the differences in student experiences in...

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Transforming Science Education in an Age of Misinformation

Journal Article

Transforming Science Education in an Age of Misinformation

Scientific misinformation has reached alarming proportions. Here, we summarize a new expert report, Science Education in an Age of Misinformation, tha...

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Leadership Literacy Teaching Strategies

"Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs": Interpretive Trail Signage for Biodiversity Education

Journal Article

"Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs": Interpretive Trail Signage for Biodiversity Education

Postsecondary science faculty face challenges in balancing the engagement of undergraduates while concomitantly ensuring knowledge is gained and retai...

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Biology Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Labs Life Science Teaching Strategies

Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences for Laboratory Learning in the Life Sciences

Journal Article

Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences for Laboratory Learning in the Life Sciences

Laboratory learning in the life sciences is historically centered around following recipe-like instructions to complete activities with defined outcom...

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Labs Life Science Research Teaching Strategies

Combining Different Inoculation Types to Increase Student Engagement and Build Resilience Against Science Misinformation

Journal Article

Combining Different Inoculation Types to Increase Student Engagement and Build Resilience Against Science Misinformation

Inoculation theory, which applies the biological concept of vaccination to misinformation, provides a range of ways to effectively build resilience ag...

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Biology Curriculum Literacy Preservice Science Education Teaching Strategies

Students as Creators of Instructional Videos: Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Journal Article

Students as Creators of Instructional Videos: Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Clear, detailed instructional procedures have an important role to play in laboratory teaching, not only to produce consistent results, but to ensure ...

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Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Technology

Comparison of Knowledge Gained in a Face-to-Face versus an Online College-Level Nutrition Course

Journal Article

Comparison of Knowledge Gained in a Face-to-Face versus an Online College-Level Nutrition Course

Although evidence exists that online education can result in comparable outcomes as the equivalent face-to-face (F2F) version, there is still a dearth...

Distance Learning Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

What’s New in NSTA Journals for 2023 and 2024?

Beginning in January 2024, NSTA’s journals will be hosted on the T&F Online platform ( NSTA’s journals will be an...

By Peter Lindeman

Journal Article

A Pandemic-Resilient CURE Shifts Community College Students From Knowledge Consumers to Authentic Knowledge Producers

Academic food security aims to provide students with sufficient access to knowledge (one key academic nutrient) in order to limit intellectual hunger....

By Thomas M. Onorato, Nathalie Oulhen, Gerardo Reyes, Stephany Foster, Cosmo A. Pieplow, Janet E. Rollins, Jacqueline A. Brashears, Claudette Davis, Ian Alberts, Ingrid D. Veras, and Gary M. Wessel

Distance Learning Pedagogy Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Teaching Quantitative Reasoning With Ternary Diagrams in a Science Class

Quantitative reasoning, although included in most science courses, can be challenging to teach. In this article, we explore whether cooperative learni...

By Man-Yin Tsang, Lisa Tutty, and Carl-Georg Bank

Assessment Research STEM Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Comparing Undergraduate Nature of Science Views in Traditional Versus Inquiry-Taught Science Courses

This qualitative study compares the views about nature of science (NOS) between students enrolled in a traditional lecture and laboratory course and s...

By Alex T. St. Louis and Hayat Hokayem

Inquiry Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Assessing Student Success in a Peer Assisted Learning Program Using Propensity Score Matching

The Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) program at Sacramento State was established in 2012 with one section supporting introductory chemistry. The program n...

By Corey Shanbrom, Michelle Norris, Caitlin Esgana, Matthew Krauel, Vincent Pigno, and Jennifer Lundmark

Assessment Inclusion Research STEM Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Teaching Preservice Teachers the Water Cycle With a Conceptual Change Model

The purposes of this study were to examine preservice elementary teachers’ conception of the water cycle; determine if participating in a conceptual...

By Patricia Morrell and Adele Schepige

Earth & Space Science Inquiry Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation

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