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Journal Article

Using an Instructional Team During Pandemic Remote Teaching Enhanced Student Outcomes in a Large STEM Course

The unplanned shift to online instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic challenged many instructors teaching large-enrollment courses to design learnin...

By Susan D. Hester, Jordan M. Elliott, Lindsey K. Navis, L. Tori Hidalgo, Young Ae Kim, Paul Blowers, Lisa K. Elfring, Karie L. Lattimore, and Vicente Talanquer

Pedagogy Research STEM Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Introductory Psychology Using the Jigsaw Method Adapted for Remote Learning

People’s ability to evaluate scientific research is important to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. STEM educators can use the pandemic to frame in...

By Monica Kim Ngan Thieu, John C. Foo, and Caroline B. Marvin

Research Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Engaging Students at All Academic Levels in an Inquiry-Based Paleoecologic Learning Activity—Even When You Don’t Have the Rocks

Inquiry-based learning is an educational strategy that emphasizes the student’s role in the learning process by having them propose and test hypothe...

By René A. Shroat-Lewis and Melissa Hage

Postsecondary Earth & Space Science Pedagogy Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Student Active Learning Anxieties Differ by Preferred Seating Location in Introductory Biology Classes

As undergraduates’ academic distress continues to rise, it is important to consider factors related to classroom anxiety. This study investigated ho...

By Elisabeth E. Schussler, Brianna Reynolds, Benjamin J. England, and Jennifer R. Brigati

Postsecondary Biology Pedagogy Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Exploring Barriers to the Use of Evidence-Based Instructional Practices

Recent reform documents in postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields recommend the use of evidence-based instructi...

By Grant E. Gardner, Evelyn Brown, Zachary Grimes, and Gina Bishara

Postsecondary Pedagogy Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Using Publicly Available Long-Term Climate Records in Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Big Data Curriculum

Understanding data analysis and interpreting data are key components of teaching interdisciplinary undergraduate students. We detail a semester-long r...

By Richelle L. Tanner and Lisa E. Collins

Postsecondary Computer Science Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Integrating Science Communication Into a Large STEM Classroom

The communication of scientific findings through writing is an important skill for undergraduate science majors to develop as they move through their ...

By Kerri Donohue, Katherine VanDenburgh, Cathrine Reck, and Gayle Buck

Instructional Materials Pedagogy STEM Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Incorporating Student-Centered Learning in an Ecosystems Course

Student-centered learning broadly encompasses teaching approaches that shift the focus of instruction from teacher to student by placing an emphasis o...

By Suchinta Arif

New Science Teachers Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Are Learning Progressions a Useful Pedagogical Tool for Instructors?

Learning progressions (LPs) present a potential tool to guide students toward deeper understanding of core concepts as they move through a curriculum....

By Charlotte R. Reed and Adele J. Wolfson

Postsecondary Chemistry Pedagogy Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Strategies to Increase the Workforce Development of Interdisciplinary Cohorts of Traditionally Underrepresented Students in STEM

This article presents results from a Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) grant from the National Science Foundation that supported students from three major...

By Joanna Joyner-Matos and Kayleen Islam-Zwart

Postsecondary Equity Inclusion Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Comparing Student Performance and Satisfaction Between Face-to-Face and Online Education of a Science Course in a Liberal Arts University

This study presents a quasi-experiment to assess differences in student performance and satisfaction between two different delivery modes—online and...

By Hongyan Geng and Mark McGinley

Postsecondary Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Student Performance in Ground Versus Online Sections of a Biological Science I College Course

This study is a comparison of ground-based versus online student performance using a combination of common final examination scores and associated dem...

By Peggy Romeo, Marcela Trevino, Frederick Posey, and Scott Romeo

Postsecondary Assessment Biology Teacher Preparation Technology

Journal Article

STEM Teaching Reform: Incremental Pathways

For almost 1,000 years, lecture has been the predominant form of teaching. There has been increasing pressure to abandon lecturing and instead use mor...

By Yunteng He

Pedagogy Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Preservice Science Teachers Practice Teaching Online through 4E Instructional Model

This article is prepared as part of a “Practice Teaching in Science” course of a teacher education program aiming for developing prospective scien...

By Ozden Sengul

5E Instructional Materials Pedagogy Research Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Introductory Biology Students’ Opinions on the Pivot to Crisis Distance Education in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic forced higher-education institutions to close campuses and pivot all face-to-face (F2F) instruction online. This transition to C...

By J. Phil Gibson and Kristen Shelton

Distance Learning Instructional Materials Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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