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Web Seminar

Archive: Transforming Science Education Through Service to NSTA, September 22, 2022

Question…What do you think the “face of success” looks like? We think it looks like YOU volunteering your time, providing your viewpoi...

Middle School Early Childhood Elementary High School Informal Education Postsecondary Preschool General Science

Web Seminar

Archive: Book Beat Live! Every Science Lesson is in Part a Language/Reading Lesson: Using Texts to Support Student Sense Making, April 13, 2022

According to the K-12 Framework for Science Education, “any education in science and engineering needs to develop students’ ability to read and pr...

Middle School Early Childhood Elementary Pre-service Teachers General Science

EDU 307 Steam course 2023


EDU 307 Steam course 2023

This collection contains resources you will need to successfully complete this course....

Early Childhood Elementary STEM

Asset 2