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NGSS Science and Language Shifts in a Diverse Fourth-Grade Classroom

Science and Children—September 2018

By Alison Haas, Jennifer Whitten, and Carol Biskupic Knight

NGSS Science and Language Shifts in a Diverse Fourth-Grade Classroom

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) offer rich opportunities for both science and language learning. This article presents science and language instructional shifts, grounded in the NGSS and contemporary thinking in second language acquisition. First, we describe three science instructional shifts: phenomena or design solutions to problems, three-dimensional learning, and coherence of student understanding. Then, we describe three language instructional shifts: language use for purposeful communication, meaningful participation of ELs with less-than-perfect English, and use of a range of registers and modalities. Finally, using a vignette from our NGSS-aligned fourth-grade science classroom, we illustrate how these science and language instructional shifts support each other for ELs. The vignette is accompanied by a video that can be accessed online.


The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) offer rich opportunities for both science and language learning. This article presents science and language instructional shifts, grounded in the NGSS and contemporary thinking in second language acquisition. First, we describe three science instructional shifts: phenomena or design solutions to problems, three-dimensional learning, and coherence of student understanding.
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) offer rich opportunities for both science and language learning. This article presents science and language instructional shifts, grounded in the NGSS and contemporary thinking in second language acquisition. First, we describe three science instructional shifts: phenomena or design solutions to problems, three-dimensional learning, and coherence of student understanding.

Press Release


National Winners of 29th Annual Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Science Challenge to Be Commended at Awards Celebration


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Archive: Science Update: Parker Solar Probe Close Up View of the Sun’s Environment, November 18, 2021

Launched on 12 August 2018, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is venturing closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft. It is revolutionizing our understanding of the long-standing mysteries of the near-Sun environment. The new science data show new phenomena not seen before in the solar wind. Parker Solar Probe is showing us the path forward for heliophysics research.

Launched on 12 August 2018, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is venturing closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft. It is revolutionizing our understanding of the long-standing mysteries of the near-Sun environment. The new science data show new phenomena not seen before in the solar wind. Parker Solar Probe is showing us the path forward for heliophysics research.

Launched on 12 August 2018, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is venturing closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft. It is revolutionizing our understanding of the long-standing mysteries of the near-Sun environment. The new science data show new phenomena not seen before in the solar wind. Parker Solar Probe is showing us the path forward for heliophysics research.

Launched on 12 August 2018, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is venturing closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft. It is revolutionizing our understanding of the long-standing mysteries of the near-Sun environment. The new science data show new phenomena not seen before in the solar wind. Parker Solar Probe is showing us the path forward for heliophysics research.


Press Release

Virginia Professor Begins Term as 2021-2022 President of the National Science Teaching Association


From the Field: Events and Opportunities, June 1, 2021

By Debra Shapiro

From the Field: Events and Opportunities, June 1, 2021


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NSTA Statement on the Science Results of the 2019 National Assessment of Education Progress


Freebies for Science Teachers, May 25, 2021

By Debra Shapiro

Freebies for Science Teachers, May 25, 2021

Archive: Transforming Science Learning: Making the Most of EdReports’ Resources, June 9, 2021

EdReports is a nonprofit organization that provides free reports on the quality and alignment of instructional materials in mathematics, English Language Arts, and science, as well as professional development on high quality instructional materials adoption.

EdReports is a nonprofit organization that provides free reports on the quality and alignment of instructional materials in mathematics, English Language Arts, and science, as well as professional development on high quality instructional materials adoption.

EdReports is a nonprofit organization that provides free reports on the quality and alignment of instructional materials in mathematics, English Language Arts, and science, as well as professional development on high quality instructional materials adoption.

EdReports is a nonprofit organization that provides free reports on the quality and alignment of instructional materials in mathematics, English Language Arts, and science, as well as professional development on high quality instructional materials adoption.



Communicating in Science: Why It Matters

Connected Science Learning May-June 2021 (Volume 3, Issue 3)

By Beth Murphy

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