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Improving Elementary Science Programs Through Professional Learning Communities

By Edel Maeder

Posted on 2019-12-18

“I’m not good at science.” It’s a declaration that far too many students have made in classrooms. Their beliefs are often based on lack of exposure to science, not their true potential to do science. So how do we change their minds and get them to believe they have the capacity to succeed in science? As the PreK–12 Science Coordinator for a school district of more than 11,000 students in 17 different schools, it’s a question I grapple with regularly.

The U.S. Department of Education has invested upward of $200 million in high-quality science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and knows “STEM education is a pathway to successful careers, and [the Department] is committed to ensuring equal access to a strong STEM education for all students.” To get there, our youngest students require consistent opportunities to form the foundational skills and knowledge needed to progress to higher levels of thinking that develop over time. This need is clearly described in the grounding research of the Framework for K–12 Science Education: “Building progressively more sophisticated explanations of natural phenomena is central throughout grades K–5, as opposed to focusing only on description in the early grades and leaving explanations to later grades.”

We know it’s important that all children have equal access and support in science, but what are the effective strategies to accomplish this? Research shows “the most promising strategy for sustained, substantive school improvement is developing the ability of school personnel to function as professional learning communities.”

A focus on equity, access, and continuous improvement is needed to enhance instruction. As a member of Achieve’s Science Peer Review Panel (Science PRP), I’ve worked with some of the nation’s foremost experts on three-dimensional teaching and learning. That experience readied me to meet the challenge of leading Greece Central School District in the transition to three-dimensional science teaching and learning in a way that minimized the need for teachers to be out of the classroom.

I launched a Science Leadership Team made up of a group of self-selected elementary school teachers and administrators interested in learning more about the new science standards and willing to share their learning with district teachers to help their colleagues.

Together with these teacher leaders, we mapped out a plan to support all the elementary teachers in the district. Leaders from the Science Leadership Team were given two weeks, which we called a “cycle,” to meet with grade-level colleagues from different buildings, resulting in the same learning shared districtwide by the end of each cycle.

The Science Leadership Team met for two full days before a new cycle began to make sure they were prepared. The first day concentrated on new learning for the team. My involvement with the Science PRP proved invaluable because I shared case studies and lessons deemed “high-quality” using the EQuIP Rubric for Science as well as other material grounded in best practice.

On the second day, I introduced the group to a 45-minute learning opportunity that the Science Leadership Team members, in pairs of two, would use when they met with grade-level teachers across the district. The team was invited and encouraged to work together to examine the learning opportunity and make it better. As a result, team members improved the experience and felt prepared to lead a group, and every teacher received the same high-quality learning.

I believe hope lies in communicating, collaborating, and forming a professional learning community that exhibits research-based characteristics to be effective, including “an environment that fosters mutual cooperation, emotional support, and personal growth as they work together to achieve what they cannot accomplish alone.” NSTA and Achieve are providing resources, such as those high-quality examples from the Science PRP, that can guide districts as they progress in their understanding and implementation of three-dimensional teaching and learning for all of our nation’s children.

I am honored to lead my district forward in full implementation of the New York State Science Learning Standards, which are based on the Next Generation Science Standards. I hope our efforts will help change the paradigm. By engaging students earlier with good science instruction, they will see their potential to do science, and we, as educators, will help them achieve what they hought was impossible.

Dr. Edel Maeder is the preK–12 science coordinator for the Greece Central School District (GSCD), the 10th-largest district in New York State. Before becoming a district-level administrator, she taught secondary science for more than 20 years. Her certifications include biology, Earth science, chemistry, and general science. She is a member of the GCSD Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment and leads a variety of professional learning activities. She is a member of the New York State Science Content Advisory Panel, NSTA’s 3-D Professional Learning Cadre Community, and Achieve’s Peer Review Panel. Maeder is committed to supporting educators in three-dimensional teaching so all students benefit from three-dimensional learning. Connect with her via Twitter at @EdelMaederSTEAM.

Note: This article is featured in the December 2019 issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction.  Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

“I’m not good at science.” It’s a declaration that far too many students have made in classrooms. Their beliefs are often based on lack of exposure to science, not their true potential to do science. So how do we change their minds and get them to believe they have the capacity to succeed in science? As the PreK–12 Science Coordinator for a school district of more than 11,000 students in 17 different schools, it’s a question I grapple with regularly.


Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-12-12

The human body is an amazing mechanism. For students, learning how the human body works can prove to be an exciting educational adventure. Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity from NSTA Press provides in-depth and meaningful lessons that explore human body systems, matter and energy changes, food, and chemical reactions.

Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity, by AAAS/Project 2061, includes the Student Edition and Teacher Edition, and features 14 classroom-tested lessons that were developed by a team of scientists and science educators.

Designed for the high school classroom, the unit helps students to understand the matter changes involved in human growth and the energy changes involved in human growth and activity. Students also will delve into fascinating concepts such as how our bodies work to heal wounds, build stamina, and give us the energy we need to function day and night. 

The unit is designed to support all three dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards, by integrating the disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science practices. Additionally, the lessons emphasize important relationships between mathematics and science, and students are asked to interpret data sets and graphs to provide evidence for their claims.

Along the way, students will discover their own answers to the unit question: “How do living things use food as a source of matter for building and repairing their body structures and as a source of energy for carrying out a wide range of activities?” Using a mix of experiments and activities they will conduct research and analysis, collect data, and reach their own conclusions.

Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity builds on the middle school unit Toward High School Biology (NSTA Press). Together the two units help students deepen their understanding of matter and energy changes in plants and animals and the role of chemical reactions in the growth, repair, and activity of living organisms.

With the Teacher Edition, educators gain access to helpful background information, teaching tips, and support that can make implementation of the unit seamless. Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity includes online resources, such as interactive media, videos, and handouts. The Student Edition has all of the student handouts.

Each lesson is sequenced to draw upon students’ prior knowledge and experience, support students as they investigate and make sense of phenomena and data, and guide them in modeling and explaining phenomena in terms of the underlying molecular mechanisms. Students will have plenty of opportunities to apply their new knowledge, practice synthesizing their ideas, and reflect on their learning as they move through each lesson.

Do you want to learn more? Check out the Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity Teacher Edition by reading a free chapter.  

The human body is an amazing mechanism. For students, learning how the human body works can prove to be an exciting educational adventure. Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity from NSTA Press provides in-depth and meaningful lessons that explore human body systems, matter and energy changes, food, and chemical reactions.

Archive: The Crosscutting Concepts as Lenses to Explore Phenomena, February 8, 2020

Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making sense of phenomena. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change. Join us on Saturday, February 8, starting at 10 am Eastern, to learn how crosscutting concepts can be used as lenses to explore phenomena

Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making sense of phenomena. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change. Join us on Saturday, February 8, starting at 10 am Eastern, to learn how crosscutting concepts can be used as lenses to explore phenomena

Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making sense of phenomena. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change. Join us on Saturday, February 8, starting at 10 am Eastern, to learn how crosscutting concepts can be used as lenses to explore phenomena

Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making sense of phenomena. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change. Join us on Saturday, February 8, starting at 10 am Eastern, to learn how crosscutting concepts can be used as lenses to explore phenomena

Archive: Connecting In-school and Out-of-school STEM Learning and Teaching, December 7, 2019

Blended STEM learning experiences that connect in-school and out-of-school learning are a key recommendation in the recently released America’s Strategy for STEM Education:

Creative, blended educational opportunities that combine elements from traditionally separate approaches to learning—e.g., formal-plus-informal, career and technical education-plus-college preparatory—and are aligned across the scope of learning partners—result in learners gaining and building their skills in ways that work best.

Blended STEM learning experiences that connect in-school and out-of-school learning are a key recommendation in the recently released America’s Strategy for STEM Education:

Creative, blended educational opportunities that combine elements from traditionally separate approaches to learning—e.g., formal-plus-informal, career and technical education-plus-college preparatory—and are aligned across the scope of learning partners—result in learners gaining and building their skills in ways that work best.

Blended STEM learning experiences that connect in-school and out-of-school learning are a key recommendation in the recently released America’s Strategy for STEM Education:

Creative, blended educational opportunities that combine elements from traditionally separate approaches to learning—e.g., formal-plus-informal, career and technical education-plus-college preparatory—and are aligned across the scope of learning partners—result in learners gaining and building their skills in ways that work best.

Blended STEM learning experiences that connect in-school and out-of-school learning are a key recommendation in the recently released America’s Strategy for STEM Education:

Creative, blended educational opportunities that combine elements from traditionally separate approaches to learning—e.g., formal-plus-informal, career and technical education-plus-college preparatory—and are aligned across the scope of learning partners—result in learners gaining and building their skills in ways that work best.

NSTA Virtual Conference: The Crosscutting Concepts as Lenses to Explore Phenomena, February 8, 2020

Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making sense of phenomena. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change. Join us on Saturday, February 8, starting at 10 am Eastern, to learn how crosscutting concepts can be used as lenses to explore phenomena

Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making sense of phenomena. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change. Join us on Saturday, February 8, starting at 10 am Eastern, to learn how crosscutting concepts can be used as lenses to explore phenomena

Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making sense of phenomena. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change. Join us on Saturday, February 8, starting at 10 am Eastern, to learn how crosscutting concepts can be used as lenses to explore phenomena

Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making sense of phenomena. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change. Join us on Saturday, February 8, starting at 10 am Eastern, to learn how crosscutting concepts can be used as lenses to explore phenomena


Safety Blog

Chemical Management

By Kenneth Roy

Posted on 2019-12-04

Middle and high school science teachers often have or should have the task of retrofitting their chemical storeroom. Critical issues such as what chemicals are acceptable for use and grade appropriate, how should they be labeled, how should they be stored, how long should they be stored and how should they be properly disposed of need to be addressed. Unfortunately, over time, these critical issues are ignored until there is an accident and/or change over in science staff. Other motivation for appropriate chemical management may come from the school’s chemical hygiene officer or safety officer, local fire marshal or state/federal OSHA inspection.

Retrofitting Chemical Management – Resources!

To help science teachers, their supervisor and chemical hygiene officer address this ongoing critical need, below are some suggested resources to help in the process. These should be especially helpful to those science educators with limited chemical use background.

1. General strategies – Chemical Management

a. Managing Chemical Wastes in the High School Lab – The American Association of Chemistry Teachers or AACT have a great resource which is spectral in helping the management of chemical use. It can be found at AACT

b. Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Secondary Schools – The American Chemical Society’s book titled “Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Secondary Schools” provides a series of steps in planning for hazardous chemical waste collection and disposal. It can be found at ACS 

c. High School Laboratory Self-Certification – The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has a self-certification resource again addressing safer use of chemicals in the lab and storeroom. It can be found at CDPHE

d. Managing Your Chemical Inventory – NSTA Safety Portal has a safety white paper titled – “Managing Your Chemical Inventory” It is in 3 parts and can be accessed at the following sites:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

e. MIT Environment, Health & Safety Office

f. Managing Chemical Retention and Storage – The Vanderbilt University Medical Center has a resource titled “Managing Chemical Retention and Storage.” It emphasizes that prudent chemical retention and storage practices are vital to maintain a safe laboratory working environment and to minimize the financial costs and environmental impact associated with the handling and disposal of unwanted chemicals. This is another great resource which can be found at  VUMC   

2. Grade Appropriate Chemicals

a. What are appropriate chemicals for middle school and high school science labs? Check out “Rehab the Lab” chemical list. It notes better professional safety practice for appropriate chemical use in elementary, middle and high school science labs. It also addresses recommended chemical use, their storage and their disposal. It can be found at Rehab the Lab 

b. Proper disposal of appropriate chemicals – The Rehab the Lab also has a resource on proper disposal of chemicals which can be very useful. It can be found at Rehab the Lab

3. Model Chemical Storage Patterns

a. One of the most popular means of storing chemicals is the Flinn Shelf storage pattern system. It can be found in Flinn catalog or at the Flinn Scientific website. They also have chemical storage area model floor plans – again at the same locations.

b. The MIT Environment, Health & Safety Office has a document titled “Chemical Storage.” The purpose of this document is to provide information and procedures to assure chemicals are stored safely in the work area, and in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, standards, and guidelines. This great resource can be found at MIT

4. Chemical Storage Cleanout

a. Chemical forgotten in time! – Given that chemicals in storage more then likely go back for decades – the first thing that needs to be done is a chemical clean out! Many towns have local hazardous waste clean outs and allow school chemical disposal. Others do not and a commercial chemical disposal company would need to be secured. Make sure those chemicals being removed have the SDS or older MSDS if available. Store in a separate area of the chemical storeroom in trays for potential spill control. Use extreme precautions when removing older chemicals. Be careful for example if you find old peroxide formers like picric acid, ethers, etc. This is a good resource at UCSC 

b. Local assistance – There may be the need of the professional assistance by the local fire marshal in dealing with a number of these issues. Questionable chemicals should not be moved. Contact the local fire marshal to determine if certain chemicals are dangerous or not and how they should be handled. Also, when dealing with any chemicals – make sure appropriate PPE – gloves, indirectly vented chemical splash goggles, aprons, etc. are used. Also make sure there is effective ventilation working in the storeroom.

5. Publisher Text Series Resources

As to what chemicals or activities should be done will depend if the school has a commercial publisher’s chem book with lab manual or other resource being used. Most have chemical lists and management suggestions available with their programs and on their website.

Final Note – These are just some suggestions in dealing with these types of chemical management issues. Better to start as soon as possible before a chemical incident occurs endangering the safety and health of laboratory occupants!

Submit questions regarding safety to Ken Roy  or leave him a comment below. Follow Ken Roy on Twitter: @drroysafersci.

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Middle and high school science teachers often have or should have the task of retrofitting their chemical storeroom. Critical issues such as what chemicals are acceptable for use and grade appropriate, how should they be labeled, how should they be stored, how long should they be stored and how should they be properly disposed of need to be addressed. Unfortunately, over time, these critical issues are ignored until there is an accident and/or change over in science staff.


Elementary Science is Essential

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2019-12-03

Blog post authored by Lisa Chizek

Elementary science is essential if we want our children to be successful in an ever-changing and complex world. Engaging in high-quality elementary science allows children opportunities to ask questions, investigate to find answers, make claims with evidence, and engage in scientific discourse. These experiences in science are necessary in order for children to develop into critical thinkers.  Unfortunately, many elementary schools focus on literacy and math in an attempt to raise test scores while kicking science to the curb. This teacher-directed focus dampens children’s enthusiasm for learning and doesn’t allow them to engage in higher-level thinking. Since children are innately curious about their world and how it works, elementary teachers should capitalize on their enthusiasm for learning. Science can drive learning because children are excited about it and they want to learn more. When they are engaged with scientific phenomena, children are inspired to want to read and write about it and reading and writing become meaningful and important tools for them in their learning.

Elementary Science Ignites an Enthusiasm for Teaching and Learning

            When a group of second-grade students was asked what they liked about doing science, they responded with a whole list of active and authentic learning experiences they enjoyed: discovering, exploring, experimenting, learning new things, figuring things out, doing observational drawings, and building things. Their enthusiasm for doing science came across clearly as they shared what they enjoyed.

            Sharing her perspective for teaching science, one elementary teacher explained how high-quality science is student-directed and thus students are enthusiastic when they have opportunities to engage in science. Additionally, her description illustrated how her students’ enthusiasm for doing science rejuvenated her passion for teaching. “I love teaching science because you can incorporate all areas of the curriculum with very little trouble. Science is already about math and inquiry, but it also includes literacy and social studies depending on the projects you engage your students in. There is a mystery about science that children love.  They love thinking about the way things work and can they make it work a different way.  It’s almost like science is the only time they get to choose how they learn…..we are all about their ideas.  In all other subjects, we give them the way to learn and it’s very black and white.”  

            When additional elementary teachers were asked what they liked about teaching science, they responded in a variety of ways. However, a clear theme emerged illustrating how their students’ energy and enthusiasm for learning science reignited their joy in teaching. In other words, the children’s excitement for learning science revitalizes the teachers’ joy in teaching. To help stress the importance of elementary science, NSTA developed a great resource with their position statement on elementary science education.

NSTA Position Statement on Elementary Science Education

Adopted by the NSTA Board of Directors, October 2018

What would you and your students say about science? Please share your responses in the blog discussion.

Blog post authored by Lisa Chizek


Introducing the STEM Teacher Leadership Network

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2019-12-02

By Joni Falk, Co-director of the Center for School Reform at TERC

The STEM Teacher Leadership Network (, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), is inviting teacher leaders, aspiring teacher leaders, as well as researchers and administrators interested in effective school leadership, to join, view, and interact with this new virtual learning community and collegial network.

TERC announced the launch of the STEM Teacher Leadership Network (NSTA is an affiliate organization for the initiative) last week, and the site is already generating huge positive buzz.

“This interactive professional learning community will focus on how teacher leaders can affect change in STEM education,” said Joni Falk, Principal Investigator for the project.  “We’ve already heard from many teacher leaders who are excited that this network will enable them to explore new leadership paths and opportunities, connect to leaders across the country, and find relevant resources and upcoming events for their continued professional growth.”

The free membership will provide access to networking tools, resources, and interactive online events throughout the year to explore topics related to STEM teacher leadership. Members will share their leadership paths, challenges, strategies, resources, upcoming opportunities and events with each other.  

“NSF is pleased to support a project that is developing an interactive professional learning community for STEM educators,” said Nafeesa Owens, Program Director/Staff Associate within the Education and Human Resources Directorate at NSF. “There are excellent STEM teachers across our country who are leading in and out of the classroom each day. This project not only gives them needed resources, but also promises a network where they can grow and learn on their leadership journey together.”

Each month, the site will explore a theme related to teacher leadership. Each theme will have an online, interactive, expert panel, related resources, a blog, and a month-long facilitated discussion.  The first theme, beginning in December, will be “Leading Without Leaving the Classroom,” facilitated by Jay Labov (Retired Director of the National Academies Teacher Advisory Council) and Margo Murphy (high school science educator, recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and an NSTA STEM Ambassador). The panel will include teacher leaders and researchers who will share their experiences and expertise and engage with the community. Be sure to register for the expert panel which will be held online, December 5th, 2019 at 7:30pm EST. You can register to attend at:

The STEM Teacher Leadership Network encourages all those interested in teacher leadership to join this network, share resources, and participate in monthly theme events, and ongoing group discussions. The site provides a venue for educators, researchers, principals and administrators to explore how teacher leadership expertise can be leveraged to improve STEM teaching and learning within schools, contribute to new research and development efforts, and influence education policy and its implementation at the district, state, and national level.

STEMTLnet launched as a beta-site in March 2019 and already has over 400 members. The network will grow exponentially with this official launch. Take an active role, join the site, and contribute to the conversation.

Visit to become a member.

TERC is a nonprofit dedicated to improving STEM teaching and learning for all. At the frontier of theory and practice, TERC’s work encompasses research, content and curriculum development, technology innovation, professional development, and program evaluation. TERC has a passion for social justice and strives to create level playing fields for all learners, reaching more than three million students every year. To learn more, please visit

By Joni Falk, Co-director of the Center for School Reform at TERC

The STEM Teacher Leadership Network (, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), is inviting teacher leaders, aspiring teacher leaders, as well as researchers and administrators interested in effective school leadership, to join, view, and interact with this new virtual learning community and collegial network.

Science Curriculum Topic Study: Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional Standards, Research, and Practice, Second Edition

Scientific literacy for all students requires a deep understanding of the three dimensions of science education: disciplinary content, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. If you actively engage students in using and applying these three dimensions within curricular topics, they will develop a scientifically-based and coherent view of the natural and designed world.
Scientific literacy for all students requires a deep understanding of the three dimensions of science education: disciplinary content, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. If you actively engage students in using and applying these three dimensions within curricular topics, they will develop a scientifically-based and coherent view of the natural and designed world.
If you’ve ever wished for advice you can trust on how to make science and math more relevant to your middle or high school students, Creating Engineering Design Challenges is the book for you. At its core are 13 units grounded in challenge-based learning and the engineering design process. You can be sure the units are classroom-ready because they were contributed by teachers who developed, used, and revised them during the Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Math and Science (CEEMS) program, a project funded by the National Science Foundation.
If you’ve ever wished for advice you can trust on how to make science and math more relevant to your middle or high school students, Creating Engineering Design Challenges is the book for you. At its core are 13 units grounded in challenge-based learning and the engineering design process. You can be sure the units are classroom-ready because they were contributed by teachers who developed, used, and revised them during the Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Math and Science (CEEMS) program, a project funded by the National Science Foundation.
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