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Ensuring All Elementary Students Have Access to Science Learning

By Kathy Renfrew and Amber McCulloch

Posted on 2019-11-19

Ensuring all students have access to science learning is part of the vision in A Framework for K–12 Science Education. Yet in many elementary schools, teachers have little time for science. This is such a disservice, as engaging in the science and engineering practices enables students to begin to figure out the world in which they live. As an organization, the Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS) works to support elementary science in various ways, including through the efforts of the Supporting Elementary Science committee and resources developed across states.

One strategy for supporting elementary science is building broader awareness of the importance of science in the elementary grades, including helping school administration understand the importance of ensuring science is a regular part of every student’s learning experience. Adequate time to learn science concepts throughout elementary school supports the vision of the Framework that students’ understanding builds coherently in learning progressions across grades K–12.

NSTA’s Position Paper on Elementary Science and STEM Teaching Tools’ Why Do We Need to Teach Science in Elementary School, are among the resources available to help build awareness. In addition, states have developed relevant resources. Links to each state’s resources and other resources are available on the CSSS website. NSTA’s website also has an interactive map with links to state resources.

Another tool for building awareness that might be especially helpful at school and district levels is the Elementary Science Workshop developed by co-author Amber McCulloch in partnership with the Association of Washington School Principals. This resource also describes the current reality in many elementary schools and guides administrators in assessing their schools and/or systems and creating an action plan for increased elementary science.

Integrating science across other content areas is another strategy for increasing time for and prioritizing science in the elementary grades. During science instruction, students are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. They are also thinking mathematically as they make sense of patterns, trends, and relationships found in their data. This awareness creates a purpose for instruction by providing a context that is relevant and meaningful to students.

STEM Teaching Tool 62, What does subject matter integration look like in elementary instruction? Including science is key?—created in partnership with CSSS’s Supporting Elementary Science committee and University of Washington’s Institute for Science + Math Education—provides ideas and resources to support integrating science with other subjects. Additionally, this Project-Based Learning (PBL) plan from the Nebraska Department of Education presents an integrated learning experience that highlights science. These products represent true collaboration among state science supervisors, research partners, and partner organizations.

Committee work is strengthened by including research partners. For instance, a collaboration between Carla Zembal-Saul from Penn State and our CSSS working committee, Supporting Elementary Science, supported the development of several draft STEM Teaching Tools. This work would not have been possible without the support of Phil Bell from the University of Washington, with funding from the National Science Foundation. Another key relationship is that of the National Academies and CSSS. Many of the publications available through the Board on Science Education at the National Academies, such as English Learners in STEM Subjects and Literacy for Science: A Workshop Summary, are crucial resources for supporting science education. Last but not least is the collaboration of CSSS and NSTA, which is providing a venue for sharing this work.

Kathy Renfrew is an experienced elementary teacher/educator who has held many roles in her career. She was recruited by the Vermont Agency of Education to serve as Elementary Science Assessment Coordinator. In that role, she was involved with the drafting, adoption, and implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards in Vermont. When she returned to Massachusetts, she served as elementary science coach. Currently Renfrew is an education specialist at the Wade Institute for Science Education, a virtual coach for Sibme, and an EdReports reviewer. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Human Development from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, as well as a M.Ed in Professional Teaching and a MS in K–8 Science Education.

Amber McCulloch is Executive Director of Learning, Teaching, and Family Support K–Postsecondary at Puget Sound Educational Service District, which provides systemic support to 35 districts, as well as charter schools and tribal compact schools in the greater Seattle area, serving 40% of the state’s student population. Before that, she was K–12 Science Specialist at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction in Science Learning and Teaching in Washington State, where she supported statewide science efforts to implement the state’s Science Learning Standards (Next Generation Science Standards). McCulloch holds undergraduate degrees in Communications and Elementary Education; a MS Ed in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; and a doctorate in Educational Administration and Policy.

Note: This article is featured in the November 2019 issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction.  Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

Ensuring all students have access to science learning is part of the vision in A Framework for K–12 Science Education. Yet in many elementary schools, teachers have little time for science. This is such a disservice, as engaging in the science and engineering practices enables students to begin to figure out the world in which they live.


New NSTA Press Books Help Young Students Apply Science to the Real World

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-11-19

Would you like to help your students understand the connections between learning science in school and using it in their everyday lives? The STEM Road Map Curriculum Series from NSTA Press was developed to do just that. With the goal of infusing real-world learning contexts and authentic problem-solving pedagogy into the classroom, the series helps educators to create an integrated approach to teaching science, technology, engineering, and math. Students will learn new concepts and work collaboratively to apply them during creative, hands-on activities. 

Developed by STEM educators Carla C. Johnson, Janet B. Walton, and Erin Peters-Burton, the series covers all the STEM concepts as students advance from kindergarten through grade 12.  The modules are designed to be both in-depth and flexible, giving teachers room to customize them to meet their needs. 

The STEM Road Map Curriculum provides the perfect set of tools for districts, schools, and teachers who are charting a course toward an integrated STEM approach. The series is anchored in the Next Generation Science Standards, the Common Core State Standards, and the Framework for 21st Century Learning, and the lessons are designed to be meaningful, motivational, and engaging. 

Students will have ample opportunities to design technologies and learn from their failures and efforts along the way. They will practice asking critical questions, analyzing data, thinking strategically, and working collaboratively. They will be encouraged to imagine and create. 

Three new elementary school-focused books from the series will be coming off press this fall. Natural Hazards, Grade 2: STEM Road Map for Elementary School presents students with the challenge of helping a community to prepare for natural hazards such as floods, wildfires, and earthquakes, using authentic problem-solving exercises. 

This interdisciplinary module allows students to explore cause and effect. Working collaboratively in teams, they will identify natural hazards and their basic causes, and think about how these disasters affect people, animals, and communities. They will model natural hazards, and create preparedness plans that could serve to mitigate their impact.

With Influence of Waves, Grade 1: STEM Road Map for Elementary School students will conduct investigations that combine science, English language arts, mathematics, and social studies as they explore how waves work. They will discover that waves in water and sound waves come from different sources and travel in different ways. Then, they will enjoy designing and building their own musical instruments and producing a musical showcase replete with a special light show. 

With Physics in Motion, Grade K: STEM Road Map for Elementary School students will investigate energy, gravity, friction, and speed and use the engineering design process to design, build, and test marble track roller coasters. They will further expand their projects by designing a fun-filled theme park. 

Through the module, the students will be learn to demonstrate their awareness of motion- and energy-related concepts through play; use technology to research and communicate information; and have a wonderful time learning challenging concepts in a fun-filled, collaborative environment. 

Ready to chart a new path? Learn more about the STEM Road Map series and find the right book for your class. 

Read a sample chapter from Natural Hazards, Grade 2: STEM Road Map for Elementary School.

Would you like to help your students understand the connections between learning science in school and using it in their everyday lives? The STEM Road Map Curriculum Series from NSTA Press was developed to do just that. With the goal of infusing real-world learning contexts and authentic problem-solving pedagogy into the classroom, the series helps educators to create an integrated approach to teaching science, technology, engineering, and math. Students will learn new concepts and work collaboratively to apply them during creative, hands-on activities. 


Connecting Businesses and STEM Students

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2019-11-19

energy concepts.

Students in David Lockett’s STEM classes at Edward W. Bok Academy in Lake Wales, Florida, demonstrate to Duke Energy Business Energy Manager/Senior Energy Engineer Derick Farfan a display they created for the company that illustrates their knowledge of energy concepts. Photo courtesy of David Lockett

How can teachers help students explore science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career paths? One way is to have them do a project with a local business, according to David Lockett, STEM teacher at Edward W. Bok Academy in Lake Wales, Florida. With funding from the Polk Education Foundation of Bartow, Florida, and a Motorola Solutions Foundation Technology and Engineering Education Grant, Lockett’s Duke Energy Project was “a career workforce development” project “that was capped with a visit to” the Walt Disney World Solar Facility in Orlando, he explains. The five-megawatt solar farm is part of an agreement allowing Duke Energy to own and operate the farm on Disney World’s land. In return, the farm provides solar power to Disney World.

“The project focused on the different types of energy produced in Florida,” says Lockett. The Motorola grant guidelines required the inclusion of public safety elements, vocational skills, and engineering and/or information technology concepts. “I went for both,” he notes. “I wanted students to understand more about how electricity is provided and generated to the area, interact with diverse engineers in the field, and [hear from] scientists and other Duke Energy speakers”—including some of the students’ parents who work there—“about the range of energy careers.” he explains.

“No one had approached [Duke Energy] from the renewable energy aspect. I wanted to have students more deeply understand it than they could from just one class visit there,” says Lockett. His students spent about 20 hours either visiting Duke Energy or hearing from its employees when they visited Bok Academy.

Lockett created hands-on STEM learning activities to increase students’ awareness of energy-related STEM careers. For example, his students built solar cars and solar robots, designed and tested wind turbines, did coding projects, designed circuits, and built miniature houses to show how electricity travels. As a culminating project, his students created a display showing how electricity is supplied to a miniature house they built and demonstrating their knowledge of renewable versus nonrenewable resources, closed and open circuits, the importance of solar power, and “the benefits and challenges in technology that play a role in our energy system,” says Lockett. Duke Energy plans to show the display to other visiting schools, he adds.

“My students said, ‘Now we understand why you drive a hybrid car,’” Lockett relates. The project “increased their interest in different forms of energy and why technology has to be efficient.”

Lockett and his students then visited the Walt Disney World Solar Facility to discover “where Disney gets all the power for its operations,” he adds. “We were the first school group to visit there. It was not a glamorous trip, but it was very helpful” in increasing their understanding of how solar panels work. “After the trip, the students wanted to talk to their parents about getting solar panels on their homes,” he recalls.

The project informed his students about a myriad of careers: line workers, coding technicians, engineers, engineering technologists, cybersecurity engineers, information technology software analysts, and data science consultants. Lockett told students, “Every worker has a skill set or interest to lead them into a career path…Try it all, and see what you like best.”

Real-World Exposure

“I help students find their passion by exposing them to as many opportunities as possible” to connect with local businesses, says Peter Suchmann, coordinator of the Science Research Program for Grades 9 and 10 at North Shore Hebrew Academy High School in Great Neck, New York. “There’s a lot of industry on Long Island.”

For example, Suchmann chooses a group of students to attend an open house at Lifetime Brands, a kitchen product company headquartered in Garden City, New York, to learn about the company’s marketing, manufacturing, and packaging operations. Before the visit, Suchmann says he and his students “discuss the invention process for new and exciting kitchen gadgets. I hold a contest for students to come up with new kitchen gadgets, and the most developed ideas get pitched to [Lifetime Brands] executives.” He notes that “preparing a 30-second elevator pitch is tough and a good skill for ninth graders,” and he works with them on “body language, eye contact, and bubbling enthusiasm.”

At company headquarters, “we meet with their [executives] and actually discuss ideas the kids come up with for new products, and then we visit the showcase floor and study new products that have been successful. It is a great opportunity to see the 3-D printers used to make new prototypes and some of the new products that might actually make it to the market,” he relates.

Some of Suchmann’s students are working with the Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition as part of a student science fellowship. “Two of my students took over [the coalition’s] newsletter…and updated it, and made it much better,” using their writing and computer science skills, he reports. “They talk to their teachers about topics to be able to explain them, and help summarize [cancer] research for a general audience…In this world of fake science news, science communication is very important.”
He points out that students chosen for this fellowship have presented their work at science competitions and have gone on “to top labs in the Northeast to work on cancer prevention.”

Suchmann’s students have also participated in focus groups for Brainly, an international social learning and tutoring network for high school students. “I answered their call for teachers [to have students provide input on the website]. On Brainly, people are ranked by how many questions they answer [accurately],” he explains. “They want students to have their questions answered by teachers and students who know the material.”

His students “gave feedback on the platform and its potential use by American students. My students each earned $20 for their focus group experience,” Suchmann reports.

He says the focus for his school and his class is “internships lead to career tracks.” By connecting his students with businesses, some have landed internships with those companies that ultimately can lead to employment.

This article originally appeared in the October 2018 issue of NSTA Reports, the member newspaper of the National Science Teachers Association. Each month, NSTA members receive NSTA Reports, featuring news on science education, the association, and more. Not a member? Learn how NSTA can help you become the best science teacher you can be.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Physics in Motion, Grade K: STEM Road Map for Elementary School

What if you could challenge your kindergartners to create a mini roller coaster as an entry point to understanding the physics of motion? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can!
What if you could challenge your kindergartners to create a mini roller coaster as an entry point to understanding the physics of motion? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can!

Legislative Update

House Passes HEA Rewrite

By Jodi Peterson

Posted on 2019-11-18

Late last month the House Education and Labor Committee passed H.R. 4674, the Democratic bill to revise the Higher Education Act (HEA). The bill, titled the College Affordability Act, passed on a party-line vote of 28 ­to 22, with all Democrats voting for the bill and all Republicans voting against it, criticizing the overall increase in federal spending on higher education contained in the bill.

The legislation calls for implementing tuition-free community college, increasing Pell Grants and other forms of student aid, expanding public service loan forgiveness and allowing existing federal student borrowers to lower their interest rate. More here.

The 1,212-page bill will go on to the full House of Representatives, where it is expected to pass sometime later this Fall.

Congress Kicks the Appropriations Can Down the Road to Dec. 20

Congressional leaders have pegged December 20 as the next deadline for government funding after the current stopgap expires on November 21. The House of Representatives plans to pass a new continuing resolution before funding runs out at midnight on Nov. 21 to avert a government shutdown. Funding for key issues, including the President’s border wall, remain to be resolved. Read more here.

House Science Committee Passes Rural STEM Education Bill

Last week the House Science Committee marked up and passed H.R. 4979, the Rural STEM Education Act.  The bi-partisan bill, which NSTA supports, authorizes NSF grants for R&D for rural students in STEM; authorizes NSF grants on evaluating the use of online courses for STEM in rural communities; directs a National Academies study on rural STEM education and workforce development, including the impact of the scarcity of broadband connectivity, and more.

More on the markup and the bill here.

President Trump Reestablishes President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)

On Oct. 22, President Trump issued an executive order reconstituting the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) and appointed seven of its members. A White House press release noted PCAST will ultimately have 16 members in total and that more members will be announced in the future.

The role of the council is to advise the White House and conduct studies on its behalf. Its members are comprised of volunteer experts from outside the federal government.  Kelvin Droegemeier,  director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, will serve ex officio as the chair and 17th member of PCAST.

OSTP Releases STEM Ed Progress Report

As you recall last year the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), through the Committee on STEM Education (CoSTEM), developed a five-year “North Star” plan, which was released in December 2018. Subsequently, CoSTEM has been coordinating with Federal agencies to implement this plan and last month OSTP released a progress report that provides an update on those activities. Read the report here.

Stay tuned, and watch for more updates in future issues of NSTA Express.

Jodi Peterson is the Assistant Executive Director of Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. Reach her via e-mail at or via Twitter at @stemedadvocate.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

Late last month the House Education and Labor Committee passed H.R. 4674, the Democratic bill to revise the Higher Education Act (HEA).


Test Woes

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2019-11-18

If a student receives a bad test score, how do you interpret it? Would you allow the student to retake a modified version of the test?
— B. , Ohio

There are many possible interpretations of a poor score on a test.

Knowing your students and developing an assessment practice in your classroom that gives you and your students constant feedback on performance is essential to successful teaching. A quick look at your gradebook should easily identify a poor test score as an anomaly or a fair assessment.

If it is an anomaly, you should consider if the student was ill or missed some work. Do you know if events outside school could be a factor? Are things like test anxiety and organizational difficulties possible concerns? Did the student simply need more time?

Reflect on your role: Were the questions unexpected or confusing? Was the test poorly scheduled? Was there ample time to prepare? Did you give adequate feedback on returned work?

Students need to learn how to prepare for and take a test. Give them simple tips like bypassing difficult questions until later, pacing themselves, and that erasing is a waste of time—they should simply strike through passages they changed (you may want to have extra copies of the test or blank paper available). Suggest how to organize themselves and plan their study time. Encourage re-writing notes, and anticipating questions.

I would certainly allow the student a second attempt. Don’t just give another date and general encouragement to study more. Arrange for some remedial work or one-on-one time. Informing the parents can shed light on the issue and will allow them to support their child’s preparation. Consider having the student only retake missed questions or modifying the format.

Hope this helps!

Image by Claire Dela Cruz from Pixabay

If a student receives a bad test score, how do you interpret it? Would you allow the student to retake a modified version of the test?
— B. , Ohio

There are many possible interpretations of a poor score on a test.

Influence of Waves, Grade 1: STEM Road Map for Elementary School

What if you could challenge your first graders to create instruments they can play in their own “Show Me the Waves” musical show? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can!
What if you could challenge your first graders to create instruments they can play in their own “Show Me the Waves” musical show? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can!

Experts Agree: Connecting STEM Learning and Teaching Works!

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2019-11-13

On December 7, NSTA is offering a virtual conference designed to bring together some of the best thinkers in the field focused on learning and teaching by connecting in-school and out-of-school STEM experiences.

Why create collaborative STEM experiences? Because no one school, museum, organization, camp, or after-school program can give students and teachers the space, resources, and experiences that will motivate and challenge participants the way you can when school and outside groups work together. That’s why blended STEM learning experiences that connect in-school and out-of-school learning are a key recommendation in the recently released America’s Strategy for STEM Education.*

How Do You Start a Connected STEM Program?

Join NSTA for a virtual conference (Connecting In-school and Out-of-school STEM Learning and Teaching) to meet fellow teachers, STEM program managers, NSTA’s President, NSTA’s Executive Director, authors, and other experts in the field. Learn how they have created programs, what they recommend for those just getting started, where to find collaborators and funding, and ways to gain support for your ideas. Best of all, as you interact with presenters and fellow attendees during this conference, you’ll be expanding your network and meet people who you can count on for help along the way!

Why Learning and Teaching?

Teaching and learning are closely correlated, so good teachers generally make good learners, and vice versa. Throughout this virtual conference, participants will get a chance to see models of both roles, and learn to engage students with diverse learning styles. This matters because understanding how to involve all stakeholders, gain their attention, and keep them invested is critical for connecting in-school and out-of-school learning. And this type of collaboration will be of long-term importance to students (and to society in general), because it models and teaches the skills and working styles that will be needed for jobs of the future (the very near future).

And just as there are diverse learning styles, educators have diverse needs. Here are just a few of the reasons people tell us they sign up for virtual conferences:

  • “I am a neophyte to STEM, but hope to implement a STEM club after school.”—Laura B.
  • “[I want to] improve STEM and engage more students in STEM. “—Donald B.
  • “NSTA Virtual Conferences are a wonderful way to do amazing Professional Development from the comfort of home.”—Dorothy G.
  • “My biggest challenges have been projects that students are engaged in and ideas for k-2 students.”—Jeremy M.
  •  “We are doing quite a bit of STEM work in our region and part of my job is working with administrators and teachers, district and community to help them get STEM education implementation going in our region.”—Georgia B.

Dorothy G. mentioned one of her favorite things about NSTA virtual conferences (comfort), so it’s worth noting that participants can log on from anywhere with an internet connection and interact with presenters and educators from across the country.

Ready to sign up for a day of impactful learning that will improve your teaching for a lifetime? Learn more about Connecting In-School and Out-of-School STEM Learning and Teaching; view the agenda; and discover who’s presenting.

On December 7, NSTA is offering a virtual conference designed to bring together some of the best thinkers in the field focused on learning and teaching by connecting in-school and out-of-school STEM experiences.



Defining and Measuring STEM Identity and Interest in STEM Learning

Connected Science Learning October-December 2019 (Volume 1, Issue 12)

By Jamie Bell, Kevin Crowley, Martin Storksdieck, John Besley, Matthew A. Cannady, Amy Grack Nelson, Tina Phillips, Kelly Riedinger, and Melissa Ballard

Defining and Measuring STEM Identity and Interest in STEM Learning

A growing number of educators are focused on increasing students’ interest in and developing their identity in relation to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) as an intended outcome of their out-of-school activities and programs.

In everyday language, one might define identity as the way that people answer questions such as: “Who do I think I am, or who can I be? Where do I belong? How do I think other people see me?” People who are developing identities related to STEM will navigate questions such as these along the way.

Interest is a complex concept to define; because the term is used in everyday language, it can be laden with personal meanings. But, researchers generally agree that interest can be described as a long-term pattern of choices and pursuits, and has a multidimensional structure that includes affective, intellectual, and social components.

An evolving field of research

The landmark National Research Council report, Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits (2009) posited that learners in informal environments “experience excitement, interest, and motivation to learn about phenomena in the natural and physical world” and that informal learning experiences position participants to “think about themselves as science learners and develop an identity as someone who knows about, uses and sometimes contributes to science.”

Over the past 10 years, researchers across STEM education, the learning sciences, social psychology, and science communication have been working to understand and build models of STEM interest and identity, and how out-of-school education experiences foster these constructs. The Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE)’s Evaluation and Measurement Task Force recently conducted a series of interviews with 23 experts to take a snapshot of current research and thinking around these concepts. For each expert we interviewed, you can find a short video clip, interview highlights, and the full interview transcript online. There are also summary documents for identity and interest. Below are some highlights of what we learned.


When people engage with STEM, where they are on a continuum of STEM identity influences their expectations of how interesting and successful the experience will be. If they find an activity to be engaging and satisfying, the experience may strengthen their STEM identity, leading to a positive feedback loop that can reinforce ongoing participation and learning. Conversely, when learners have less engaging or unsuccessful experiences, a negative feedback loop can result—and might erode a developing STEM identity and make it less likely a learner will choose to participate in related activities in the future.

Across the interviews, there were varied opinions regarding whether identity can actually be measured or observed. Some researchers noted that a variety of data collection strategies can provide some evidence of aspects of an individual’s identity, including open-ended interviews, observations of learners, long-term ethnographic studies, implicit association tests, or self-report surveys. Several of the interviewees reminded us that these data collection efforts capture only a snapshot of an individual’s identity in a moment and a context.


Several researchers we spoke with, who work in informal STEM education, use Hidi and Renninger’s Four-Phase Model of Interest Development (2010), in which initial “triggered situational interest,” with sufficient support, becomes “maintained situational interest,” developing over time into “emerging individual interest” and ultimately “well-developed individual interest.”

We also heard insights such as the importance of taking into account historical and cultural factors that affect interest development in different populations, and that building and supporting ecosystems with multiple, varied, and connected opportunities for exposure and engagement are key for STEM interest to take hold. Some researchers don’t use the term “interest,” and instead used terms such as “preference” or “choice” to describe the same or similar phenomena. Researchers studying what they call the “activation” of learners conceptualize interest as consisting of (at least) two dimensions: fascination and value.

Interest is often measured using surveys that directly ask individuals to rate their preference for a particular topic or activity type. However, many researchers continue to debate self-reports—whether they are objective, how robust they are over time and within different contexts, and how much they can actually tell us about an individual’s interest. One alternative to using surveys is conducting open-ended interviews that reveal a more nuanced picture of the role of interest in learning, or ethnographic studies that track the development or loss of interest over time. Some researchers are studying “family interest pathways” by piloting strategies such as video observations, family-created journals, and artifacts.

More resources

  • In August 2019, CAISE hosted a webinar during which our task force members highlighted the perspectives from the interviews that they found most striking. We also responded to audience questions related to capturing longitudinal outcomes, and whether one should be thinking about a more generalized STEM identity or interest, or if discipline-specific measures are important to consider. Watch the recording on our YouTube channel and download the presentation slides.
  • also has several evaluation-related resources, including our “Design Evaluation” guide, a list of evaluation tools and instruments, and a recent blog post that gathers evaluation resources from across the web.


Jamie Bell ( is project director and principal investigator at the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education in Washington, DC. Kevin Crowley ( is professor of learning sciences and policy at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and co–principal investigator at the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education in Washington, DC. Martin Storksdieck ( is director of the Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, and co–principal investigator at the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education in Washington, DC. John Besley ( is professor of public relations and advertising at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Matthew A. Cannady ( is research group director at The Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley, in Berkeley, California. Amy Grack Nelson ( is evaluation and research manager at the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul, Minnesota. Tina Phillips ( is evaluation program manager at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York. Kelly Riedinger ( is senior researcher at the Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. Melissa Ballard ( is communications and community manager at the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education in Washington, DC.


Hidi, S., and S.A. Renninger. 2006. The four-phase model of interest development. Educational Psychologist 41 (2): 111–27.

National Research Council (NRC). 2009. Learning science in informal environments: People, places, and pursuits. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Read highlights from CAISE’s recent study on current thinking and research around the formation of STEM identity and interest in STEM learning.
Read highlights from CAISE’s recent study on current thinking and research around the formation of STEM identity and interest in STEM learning.

<i>“Why Do We Need to Know This?!”</i>

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2019-11-11

Hubble Deep Field Image

How do you explain to your students that what you’re teaching is important even if there is no obvious real-world application?
— B., Ohio

I’m sure every teacher has heard this refrain!

I found that students question what we teach when it is dull and repetitive. So, trying different strategies may work.

You can appeal to them on a philosophical level: explain to them that most of us don’t know what may be personally useful n the future.

The history of science is full of discoveries that were ahead of their time. It took time and the right people to reveal the importance or usefulness of that knowledge. Classic stories you can relate to your students: Michael Faraday and electromagnetism; Wilhelm Roentgen and X-rays; Alexander Flemming and penicillin; and many more.

My favorite is Christian Doppler who, in 1847, studied and determined why sound coming towards you is higher pitched than when it moves away from you (think race cars). Twenty years later astronomers discovered that the light followed the “Doppler Effect” and they could identify stars moving away or toward our solar system. In 1929, Edwin Hubble’s observations of galaxies indicated that they were all moving away from each other at ever-increasing velocity. This is the basis for the “Big Bang” theory, part of our current model of the universe. From Doppler’s curiosity about how train whistles change pitch we now have the current theory of the cosmos!

As a last resort, you can always just say the people who write curriculum felt it was important to understand. They can always complain to the government.

Hope this helps!

Image Credit: NASA/JPL/STScI Hubble Deep Field Team

Hubble Deep Field Image

How do you explain to your students that what you’re teaching is important even if there is no obvious real-world application?
— B., Ohio

I’m sure every teacher has heard this refrain!

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