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From the Field: Events and Opportunities, September 15, 2020

By Debra Shapiro

From the Field: Events and Opportunities, September 15, 2020


Middle School    |    Daily Do

How Do We Get Drinking Water From Fog?

How Do We Get Drinking Water From Fog?


Science & Children Editorial Board


Methods & Strategies

Standards Are Not Curriculum

Using Understanding by Design to make the Standards come alive

Science and Children—September/October 2020 (Volume 58, Issue 1)

By Jay McTighe and Patrick Brown


Engineering Encounters

Extending Engineering Learning Beyond Field Trips

Science and Children—September/October 2020 (Volume 58, Issue 1)

By Alexandria Muller, Tarah Connolly, Ron Skinner, and Danielle Harlow


Teaching Teachers

Student-driven Stewardship Projects

Using environmental education to promote the use of science practices

Science and Children—September/October 2020 (Volume 58, Issue 1)

By Deborah Tucker, Bill Andrews, and Kathryn Hayes


science 101

Q: What are waves, and what are some things they can do?

Science and Children—September/October 2020 (Volume 58, Issue 1)

By Matthew Bobrowsky


Editor's Note

Beyond the Field Trip

Science and Children—September/October 2020 (Volume 58, Issue 1)

By Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn

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