By Jodi Peterson
Posted on 2016-02-12
President Obama released the Administration’s FY2017 budget request this week, including mandatory spending of $4 billion for the opportunity to “give every student from preschool to high school the opportunity to learn hands-on computer science (CS).”
The President’s budget provides $69.4 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Education, a 2 percent increase over the 2016 appropriation. The budget also includes $139.7 billion in new mandatory funding over the next decade. (Mandatory funding—not a popular concept with CH Republicans who want to shrink the government – requires that additional funding for proposed programs would be offset through revenue enhancements such as taxes, fees, cost reductions, and other levies proposed elsewhere in the budget.)
In addition to the proposed $4 billion in mandatory funds, the new Computer Science for All program would support provide $100 million in discretionary grants for a competitive state initiative to fund innovative strategies to provide high-quality instruction and other learning opportunities in computer science.
Funding Requests for Programs Authorized Under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
The request for Title I grants was $15.4 billion, an increase of $450 million above the enacted level. Many education advocates publicly worried that this amount would provide less funding for school improvement, however, since the new federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to set aside a portion of Title I funding for school improvement.
The request for ESSA Title II (Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals Grants) is $2.25 billion. This major state formula grants program provides funds to each state to increase student achievement and close achievement gaps and to improve the effectiveness of teachers and school leaders. Funding for STEM education and educators is available under this grant.
The president requested $500 million for the new ESSA Title IV Part A block grant (Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants, which also provides funding for STEM activities), considerably less than the $1.6 billion authorized in the new federal education law. The president’s budget proposal would allocate these grants to states by formula and then districts would have the option of competing for the funds. ESSA requires that the money would be allocated states and districts by formula.
The Administration requested $10 million in new funding for the national STEM Master Teacher Corps, one of the specific “national activities” authorized under ESSA.
Funding for 2017 was $180 million (up from $60 million to FY2016) for the Education Innovation and Research program, the successor to the Investing in Innovation (i3) program.
21st Century Community Learning Centers funding request was $1.0 billion (a loss of $166.7 million from FY 2016), to support locally-based out-of-school learning and enrichment activities.
In addition to the Computer Science For All program, the President’s budget this year includes requested funding for a number of programs not authorized under the ESSA, including
National Science Foundation programs
The President’s request for the National Science Foundation would increase NSF’s discretionary spending by about $100 million, to $7.6 billion. The NSF’s Education and Human Resources Directorate funding is proposed at $952.86 million, an increase of $72.86 million or 8.3% over FY 2016. $53.99 million of this proposed increase is in the form of mandatory spending. The request for Advancing Informal Science Learning was $62.5 million (same as FY 2016, $7.5 million of this total would be mandatory funding.); STEM+Computer Science Partnerships Program request was $51.88 million (same as FY 2016, $30.64 million of this amount would be mandatory spending) and the President requested $60.89 million (same as FY 2016) for the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarships.
Read the WH STEM Fact Sheet.
Jodi Peterson is Assistant Executive Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. e-mail Peterson at; follow her on Twitter at @stemedadvocate.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
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By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2016-02-11
My upper elementary students have had very little formal science instruction. I’m finding that they have a lot of “knowledge” that consists of misconceptions, half-truths, and opinions. I’m looking for suggestions on how to deal with these misconceptions. –P., Minnesota
Along with their notebooks and pencils, students often bring misconceptions to science class. It’s hard to tell how students get these muddled ideas: from their friends, parents, cultural superstitions, television, movies, or other sources. Perhaps they hear only part of an explanation and invent the rest.
If learning involves building on our current understanding, then finding out what students know, don’t know, or think they know is important at the start of a unit. A written pretest might help, but students may have memorized some facts or definitions without really understanding a concept.
I recommend Page Keeley’s series of books Uncovering Student Ideas in Science. The “probes” in these books are brief activities that help identify students’ preconceptions or misconceptions about a topic. For each probe there is a summary of the topic, a detailed description of what can be learned from the students’ responses, teaching suggestions, and a list of resources on the topic. These probes are in the form of questions or activities that could also serve as engaging activities (or “hooks”) at the beginning of a unit. There are several volumes in the series, each with 25+ probes covering a wide variety of topics. (If you would like to preview what these probes look like, NSTA’s Science & Children publishes one in each issue.)
Simply asking students to discuss or write about what they know can be eye-opening, too. I would ask my seventh graders to make a quick list of 10 animals. Without looking at their lists, I predicted that most, if not all, of the animals would be vertebrates, and most of those would be mammals. (My students assumed I had ESP!) When we debriefed on why so many mammals, their immediate response was the misconception that mammals were the most common kind of animal. When we looked up that fact, they were shocked to see there are hundreds of thousands of species of invertebrates. We then had a lively discussion of why we overlook invertebrates in our culture, as an introduction to the unit.
Simply telling students their ideas are wrong won’t help them learn the correct ones.
For example, even though students may recognize that the earth’s axis is tilted, they may not see the connection between this tilt, the seasons, and the length of daylight time we have. They may cling to the misconception that the Earth is closer to the sun in the summer.
“From Misconceptions to Conceptual Change” in the April 2011 issue of The Science Teacher (TST) provides insights into how students develop misconceptions and how teachers can help students change their thinking. The sentence that stood out for me was “…the brain files new data by making connections to existing information. If this new information does not fit the learner’s established pattern of thinking, it is refashioned to fit the existing pattern.” So misconceptions can actually become stronger and more resistant to change, if all we do is present the correct facts. Some common misconceptions include “the scientific method” (implying that all scientists use a single problem-solving strategy) and the idea that all hypotheses become theories and all theories eventually become laws. The authors include a list of other misconceptions and strategies for overcoming them.
So what can a teacher do to help students connect new information that corrects rather than reinforces misconceptions? “Active Learning Strategies: The Top 10” in the same issue of TST has some suggestions. None of the strategies requires special materials or hours of professional development (e.g., using discrepant events to awaken curiosity, using concept maps, writing to learn). One that stood out for me was “demystify diagrams.” Some diagrams, while trying to explain or summarize information, actually contribute to misconceptions for students. Every year, I had to contend with the misconception that the blood in our veins is blue. Textbooks often show diagrams of the circulatory system with the veins colored blue. Another strategy is using vocabulary correctly (e.g., a hypothesis is not an educated guess).
It may take a while for students to have their ‘aha’ moments, but it is exciting to see the light bulbs go off in their heads!
My upper elementary students have had very little formal science instruction. I’m finding that they have a lot of “knowledge” that consists of misconceptions, half-truths, and opinions. I’m looking for suggestions on how to deal with these misconceptions. –P., Minnesota
By Guest Blogger
Posted on 2016-02-10
As authors of the popular NSTA Press book The Power of Questioning: Guiding Student Investigations, we get a lot of questions from readers. One of the top questions we get is, “What types of questions do I need to ask and when should I ask them?” Not only is this a frequently asked question it’s also an important one to start with. Here’s what we tell science teachers: Questions serve many purposes. They help students connect concepts, think critically, and explore concepts at a deeper level. They can help teachers check for understanding and uncover student misconceptions. Questions can be used to clarify and to probe. Questions can extend students’ thinking by requiring the students to justify their answers. Most important, questions involve students in the learning and cause the students to continue thinking and making questions even after the initial discussion ends.
Teachers can ask several types of questions. Two main question types are convergent and divergent. To check for understanding, the teacher asks a convergent question with one specific answer. To open up and expand the discussion to many possible responses, the teacher asks a divergent question with many possible answers. The questions define the focus of the learning. A discussion with only convergent questions feels like a game show, but a discussion with only divergent questions lacks direction. Discussions become dynamic when a blend of different types of questions is thoughtfully used. When deciding the types of questions to ask, ask yourself these questions:
To learn more about ways to optimize questioning in your classroom, read this sample chapter from our book: Why Does Skill in Questioning Engage Students in Purposeful Standards-Based Learning? And, of course, feel free to ask us questions!
Julie V. McGough is a first-grade teacher/mentor at Valley Oak Elementary in Clovis, California;
Lisa M. Nyberg is a professor at California State University in Fresno, California;; @docnyberg.
By sstuckey
Posted on 2016-02-04
In this video, columnist Ben Smith shares information from the Science 2.0 column, “Mastering Scientific Practices With Technology,” that appeared in a recent issue of The Science Teacher. Read the article here.
In this video, columnist Ben Smith shares information from the Science 2.0 column, “Mastering Scientific Practices With Technology,” that appeared in a recent issue of The Science Teacher. Read the article here.
By Debra Shapiro
Posted on 2016-02-02
Schools seeking to enhance students’ learning of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are adopting in-school STEM enrichment programs that reach student populations in need of additional learning opportunities, connect students with scientists, and/or provide more challenging curriculum. One such program, Science from Scientists (SfS), was established in 2002 “to help teachers with challenges in presenting science content,” says Erika Ebbel Angle, SfS founder and executive director. “Some teachers may have taken only one science course, or [find that] students need more science for test preparation,” she observes. “Teachers have told us that the only way to reach all of their students is through an in-school program.”
SfS offers an In-School Module-Based STEM enrichment program that brings two scientists to grades 4–8 classrooms every other week during the school year “to work with teachers and bring content [that supports] the NGSS [Next Generation Science Standards] and MCAS [Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System],” explains Angle. Teachers can choose from more than 85 hands-on STEM lessons, and the scientists “bring the necessary materials with them.”
The program aims “to inspire students and improve both attitudes and aptitudes,” she notes. The scientists conduct “pre- and post-assessments every other week” to chart students’ progress, she relates.
“The program succeeds because teachers see us as a great resource to bolster their curriculum and let students interact with scientists as role models,” Angle contends. While SfS “isn’t genderspecific,” it exposes boys and girls to female role models, she notes.
SfS has been adopted by 46 schools in Massachusetts and California, and “many districts seek us out,” she notes. Assessments have shown that “SfS raises standardized test scores by an average of 25% in our partner schools,” she reports.
SfS is provided free to public schools during the first two years. (Privateschools must pay for the entire program.) During year three, public schools start bearing the program’s costs. SfS “can help schools get grants and offers fundraising ideas,” says Angle. The goal for year four is “to have the program be self-funded in districts where we have relationships,” she explains, but SfS can help with funding if a district isn’t able to cover all the costs. “If we have classroom teachers who want us, we are committed,” she maintains.
“Twelve years ago, we were looking for out-of-the-box-type science improvement programs for Jewish day schools in the United States,” recalls Judy Lebovits, vice president and director of the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE). CIJE connected with the Israel Center for Excellence through Education to bring the Excellence 2000 (E2K) program to Jewish schools in the United States. Aimed at highly motivated math and science students, the program also has been adopted by several U.S. public schools and implemented in 77 schools nationwide, she reports.
E2K’s 24 modules involve “teaching totally hands-on, cultivating personal excellence, fostering creativity, and learning how to learn,” and appeal to “students who…like to tinker,” she contends. Each module starts with a story and a problem to solve, then students begin to experiment. “The kids come up with the formula on their own…They can take the answer and apply it to other situations,” she observes.
Carmel Academy in Greenwich, Connecticut, uses E2K with gifted sixth and seventh graders. Grades 6–8 science teacher and E2K coach Rhonda Ginsberg says the program “is a chance for students to do pure science” and design their own experiments. Last year, students designed and tested insulation for a polar bear’s cave, for example.
Often E2K students “bring back what they’ve learned to the regular science class,” and Ginsberg says she has “moved some of the E2K material into the regular science class.”
E2K students compete in national and international competitions and have won 10 awards, which “has created excitement around science,” she relates. They compete online with students from 25 other schools in a competition held in Israel. “The scientists in Israel were blown away at how fast my kids answered the questions,” she reports.
Not all gifted students are admitted to E2K. Ginsberg evaluates fifth-grade candidates, meeting with their science and math teachers to determine their “thinking ability,” she explains. Her biggest challenge is “how to say no to a kid who isn’t yet there analytically and to [his or her] parents. It’s tough.”
When the Batavia, Illinois, Public Schools downsized kindergarten classes from full-day to half-day, some parents complained. Seeking a solution, the district contacted the Batavia Park District, which supervises the area’s parks and recreation facilities and activities. The Batavia Park District designed an enrichment program, now in its fourth year, to extend the school day to six-and-a-half hours for kindergarteners whose parents were willing to pay for it. “About one-third of [area] kindergarteners are enrolled in our program,” says Sarah Schneider, kindergarten enrichment teacher for the Batavia Park District.
The program runs in each of the school district’s six elementary schools, with its own classroom and teacher. “In half-day kindergarten, the kids are only able to do core literacy and math; there’s not a lot of time for science and social studies,” Schneider observes. “We have a solid science program to get kids interested in science early on.
“We have a Delta Education [science] curriculum consisting of six different lessons: oceans, trees, insects and spiders, weather, body and senses, and health and nutrition…[S]ome of us also study the rainforest, arctic animals, space, pumpkins, and basic chemical mixtures,” she explains. “[We chose the curriculum] because we didn’t want to teach the same topics taught by the [school district’s teachers] in preschool,” she relates.
“Our kids are very well prepared for first grade because they’re in school for a full day and getting extra content,” she reports. “We don’t worry about [test] scores; we just make sure students are engaged, growing, and getting something positive out of it.” Without the testing, “we’re able to hold smaller classes with more creative projects.”
Schneider notes there is a trend in some districts to return to all-day kindergarten, which would mean the end of the enrichment program. She believes this could be a real loss for students because district teachers “won’t have the flexibility that we do.”
This article originally appeared in the February 2016 issue of NSTA Reports a>, the member newspaper of the National Science Teachers Association. Each month, NSTA members receive NSTA Reports featuring news on science education, the association, and more. Not a member? Learn how NSTA can help you become the best science teacher you can be.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
By Carole Hayward
Posted on 2016-02-02
Great extras accompany this book, including safety glasses for viewing the eclipse and an Observer’s Guide to the All-American Total Solar Eclipse.
“On Monday, August 21, 2017, a total eclipse of the Sun will be visible in the continental United States for the first time in almost 40 years. A total eclipse is when the Sun is completely hidden by the Moon, the sky becomes dark, and the Sun’s faint atmosphere (corona) becomes visible—looking like a beautiful halo. This total eclipse will only be visible on a narrow track stretching across the United States from Oregon to South Carolina. No other country will get to see the total eclipse this time.”
To help prepare middle schoolers for an optimum experience of this wondrous event, NSTA Press has published a great resource: Solar Science: Exploring Sunspots, Seasons, Eclipses, and More. This curriculum resource is written specifically to align with the three-dimensional (3D) learning encouraged by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Its learning experiences engage students in using real data to learn solar science and effectively integrate the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Science Practices (SPs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCC) associated with solar astronomy at the middle school level.
Authors Dennis Schatz and Andrew Fraknoi are award-winning experts in astronomy and science education. Schatz is the Senior Advisor at the Pacific Science Center, and Andrew Fraknoi is the Chair of the Astronomy Department at Foothill College. Both authors regularly lead local and national professional development sessions for teachers at many different levels.
They paired up to write this book because they know there will be tremendous interest in the eclipse and that teachers will want to prepare their students to understand relevant science topics the year before and the year after.
The 45 classroom-tested, hands-on, inquiry-based activities are organized into four sections
Ideally suited for teachers, informal science educators, youth group leaders, curriculum specialists, and teacher trainers, these versatile activities can be used one at a time, as the basis of a stand-alone unit on the Sun, or as a comprehensive curriculum.
Whether or not you buy a copy of Solar Science, you can download a free observing guide for the upcoming solar eclipse to share with students and their families as well as community partners. This eight-page guide includes everything you need to know regarding where and when to see the eclipse, how to observe the eclipse safely, and how to understand and explain what causes it.
NSTA Press has developed many online extras, including downloadable worksheets and charts to accompany lessons. This book is also available as an e-book.
Great extras accompany this book, including safety glasses for viewing the eclipse and an Observer’s Guide to the All-American Total Solar Eclipse.
By Korei Martin
Posted on 2016-02-01
Looking to take advantage of the creative approaches that STEAM offers students? Want to explain to your students how traits are passed down from one generation to another? Are your students fascinated with nanoscience? The February K–12 journals from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) have the answers you need. Written by science teachers for science teachers, these peer-reviewed journals are targeted to your teaching level and are packed with lesson plans, expert advice, and ideas for using whatever time/space you have available. Browse the February issues; they are online (see below), in members’ mailboxes, and ready to inspire teachers!
The addition of the arts to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) adds a new dimension to lessons. As you’ll find in this issue of S&C, STEAM brings forth creative approaches to STEM that will enhance student learning, from brainstorming to communication skills.
Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):
When looking for information on genetics and heredity, X or Y can mark the spot to start your search. Dig into the activities in this issue to learn more about how traits are passed from one generation to the next. We are sure you will uncover a valuable lesson or two among the trees, peas, and telephone chatter.
Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):
Nanoscience development affects almost every discipline of science, engineering, and technology. Not surprisingly, “the science of small” is also finding its way into science classrooms. In general, nano refers to a billionth of a meter—about 1/50,000 the width of a hair follicle. The term nanoparticle usually refers to small materials with a size of between 1 and 100 nanometers (nm). Because nanoparticles are so small, they have a greater surface-area-to-volume ratio, causing them to be more reactive than larger particles and useful for various applications. Nanoscience is just one of many activities and investigations covered in this issue, which also looks at wildlife cover boards, using socio-scientific issues to teach argumentation, and finding patterns in chemical compounds.
Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):
Get these journals in your mailbox as well as your inbox—become an NSTA member!
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2016-01-31
Writing about my science teaching for early childhood educators means thinking about a potential community that spans geographic distance and different biomes, seasons, cultures, educational backgrounds, ethnicities, and teaching careers, among other differences. How we are the same is in our desire to be a teacher of science who helps all children build their understandings of the natural and human-made world in a developmentally appropriate way.
I strive to think about who and where my words might be read, and be as inclusive as my life experience and education allow me to be, while still reflecting and speaking from my experience. When I write about recording the weather, I try to think about places where typical weather is different from weather in my area, but some times I may neglect to think outside of my experience. Thinking outside our experience is what educators do as we consider how children will connect with new experiences and new vocabulary. Understanding children’s experiences will guide us as we ask children to consider alternative explanations instead of holding onto early misconceptions.
It is interesting to see the many ideas children have about what is, and what is not, matter as reported in Page Keeley’s column on Formative Assessment Probes, “Uncovering Students’ Concepts of Matter” in the January 2016 issue of Science and Children. Children have many reasons for not including some objects or certain materials in the group “matter,” perhaps because they rarely hear the word used in that context. Keeley encourages primary-grade teachers to “try the probe with their students and make note of the ideas students have, which teachers can re-visit through instruction designed to build a bridge between existing ideas about matter and a scientific concept of matter.” Early childhood educators can ask our children, “What does this kind of matter feel like to you?” when handling all kinds of matter–scooping water or rice in the sensory table, touching the bark of a tree or our own skin, and feeling the wind. (The March 2015 Early Years column, “Getting Messy with Matter,” describes an exploration of how paints of various consistencies–thin water colors to thick tempera–act when painted onto various surfaces such as, paper, foil, felt, and natural materials such as tree branches. Try it with your students and use the word “matter” frequently!)
Almost every article in the January 2016 issue is focused on early childhood!
How can early childhood programs teach physics at a developmentally appropriate level? Read the Early Childhood Resources Review column, “Tools for Physical Science Inquiry,” for an overview of the many common early childhood program materials that engage children in learning physical science concepts. (You can recommend favorite resources you use to be reviewed in this column–contact column editor Rosemary Geiken.)
In “How We Know What We Know: Cultivating scientific reasoning among preschool students with cars and ramps,” Joseph B. Robinson says, “Discussing why these scientists revised their stance can teach children about uncertainty, evidence, disagreement, and other topics of vital importance to the world of science.” (Pg 42). “My objective has been to present students with a series of investigations that they can perform with minimal support, while making their own choices about what specific items or conditions they want to study. With this arrangement, my students have found new truths through their memorable endeavors. And, perhaps most importantly, they have begun to understand how scientific methods of investigation help us learn about the world.” (Pgs 42-43). I admire the way he was able to challenge the children’s common misconception that bigger cars are heavier than small cars by including small heavy cars and light big cars.
If you teach in kindergarten or other elementary grades, read about the shift from teaching about science to engaging students in science and engineering practices in “Addressing Three Common Myths About the Next Generation Science Standards” by Kenneth L. Huff. Is this what is happening in your program? Learn more about this shift by reading the article, free to non-members as well as members.
January snowfall and icy conditions in my region kept us out of school for more than a week while snow plow crews tried to find places to put it all so buses could get through residential streets, teachers could find parking spots, and residents could clear their sidewalks. I had to shift a lot of snow but the snow days gave me time to consider how I will shift my teaching.
Writing about my science teaching for early childhood educators means thinking about a potential community that spans geographic distance and different biomes, seasons, cultures, educational backgrounds, ethnicities, and teaching careers, among other differences. How we are the same is in our desire to be a teacher of science who helps all children build their understandings of the natural and human-made world in a developmentally appropriate way.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2016-01-31
As the science chairperson, I’d like to change the format of our monthly afterschool meetings. Do you have any ideas what we can do in terms of professional development or other projects? It seems like we don’t get much accomplished with our current format. —C., Virginia
Let’s face it—at the end of the day most teachers are tired and concerned with evaluating student work, getting home to their families, heading off to another job or a graduate class, and/or preparing for the next lesson. The after-school time is precious and not something to spend on mundane informational issues or idle chatter.
My experience also included meetings in which we read over information items (deadlines, changes in policy, upcoming events). We complained about situations without coming to any decisions. Some colleagues graded papers or watched the clock. We often left these hour-long contractual meetings with a list of tasks to accomplish individually on our own time (e.g., strategic planning, supply orders, professional development plans). So I’m glad to hear that you want to facilitate something more productive.
For your monthly meetings, send out an agenda via e-mail in advance. The agenda should include an issue to discuss, resolve, or plan for that is important to science teachers or to the district (e.g., lab safety, grading policies, instructional strategies, Next Generation Science Standards topics, technology, inventories, parent communications, assessments). Include information items here so the actual meeting time can be spent on more important issues. Rather than a bulleted list of agenda items for you to address, phrase them in the form of a question for your colleagues to discuss. For example, instead of “Safety,” ask, “What do you do to ensure that students work safely in your lab?” Set aside a few minutes before adjourning to recognize new issues and celebrate any successes or accomplishments.
I’ve also participated in meetings modeled on the “flipped classroom” strategy*…
The meeting participants were given readings to do or video segments to watch prior to the meeting. (The NSTA journals and web resources would be good sources for these.) The real-time meeting then focused on active discussion, decision-making, hands-on experiences, or teacher reflection. Teachers can use the time to work collaboratively on tasks that they would otherwise have to do on their own, rather than taking them home for later.
For example, in the December issue of The Science Teacher, the Science 2.0 column “Did They Really Read It?” addresses how to assess student understanding of a reading assignment or video. The authors also posted a 5-minute video blog entry that demonstrates how the two tools described in the article work. In a flipped meeting or workshop, the participants can read and watch the materials in under 10 minutes beforehand and use the meeting time to explore the options and consider how this would apply to their classes.
Other options:
You may run into some resistance from teachers who are used to the status quo. Being expected to participate in discussions or group activities may take some getting used to on their part, and you might have to prepare some discussion-starters at first. If meetings in previous years were seen as a waste of time, you’ll have to be persistent to show people that things are going to be different.
*I’ve created an NSTA resource collection with several articles on flipped meetings.
As the science chairperson, I’d like to change the format of our monthly afterschool meetings. Do you have any ideas what we can do in terms of professional development or other projects? It seems like we don’t get much accomplished with our current format. —C., Virginia