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Taking Action in STEM Learning

Connected Science Learning July–September 2020 (Volume 2, Issue 3)

By Erica Ahlgren and Mallory Tuominen

Taking Action in STEM Learning


Methods & Strategies

Formative Assessment of English Language Proficiency in the Science Classroom

Science and Children—July 2019 (Volume 56, Issue 8)

By Okhee Lee and Rita Januszyk

In a linguistically diverse fourth-grade classroom, students carry out an investigation to answer the lesson question: How are we able to see objects? Working collaboratively in groups, students are given a lidded box with an eye hole and a flap. Students make predictions about the contents of the box and then develop models using drawings, symbols, and text. What’s inside the dark box? It’s a mysterious beginning to the lesson.
In a linguistically diverse fourth-grade classroom, students carry out an investigation to answer the lesson question: How are we able to see objects? Working collaboratively in groups, students are given a lidded box with an eye hole and a flap. Students make predictions about the contents of the box and then develop models using drawings, symbols, and text. What’s inside the dark box? It’s a mysterious beginning to the lesson.
In a linguistically diverse fourth-grade classroom, students carry out an investigation to answer the lesson question: How are we able to see objects? Working collaboratively in groups, students are given a lidded box with an eye hole and a flap. Students make predictions about the contents of the box and then develop models using drawings, symbols, and text. What’s inside the dark box? It’s a mysterious beginning to the lesson.


Integrating Crosscutting Concepts into Science Instruction

This vital dimension of the NGSS can build on students’ everyday experiences in their homes and communities.

Science and Children—September 2019 (Volume 57, Issue 1)

By Marcelle Goggins, Alison Haas, Scott Grapin, Lorena Llosa, and Okhee Lee

Integrating Crosscutting Concepts into Science Instruction


Legislative Update

Will There Be Agreement on the Next Pandemic Relief Bill for K-12?

By Jodi Peterson

Posted on 2020-09-11

Will There Be Agreement on the Next Pandemic Relief Bill for K-12?

Archive: Developing a Competitive Application for Shell Teaching Awards, October 29, 2020

Shell Science Teaching Award: This award recognizes one outstanding classroom science teacher (K–12) who has had a positive impact on his or her students, school, and community through exemplary classroom science teaching. K–12 classroom science teachers are eligible to apply. The award consists of $10,000 and an all-expense paid trip to attend NSTA’s National Conference; two finalists will also receive all-expense-paid trips to the conference.

Shell Science Teaching Award: This award recognizes one outstanding classroom science teacher (K–12) who has had a positive impact on his or her students, school, and community through exemplary classroom science teaching. K–12 classroom science teachers are eligible to apply. The award consists of $10,000 and an all-expense paid trip to attend NSTA’s National Conference; two finalists will also receive all-expense-paid trips to the conference.

Shell Science Teaching Award: This award recognizes one outstanding classroom science teacher (K–12) who has had a positive impact on his or her students, school, and community through exemplary classroom science teaching. K–12 classroom science teachers are eligible to apply. The award consists of $10,000 and an all-expense paid trip to attend NSTA’s National Conference; two finalists will also receive all-expense-paid trips to the conference.

Shell Science Teaching Award: This award recognizes one outstanding classroom science teacher (K–12) who has had a positive impact on his or her students, school, and community through exemplary classroom science teaching. K–12 classroom science teachers are eligible to apply. The award consists of $10,000 and an all-expense paid trip to attend NSTA’s National Conference; two finalists will also receive all-expense-paid trips to the conference.


'Now It Looks Like a Moon:' Opportunities for Science and Math Talk During Play

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2020-09-10


Pandemic Hobby, Part 2: Chickens

By Becky Stewart

Posted on 2020-09-10

Pandemic Hobby, Part 2: Chickens



Beyond General-Purpose Talk Moves

Using discipline-specific probes with English learners in the science classroom

Science and Children—November/December 2019 (Volume 57, Issue 4)

By Scott Grapin, Alison Haas, Marcelle Goggins, Lorena Llosa, and Okhee Lee

Beyond General-Purpose Talk Moves

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