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Shanghai video diary

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-11-29

William D. Greene of West Virginia participated in the recent Sino-US Science and Education Forum and has posted this video:
Click on the tag below to see more blog posts on this subject.

William D. Greene of West Virginia participated in the recent Sino-US Science and Education Forum and has posted this video:
Click on the tag below to see more blog posts on this subject.


Science notebooks

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-11-26

Click here for the Table of Contents

Several years ago at an NSTA conference, I attended several sessions on science notebooks. I always required my students to keep (and use) a science notebook, but these sessions had some different extensions and variations that made me an even bigger fan. So I was really interested to see an entire issue devoted to this learning strategy. As a secondary teacher, when I read the articles, I visualized how the ideas could apply to older students.
The current thinking on notebooks is that they are more than a collection of handouts and notes copied from the board and organized in a way determined by the teacher. Notebooks are less about organizing “stuff” and more about organizing thoughts, writing about what the student is learning rather than what the student was told to do.
In Making Meaning with Notebooks, Michael Klentschy (the author of Using Science Notebooks in Elementary Classrooms and Using Science Notebooks in Middle School) describes a notebook as … the student’s personal record that can be referred to and updated throughout an investigation or even an entire unit of study. Whether for scientists or students, a science notebook records what was observed or done and what the scientists or students thought as a result of the experience.

Throughout these articles, scaffolding seems to be a theme. For example, A Menu of Options has suggestions for starting notebooks with primary students. I suspect that at the beginning of middle school and then again in high school, teachers would also have to model the process and guide students to help them progress to more advanced thinking and strategies.  (Note: Check SciLinks for additional content resources on Butterflies (K–4 and 5–8) and metamorphosis.)
Nonfiction Literacy in Kindergarten shows how to incorporate nonfiction features such as a table of contents, a labeled diagram, a text box, or a graph in student notebooks to reinforce concepts from reading instruction. There are examples of how the teacher used the notebooks as a formative assessment. Reuse That Notebook describes how teachers in grades 3–6 designed a process for the same notebook to be used throughout the grades. They shared the assessment rubric they developed as a team, and I was impressed that “neatness” and “following directions” (although important) are not included in this science rubric (but they do appear in the self-assessment rubric). Using the same notebook in the following years—what a great record of learning!
Reading Graphically Enhanced Science Notebooks brought back some memories. During a test, a student came to me and asked if instead of writing a description of how cepahalopods move, could he draw a picture? His diagram showed that he understood the concept, as opposed to just memorizing the words “jet propulsion.” This article has several student examples – not just labeled diagrams or tables of numbers but student-generated explanations of processes or events in a graphic format.  The examples are related to magnets. How do oil and gas companies know where to drill? also has some examples of graphics, with illustrations of sending shock waves beneath the Earth’s surface and recording the resulting reflections.
All inquiry starts with a question, but to generate a question a student must have some prior knowledge about the subject. A Laboratory of Words shows how adding a “quick write” to notebooks can help the students to express their prior knowledge (or misconceptions). The article describes how to model the quick write (often used as a bell-ringer). Based on the other artidles, I’m thinking that “quick draws” could also be used.
Learning English–Learning Science adds a family component to the process, using resources form the  Lawrence Hall of Science’s Mateo y Cientina, and  looks at student writing as a way to assess English learning as well as science. In Nature Detectives, students do ongoing observations in the schoolyard or neighborhood and create a field guide. Take a look at Making Tracks Trail Guide, a do-it-yourself project.
SciLinks has resources that could supplement the content in several of this issue’s articles. Documenting Learning has activities for younger students on Properties of Sand, Salt, and Water  related to solubility, and Does It Have a Life Cycle describes an assessment probe that could help the teacher discover conceptions and misconceptions that students have on the topic of life cycles.
Interactive Reflective Logs illustrates getting and providing feedback via the notebook (with sample pages) as students and teachers act as reflective partners. The article models how to give and respond to feedback.
Some addition resources on science notebooks include

NSTA Journals have published many articles related to science notebooks. Click here for a collection of articles and free book chapters that I assembled using the NSTA Learning Center’s My Resource Center tool.

Seasons Change lists many useful websites. I was reading the PDF version of the article, and when I clicked on the URLs I did not get the sites. Aha—the article is formatted into three narrow columns, and the URLs wrap around to the next line. So here are the sites mentioned in the article:

And check out the Connections for this issue. Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, there are ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, and other resources.

Click here for the Table of Contents


A not-so-simple question

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2010-11-23

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

With the NSTA delegation to the Sino–US Science and Education Forum back in the U.S., I am sure each member will be asked what I have been asked several times since returning home. “How was China?” This may seem to be a simple question. China is a place of contrasts: the new and the old China; rural and urban China; educated and non-educated China. During the trip I finished a book called Country Driving; A Journey Through China From Farm To Factory, and I may have blurred my thoughts with those of the book’s author, Peter Hessler. But in this final reflection I want to tell you in advance that I will use some of his thoughts to illustrate my overall impressions. I welcome your thoughts too.
From a science education perspective China’s goals and efforts to secure a quality science education for students are similar to ours. They want more inquiry used in classrooms, more high quality materials, and more qualified instructors. These are critical to improving science education, but the scale in China is enormous. The impression you get is they are not close to achieving these goals right now.
The advantage they do have is something that at times seems lacking in the U.S. The Chinese have aspirations for a systematic approach to improve what they are doing. I believe this is one of the purposes for inviting NSTA to their country to build relationships and to improve their science education process. Education is the route to success. After he slept in a fourth grade classroom in the rural town of Xiakou, Peter Hessler found the following quotes on the walls: Study hard so China can rise up;  A man with knowledge turns into three heads and six arms; and men and machines are the same if they keep moving, they don’t rust.
They have a long way to go to improve their science education system, but they do seem determined. The tour guide told us that twenty years ago the city of Shanghai had only one building that was higher than 30 floors, and now there are 128 buildings over 30 floors in just one neighborhood of Shanghai. There are many neighborhoods in Shanghai. They are growing whether they want to or not.
Part of my lesson from this trip is to find ways to use the influence of NSTA to improve the focus on the U.S. government on science education here. And you can help by contacting your state representative(s). This process is very different from the Chinese approach, and I still think it is better even though slower.  We need to speak up. After what our delegation saw and learned, we cannot stand still, because China is certainly not standing still.
Addendum—17 December 2010: NSTA Press author Steve Rich was part of the U.S. delegation in Shanghai and has shared his reflections about his experience in China.

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle


Homeward bound

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-11-23

Dr. Christine Royce muses about “time travel” and her recent experiences at the Sino–US Science and Education Forum in Shanghai.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sun through the hazeWell, it’s “Back to the Future.” Just as we had all come together in singles, forming groups of two or three, so did we disperse. Due to different flights, we met in the lobby of the hotel at different times (mine being 5:45 a.m.) and were shuttled to the airport with people who were returning to the same city with us. There was no large group good bye, there was no ending group hug, but rather each of us heading back to our respective cities from whence we came. We left on Sunday morning, Shanghai time, and according to the flight itinerary we arrived an hour later Detroit time. Not quite that quick of a trip, but due to the time difference we were literally going “back to the future.” We were going “back” due to the difference in time and location of the time zones, yet we were returning to our future. More knowledgeable about our counterparts in China and with a greater understanding of the people that we met and their intricate culture which is multifaceted.
When we reached Detroit (or LA or Chicago or wherever each plane was headed) we returned to being an individual or pair headed for their own gate—to return to Wisconsin, or DC, or in my case Shippensburg. The group disbanded physically in a rather quick manner however I think that many of us will be the “sticky rice” that was referenced earlier and keep in touch. After all, each of us has a commonality that binds us together—the pursuit of excellence in science education in order to improve the education of our students whatever the level. This pursuit in itself impacts the future of not only the country in which we live—but also countries around the world as we realized by working with our friends, colleagues and counterparts from half way across the world.
Part of the US contingent at the Sino-US Science and Education Forum in Shanghai

Dr. Christine Royce muses about “time travel” and her recent experiences at the Sino–US Science and Education Forum in Shanghai.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Old and “old” in China

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-11-23

Dr. Christine Royce notes that there is old, and then there is old. And also “old.” China has all three, and the new as well, in a heady mix.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Today we spent the day being “tourists”—and doing all of the things that tourists do—visit sights, shop, eat in good restaurants, shop, board more busses to go to the museum, shop etc. In the past few days we had heard about the “old traditions” of schooling, approaches to instruction, and the mindset of the people as well as the new traditions related to the same topics. Jennifer at one point discussed with us how the influx of money has influenced the people of China. Today was a great example of how old traditions collided with new traditions.
The first part of the morning was a visit to the Jade Buddha Temple, which housed an extremely large Buddha made of a single piece of Jade (thus the name). When entering the temple, it was packed, people purchasing incense of sheets to write wishes on and burn; others folding “money” or at least paper meant to represent money to burn for their ancestors in the afterlife; others were praying. Contrasted with these old traditions, were the new ones—people rushing back and forth snapping pictures; those moving in and out of the myriad of shops. Where old meets new would have been a way to describe the clothing that people wore also—some young people wore stiletto heels on knee high boots where some people who could be my grandparents wore the flat shoes and attire that was reserved and modest. Somehow all of them did have a similar purpose for being there—remembrance of their ancestors and the continuation of sending wishes and good will to them in the offerings they made.

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Lunch was in Nanshi Old Town, which Jennifer the tour guide called “China Town”—it is a small village that looked old based on the decor, roof structure, winding paths, and stone walks, however it is relatively new construction—made to look old. One could find anything possible to purchase in this area as well—and it was packed! Today was truly the first day I could feel how many people truly occupied this city based on the street traffic. It was neat to see the “old” structures and have a sense of what construction may have looked like in years gone by. It was also fun to wander in and out of the shops trying to decide what gift to bring home for that friend or relative.
In America, we think old is during the days of the Pilgrims or Colonial Williamsburg, or even during the Civil War. We visit museums and see weaponry constructed during these periods or listen to speeches given by our past presidents. Let’s see that takes us back two, maybe three centuries? As Americans, we have no clue what “old” is until you visit a place like the Shanghai Museum that had pottery dating back to the 1200s. While we didn’t have much time in the museum, we were able to visit a gallery or two and truly have an appreciation for the artistic talents of the people of this country—even hundreds of years ago. All of these original antiques were housed in a beautiful new structure that represented the modern age while at the same time providing almost a reverence for the historical treasures housed here.
Finally, we went to THE SHOPPING STREET of all of China—Nanjing Road. If I thought I felt crowded earlier, this was a wake-up call. You could barely move down the street. I literally got swept up with the flow of the crowd moving from store to store and occasionally had to break free to do some shopping of my own. My purchase this evening—pearls. One colleague on the trip commented that there probably wasn’t a lady in the group who didn’t stop to at least admire the jewels of the sea. Jennifer’s point of the influx of money and the materialistic aspects of some young people rang true on this street. While there were many foreigners among them, it was clear that shopping had its place in the modern world as well.
Old and new, a clash of cultures in a way, but nonetheless both part of the modern China that we had the opportunity to explore over the past few days.

Dr. Christine Royce notes that there is old, and then there is old. And also “old.” China has all three, and the new as well, in a heady mix.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Inquiry across the science disciplines

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-11-22

Click here for the Table of Contents

Inquiry seems like one of those words that as my seventh-graders would say “I know what it means, but it’s hard to ‘splain.” Rather than an inquiry/not inquiry dichotomy, many of the articles in this issue describe inquiry as happening along a continuum, from “teacher-directed low-inquiry activities to open-inquiry investigations in which students generate their own questions and design their own experiments.” In working with teachers, some of the big aha moments occur when they realize that hands-on activities are not necessarily inquiry and that inquiry does not mean that students are not given any guidance or support during their investigations.
In his column, the editor mentions two notable articles on the topic of inquiry: Simplifying Inquiry Instruction and Laboratory Instruction in the Service of Science Teaching and Learning. Both of these (along with others on the topic) were in the October 2005 issue of The Science Teacher and are well worth a reread.
If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at The Inquiry Matrix, which has a tool for planning and reflecting on inquiry activities. (In looking at this, I wonder how many of our activities are at the “least complex” side of the spectrum). This could be a great rubric to track how class activities become more inquiry-based as the students learn the skills and as they (and their teachers) become more confident.

A Template for Open Inquiry describes a continuum of inquiry features (including a graphic that should be in every teachers notebook) in terms of the inverse relationship between learner self-direction and teacher directions/input. The authors use a real-life example from an earth science class on impact craters to illustrate the process.
Several articles describe what inquiry looks like in the context of other science classes. But regardless of what subject you teach, there are take-away ideas for enhancing any subject:

  • Model-Based Inquiry focuses on the concept of buoyancy in a physics class and includes examples of student work and a concept map.
  • Sugar Cube Science turns a simple activity on solubility into a inquiry activity in which students are provided with “Design-a-Lab” guidelines and a rubric.
  • Exploring Osmosis & Diffusion in Cells illustrates a guided–inquiry activity and includes an investigation proposal graphic organizer that could be used for other topics, in addition to this study of osmosis and diffusion. It’s also interesting to read how this activity was developed and fine-tuned as part of a lesson-study professional development project.

When I read The Inquiry Flame, I had a flashback to my methods course. Our introduction to teaching via inquiry was with a candle. This enhanced version shows how teachers can scaffold (or guide) the process to help students design and organize their experiments. The article includes several graphic organizers that could be used in other contexts.
In the Science 2.0 column Instant Inquiry, the author describes the value of studying slow-motion images and directions for using high-speed cameras to create these images as part of student investigations. A useful site on photographic images is Molecular Expressions from the Florida State University. Many of the individual sections are in the SciLinks database already, but the main site shows the extent of the collections.
I know a teacher who uses Headline Science as supplemental readings for students. These brief updates describe what is being learned from current research projects. For many of these topics, there are related SciLinks if students are interested in more information:

Have you been reading this year’s Science & Children? Each issue is themed around aspects of inquiry learning. It’s great to read about what younger students are doing.
Check out the Connections for this issue (November 2010). Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, this resource has ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, etc.

Click here for the Table of Contents


Exploring Shanghai

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2010-11-22

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

The final day in Shanghai was busy and we all had to be, as our guide put it, “sticky rice and not loose noodles.” After breakfast we left for the Jade Buddhist Temple, then went on to a silk factory, ate lunch before heading to do some quick shopping in old Shanghai, then off to the Shanghai museum, with more shopping at the “knock off” market, before we finally had dinner. No one complained since we knew we could sleep on the 15-hour trip home the next day.
The Jade Buddhist Temple was spectacular. Our visit coincided with one of the two (I think) worship days each month, and the place was packed. People were worshiping, making wishes, burning incense, burning their wishes in large fires and generally milling around in the various rooms with a Buddha. There was quite an excited air in the room. We were able to view the Jade Buddha, with people worshiping there. People also bought oil to keep there lamps burning in support of the Buddha as they stood in front of the Buddha and made their silent prayers.

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Outside in the courtyard, someone in our group and I were approached by a young man with identification around his neck indicating that he worked in the temple. He wanted us to rub the fat Buddha’s belly for good luck. He took us to another quiet room on the second floor of one of the buildings to rub the Buddha’s stomach, which we both did and took pictures. (The sign next to the Buddha said taking photos was prohibited.) He then showed us around the little exhibit area and tried to persuade us that we should buy several items. We didn’t and he seemed very disappointed.
We then went to the silk factory where the factory docent talked about the silk making process—by caterpillars—and the spinning process—by people, or machines in this case. There are two kinds of cocoons and one is used for threads—the single cocoon- and the other one—the double cocoon—is used for quilts. (The thread is continuous in the single cocoon but not with the double cocoon.) The docent then took us into the factor store room and told us the benefit of silk as compared to other fabrics. (She too was very persuasive about how we would be so happy if we bought some silk.)
After lunch we visited the Shanghai museum and learned more about China’s history. This museum had an array of amazing displays of old art, furniture, sculpture and ceramics. I have a nephew who is a potter, so I focused mostly on the pottery and ceramics. There were pots that were made in 236 AD that were quite spectacular.
To wrap up the day, a few people continued their shopping and we all met for dinner. For our last dinner in China we were ready but not exactly prepared for the upcoming treat planned for us. We were placed in a very large dining room hall which was separated by a six-foot removable wall. On the other half of the hall there was a large birthday party for a man who was turning 50. Our guide said usually the Chinese don’t celebrate with such a large group until the person turns 80, 90, or 100. There was very loud music—so loud you couldn’t talk at the tables–as well as balancing acts and singing. Someone at our table said you could have changed the words on the projector screen to Spanish and you could have been in Mexico. During the mayhem of noise and celebration someone in our group was able to obtain some of the birthday cake, which resulted in many of the birthday guests joining our tables for cake, cheers, and pictures. This was an unexpected cultural lesson for us in a changing China. Happy, commercial, and loud. Sound familiar? Happy Birthday, China.

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle


Sticky rice vs. loose noodles

By NSTA Web Director

Posted on 2010-11-20

Dr. Christine Royce describes her visit to the ancient city of Zouzhuang as a member of the NSTA contingent at the Sino-US Science and Education Forum.

Friday, November 19, 2010

“Be like sticky rice … not loose noodle.”
You probably think I have lost it by now. What could she possibly be thinking? Well, this was the quote of the day from our tour guide Jennifer on our bus. Today was a field trip day. Well, the entire experience could be considered a field trip, but today was a day where we loaded the buses and headed out of Shanghai to see an “old town,” which we were to compare to Shanghai as a “new town.”
The group set off this morning to Zhouzhuang, which is a water city about an hour and a half west/southwest of Shanghai. It was described to us as being a “very beautiful city” with many bridges and the river. When reading about it in tour books and on the web, the city is actually about 900 years old and has many “historic” type homes. In total, there are 14 bridges in Zhouzhuang, which was made famous by a painting which was purchased by some American gas or oil tycoon. We watched the sites go by as the bus departed the city for the suburbs which seemed to be a continuation of the city—hundreds of towering structures that were apartment buildings; we watched as we entered a rural area which did have agricultural aspects—rice paddies and other types of plant cultivation; and finally we watched as we entered this “small” town which really looked more like a small city.
We listened as Jennifer gave us information about our time frame, where the facilities where (and yes most of the stalls had squatties) and finally directions for following her and her waving yellow flag. At that point, she gave us the initial directions as we were to progress directly to the boats for a boat ride through the city and to the entry point into the town—which has a charge. Her specific directions—you will have time to shop later, do not stop and look or take pictures—“be like sticky rice—not loose noodle.” Many of us decided that was the phrase of the day and was a perfect way to describe her expectations.

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We were somewhat like sticky rice—with a few loose noodles. We wandered, took pictures at the touristy spots to take pictures, and finally did board the boats for the short ride. Eight people to a boat. Oh, and there was no translation problem when the person who would paddle the boat wanted people to switch seats due to an imbalance in weight shall we say.  Jennifer directed us to where we should meet in exactly two hours—which included lunch at the restaurant—the “blue guy (Haibo) near the big marble wall.” Off we went—to lunch which I must say was absolutely the best food of the trip so far (minus the chicken feet that the removed from the table) and then to explore the town and shop. On the excursion to the starting point, there was much to see and plan to buy—handcrafts made by local artisans; Chinese calligraphy; paintings; trinkets, and everything in between. There was also food—lots of it … and not what you would expect.
The smells of the area assaulted your senses—you could walk by places with fish floating in containers right next to the sidewalk; plants were being cleaned in front of you for preparation; and every kind of meat was on display either sitting in or hanging from stations at the stand. I was not adventuresome enough to try and of the local delicacies. Everything you touched had texture; everything you saw had color or intricate details; everything you heard was different—it would get quiet and you could hear a local woman singing songs or a musician playing a traditional instrument and then it would get loud as a tour group passed by with their own flag; everything you smelled simply smelled like something you weren’t familiar with.
We ventured in twos or threes, teamed up with other groups, compared purchases and sent people off in the direction of the stall if they were interested in something we bought; and snapped photos at every turn. As a group we were able to laugh and interact in a way that was informal allowing us to learn about the location, the people, and each other. When 1:50 p.m. came around, we were to be at the wall near the blue guy and Jennifer and Eva (the other tour guide) had us walk single file past them so they could count us—we weren’t demonstrating our skills at being sticky rice—we had become even more loose noodles due to the many things that we could do during the time there.
The day ended with a ride back to Shanghai, shopping for some, and dinner at Shanghai Uncle—a restaurant with a local flavor, as it was described to us.
Hopefully when we return, some of Jennifer’s words of wisdom and direction will follow us home—we have one more day here in this beautiful city and already we are starting to talk about a reunion in San Francisco at the NSTA National Conference this coming spring. I truly hope that the new friends I’ve made and the friendships that have deepened will connect throughout the upcoming months and be more like sticky rice than loose noodles …

Dr. Christine Royce describes her visit to the ancient city of Zouzhuang as a member of the NSTA contingent at the Sino-US Science and Education Forum.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Improving student skills

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2010-11-20

My ninth-grade students are struggling with lab activities. For example, they don’t seem to know how to formulate a hypothesis or write a conclusion. When I asked them to graph the data, I saw lots of blank looks on their faces. What can I do?
—Jeff, Baltimore, Maryland
Your question brings back memories. When I started teaching, I was excited about doing inquiry-based investigations. However my middle school students were similar to yours in their understanding of hypotheses and graphing. They were also confused about observations and inferences, and their conclusions were simply summaries of their observations. I did a lot of reflecting: Am I expecting too much of middle school students? Are my students academically clueless? Are they unmotivated? Are my explanations and guidance insufficient? Am I hopeless as a teacher?
At the secondary level, it’s common for teachers to expect students to be experienced in essential science skills: questioning, observing, summarizing, formulating hypotheses, drawing conclusions, notetaking, graphing, and solving problems. If students do not measure up to these expectations, some are quick to blame the teachers in the earlier grades. So high school teachers question the middle school program, middle school teachers question the elementary program, and we all point at parents. Yet when students walk through our classroom doors, we have to take them as they are. It’s our role to set appropriate and challenging learning goals, and then work with students to meet the goals.
In situations such as you describe, it could be that in earlier grades the students did cookbook activities where the procedures were already determined and the data tables already set up. Perhaps their teachers used different vocabulary (e.g., “wrap-up” instead of summary). The equipment they used, such as balances or microscopes, may have looked different. They may have learned skills in isolation with few opportunities to apply the skills in new situations. Students moving into the school may have had different experiences in their former schools.

Once you have determined what skills your students need to develop, you can begin to “scaffold” their learning in three stages: focused instruction with examples, guided practice in a variety of contexts, followed by opportunities to choose and use the skills independently (even if they make a few mistakes).  I observed a teacher doing a “think-aloud” as she modeled how to graph data from an investigation. As she talked through the process, she showed students how to set up the graph and add data points, but it was a not a lecture. She asked herself questions and deliberately made some mistakes (and corrected them). It was as if the students could peek inside her mind as she worked through the process. When she paused in her thinking, the students volunteered their own suggestions. In the second part of the investigation, the students worked in groups to create similar graphs as the teacher monitored each group and offered suggestions and feedback.
Guiding questions, prompts, and templates can also help students focus their thinking.  For hypotheses, the template If [I do this], then  [this]  will happen can show students that a hypothesis is not just a guess. LabWrite from North Carolina State University has templates and resources for each part of an investigation. The site would probably be overwhelming for ninth graders, but it could be a valuable resource as you divide lab reporting into manageable chunks to introduce to your students. Create A Graph from the National Center for Education Statistics  is a student-friendly online tool for designing several common types of graphs. The finished graphs can be saved for additional editing, printed, or downloaded (as PDF files).
Processes or templates appropriate in younger grades may need to be “kicked up a notch” in the upper grades. For example, in the younger grades notetaking may focus on particular strategies, while at the upper grades, modeling how different strategies are appropriate for different tasks may be helpful to students. If you can project a copy of a text page, you can model how you would decide what to highlight and how you would add margin notes or questions.
Ask students to describe and reflect on their learning in science notebooks, they’ll have a record of what they did to meet the learning goals. This can be the foundation for new skills in their next course.

My ninth-grade students are struggling with lab activities. For example, they don’t seem to know how to formulate a hypothesis or write a conclusion. When I asked them to graph the data, I saw lots of blank looks on their faces. What can I do?
—Jeff, Baltimore, Maryland


A visit to Zhouzhuang

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2010-11-19

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

Today the focus was on history, culture, and some shopping. The delegation went to Zhouzhuang, described in the guide book as an ancient town known for its Venetian-like waterways.
Leaving Shanghai took about 50 minutes before the landscape had regular trees with some open space. We traveled 20 more minutes before the landscape became rural. The town before Zhouzhuang seemed poor. There were many visible signs of manual laborers carrying out what would be considered mechanized tasks in the U.S. We saw people using hand held balances for weighing objects, harvesting without a tractor, drying rice and bagging it, and assisting with road repaving. On the one hand China is very capable, yet it is still very much a developing country. The situation is confusing to see because the contrasts are large.
Zhouzhuang is over 900 years old with houses built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are about 100 houses with courtyards, 60 of which have arch gateways made from carved bricks. This area is very agricultural and produces a great deal of rice for a good portion of China.
The village had great arching bridges, many stores with hand made crafts and commercial tourist souvenirs, and gondolas that take people through the waterways. The combination of old and new gave me the sense of being lost in time. We were told that the waterways were almost destroyed in the effort to develop the area but subsequently saved as a historic area so that future generations could see the way people used to live. A good thing, since so much has changed that in my opinion China stands to lose much of its architectural, not to mention cultural treasures, in the spirit of development.

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NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

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