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NSTA Press Book
How to...Weave the Web Into K-8 Science
Like a search engine for science teachers, How to... Weave the Web into K-8 Science is your custom-made guide to bringing the best of the Internet into your classroom. Author David Wetzel has done the work of locating online materials for you. The bo...
By David R. Wetzel
NSTA Press Book
At last, you can stop wondering how to make sense of the confusing world of technology resources for the classroom. This must-have book is the first independent review of curriculum materials for teaching technology. The authors provide a practical l...
By Edward Britton, Bo De Long-Cotty, Toby Levenson
NSTA Press Book
Exemplary Science in Grades 9-12: Standards-Based Success Stories
In this collection of 15 essays, educators describe successful programs they’ve developed to fulfill the National Science Education Standards’ vision for the reform of teaching, assessment, professional development, and content at the high school...
NSTA Press Book
Teaching With Purpose: Closing the Research - Practice Gap
The best science teachers don’t just get up in front of the class and start talking. They draw from a plan… a rationale… a purpose. This book helps you create and implement a detailed, research-based teaching rationale that works even with stud...
By John E. Penick, Robin Lee Harris
Book Chapter
For decades, many of the nation’s life science classrooms have been anything but lively. Biology has been criticized for being content heavy, overloaded with vocabulary, and tested by rote. Six to seven hundred pages of text, presented to teenagers...
NSTA Press Book
Crossing Borders in Literacy and Science Instruction: Perspectives on Theory and Practice
Although there is little argument that an important connection exists between literacy and science, much is not known about how literacy-science learning takes place. How does knowledge in one area affect learning in the other? How can teachers provi...
NSTA Press Book
Clones, Cats, and Chemicals: Thinking Scientifically About Controversial Issues
Does human cloning present a threat or an opportunity? Do common cats constitute a major threat to wildlife? Will the development of new chemical and biological weapons deter war or lead to it? If you want students to think—really think—about the...
By Irwin Slesnick
NSTA Press Book
Evolution in Perspective: The Science Teacher's Compendium
If ever a subject could benefit from a strong dose of perspective, it’s evolution. This important new book supplies the necessary insights by bringing together the views of leading scientists, professors, and teachers. Working from the premise that...