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Web Seminar

Archive: Science Update: Cosmic Explosions, February 11, 2021

The biggest explosions in the universe dwarf any we are capable of on Earth.  In space, we can witness an exploding star that can shine brighter ...

Middle School Elementary High School Informal Education Astronomy Earth & Space Science General Science Physics STEM

Web Seminar

Archive: Science Update: Bridging a Passion for Human Discovery in Space and on Earth — The Lucy Mission and Lucy in Space Contest, January 14, 2021

Two world-renowned scientists, Donald Johanson PhD and Hal Levison PhD, will discuss human’s passion for exploration and discovery through the&...

Middle School High School Astronomy Biology Earth & Space Science Engineering Evolution STEM Technology

Web Seminar

Archive: Science Update: The Cosmic Shooting Gallery, November 19, 2020

Stuff hits the Earth all the time, but fortunately we have a nice thick warm atmosphere that vaporizes everything smaller than an SUV. Spacecraft have...

Middle School Elementary High School Informal Education Postsecondary Astronomy Earth & Space Science General Science STEM Technology

Journal Article

Why Does the Moon Look Like That Again?

By Rebecca Katsh-Singer and Chris Rogers

Middle School Assessment Astronomy Earth & Space Science

Journal Article

Online science educator Julia Brodsky

By Luba Vangelova

Astronomy Careers STEM

Journal Article

NASA’s Universe of Learning

By Erika Wright, Timothy Rhue II, Mary Dussault, and Brandon Lawton

Informal Education Astronomy

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