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What's the Alternative?

Journal Article

What's the Alternative?

Using model-evidence link diagrams to weigh alternative models in argumentation....

Earth & Space Science Environmental Science Inquiry

Exploring Your Environment

Book Chapter

Exploring Your Environment

Depending on you location, you may get to experience different seasons–thus meaning your environment changes. Students can begin to make initial observations about an area and then follow this area through the changes that occur over the course of ...

Early Childhood Elementary Environmental Science Life Science Lesson Plans Teaching Strategies Literacy

NSTA Press Book

Uncovering Student Ideas in Life Science, Volume 1: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes

Winner of the Distinguished Achievement Award from Association of Educational Publishers!Author Page Keeley continues to provide K–12 teachers with her highly usable and popular formula for uncovering and addressing the preconceptions that students...

By Page Keeley

Elementary High School Middle School Biology Environmental Science Evolution General Science Life Science Assessment Curriculum Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Phenomena Teaching Strategies Interdisciplinary Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

Food Chain Energy

Book Chapter

Food Chain Energy

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the flow of energy in a trophic relationship that children are most familiar with—food chains. The probe is designed to find out if students recognize that most of the energ...

Elementary High School Middle School Biology Environmental Science Life Science 5E Science and Engineering Practices

Ecosystem Cycles

Book Chapter

Ecosystem Cycles

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the transfer of matter and energy in ecosystems. The probe is designed to reveal whether students recognize that only matter is cycled through an ecosystem. ...

Biology Environmental Science Life Science Assessment Crosscutting Concepts Phenomena

Changing Environment

Book Chapter

Changing Environment

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about adaptation. The probe is designed to reveal whether students hold Lamarckian ideas about individual organisms adapting to changes in the environment. ...

Biology Environmental Science Evolution Life Science Assessment Phenomena

Large-Scale Weather

Book Chapter

Large-Scale Weather

In the previous chapter, we dealt with how the properties of air and water affected small-scale weather such as the formation of clouds, the formation of fog, and how comfortable you feel at different times of the year. In this chapter, we're going t...

Middle School Aerospace Earth & Space Science Environmental Science

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