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Collaborative Efforts to Retain New Teachers: A University-School District Partnership

Book Chapter

Collaborative Efforts to Retain New Teachers: A University-School District Partnership

This chapter describes the Teacher to Teacher Program—a collaborative effort between Furman University and two local school districts. The program p...

Assessment Inquiry Teaching Strategies Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

ASIST: An Induction Program for Science Teachers

Book Chapter

ASIST: An Induction Program for Science Teachers

Quality induction programs are needed for science teachers. This chapter describes one program—Alternative Support for Induction Science Teachers (A...

Assessment Curriculum Inquiry Teaching Strategies Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

Honoring Adult Learners: Adult Learning Theories and Implications for Professional Development

Book Chapter

Honoring Adult Learners: Adult Learning Theories and Implications for Professional Development

Designers of adult learning must consider carefully the research on adult learning and change and factor this into learning designs. In this chapter, ...

Curriculum Inquiry Teaching Strategies Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

Decay and Renewal (Student Edition)

NSTA Press Book

Decay and Renewal (Student Edition)

Most of us throw or flush things away every day without thinking about the fact that there is no “away.” Whether discarded substances break down o...

By Nancy M. Trautmann, The Environmental Inquiry Team

High School Informal Education Middle School Assessment Instructional Materials Inquiry NGSS Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

Invasion Ecology (Student Edition)

NSTA Press Book

Invasion Ecology (Student Edition)

Strange intruders are invading our part of the world, threatening our environment and our economy. These newcomers and their impact on our ecological ...

By Marianne E. Krasny, The Enviromental Inquiry Team

High School Informal Education General Science Assessment Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans NGSS Teaching Strategies Research Teacher Preparation

NSTA Press Book

Everyday Assessment in the Science Classroom

Make ongoing, classroom-based assessment second nature to your students and you. Everyday Assessment in the Science Classroom is a thought-provoking c...

Middle School Elementary High School Assessment Curriculum Inquiry Instructional Materials Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Invasion Ecology (Teacher’s Guide—Includes Full Student Edition)

NSTA Press Book

Invasion Ecology (Teacher’s Guide—Includes Full Student Edition)

Strange intruders are invading our part of the world, threatening our environment and our economy. These newcomers and their impact on our ecological ...

By Marianne E. Krasny, The Environmental Inquiry Team

High School Informal Education General Science Assessment Curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Teaching Strategies Research Teacher Preparation

Decay and Renewal (Teacher Edition—Includes Full Student Edition)

NSTA Press Book

Decay and Renewal (Teacher Edition—Includes Full Student Edition)

Are you looking for a new way to teach about respiration, nutrient cycling, energy flow, producers, consumers, and decomposers? Decay and Renewal ...

By Nancy M. Trautmann, The Environmental Inquiry Team

High School General Science Assessment Curriculum Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Teaching Strategies Research Teacher Preparation

Teaching Teachers: Bringing First-Rate Science to the Elementary Classroom

NSTA Press Book

Teaching Teachers: Bringing First-Rate Science to the Elementary Classroom

Preservice and novice teachers feeling jittery will find this book full of workable strategies for helping students experience the wonders of science....

Elementary General Science Technology Assessment Curriculum Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Teaching Strategies Interdisciplinary New Science Teachers Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

Innovative Techniques for Large-Group Instruction

NSTA Press Book

Innovative Techniques for Large-Group Instruction

Size does matter. When you're faced with a class of 50, 150, or even 250 college students, it's tough to head off boredom - much less promote higher-o...

Postsecondary Technology Assessment Instructional Materials Inquiry Teaching Strategies Preservice Science Education Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

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