All Elementary resources
Book Chapter
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about Earth’s gravity. The probe is designed to find out how students think g...
NSTA Press Book
Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy: 45 New Formative Assessment Probes
What do your students know—or think they know—about what causes night and day, why days are shorter in winter, and how to tell a planet from a sta...
By Page Keeley, Cary Sneider
NSTA Press Book
Connecting With Nature: A Naturalist's Perspective
One of my earliest memories is of a warm day, a field with many grasshoppers, a shallow creek with cold water, and the joy of a day in the hills with ...
By Robert Stebbins
NSTA Press Book
Learning and Teaching Scientific Inquiry: Research and Applications
Science teacher educators, curriculum specialists, professional development facilitators, and K–8 teachers are bound to increase their understanding...
By James Jadrich, Crystal Bruxvoort
Book Chapter
Making Thinking Visible: A Method to Encourage Science Writing in Upper Elementary Grades
Writing, in conjunction with other activities such as reading and hands-on experiences, contributes to greater critical thinking, thoughtful considera...
NSTA Press Book
Humans perceive the world by constructing mental models—telling a story, interpreting a map, reading a book. Every way we interact with the world in...
By Steven W. Gilbert
NSTA Press Book
Project Earth Science: Physical Oceanography, Revised 2nd Edition
How well can your students— • Explain why ice floats? • Model ocean currents? • Predict tides? • Describe the proper clean-up of an oi...
By Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta, Gregg R. Brooks, Nancy W. West
Book Chapter
Using a model, learners explore time zones and what causes day and night and how time zones change. Learners observed the position of the Sun in the s...
Class Pack
Using Picture-Perfect Science Lessons, Expanded 2nd Edition in your classroom is easier than ever! NSTA’s ClassPacks, each sufficient for a class of...
NSTA Press Book
Companion Classroom Activities for Stop Faking It! Force and Motion
Never has it been so easy for educators to learn to teach physical science with confidence. Award-winning author Bill Robertson launched his bestselli...
By William C. Robertson, Ph.D.