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A 2014 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!
2014 Winner of the REVERE Award from PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers!

“Next time you see a sunset, stop and sit down for a while.”
A 2014 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!
2014 Winner of the REVERE Award from PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers!

“Next time you see a sunset, stop and sit down for a while.”
A 2014 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!

Chances are that just under a nearby rock, you’ll spot a roly-poly pill bug. Encourage a child to take a close look, and introduce a fascinating creature. Gently pick it up and watch as it rolls into a ball and unrolls to take a walk. This cousin to lobsters and crabs sheds its crusty skin and will tickle your hand with its 14 (count ’em!) wiggly legs.
A 2014 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!

Chances are that just under a nearby rock, you’ll spot a roly-poly pill bug. Encourage a child to take a close look, and introduce a fascinating creature. Gently pick it up and watch as it rolls into a ball and unrolls to take a walk. This cousin to lobsters and crabs sheds its crusty skin and will tickle your hand with its 14 (count ’em!) wiggly legs.
A 2014 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!
2014 Winner of the REVERE Award from PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers!

“Next time you see a sunset, stop and sit down for a while.”
A 2014 Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12!
2014 Winner of the REVERE Award from PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers!

“Next time you see a sunset, stop and sit down for a while.”

Gardening: with limitations and some success

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2016-03-14

When the preschool moved, the new location presented many obstacles to gardening with children:

  • Sloping ground.
  • Mature trees shading much of the area.
  • English ivy covered portions of the available area.
  • The play area had not yet been constructed so the choice of “where” could not be made.

I turned to the resources of the early childhood education and science education communities to get some advice.

Opening page of NSTA Learning Center onlineThe National Science Teachers Association’s Learning Center has wonderful forums for asking and providing advice and information on many topics. It is free to all to register! I posted in the Early Childhood forum with a post title of “Gardening at school with young children” and heard from many of you with ideas for making a successful garden.

Cover of Early Sprouts bookI found beginning instruction and great encouragement in Early Sprouts: Cultivating Healthy Food Choices in Young Children by Karrie Kalich, Dottie Bauer, and Deirdre MdPartlin (2009 Redleaf Press). Reading, “The most important things are a positive attitude and a willingness to try,” and the details about maintaining the garden were motivating. The work of these authors continues at the Early Sprouts Institute

Cover of book, Gardening with Young ChildrenGardening With Young Children by Sara Starbuck, Marla Olthof, and Karen Midden (2014 Redleaf Press) has supporting information and answers to most of my questions. It was recently reviewed in the Early Childhood Resources Review column in the November 2015 issue of Science and Children (NSTA members can view the review by Gail Laubenthal in the digital version of the journal). 

The National Gardening Association published Garden Adventures: Exploring Plants with Young Children by Sarah Pounders (2010), and you can see a list of suggested books here.

children transplanting pea plantsThe “interim” plan has turned into a long-term plan. We continue with two large pots that nestle next to the fence, in an area that receives about 6 hours of direct sunlight a day, half of it in the afternoon. The successful crops have been a few spinach plants that overwintered without any help from gardeners, and this spring we have a thriving crop of sugar snap peas. We transplanted seedlings grown inside after observing the sprouting seeds. I’m cautiously optimistic that we’ll be able to harvest a handful of pods in late May! It’s a beginning we can grow on.

When the preschool moved, the new location presented many obstacles to gardening with children:

  • Sloping ground.
  • Mature trees shading much of the area.
  • English ivy covered portions of the available area.
  • The play area had not yet been constructed so the choice of “where” could not be made.

I turned to the resources of the early childhood education and science education communities to get some advice.


Ideas and information from NSTA's March K-12 journals

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2016-03-13

This month, all three K-12 journals include What We Call Misconceptions May Be Necessary Stepping-Stones Toward Making Sense of the World (a must-read) and Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 (a must-share).

The Science Teacher – Powered by the Sun

Most of the lessons in TST include a detailed chart connecting the lesson to the NGSS.

  • Science’s Super Star is not about celestial bodies—but the starlet sea anemone. The article describes how to culture these organisms in the classroom and the types of research students can conduct on their reproduction, growth and development, regeneration, and reactions to stimuli.
  • Does It Mix? Introduces students to the concepts of hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules.
  • Building a Greener Future connects engineering and science in a project to design, construct, and test compost bins for a community garden.
  • Science 2.0: Mastering Scientific Practices With Technology, Part 2 recommends technology tools that support the NGSS science and engineering practices of analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, and constructing explanations and designing solutions.
  • Idea Bank: Using Earthquakes as “Teachable Moments” has a source of real-time information and data on earthquakes (the presentations are also available in Spanish). There are three entries to date for 2016.
  • Powered by the Sun includes many photographs of an engineering challenge in which students designed, built, and tested solar-powered vehicles (with electric motors, solar cells, gears, and wheels).

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Cnidarians, Emulsions, Forces and Motion, Graphing Data, Math and Science, Measurements and Data, Solar Energy, Solubility, Solutions.

Continue for Science and Children and Science Scope.

Science and Children- Earth and Human Activity

Spring is a perfect time for the featured lessons here on the connections between human behavior and the environment. Most of the lessons include a detailed chart connecting the lesson to the NGSS.

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Adaptations of Plants, Aquatic Plants and Animals, Arthropods, Composting, Decomposers, Deposition, Earthquakes, Earthquakes and SocietyErosion, Hydroponics, Natural Resources, Stream Deposition, Water Erosion, Watersheds, Weathering and Erosion, Wind Erosion.


Science Scope – Physical Science

From new elements to engineering designs to technology enhancements, physical science and its applications are interesting to students (and teachers). Most of the lessons include a detailed chart connecting the lesson to the NGSS.

For more on the content that provides a context for these projects and strategies see the SciLinks topics Forces and Motion, Heat Energy, Radiation from the Sun, Simple Machines, Static Electricity, Transfer of Energy, UV Index.


You Won't See This List on Buzzfeed: Events for Middle School Teachers at NSTA's National Conference

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2016-03-13

If you teach middle school science, you need to be in Nashville for the NSTA National Conference on Science Education, March 31–April 3. You’ll be with thousands of your fellow teachers for the week and take home tried-and-true strategies for everything from creating maker spaces to breaking down lessons for diverse communities of learners. There will be an entire day devoted to middle school teachers and hundreds of other sessions throughout the rest of the conference. Teach your students about circuits and electricity with Sewing Science: Using Electronic Textiles Technology to Teach Electricity and Circuits or face the Zombie Apocalypse session to learn more about how disease spreads using simulations and models. We have something for every middle school teacher, no matter if you’re just starting out or been at the job for years. Check out the events below to get a sense of what we’ve got in store, and browse all the sessions here (more than 1000 of them!) to see all that we have to offer.

Meet Me in the Middle Day blog image

Meet Me in the Middle Day
Saturday, April 2 10:15 AM–4:00 PM| Omni Nashville Hotel

  • The day’s events will include a networking session, more than a dozen presentations specifically for middle school educators, and an afternoon share-a-thon featuring more than 100 presenters. You’ll walk away with ideas you can put to use in your classroom next week! [Organized by the National Middle Level Science Teachers Association (NMLSTA) and sponsored by Carolina Biological Supply, PASCO scientific, and Texas Instruments]

Middle School Science with Vernier

  • Use Vernier sensors, including our Go Wireless sensors, to conduct a variety of age-appropriate experiments in this engaging, hands-on workshop. Experience data collection using LabQuest 2, Logger Pro computer software, Chromebook, and mobile devices. Explore the wide range of tools from Vernier that promote understanding of middle school science concepts.

Sewing Science: Using Electronic Textiles Technology to Teach Electricity and Circuits

  • Learn how to engage students in circuits and electricity though sewing! Research shows how electronic textiles are an effective way to engage girls and others in science.

Bumpers Save Lives

  • In this hands-on and very active session, experience the science behind the materials selected for car bumpers. Apply those concepts to engineer a car bumper. Bumpers will be tested and analyzed to determine the best design solution. Take home CD of lesson plans and resources.

Zombie Apocalypse!

  • Become part of a zombie apocalypse as brains will be served (while supplies last). Learn about disease spread modeling using simulations and fun storylines about a zombie outbreak. Applicable for middle school and high school, this workshop is sure to scare you and your little zombies into learning how exciting Hollywood themes can be used to teach science concepts.

Amplify Science for Grades 6–8: Experience Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning with the Newest Curriculum from The Lawrence Hall of Science

  • Experience our field-tested, technology-enhanced, 100% NGSS-designed K–8 curriculum. Built around argumentation, digital simulations, modeling tools, hands-on investigations, and explicit disciplinary literacy instruction, Amplify Science engages students with deep dives into understanding the natural and designed worlds. Focusing on middle school, this workshop provides a sneak peek.

Modeling Energy Flow in Ecosystems: Developing Models in Middle School Life Science

  • How is matter conserved, and how does energy flow through an ecosystem? Develop these models through hands-on activities. Take home a set of student materials, overview instructional strategies for scientific practices, and preview online activities and NGSS connections in the newly revised FOSS Populations and Ecosystems Course for middle school.

Meet Me in the Middle Session: Use Science to Support and Develop ELL Language Acquisition

  • The NGSS supports science learning for all students. We will focus on English language learners and the language support and discourse strategies that engage all students regardless of their English proficiency. Activities will be geared toward developing a classroom culture that ensures that all student voices are included and respected. Take home engaging lessons.

Register to attend #NSTA16 Nashville here—and don’t forget, NSTA members get a substantial discount!

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Problem-Based Learning in the Life Science Classroom, K–12 offers a great new way to ignite your creativity. Authors Tom McConnell, Joyce Parker, and Janet Eberhardt show you how to engage students with scenarios that represent real-world science in all its messy, thought-provoking glory. The scenarios prompt K–12 learners to immerse themselves in analyzing problems, asking questions, posing hypotheses, finding needed information, and then constructing a proposed solution.
Problem-Based Learning in the Life Science Classroom, K–12 offers a great new way to ignite your creativity. Authors Tom McConnell, Joyce Parker, and Janet Eberhardt show you how to engage students with scenarios that represent real-world science in all its messy, thought-provoking glory. The scenarios prompt K–12 learners to immerse themselves in analyzing problems, asking questions, posing hypotheses, finding needed information, and then constructing a proposed solution.
If you work with students who struggle to understand their Earth science texts, this book provides everything you need to boost their skills in both science and reading. Once Upon an Earth Science Book starts with advice on teaching reading comprehension strategies to middle school students. Then, the 12 content chapters give you

• hands-on science activities with engaging titles such as “Mountain Mayhem,” “Oceans on the Move,” and “Trash Soup”;
• readings that cover important Earth science concepts and support the Next Generation Science Standards;
If you work with students who struggle to understand their Earth science texts, this book provides everything you need to boost their skills in both science and reading. Once Upon an Earth Science Book starts with advice on teaching reading comprehension strategies to middle school students. Then, the 12 content chapters give you

• hands-on science activities with engaging titles such as “Mountain Mayhem,” “Oceans on the Move,” and “Trash Soup”;
• readings that cover important Earth science concepts and support the Next Generation Science Standards;
Many resources help you encourage young children to learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). But only this book of quality STEM experiences was curated by the veteran educator who edits Science and Children, NSTA’s award-winning journal for elementary teachers. Sensitive to the needs of both preK–5 students and busy teachers, editor Linda Froschauer developed Bringing STEM to the Elementary Classroom as a comprehensive source of classroom-tested STEM investigations.
Many resources help you encourage young children to learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). But only this book of quality STEM experiences was curated by the veteran educator who edits Science and Children, NSTA’s award-winning journal for elementary teachers. Sensitive to the needs of both preK–5 students and busy teachers, editor Linda Froschauer developed Bringing STEM to the Elementary Classroom as a comprehensive source of classroom-tested STEM investigations.
Be a Winner! is your chance to learn from veteran science teachers about the secrets to successful grant writing. Formatted as a handy workbook, this practical book takes you step by step through the writing process. You’ll learn the top 10 reasons to write a grant proposal, how to identify and refine proposal ideas, the basic components of every proposal, the ins and outs of submitting a proposal, and how to manage a funded project.
Be a Winner! is your chance to learn from veteran science teachers about the secrets to successful grant writing. Formatted as a handy workbook, this practical book takes you step by step through the writing process. You’ll learn the top 10 reasons to write a grant proposal, how to identify and refine proposal ideas, the basic components of every proposal, the ins and outs of submitting a proposal, and how to manage a funded project.
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