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All Disciplinary Core Ideas resources

NSTA Press Book

Teaching With Purpose: Closing the Research - Practice Gap

The best science teachers don’t just get up in front of the class and start talking. They draw from a plan… a rationale… a purpose. This book he...

By John E. Penick, Robin Lee Harris

Middle School Elementary High School Assessment Crosscutting Concepts Curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas General Science Inquiry Instructional Materials New Science Teachers NGSS Professional Learning old Research Science and Engineering Practices Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Invasion Ecology (Teacher’s Guide—Includes Full Student Edition)

NSTA Press Book

Invasion Ecology (Teacher’s Guide—Includes Full Student Edition)

Strange intruders are invading our part of the world, threatening our environment and our economy. These newcomers and their impact on our ecological ...

By Marianne E. Krasny, The Environmental Inquiry Team

High School Informal Education General Science Assessment Curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Teaching Strategies Research Teacher Preparation

Global Environmental Change: Deforestation

NSTA Press Book

Global Environmental Change: Deforestation

Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula contains some of America’s only old-growth forest. Its timber supports local, regional, and even global econo...

By NSTA Press, Environmental Protection Agency

High School General Science Assessment Curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Teaching Strategies Interdisciplinary New Science Teachers Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

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