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Journal Article

The Sixth E

By William Thornburgh, Justin McFadden, and Brian Robinson

Elementary 5E Engineering Physical Science Science and Engineering Practices

Going Public: Revealing Student Thinking in Science by Missy Holzer

Blog Post

Going Public: Revealing Student Thinking in Science by Missy Holzer

Our classrooms are dynamic places where young learners gather to figure out the natural world. How can we be sure they are all making sense of the phe...

By Kate Falk

Middle School Assessment Equity Inquiry Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies

Making Students’ Thinking Visible Through Discussion by Dana McCusker and Marisa Miller

Blog Post

Making Students’ Thinking Visible Through Discussion by Dana McCusker and Marisa Miller

As the assistant director of science for Mastery Charter Schools I have had the pleasure of working with Dana McCusker and seeing her excellent teachi...

By Kate Falk

Elementary Earth & Space Science Equity Inquiry Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies

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