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NSTA Press Book

Making Sense of Science and Religion: Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond

The authors of Making Sense of Science and Religion believe that addressing interactions between science and religion is part of all science educators’ collective job—and that this is the book that will help you facilitate discussion when the top...

By Joseph W. Shane, Lee Meadows, Ronald S. Hermann, Ian C. Binns

Postsecondary Elementary High School Informal Education Middle School Biology Evolution General Science Life Science Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Advocacy Inclusion New Science Teachers Policy Professional Learning old Research

Why Don’t Antibiotics Work Like They Used To?

Blog Post

Why Don’t Antibiotics Work Like They Used To?

Why don’t antibiotics work like they used to? is an NGSS-aligned storyline developed by the Next Generation Science Storylines Project that focuses on natural selection and other mechanisms of evolution.  Wayne Wright and I (Holly Hereau) teac...

By Holly Hereau and Wayne Wright

High School Biology Disciplinary Core Ideas Evolution Instructional Materials Lesson Plans NGSS Phenomena Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Science 101: If Evolution Is Based on “Survival of the Fittest,” Why Do Diseases Such as Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease Persist in the Human Population?

Journal Article

Science 101: If Evolution Is Based on “Survival of the Fittest,” Why Do Diseases Such as Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease Persist in the Human Population?

This column provides background science information for elementary teachers. This issue answers the question while discussing genetics and evolution....

Elementary Middle School Biology Evolution Professional Learning old

Using Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER) Strategy to Improve Student Learning

Blog Post

Using Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER) Strategy to Improve Student Learning

This past school year, I used claim, evidence, reasoning (CER) statements to show three-dimensional learning in my classroom. Several tools are available for doing this, but the one my students like is the CER Graphic Organizer and Transition Words L...

By Cindy Workosky

Middle School High School Biology Chemistry Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Earth & Space Science Evolution General Science Learning Progression Lesson Plans New Science Teachers NGSS Phenomena Physical Science Preservice Science Education Science and Engineering Practices Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Scope on Safety: Earth Science Safety: It's All in Your Form

Journal Article

Scope on Safety: Earth Science Safety: It's All in Your Form

This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses safety in Earth science lab activities....

Middle School Earth & Space Science Environmental Science Evolution

NSTA Press Book

Uncovering Student Ideas in Life Science, Volume 1: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes

Winner of the Distinguished Achievement Award from Association of Educational Publishers!Author Page Keeley continues to provide K–12 teachers with her highly usable and popular formula for uncovering and addressing the preconceptions that students...

By Page Keeley

Elementary High School Middle School Biology Environmental Science Evolution General Science Life Science Assessment Curriculum Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Phenomena Teaching Strategies Interdisciplinary Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

Changing Environment

Book Chapter

Changing Environment

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about adaptation. The probe is designed to reveal whether students hold Lamarckian ideas about individual organisms adapting to changes in the environment. ...

Biology Environmental Science Evolution Life Science Assessment Phenomena


Book Chapter


The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students' ideas about biological adaptation. The probe is designed to find out if students think animals intentionally adapt to a change in their environment....

Elementary High School Middle School Biology Evolution Assessment

Biological Evolution

Book Chapter

Biological Evolution

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students' ideas about biological evolution. The probe is designed to find out if students distinguish the theory of biological evolution from ideas about the origin of life and the mechanism for biolo...

Elementary High School Middle School Biology Evolution Life Science 5E Teaching Strategies

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