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Journal Article
This study examines what prior knowledge and misconceptions about evolutionary theory students bring with them into an introductory biological anthropology course. One hundred and fifty-three students completed short, anonymous surveys about evolutio...
By Kathryn King
Journal Article
Ectotherm ER: Frogs Under the Weather
By Rebecca Gonda, Michel Ohmer, Laura Brannelly, Jennifer Kassimer, Stephanie Kubik, Alison Slinskey Legg, and Corinne Richards-Zawacki
Journal Article
We describe a hands-on, collaborative activity designed to illustrate general properties of evolution, provide practice for quantitative skills, promote creativity and collaboration, and enable student self-assessment of learning. During the activity...
By Kelly A. Carscadden, Molly T. McDermott, Sheela P. Turbek, Silas B. Tittes and Andrew P. Martin
Web Seminar
Two world-renowned scientists, Donald Johanson PhD and Hal Levison PhD, will discuss human’s passion for exploration and discovery through the lens of two “Lucys.” One — an upcoming NASA mission, led by principal investigator L...
Blog Post
In Evolution Education, State Science Standards Matter
By Glenn Branch, Deputy Director, National Center for Science Education