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Resources university science and mathematics students use to replace or supplement lectures in the 21st century: A case study

Journal Article

Resources university science and mathematics students use to replace or supplement lectures in the 21st century: A case study

The development of web-based technologies in recent decades has provided ready access to a wealth of on-line educational resources, and despite concerns that availability of on-line recorded lectures impacts on-campus attendance, we believe there nee...

By Andrew Seen, Tony Kerr, Joee Kelk, Sharon Fraser

Distance Learning Mathematics Teaching Strategies Technology

Finding Zero: Exploring Mathematical Models with Pendulum Paintings

Journal Article

Finding Zero: Exploring Mathematical Models with Pendulum Paintings

Pendulum paintings are fun to make and fascinating to observe in process, but they can be used to model real scientific analysis using messy data. In this activity, students create pendulum paintings and develop an analysis using measurements of mult...

By Daniel McKinney

High School Interdisciplinary Mathematics Phenomena

The Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC) method: A qualitative discussion of the benefits of active learning through scaffolded assignments in upper-level physics and mathematics

Journal Article

The Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC) method: A qualitative discussion of the benefits of active learning through scaffolded assignments in upper-level physics and mathematics

In this article, we discuss Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC), an active learning method that draws on the merits of inquiry-based learning in STEM courses. We describe the use of Micro Assignments (MAs) consisting of a serie...

By R.F. Malenda, S. Talbott, and Scott Walck

Postsecondary Inquiry Instructional Materials Mathematics Physics Teaching Strategies

Conceptual and Mathematical Evolutionary Fitness models

Journal Article

Conceptual and Mathematical Evolutionary Fitness models

Biological evolutionary models have become popular tools for inquiry. Models can help expose complex systems and guide experimentation. Not all research questions require modelling. However, evolutionary models are helpful at quantitative predictions...

High School Biology Evolution Mathematics Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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