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All Phenomena resources

Patterns are Everywhere: Exploring the schoolyard to facilitate thinking about science phenomena

Journal Article

Patterns are Everywhere: Exploring the schoolyard to facilitate thinking about science phenomena

After realizing the difficulty educators face with integrating the crosscutting concepts (CCCs) from the Next Generation Science Standards into their ...

By Brandon Davis, Ingrid Carter, Lisa Dispense

5E Crosscutting Concepts NGSS Phenomena

Chasing Giant Ice balls

Journal Article

Chasing Giant Ice balls

Scope on the Skies regular column. An SEL-based look at comets, their impact on society, and how they are named....

By Bob Riddle

Astronomy Earth & Space Science Instructional Materials Phenomena Physical Science

Phenomena in the Classroom

Journal Article

Phenomena in the Classroom

From the Editor's Desk...

By Patricia McGinnis

Phenomena Teaching Strategies

Explanation and Argumentation: How Middle School Students Make Sense of the Phenomenon of Niagara Falls

Journal Article

Explanation and Argumentation: How Middle School Students Make Sense of the Phenomenon of Niagara Falls

The Framework and NGSS emphasize using lines of evidence to construct explanations and develop arguments that demonstrate understanding about scientif...

By Kenneth Huff

Middle School 5E Phenomena Sensemaking

Using Local Phenomena to Support Student Learning

Journal Article

Using Local Phenomena to Support Student Learning

Research on science teaching and learning supports instructional sequences that are driven by phenomenon, provide student-agency, and are made relevan...

By Martha Inouye, Clare Gunshenan, Amanda Lopez

Phenomena Teaching Strategies

Communicating With Data Around Phenomena (Data Literacy 101)

Journal Article

Communicating With Data Around Phenomena (Data Literacy 101)

Helping our students make sense of data while they are working with phenomenon can be an excellent way for students to build critical 21st-century dat...

By Kristin Hunter-Thomson

Middle School Literacy News Phenomena

Finding Zero: Exploring Mathematical Models with Pendulum Paintings

Journal Article

Finding Zero: Exploring Mathematical Models with Pendulum Paintings

Pendulum paintings are fun to make and fascinating to observe in process, but they can be used to model real scientific analysis using messy data. In ...

By Daniel McKinney

High School Interdisciplinary Mathematics Phenomena

Helping Students Use Crosscutting Concepts to Guide Sensemaking of Anchoring Phenomena

Journal Article

Helping Students Use Crosscutting Concepts to Guide Sensemaking of Anchoring Phenomena

Crosscutting concepts (CCCs) are designed to help students make sense of phenomena across multiple scientific disciplines (National Research Council 2...

By Nicole Vick, Michael Novak, Dan Voss, Brian Reiser, Joseph Kremer, Whitney Mills, Jamie Noll, Dawn Novak, Ann Rivet

Crosscutting Concepts Phenomena Sensemaking

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