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Journal Article

Teaching Students to Read Equations

The laws of nature are expressed in equation form in all physics courses. How these laws are taught can vary widely. In this article, I expand on previous Focus on Physics articles, particularly the March 2022 article “The Importance of Reading Equ...

By Paul G. Hewitt

High School Literacy Phenomena Physics

Journal Article

Q: What Can My Students See During the Upcoming Solar Eclipses?

A: It depends on where you are located. But first let’s briefly review what happens during a solar eclipse and clear up a few popular misconceptions about solar eclipses. You probably know that a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between th...

By Matt Bobrowsky

Elementary Astronomy Earth & Space Science Phenomena

Journal Article

How Does Sound Travel in a String?

In Chinese science curriculum, the sound unit generally starts with observing various sound making phenomena and finding out that they all involve vibration....

By Gang Shu, Xiaowei Tang, and Huimin Chen

Elementary NGSS Phenomena Physical Science

Journal Article

The Astronomical Event of the Decade

On Saturday, October 14, 2023, and then again on Monday, April 8, 2024, sky gazers all across North America will experience what is arguably the most breathtaking of astronomical phenomena: a solar eclipse. During the October eclipse, everyone in Nor...

By Anna Hurst, Julia Plummer, Suzanne Gurton, and Dennis Schatz

Early Childhood Elementary Astronomy Earth & Space Science Phenomena

Journal Article

Making the Most of the Upcoming Solar Eclipse Double-Header

Eclipses of the Sun, where the Moon gets in front of the Sun and blocks its light, are among the most spectacular of natural events. The total eclipse visible in the United States in 2017 fascinated and involved millions of people all across the coun...

By Andrew Fraknoi and Dennis Schatz

Elementary Astronomy Earth & Space Science Phenomena

Journal Article

How it All Happened

A circle of fourth-grade students sit around Mrs. Ray, who shows videos and images of two natural events: large rocks that have fallen from a cliffside and large rocks in the middle of a dry stream near a road. She asks, “What caused these events t...

By Lindsey Mohan, Emily Harris, and Candice Guy-Gaytán

Elementary Crosscutting Concepts Phenomena

Journal Article

Transitioning from Partial to Total Understanding

By Jesse Wilcox, Carly Troyna, William Lange, Katharyn Gray, and Cassidy Leadley

Middle School Astronomy Earth & Space Science Phenomena

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