All Phenomena resources
Blog Post
I first encountered the KLEWS teaching strategy in an article in Science and Children (NSTA 2015), “KLEWS to Explanation-Building in Science.” I s...
Blog Post
Impact of Change by Jessica Holman and Michelle Schuster
If you were to walk into our classroom years ago, you would see students from all walks of life, and with a range of ability levels. All of the studen...
By Cindy Workosky
NSTA Press Book
A Head Start on Science, Second Edition: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder
Imagine what fun it could be for 3- to 7-year-olds to engage in a game of Prism Play or Magnetic Scavenger Hunt or Where Did the Shadows Go? Then imag...
By William C. Ritz, William Straits
Celebrate imagination! This NSTA Kids book has been selected for the Children’s Book Council #ImaginationCelebration Showcase! Full book list: Imag...
NSTA Press Book
Understanding Climate Change, Grades 7–12
Get help teaching one of the hottest topics in science with Understanding Climate Change, Grades 7–12. This nine-session module is written to be pra...
By Laura Tucker, Lois Sherwood
Blog Post
Elementary Science—Best Practices for All Students
Envision a room filled with noise, excited whispers, and students shouting across tables. Piles of tinfoil, plastic cups, scissors, string, and tape a...
By Cindy Workosky
NSTA Press Book
Have you been wanting to learn more about what your students know (or think they know) about major concepts in matter and energy? Have you been wishin...
By Page Keeley, Susan Cooper
Blog Post
Using Toxic Algal Blooms to Teach Structure and Function
Young children often experience a developmental stage in which they question everything. Why aren’t there dinosaurs anymore? Why do cats purr? Why a...
By Rebecca Brewer
Journal Article
The Early Years: Begin With Open Exploration
This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue discusses ways to encourage children to engage ...