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Journal Article
How College-Level Introductory Instruction Can Impact Student Epistemological Beliefs
This article describes a survey study of college students' epistemologies about biology and learning biology. Specifically, the authors examined the d...
Journal Article
Building the Impetus for Change: An Across-Curriculum Initiative in Biology
The authors wanted to improve student learning of evolutionary concepts by integrating content across the biology major. In this article they describe...
Journal Article
Writing Stories in the Sciences
Writing stories is advocated as an excellent means of learning the process of science; however, little is understood about students' experiences of en...
Journal Article
This article reports on the potential of higher education science faculty involvement in a K–12 scientist–teacher partnership as a source of facul...
Journal Article
Livescribe pencasts, which are interactive online versions of notes and audio, were created as supplementary resources to help students understand cor...