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Capturing Photons

Journal Article

Capturing Photons

Smart Telescope technology and its suggested use for the Science classroom....

By Bob Riddle

Middle School Astronomy Earth & Space Science

Conducting authentic moth research with students to encourage scientific inquiry.

Journal Article

Conducting authentic moth research with students to encourage scientific inquiry.

Studying moths is an excellent way to include students in science practices by introducing them to a ubiquitous but under-appreciated animal group tha...

By Brian Keas, Peter White, Christopher Brown, David Stroupe, Sara Best, M. LeTarte

Middle School Biology Research

Explanation and Argumentation: How Middle School Students Make Sense of the Phenomenon of Niagara Falls

Journal Article

Explanation and Argumentation: How Middle School Students Make Sense of the Phenomenon of Niagara Falls

The Framework and NGSS emphasize using lines of evidence to construct explanations and develop arguments that demonstrate understanding about scientif...

By Kenneth Huff

Middle School 5E Phenomena Sensemaking

Loud and Clear Project: An Introduction to Geospatial Tools for Project-Based Learning

Journal Article

Loud and Clear Project: An Introduction to Geospatial Tools for Project-Based Learning

Project-based and student-driven learning continue to be at the forefront of school reform efforts. Technology is a significant bridge and tool used e...

By Kurtz Miller

Middle School Instructional Materials STEM Technology

Sparking students’ curiosity: Embedding strategies to promote curiosity alongside teaching static electricity

Journal Article

Sparking students’ curiosity: Embedding strategies to promote curiosity alongside teaching static electricity

In this article, we use the strategies listed above to engage students in a 5E lesson on static electricity (partially addressing MS-PS2-3). We start ...

By Jesse Wilcox, Stephanie Zavalza Flores, MacKenzie Bruns, Sarah Nolting

Middle School 5E Inquiry STEM Teaching Strategies

Ecology in Urban Spaces: Contributions of Urban Green Spaces to Ecological and Community Health

Journal Article

Ecology in Urban Spaces: Contributions of Urban Green Spaces to Ecological and Community Health

Our program seeks to introduce middle school students to a range of STEM topics and careers. We planned and enacted a five-lesson unit themed around t...

By Yelena Janumyan, Zachary Conley, Heidi Carlone, Hannah Ziegler, Tessaly Jen, Liwei Zhang, Jingyi Chen

Middle School Earth & Space Science Environmental Science STEM

Summer Science with the Secchi Dip-In Project

Journal Article

Summer Science with the Secchi Dip-In Project

Secchi Dip-In citizen science project for Science Scope...

By Jill Nugent

Middle School Citizen Science

Communicating With Data Around Phenomena (Data Literacy 101)

Journal Article

Communicating With Data Around Phenomena (Data Literacy 101)

Helping our students make sense of data while they are working with phenomenon can be an excellent way for students to build critical 21st-century dat...

By Kristin Hunter-Thomson

Middle School Literacy News Phenomena

Web Seminar

Archive: FA24: Developing a Competitive Application for the Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge, November 4, 2024

The Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Competition recognizes exceptional and innovative science educators for their exemplary approaches to science...

Preschool Elementary Middle School High School General Science

Web Seminar

Archive: FA24: Developing a Competitive Application for Shell Science Teaching Awards, September 30, 2024

Shell Science Teaching Award: This award recognizes one outstanding classroom science teacher (K–12) who has had a positive impact on his o...

Preschool Elementary Middle School High School Postsecondary General Science

Web Seminar

Sponsored Archive: Three-Dimensional Investigations into Sustainability and Climate Change, August 28, 2024

Curious about integrating sustainability and renewable energy concepts into your high school science curriculum? Join Vernier Science Education expert...

Middle School High School Postsecondary Informal Education Chemistry Climate Change Environmental Science Life Science Physical Science STEM

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