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Bring STEM Practices Into the Secondary Classroom

Blog Post

Bring STEM Practices Into the Secondary Classroom

STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—is discussed in the news, politics, and education journals, yet what does it really mean fo...

By Juan-Carlos Aguilar, Anne Petersen, Megan Schrauben

High School Interdisciplinary Professional Learning old STEM

Ensuring All Elementary Students Have Access to Science Learning

Blog Post

Ensuring All Elementary Students Have Access to Science Learning

Ensuring all students have access to science learning is part of the vision in A Framework for K–12 Science Education. Yet in many elementary school...

By Kathy Renfrew and Amber McCulloch

Elementary Administration Interdisciplinary Professional Learning old

It Takes More Than Teacher Professional Development: Building Systems-Level Capacity for NGSS Implementation

Blog Post

It Takes More Than Teacher Professional Development: Building Systems-Level Capacity for NGSS Implementation

When informal science institutions (ISIs) offer professional learning opportunities to teachers to support science in schools, they create the potenti...

By Dr. Vanessa Lujan

Middle School Elementary High School Administration Advocacy Multilingual Learners NGSS Professional Learning old Three-Dimensional Learning

Partnering for Maximum Impact

Blog Post

Partnering for Maximum Impact

The Wade Institute for Science Education has long valued the power of informal institutions to create precisely the kind of student-led inquiry-based ...

By Angela Damery

Informal Education Crosscutting Concepts Professional Learning old

Changing Mindsets Through Educator Training

Journal Article

Changing Mindsets Through Educator Training

MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation, is a new museum in Santa Barbara, California, designed to engage visitors of all ages in construc...

By Ron Skinner, Danielle B. Harlow, and Kaia Joye Wesolowski

Informal Education Interdisciplinary Professional Learning old

NSTA Press Book

Making Sense of Science and Religion: Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond

The authors of Making Sense of Science and Religion believe that addressing interactions between science and religion is part of all science educators...

By Joseph W. Shane, Lee Meadows, Ronald S. Hermann, Ian C. Binns

Postsecondary Elementary High School Informal Education Middle School Biology Evolution General Science Life Science Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Advocacy Inclusion New Science Teachers Policy Professional Learning old Research

Journal Article

Practical Program Evaluation

I love data—especially when used to look at learning experiences and figure out what’s working, what isn’t, and what to do next. Not surprisin...

By Beth Murphy

Informal Education Assessment Professional Learning old Research STEM

NSTA Press Book

Supporting Emergent Multilingual Learners in Science, Grades 7–12

Many middle and high school teachers are educated to teach science content—they don’t anticipate that one day they may be teaching it to students ...

By Molly Weinburgh, Cecilia Silva, Kathy Horak Smith

Elementary High School Informal Education Middle School Curriculum Multilingual Learners Instructional Materials Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Advocacy Careers Equity Inclusion Multicultural New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

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