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All Assessment resources

Journal Article

Science Assessments as a Learning Opportunity

Feedback best practices support timely, high-quality feedback with application opportunity. Multiple attempts on assessments support learning gains. A learning management system can be used to automatically provide feedback for application on a futur...

By Emily Faulconer and John Griffith

Postsecondary Assessment Distance Learning Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Exploring the Role of Student Seating Preference and Performance in a Large Introductory STEM Course

Most introductory courses are held in large lecture halls, with students typically sitting in either the front, middle, or back of the classroom. In a mixed-methods study of student attendance, performance, and seat choice, we found that students who...

By Chloe Wasendorf, Audrey McCombs, and Nancy Boury

Assessment Pedagogy STEM Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Issues of Question Equivalence in Online Exam Pools

During the pandemic, the use of question pools for online testing was recommended to mitigate cheating, exposing multitudes of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students across the globe to this practice. Yet instructors may be...

By Cody Goolsby-Cole, Sarah M. Bass, Liz Stanwyck, Sarah Leupen, Tara S. Carpenter, and Linda C. Hodges

Postsecondary Assessment Pedagogy Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation

Activating Students' Ideas: Linking Formative Assessment Probes to Instructional Sequence, K-5

NSTA Press Book

Activating Students' Ideas: Linking Formative Assessment Probes to Instructional Sequence, K-5

Science teachers face an incredible challenging task of combining research on how students learn best, the three-dimensions of the Science Education Frameworks that in themselves are complicated to understand, and instructional sequences that lead to...

By Patrick Brown, Page Keeley

Early Childhood Elementary General Science 5E Assessment Instructional Materials NGSS Pedagogy Teaching Strategies New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Professional Learning old Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

The (Trans)Formative Assessment Planning Template

By Caitlin Gailey McClearyCale Fine, Haeyoung Littich, and Maren Getz

Middle School Assessment English Language Learners Equity Inclusion Teaching Strategies

Lesson Plan

Is It a Rock? (Version 2)

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about an Earth material, rocks. The probe is designed to determine whether students can distinguish between humanmade, “rocklike” materials and geologically formed rock materials...

By Page Keeley

Elementary Assessment Earth & Space Science

Journal Article

Connecting pH and Molarity to Health Care

Given the recent state of social distancing, the online lab experience discussed in this article offers an economical and versatile approach to online undergraduate chemistry lab instruction. With videoconferencing software, this experience is easily...

By Angela L. Mahaffey

Assessment Chemistry Distance Learning Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary

Journal Article

Interactive, Physical Course Materials as Formative Assessment Opportunities to Improve Student Learning of Molecular Structure-Function Relationships

Physical and life science disciplines emphasize how basic structural units influence function, yet it is challenging for students to understand structure-function relationships, particularly at molecular scales. Undergraduates in our biology capstone...

By Robin Forbes-Lorman, Michele Korb, Amy Moser, Margaret A. Franzen, and Michelle A. Harris

Assessment Chemistry Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Life Science

Journal Article

The Science Symposium

By Anna Kiley, David Jones, Carolyn Hester, Michael Coe, and Tony Ward

Assessment Environmental Science Inquiry Literacy Research

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