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Nurturing Inclusive Science Education: Insights from Elementary Teachers Working with Karen Immigrant Students

Journal Article

Nurturing Inclusive Science Education: Insights from Elementary Teachers Working with Karen Immigrant Students

This article summarizes our research findings, investigating instructional adaptations elementary science teachers make to accommodate a growing popul...

By Ashlely Armstrong, Timothy Slater

Inclusion Multilingual Learners

Listening as Children Lead: Engaging Emergent Multilingual Children in Science Sensemaking by Transforming Roles

Journal Article

Listening as Children Lead: Engaging Emergent Multilingual Children in Science Sensemaking by Transforming Roles

This article shares the experiences of three elementary teachers who took steps to transform their roles from speakers to listeners. After participati...

By Michelle Brown, Teila Hildebrand, Taylor Tarone-Sefchik, Allyson Trella, May Lee, Carla Zembal-Saul, Jennifer Cody

Multilingual Learners Sensemaking

Meeting the Needs of the Refugee Students in Your Science Classroom

Journal Article

Meeting the Needs of the Refugee Students in Your Science Classroom

Your new student roster includes refugee students. You want to communicate with them and make them feel welcome in their new science classroom; howeve...

By Gayle Buck, Arya Karumanthra, Shukufe Rahman

Inclusion Multicultural Multilingual Learners Social Justice Teacher Preparation

Expanding Language Use: Supporting Emergent Multilingual Learners’ Sensemaking in Science

Journal Article

Expanding Language Use: Supporting Emergent Multilingual Learners’ Sensemaking in Science

Students bring with them rich cultural and linguistic ways of knowing and communicating when engaged in figuring out explanations of phenomena. Howeve...

By Samuel Lee, Benjamin DiFrancesco, Caitlin Fine, Katherine McNeill

Inclusion Multicultural Multilingual Learners Teaching Strategies

Using Collaborative Digital Summary Tables to Impact Student Engagement and Learning

Journal Article

Using Collaborative Digital Summary Tables to Impact Student Engagement and Learning

This manuscript reports on the impact of using collaborative digital summary tables on student engagement and learning. First, traditional summary tab...

By Grace Buchholz and Pradeep Maxwell Dass

Middle School Equity Multilingual Learners NGSS Pedagogy Research

Exploring Climate Change through Students’ Place Connections and Public Data Sets

Journal Article

Exploring Climate Change through Students’ Place Connections and Public Data Sets

Climate change is a pressing societal challenge. It is also a pedagogical challenge and a worldwide phenomenon, whose local impacts vary across differ...

By Kathryn Lanouette, Krista Cortes, Lisette Lopez, Michael Bakal, Michelle Wilkerson

Middle School Climate Science Curriculum Multilingual Learners

Journal Article

Translanguaging as an Essential Practice in Socially Just Science Classrooms

In this interaction, Manuel and Rico (all names are pseudonyms) expertly mix Spanish and English to communicate as they collect data in a ninth grade ...

By Sarah Braden and Taylor Dexter

Equity Inclusion Interdisciplinary Literacy Multicultural Multilingual Learners

Journal Article

Computational Modeling With Multilingual Learners

While the vision for science education through A Framework for K–12 Science Education (NRC 2012) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) co...

By Alison Haas, Scott E. Grapin, Lorena Llosa, and Okhee Lee

Elementary Computer Science Crosscutting Concepts English Language Learners Multilingual Learners NGSS Three-Dimensional Learning

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