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Journal Article

Science Journaling with Technology

Students in today’s classrooms spend a lot of time using technology by listening to music, texting, watching videos, and using social media applicat...

By Brigitte Whaley and Ashley Campbell

High School Inclusion Instructional Materials STEM Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Rooftop Garden Ecosystem

As long as there have been roofs overhead, there have been gardens above them. Since the Ziggurats and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, man has cultiva...

By Andrew Jones, Joel Hockin,and Max Longhurst

High School Biology Environmental Science Life Science Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Bringing the Outside In

Classroom communities are more than just teachers and students. Administrators, other teachers and students, teacher aides, all school staff, families...

By Jonathan McCausland and Kathryn M. Bateman

High School Inclusion Instructional Materials STEM Teaching Strategies Technology Three-Dimensional Learning

Journal Article

The Use of Storytelling to Model NGSS Science and Engineering Practices

An important strand of three-dimensional learning in the Next Generation Science Standards is science and engineering practices (SEPs; NGSS Lead State...

By Adrienne Larocque and Anna Babarinde

High School Interdisciplinary Literacy NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Outdoor Teaching and Learning in Natural Spaces and Outdoor Classrooms

On a humid, sunny day in late July, a group of middle school science teachers closed out three days of teacher professional development (PD) on a natu...

By Samantha Lindgren, Meghan McCleary, Susan Gasper, Amanda Nieves, Kara Stengren, and Amira Shabana

Biology Life Science Research STEM Teaching Strategies

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