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Learning with AI: The K-12 Teacher’s Guide to a New Era of Human Learning

NSTA Press Book

Learning with AI: The K-12 Teacher’s Guide to a New Era of Human Learning

Unlock the Future of Education with "Learning with AI" Discover how artificial intelligence is transforming education with "Learning with AI," a pivotal co-publication from Johns Hopkins University Press and the National Science Teaching Assoc...

By Joan Monahan Watson

Postsecondary High School Informal Education Technical and Vocational Education Computer Science General Science Mathematics STEM Technology Inquiry Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Advocacy Careers Disabilities Equity Interdisciplinary New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Professional Learning old Teacher Preparation Administrators

Resources university science and mathematics students use to replace or supplement lectures in the 21st century: A case study

Journal Article

Resources university science and mathematics students use to replace or supplement lectures in the 21st century: A case study

The development of web-based technologies in recent decades has provided ready access to a wealth of on-line educational resources, and despite concerns that availability of on-line recorded lectures impacts on-campus attendance, we believe there nee...

By Andrew Seen, Tony Kerr, Joee Kelk, Sharon Fraser

Distance Learning Mathematics Teaching Strategies Technology

Loud and Clear Project: An Introduction to Geospatial Tools for Project-Based Learning

Journal Article

Loud and Clear Project: An Introduction to Geospatial Tools for Project-Based Learning

Project-based and student-driven learning continue to be at the forefront of school reform efforts. Technology is a significant bridge and tool used empower and leverage student projects. Geospatial technologies continue to be underutilised in the mi...

By Kurtz Miller

Middle School Instructional Materials STEM Technology

Exploring Built and Natural Landscapes, Land Cover, and Environmental Justice using Web-based Mapping Tools

Journal Article

Exploring Built and Natural Landscapes, Land Cover, and Environmental Justice using Web-based Mapping Tools

Local landscapes examined via Google Earth provide a natural arena on which students can analyze how humans modify and interact with their environment. These lessons guide students through an exploration of the natural and built environments both nea...

By Carol Colaninno, Adriana Martinez, Charlie Blake, Candice Johnson

Environmental Science Equity Inquiry Social Justice STEM Technology

Crayons ClassPack

Class Pack

Crayons ClassPack

Now Available for Grade K-2 Picture Perfect STEM Lessons - Ready-to-TeachTM Picture-Perfect ClassPacks!         • We are excited to announce our new kitting partner: ECA Science Kit Services! Now offering ...

Elementary Engineering Technology Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Science and Engineering Practices

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