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Children Communicating Care through Curiosity Walks:  Using Scientific Practices to Cultivate Knowledge about Climate Justice

Journal Article

Children Communicating Care through Curiosity Walks: Using Scientific Practices to Cultivate Knowledge about Climate Justice

Children experience and grapple with the ongoing effects of climate change in their daily lives. While they did not cause climate change nor should they have to solve it, children deserve educational opportunities to understand why and how it occurs ...

By Kathleen Schenkel, Cassie J. Brownell, Jon M. Wargo

Pre-K Early Childhood Elementary Pedagogy Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies

Making Science Accessible for All

Journal Article

Making Science Accessible for All

It’s time for a change in mindset. We must shift our focus toward recognizing the assets and strengths of our students as a pivotal starting point. While it’s easy to identify deficits, gaps, and challenges, we must also acknowledge our students�...

By Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn

Kindergarten Pre-K Early Childhood Elementary Equity Inclusion Pedagogy Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Science in Preschool, Part 1: 
Leveraging the Power of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with Consideration to Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)

Journal Article

Science in Preschool, Part 1: Leveraging the Power of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with Consideration to Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)

This two-part article will describe four powerful key ideas embedded in the Framework and the NGSS and ways in which early educators might leverage them with consideration to the unique characteristics of young children and developmentally-appropriat...

Pre-K Preschool Equity Inclusion NGSS Teaching Strategies

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