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Promoting Meaningful and Equitable Modeling Practices in Online Science Instruction

Journal Article

Promoting Meaningful and Equitable Modeling Practices in Online Science Instruction

Many elementary science teachers have faced some challenges in implementing meaningful and equitable modeling practices in online science instruction ...

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Elementary Distance Learning Equity Inclusion Teaching Strategies

Use of a Student-Ally in Emergency Remote Teaching

Journal Article

Use of a Student-Ally in Emergency Remote Teaching

This manuscript reviews This manuscript reviews the peculiarities of emergency remote teaching (ERT) –in the context of the 2020 COVID-19 pande...

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Distance Learning New Science Teachers Teaching Strategies

Comparison of Knowledge Gained in a Face-to-Face versus an Online College-Level Nutrition Course

Journal Article

Comparison of Knowledge Gained in a Face-to-Face versus an Online College-Level Nutrition Course

Although evidence exists that online education can result in comparable outcomes as the equivalent face-to-face (F2F) version, there is still a dearth...

Distance Learning Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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