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Journal Article

Innovation and Design

By Julie K. Jackson, Michelle Forsythe, Joseph Parthemore, Alexis RIx, and Danielle Medeiros

Elementary Engineering Literacy

Journal Article

Celebrating Engineers

By Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong

Elementary Engineering Interdisciplinary

Web Seminar

Archive: Science Update: Virgin Galactic’s Space Flight System, April 8, 2021

Virgin Galactic is in the business of making astronauts with a mission to open up space to change the world for good. How do they do it? With a six se...

Middle School Elementary High School Aerospace Engineering STEM

Web Seminar

Archive: Science Update: NASA's Perseverance Rover Landing on Mars...What to Expect!, February 17, 2021

The main goal of NASA's Perseverance Rover mission is to seek for signs of ancient life on Mars and collect samples of rock and regolith for possible ...

Middle School Elementary High School Astronomy Earth & Space Science Engineering STEM

Journal Article

Sparking a Movement

By Matthew D. Stilwell, Chunhua Yao, Dale Vajko, Kelly Jeffery, Douglas Powell, Xudong Wang, and Anne Lynn Gillian-Daniel

High School Chemistry Crosscutting Concepts Engineering Interdisciplinary Labs NGSS Physical Science Physics Science and Engineering Practices STEM

Journal Article

Improving Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Engineering Teaching Efficacy Beliefs With 3D Design and Printing

The Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) under-score the importance of including engineering design...

By Erdogan Kaya, Anna Newley, Ezgi Yesilyurt and Hasan Deniz

Postsecondary Pre-service Teachers Engineering NGSS Pedagogy Preservice Science Education Research

Journal Article

Integrating Engineering Design in Undergraduate Biology Using a Life Science Design Task

This study examines the initial integration of engineering design in an introductory preservice elementary biology content course using a life science...

By Jeffrey D. Radloff, Selcen Guzey, David Eichinger and Brenda M. Capobianco

Biology Engineering Life Science NGSS Three-Dimensional Learning

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