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Engaging in Socioscientific Issues by Observing Habitats in the Context of Water Use and Drought

Journal Article

Engaging in Socioscientific Issues by Observing Habitats in the Context of Water Use and Drought

Teaching young students to engage in socioscientific reasoning can feel like an overwhelming task due to the abstract reasoning required. Yet, Sadler et al., (2007), note the importance of helping students develop socioscientific reasoning from a you...

By Grace Brunner, Catherine Lowe, Isaiah Kent-Schneider, Jerrid Kruse

Elementary Environmental Science Life Science Teaching Strategies

Ecology in Urban Spaces: Contributions of Urban Green Spaces to Ecological and Community Health

Journal Article

Ecology in Urban Spaces: Contributions of Urban Green Spaces to Ecological and Community Health

Our program seeks to introduce middle school students to a range of STEM topics and careers. We planned and enacted a five-lesson unit themed around the contributions of trees/green spaces to ecological and community health. Humans thrive in ecologic...

By Yelena Janumyan, Zachary Conley, Heidi Carlone, Hannah Ziegler, Tessaly Jen, Liwei Zhang, Jingyi Chen

Middle School Earth & Space Science Environmental Science STEM

Exploring Built and Natural Landscapes, Land Cover, and Environmental Justice using Web-based Mapping Tools

Journal Article

Exploring Built and Natural Landscapes, Land Cover, and Environmental Justice using Web-based Mapping Tools

Local landscapes examined via Google Earth provide a natural arena on which students can analyze how humans modify and interact with their environment. These lessons guide students through an exploration of the natural and built environments both nea...

By Carol Colaninno, Adriana Martinez, Charlie Blake, Candice Johnson

Environmental Science Equity Inquiry Social Justice STEM Technology

Globalizing STEM Instruction Using Sustainable Development Goals

Journal Article

Globalizing STEM Instruction Using Sustainable Development Goals

Global education presents an opportunity for all classroom teachers, regardless of subject or grade level, to engage students in understanding globally relevant issues that extend from content taught in class and providing opportunities for students ...

By George Hademenos

Environmental Science STEM Teaching Strategies

Web Seminar

Sponsored Archive: Three-Dimensional Investigations into Sustainability and Climate Change, August 28, 2024

Curious about integrating sustainability and renewable energy concepts into your high school science curriculum? Join Vernier Science Education experts Fran Poodry, Dr. Melissa Hill, and Colleen McDaniel as they showcase engaging investigations that ...

Postsecondary High School Informal Education Middle School Chemistry Climate Change Environmental Science Life Science Physical Science STEM

Be a Friend to Trees ClassPack

Class Pack

Be a Friend to Trees ClassPack

Now Available for Grade K-2 Picture Perfect STEM Lessons - Ready-to-TeachTM Picture-Perfect ClassPacks!         • We are excited to announce our new kitting partner: ECA Science Kit Services! Now offering ...

Preschool Environmental Science Life Science Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Science and Engineering Practices

See America and Its National Parks

Journal Article

See America and Its National Parks

Right to the Source...

By Danna Bell

Environmental Science Instructional Materials News

Group Learning Routines as a tool to build equitable learning experiences in a Biology classroom

Journal Article

Group Learning Routines as a tool to build equitable learning experiences in a Biology classroom

The vision behind the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) is that all students engage in explaining phenomena and designing solutions with three-dimensional learning. Authentic sensemaking involves opportunities for learners to share, analyze, a...

By Elizabeth Chatham, Joy Otibu, and Andrea Sau

High School Biology Environmental Science Equity NGSS Sensemaking Social Justice

Early Retirement: Making Sense of Patterns in Historical Data of Retired Hurricanes

Journal Article

Early Retirement: Making Sense of Patterns in Historical Data of Retired Hurricanes

Long after a hurricane passes over and through any region or coastal area, the memories of it often linger. There may be visual reminders of the storm and the day lives may have been changed, or lost, forever. Hurricanes can be long-lived storms. The...

By Christopher Roemmele, Joby Hilliker, and Victoria Clayton

High School Crosscutting Concepts Earth & Space Science Environmental Science Sensemaking Teaching Strategies

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