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Journal Article

Formative Assessment for Equitable Learning

By Krista Fincke, Deb Morrison, Kristen Bergsman, and Phillip Bell

Assessment Equity Pedagogy Social Justice Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Culturally Relevant Partnerships in the Engineering Design Process

By Meredith W. Kier, Lauren A. Grob, Kelly G. Leffel, Deena Khalil, and Turhan Carroll

Engineering Equity Science and Engineering Practices STEM Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Strategies to Increase the Workforce Development of Interdisciplinary Cohorts of Traditionally Underrepresented Students in STEM

This article presents results from a Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) grant from the National Science Foundation that supported students from three major...

By Joanna Joyner-Matos and Kayleen Islam-Zwart

Postsecondary Equity Inclusion Teaching Strategies

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