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See America and Its National Parks

Journal Article

See America and Its National Parks

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By Danna Bell

Environmental Science Instructional Materials News

Blackout Poetry: Eclipsing with words and images to Illuminate ideas

Journal Article

Blackout Poetry: Eclipsing with words and images to Illuminate ideas

Integrating literacy practices in science classrooms can help students with reading complex scientific text, write arguments as part of shared cross-disciplinary practices and engage with content. In the Linking Science, Mathematics, and Literacy fo...

By Amy Lannin, Jeannie Sneller, and Heba Abdelnaby

Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Literacy Teaching Strategies

The Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC) method: A qualitative discussion of the benefits of active learning through scaffolded assignments in upper-level physics and mathematics

Journal Article

The Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC) method: A qualitative discussion of the benefits of active learning through scaffolded assignments in upper-level physics and mathematics

In this article, we discuss Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC), an active learning method that draws on the merits of inquiry-based learning in STEM courses. We describe the use of Micro Assignments (MAs) consisting of a serie...

By R.F. Malenda, S. Talbott, and Scott Walck

Postsecondary Inquiry Instructional Materials Mathematics Physics Teaching Strategies

A mixed-methods study of a poster presentation activity, students’ science identity, and science communication self-efficacy in face-to-face teaching conditions

Journal Article

A mixed-methods study of a poster presentation activity, students’ science identity, and science communication self-efficacy in face-to-face teaching conditions

Communicating scientific findings is an accepted part of the research experience, but few science programs include explicit undergraduate curricula for developing or practicing oral science communication. Course-based undergraduate research experienc...

By E. Austin Leone and Donald P. French

Postsecondary Instructional Materials Pedagogy Research

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